my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 82 Smoking is harmful to health

Chapter 82 Smoking is harmful to health (fast version)

The days of building a base and studying while looking for a caravan with good credit made Wang Shui inexplicably at ease.

This is how he started in the world of steelmaking.

But now, whether it is materials, energy or the business environment, all conditions are not optimistic. The business framework of the main world has long been formed, the distribution of interests is complex, and the structure is stubborn.

If he wants to squeeze in, he must grind slowly at the bottom.

Making money is only one of Wang Shui's ways to become stronger. The most important thing is his own strength. For Wang Shui, physical fitness, knowledge, ability, combat skills, etc., are not lower in priority than making money.

Wang Shui still didn't have much money, but he was completely different from the mediocre and mediocre self he had been in the past.

The days passed quickly in peace, and the week passed in the blink of an eye.

Under Sylvia's command, the base is being constructed in an orderly manner. The alchemist team led by the special sister "Yue" is researching alchemy products, and Wang Shui has been reading information in the plant greenhouse.

Mostly about botany.and information on extraordinary plant cultivation techniques.

Because Wang Shui learned through the Internet that whether it was the system or the enemy, the top war officials attached great importance to food safety.

He could get heavy artillery shells, but he couldn't get a single good seed. There was never a shortage of food supplies on the battlefield, which showed that all parties on the battlefield had quite mature food factories.

If he wants to make money, he can only start with weapons, equipment and various consumables. Researching extraordinary plants is a good way out. After all, medicinal herbs are also a big market.

"Brother Shui, the venue is ready, let's start it."

"Oh? So fast?"

Wang Shui woke up from his highly focused study state and glanced at the time. It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

After leaving the plant greenhouse, Shui Wang entered the mountain behind from the original arsenal, where a large space had been dug out.

Deep in the mountain, there is a cylindrical shaft a hundred meters deep and ten meters in diameter.

The wellhead and the inside of the shaft have been reinforced and waterproofed. There is a faint fluorescence inside, but it cannot dispel the penetrating darkness.

"The internal masking coating has been completed and the lines have been drawn. About 203 kilograms of gold and some other precious metals were used. Gemstone powder is not expensive."

After Chocolat reported, he sent the real-time updated model diagram to Wang Shui. The title of the document was - "Large Energy Well Construction Plan".

[Energy Well] is not a new thing. The history of use of this thing can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago.

Back in the days when magical science was still very backward, professional spellcasters created a laboratory system called the [Mage Tower] in order to facilitate learning and retaining knowledge, and facilitate research.

In order to facilitate the use and management of energy, the early [Energy Well] was developed to supply the consumption of the Mage Tower.

With the development of extraordinary systems, especially alchemy, the mage tower gradually disappeared, but the energy well became more and more perfect and easier to use.

Although many large companies have begun to abandon energy wells in recent centuries and instead use some more efficient and larger energy equipment, this does not mean that energy wells have been eliminated.

For alchemy workshops and various small and medium-sized laboratories, the flexibility and efficiency of energy wells will never go out of style.

The technology of energy wells is very mature, and a large number of detailed design plans can be found online. The one that Wang Shui is building is a large one that does not require rare materials.

After carefully inspecting the array at the wellhead, Aqua Regia took the elevator down to the well.

During the descent, the complex lines and text on the well wall glowed faintly, continuing all the way to the bottom of the well. This huge workload was completed by Wang Shui first and the sisters after designing the model.

There was a small groove in the center of the circular space at the bottom of the well. Wang Shui took out a new computing chip card and inserted it into it.

He just went to the ruined city to buy this yesterday. It was still a low-end brand, but it cost him a full 500 yuan. The array to run the energy well was very complicated, but this computing crystal card was enough.

The array was activated, and the words and lines on the well wall glowed brighter. The surroundings suddenly began to become "humid", and the radiant mist began to condense at the bottom of the well.

Of course, these mist are not water, but liquid energy that has been condensed and materialized.

Fogging is a normal phenomenon, so Wang Shui immediately climbed up on the lift platform and issued instructions.

"Dashan, two new devices are connected to the network and a separate database is established. The data model is set to [Energy Well] and [Energy Fractionator]."

Arriving outside the wellhead, Shui Wang sealed the energy well with a huge metal lid, with many pipes branching off the lid.

"The crater has been received, the data model has been loaded, the sensors are working normally, the energy wells will be filled in 13 days, and in addition, a missing fractionator tank was detected."

"Does it take so long to be fully charged? Sure enough, the digging is still too deep. Dashan, first connect the energy lines in the production area and assign the task to the alchemy workshop."

"Received, task queue added."

Looking at the soaring numbers on the console, Wang Shui finally settled his worries. The most important energy problem was temporarily solved. Even without the energy of the earth's crust, he could expand production.

As long as it is well maintained, the energy well can continuously gather energy from the nearby space, compress and purify it.

A continuously working energy well is a stable money printing machine. Although there are many design drawings for this thing, ordinary alchemists really can't make it.

After activating the energy well, Wang Shui returned to the plant greenhouse to continue studying. Maybe he didn't have the mentality of a naturally strong person, but his ability to endure loneliness was also a very valuable talent, no less than his [Master of Knowledge].

As time goes by, Wang Shui not only pays attention to some base decisions every day, but also chats with the more lively sisters at most. Sylvia is very accustomed to Wang Shui's state, after all, she has faced it for more than ten years.

The planning of the base was almost entirely left to Sylvia and a few particularly smart sisters. Slowly, the gadgets produced by the alchemy workshop began to make a profit.

Finally, five days after No. 30 was taken at the base, a new entry appeared in Wang Shui's ability column:
[Extraordinary Botany·Planting (Intermediate)]

The current level is very low, but for aqua regia, it is barely enough.

He can make up for his lack of experience through the alchemical intervention of plant growth he invented, allowing plants to grow healthily and quickly.

With the help of his ability, the next step is to practice. Those tobacco plants grew naturally for a long time, and four plants died naturally. Now the remaining eight plants naturally became his target.

With the help of the energy well, Aqua Regia was able to use alchemy unscrupulously. Without the assistance of any alchemy formation, Aqua Regia directly ripened the first tobacco plant.

Aqua regia didn't stop until the plant started blooming, and then began detailed sampling.

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers are then pollinated, continued ripening, and then fruits and seeds are collected.

Aqua Regia wants to build his own database for this unstable tobacco variety.

After collecting the seeds, Aqua Regia collected all the organ samples again, and then sent the tobacco leaves into the tobacco curing room that had been built long ago to be cured with hot air.

After completing the process, Wang Shui harvested the seeds and some data. He kept some seed samples as the basis for the next generation of planting.

There are still seven tobacco plants in a generation, and they will receive different speeds, different fertility, and different degrees of ripening.

In addition, Aqua Regia also specially selected two plants as blank controls. They only differed in the fertility they obtained, and they will slowly mature themselves.

Doing experiments is also part of learning, and it makes Aqua Regia very happy and addictive.

Aqua regia stayed up all night. At noon the next day, the last batch of tobacco leaves, which was the sixth group, was roasted. Aqua regia took them out and re-moistened them. If they were not re-moistened, the tobacco leaves would be very brittle and they would be ready when touched. What a scumbag.

Six groups of completely different tobaccos were placed in front of Wang Shui, and Wang Shui also took out the pipe he had been preparing for a long time.

This is a tree root pipe that he carved and fired by himself. It is of medium size and can just fit in the hand. Apart from having an air chamber, there is nothing special about it. The main thing is to look at the tobacco.

【S·N·M9711·Dragon Heart】

Tobacco with a special name is certainly not an ordinary product. Shui Wang, a novice who has almost never smoked, tasted its violence at the first sip.To use an inappropriate metaphor, when Shui Wang was a child, he and his friends used to imitate adults in smoking cigarettes. They pretended to roll hay into straw paper and lit it, and then took a big puff of smoke with plant ash.

That's about six or seven years old, right?For the first time, Wang Shui felt that he was going to die. The soreness, pain, numbness, and choking smell filled his mouth and nasal cavity. His chest seemed to have been hit by a huge and heavy wooden stick, which was the instinctive drool. and snot saved his life.

The same goes for the friends next to them. The two children were crying and washing their faces with river water. Then they quickly forgot about this incident and started to die in other ways heartlessly.

This memory was already blurry, but after taking a sip of "Dragon Heart", Wang Shui saw this scene again in the memory lantern.

After all, Wang Shui, who was already a transcendent, was not going to be sent away with a puff of cigarette, but he calmed down and looked at the system panel. His health was reduced by 2%!

Smoking is harmful to health!
Different from the sap on the chest when he was a child, Wang Shui's feeling this time was more like someone punching him in the mouth and nose, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

Can this thing really be sold for money?

This was the only thought left in Wang Shui's mind.

Could it be that for those high-level extraordinary beings, this level of stimulation is required?

It doesn't smell good, or in other words, Aqua Regia didn't even have time to feel the scent of tobacco before it was knocked down by a punch.

Frown, stare, and then place the unused tobacco on the watch glass and watch it burn.

The smoke is very dense, but other than that there is nothing special about it. Could this thing just be hay?

The thought of giving up flue-cured cigarettes flashed across Wang Shui's mind.

No, we can't give up. It's not like he hasn't succeeded before. In the world of steelmaking, Aqua Regia once engaged in ordinary tobacco. He created his own brand. Things shouldn't be like this.

Wang Shui's eyes became as if he were dead. He loaded the second set of tobacco, then used his mental power to control the flame to light the fighting grass, and took a slow puff.

Um?Is the second group okay again?

A very ordinary tobacco flavor filled the mouth and nose of Aqua Regia. To say it was ordinary was a bit too much, but in fact it was very mellow and rich, and it felt light and non-silting. It should be considered a quite high-quality taste.

But Aqua Regia was not qualified to taste it. He didn't smoke and didn't understand cigarettes. He had just done it, read and heard other people's comments, and subconsciously he felt that the second group should be good.

Aqua regia slowly closed his eyes, he wanted to analyze the taste carefully.

When he opened his eyes again, Wang Shui found himself lying on a neat single bed, with 23 people surrounding the room.

The ones closest to him were Sylvia and "Yue". "Yue" in the little wolf girl's body held an alchemy healing card in her right hand, and a potion made from elixirs in her left hand. She had just rescued aqua regia.

"Explain why you suddenly passed out and the network fluctuated."

Sylvia's voice made Wang Shui start to remember.

"I...uh, I'm so dizzy, I, I'm trying those tobaccos."

Aqua regia doesn't like to drink either. He has never had a drink, but he got drunk when he graduated from college. He was very drunk.

He felt just like the day after he was drunk, his head was dizzy, his limbs were heavy and heavy, and it was difficult to control them.

"Tobacco? This?"

Sylvia picked up the pipe on the table next to her, and the tobacco in it was not extinguished.

"Probably, this memory is a bit confusing. I seem to have been beaten once, no, dozens of times..."

"This...isn't life-threatening?" As she said that, Sylvia also took a sip, coughing lightly and blowing out the smoke.

"Cough-cough! Isn't this just ordinary tobacco? Someone recommended that I try it a long time ago. It's just as ordinary and boring."

Wang Shui looked at Sylvia's reaction, and his memory began to recover. Yes, he thought so at the time. Next, he just wanted to feel it carefully.


Sylvia fell to the ground like cooked noodles, and the pipe was thrown away, before being deftly caught by her sister behind her.

"Sister!" A very synchronized shout rang out in the room.

"Don't worry! Her soul is very stable, it seems there is a communication problem with her body."

The aqua regia had recovered, and he quickly got out of bed. The sisters put Sylvia on the bed, but only ten seconds later, Sylvia slowly woke up.

"Mom..." Sylvia murmured, her eyes gradually clearing, "Where am I...?"

"Are you awake? The operation was successful and you are now a girl."

Wang Shui came up and said condescendingly, and he finally caught such a scene.

"What the hell, I am."

Sylvia stretched out her hand with difficulty and pushed away Aqua Regia's face, and then her memory began to return, "It's your tobacco!"

"It seems seems to have some dangerous effects. But we were only stunned for a short while and did not suffer any substantial damage. I will try to study this part. Okay, okay, everyone should disperse, it's over never mind."

While Wang Shui was thinking, he drove out the watching sisters.

"Are you still dizzy? Tobacco can hurt people?" This time it was "Yue" who complained.

"The second set of tobacco really doesn't work. The first set lowered my health, but it didn't knock me out. Hiss - is it caused by the different ripening times? Huh? Why don't you leave?"

"this is my room!"



After a brief farce, Aqua Regia returned to the plant greenhouse, and Sylvia followed.

She came here, on the one hand, to watch aqua regia while he was trying to die, and on the other hand, she was also a little interested in these magical tobaccos.

"This is what the high elf in the plant shop said, is the strain unstable?" Sylvia asked.

"Well, I don't know, maybe not? Maybe I should try some normal [Dragon Heart] first, but now, there are four groups of tobacco to try..."

"You can try it if you want. It depends on what I do. I won't die for you."

Alas, Wang Shui wishes he had a silly partner by his side.

Sylvia and her sisters are either indifferent or dull, but they are not stupid.

"Forget it, I'll try it myself, but let "Yue" come over and bring first aid. "

"As for that? If it doesn't work, just give up. No matter what you think, these tobaccos will not become commercial products. You might as well try the milder varieties first."

"Alas, there is very little room for trial and error in terms of cost, and I am...a little unwilling to do so."

Then Sylvia can only let go of her need to help others and respect life as a matter of fact.

(End of this chapter)

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