my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 48 The Arrogant Knower

Chapter 48 The Arrogant Knower

Grain warehouse, Lisenberg town.

"Mr. Hawkebari, after having communicated for so long, you still can't believe my ability to continue supplying goods?"

Wang Shui smiled. In the past hour, he had used many methods to convince the short, fat old man in front of him, but his half-baked words and deceptions were of no use at all.

"I have no intention of prying into Mr. Via's secrets, but I still can't believe that there will be any stable food output in this area. This is not a food-producing area. There is desert to the east and undeveloped wasteland to the west.

Moreover, there are only 400 tons of wheat, which is not a particularly large amount. If you can bring out ten times the goods, I will re-evaluate your statement. This is the principle of being a businessman. "

Wang Shui was helpless. He couldn't even ask for rebates from the merchants. This little old man was the owner of the grain station who happened to be free, not an ordinary purchaser.

"Even so, if you charge wheat with a moisture content of 8% at a price of 12%, is this your principle as a businessman?" Wang Shui restrained his smile, looked out the window helplessly, and then stopped talking, "600 , this is the second-grade quality price, if you take this price, I will provide more than ten times the supply for next year’s wheat season.”

"570, I will keep paying attention to your company." The short, fat little old man offered a compromise that was much higher than the initial price.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Wang Shui also chose to compromise.

The subsequent procedures were very fast. Both parties were directly responsible. From signing the contract to ordering the freight train, to leaving the warehouse and boarding the train, and settling the payment, the whole process only took a week.

"Is this what a businessman does? Every penny counts." Sylvia watched the entire transaction. Counting the preliminary preparations, it was so long-winded that it annoyed her.

"It's much better than I expected. If it were me, I couldn't believe that a batch of surplus grain could suddenly appear in this area. Moreover, we asked for quick payment. We obviously needed money urgently and exposed our weaknesses. The other party would not bite us. It’s strange to take one bite.”

Wang Shui expressed his understanding, but his tone was very cold.

"Retail channels cannot be launched in a short time, and factories that process grain deeply cannot settle payments quickly. It is difficult to make quick money, but I have found professionals, and logistics and grain companies will soon become active.

Oh, it’s great to have a country that allows the capital market to be free. The regulation of food is so loose. If the production here is not enough and the productivity is not enough, businessmen alone can subvert and control this country, and then control the world.

By the way, doesn’t your hunting group have a dedicated businessman?Haven’t encountered anything that requires commercial means? "

"We have a dedicated financial person, who is the deputy head of logistics, but he only knows how to run a hunting group and deal with business issues... There are not many business opportunities in the battlefield world. As for the fantasy world, they prefer to penetrate directly."

Okay, Wang Shui understands.

Sylvia didn't pay attention. She just shared the distant surveillance perspective and said:

"Let's get down to business. In the new base in the crater area, 30% of the core grain factory has been completed. The constructs are building defense facilities on the outside. Some of the planting areas are already ready for use. The entire mountainous area is desolate and remote. You really chose a good place. "

"On the one hand, I chose this place for concealment, and on the other hand, the crustal activities here are frequent, the dragon veins are strong, and the energy is sufficient. This place is already on the edge of the country, there are no human settlements nearby, and the nearest large city [Nancheng] is not too far away. It’s far away and convenient for building transportation lines, so it’s perfect.”

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Shui discovered the underground [National Refinement Formation] passage.

The base must be filmed outside the country's formation formation. He has not read the plot in detail, but for this kind of old show, he has seen the general spoiler video. This large-scale formation formation all over the country is closely guarded by the villains. Monitoring.

If this is dug together, it will inevitably be a little awkward.

Wang Shui never thought about taking over the role of the protagonist to defeat the big BOSS [The Little Man in the Bottle]. He just wanted to fish in troubled waters and get enough time for himself to grow, so he still paid attention to the original plot but did not get involved.

Yes, he just wanted to pay attention. The industrial revolution in SAO was just an accident!He doesn't want to cause any more trouble in this world.

Thinking not to do it, Wang Shui issued a new order:
"[Soul Workshop] activated the 322nd batch of structures. All 200 structure robots in the town set off to the new base of the crater. They are responsible for starting the construction plan of the underground railway. Outside the circle I drew, build an additional The ground warehouse, the grain will be transported directly there in the future and distributed from [Nancheng] to the whole country."

"Received. Order executed."

Wang Shui gave the order through [Sylvia Network], and the artificial soul was more obedient than Sylvia, and they just responded with a dull expression to show that they had received it.

"To lay a railway, we must first build a base station. This part of the work requires the two of us to do it."

Sylvia is very interested in expanding the base station. Within the network coverage of the base station, she can teleport to any network device node as long as she thinks about it. This is a very interesting experience.

"It's too slow," Wang Shui shook his head, "I have been prepared for the new command, and the smart server has started."

"[Core Computing Cloud·Circle] has completed its self-test and has taken over the network permissions. [Artificial Soul Computing Cloud·Lisenberg Soul Workshop] has reduced permissions and transferred to a special channel. All devices in the network will be fully operational in one hour." Self-inspection, all equipment and structure personnel, please end the work at hand as soon as possible."

The new voice is connected to the "Hill Network". This new computing center has used up the computing cards brought by Wang Shui. Wang Shui needs an intelligent brain that can help him coordinate big data. Obviously Sylvia's network The core is not smart enough, and she can only act as half of the network cable.

"New command, prepare to launch [Stratospheric UAV Vulture [-]] after self-inspection. Now, activate the remote refinement laboratory."

"Received, the transaction has entered the queue for timing, and the remote refining laboratory has been started."

Wang Shui quickly noticed the device that actively contacted him. He took out ten rings from his pocket and put them on his ten fingers according to the marks. Then he crossed his hands and clenched them. A slight blue lightning flashed on his fingers. Pointed bursts.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away at the edge of the country, in the hollowed-out mountains, a neat laboratory suddenly exploded with lightning!

Thick plasma licked the instruments in the room, and the complex alchemical array that had been engraved on the alloy plate of the central experimental platform began to activate.

Wang Shui currently masters three types of alchemy - modern alchemy in the main world, equivalent alchemy and dragon vein alchemy.

They don't have many similarities in principle, and Aqua Regia didn't force fusion. It just integrated their technologies together so that they could work in harmony.

The refining process lasted for 2 minutes, and the activated alloy plate turned into a silver-black metal ball with dense text-like lines on the outside.

"Dashan (Huanshan Zhi Nao), add this [high-power mobile base station] to the network, install it on the airborne drone to be launched, and set the airborne cruise line above the railway to be built."

"Received, executing."

In the network that contained Sylvia's excitement, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wang Shui put away the props he had made remotely and settled down on the sofa to soothe his mind. Unlike doing research, coordinating the overall situation brings a different kind of mental exhaustion, but it feels good to have his own will being executed efficiently. It's much more fun than commanding a group of people with different ideas.

"Hey, it's almost night, and you can't miss your fighting training. With my personal guidance, it's been more than a year and you haven't reached the intermediate level yet. Don't I want to lose face?"

"I'm so tired, Lord Hill. Why don't you use my body and your own structure to fight, and I'll watch and gain some insights."

"No! Yes! It's not like you haven't seen it before! Your [Physical Strength] and [Coordination] attributes have reached the extreme value of "5". If you want to break through the physical limits, you must know your body well! "

Yes, Wang Shui did not expect that in more than a year, his two attributes of physical sensitivity would reach the extreme value before the three inner attributes of [perception], [thinking], and [soul]. Sylvia's training The plan was too efficient, and coupled with his own hard work, Wang Shui's personal attributes gradually deteriorated.

"Ah~ No, I have also trained to level 9. Sir, do you want to help me upgrade to level [-] first?"

"After leaving this world, the system will naturally guide you to upgrade. Don't talk nonsense! I will control your second-level mobile armor to fight you tonight. If you remove all the weights and suppressors, I won't believe it!"

Wang Shui kept wailing in the "Hill Net" and did not escape the evening training.The battle with Sylvia was not just a simple master's attack. In the first minute, Wang Shui, who had taken off his weight and could run out of shadows on the ground, had already been hit by 1 swords and fell into a pool of blood.

[Core Computing Cloud·Crater] Immediately notifies the special individual in the artificial soul to launch remote alchemy. Complex dragon vein alchemy patterns rise on the ground of the battle square. Under the surge of dragon vein energy, the wounds on the aqua regia heal quickly and even spill out. Some of the blood also flowed back into his body.

Yes, I don’t know if it’s because the Internet is mixed with aqua regia’s thinking. Artificial souls with activated self-awareness are generally able to use alchemy.

It's just that not all of them are interested in studying it, and their computing power is locked at the level of ordinary people, and they cannot use too complex alchemy.

Because the artificial souls in the thinking network are all dull images of Sylvia, Sylvia's ontology is called "water pollution".

The individual who was treated by Aqua Regia was a special soul. She was very talented in alchemy, so Aqua Regia dug her into the crater clouds alone, and assigned her more computing power to specialize in studying the therapeutic effects of alchemy. .

Wang Shui, who is recovering slowly, can still feel the pain at the wound. Because of the therapeutic "Sister Hill", Sylvia's attack was particularly heavy today. In the past, she would deliberately let Wang Shui's hands go, allowing him to heal himself. treat.

Now - Wang Shui could only show his middle finger firmly despite the numbness and pain.

Sylvia's attacks were all powerful and fatal. Even with Wang Shui's full resistance, she could still easily control the force and restrain the fatal attack to the point of serious injury.

The slightly bulky [Daylight·Blue Sheep] mobile armor is like a light dancer under her control.

"Don't pretend to be dead. The night is still very long. If you want to be able to defend against one and a half of my moves, you must at least upgrade your mecha fighting skills or your martial arts foundation to an intermediate level."

"It's too difficult to improve the basics of martial arts. I've studied almost all the moves. In terms of physical fitness, I've already exceeded the standards of ordinary martial artists. I've been trained by you in actual combat, but it just doesn't improve. Could it be? Is low-level or high-level its upper limit?”

"Yes, and no." Sylvia, who has made great achievements in combat, shook her head, "Your skills are far from the limits of mortals. It's just that your physical fitness exceeds the application scope of those martial arts. You just It’s just a blind fight relying on strength and reaction.”

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you feel it? After using one move, you still have a lot of power and time, but you never made a proper connection.

what's on your mind?You are just piecing together the knowledge you have learned, looking for smooth moves in the ocean of martial arts knowledge, but these moves are designed by martial artists based on the physical reaction speed and strength of normal people.

You have not mastered the fighting philosophy of martial artists, you have not flowed, and you have locked yourself in a cognitive cage.I don't understand martial arts, and the fighting techniques I learned were inherently built for extraordinary bodies, but I can feel the philosophy of the martial arts you learn - efficient, flexible, and deadly. "

Fighting philosophy?

Wang Shui is not considered diligent. He is more interested in learning. When his interest rises, his strong focus and learning ability will explode.

Sylvia's words were like enlightenment, not only opening up Wang Shui's thinking, but also stimulating his interest.

Wang Shui stood up slowly and picked up his long sword at the same time. It was a two-handed long sword with a total length of 150 centimeters. The hilt was slightly shorter than the conventional sword. Wang Shui was basically used with one hand.

"I seem to understand a little bit. Now you defend, focusing on breaking moves, and I'll attack."

"Well - okay." Sylvia agreed reluctantly.

"You just want to stab me, right?"


One minute later, the remote treatment was started again. This time the aqua regia was more powerful, and it took 1 swords to fall down.

"Hey, what are you daring to do? Enlightenment refers to the brain, not the body. If your brain moves and your body cannot keep up, you will have more flaws."

Sylvia sighed and shook her head, just saying "Rotten wood cannot be carved."

"Come again." This time there was no joke in Wang Shui's tone.

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll change the blunt sword. You put on the protective equipment. I'll help you adapt to the new fighting ideas first. You also remember the extraordinary swordsmanship I taught you. Do you understand fusion? Fusion. Although it won't bleed, But my counterattack will not weaken, so don’t waste your time by attacking at your own risk.”

Wang Shui nodded, put on the multi-layer impact-resistant protective gear to resist blunt blows, and concentrated hard.

Facing the familiar mobile armor, Wang Shui lowered his attitude and charged forward.

There is no such long-distance sprint tactic in traditional martial arts. For this distance, you either use bows and arrows or concealed weapons. You just run over, wasting energy and disrupting your own position.

If necessary, generally approach slowly or jog with a long stance. There is no such thing as a full-speed sprint like Aqua Regia.

But now, at the end of a powerful and heavy sprint, Wang Shui twisted his body with a long sword like a whip, and the blade quickly cut through the air.

Sylvia chose to quickly retreat first and then advance, quickly letting the blade of Wang Shui pass, then lifting her sword up at a small angle and stuffing it into Shui Wang's throat.

Wang Shui's forward momentum was still there, so he kicked off the ground and jumped up, trying to jump over Sylvia to dodge the sword and attack from behind.

But Sylvia just sighed secretly. The load of the mecha was fully loaded, and the menacing sword move turned into a feint. She quickly retracted the blunt sword, turned her wrist and threw it behind her back, using an attack similar to Su Qin's sword on his back. He threw it on Wang Shui's shoulder with a strong force.

Wang Shui lost his balance and was shot to the ground.

"Let's play with the ground first and then do the rest. Hey, jump up. With your speed, wouldn't you be a target when you jump up? Or have you mastered the skill of leveraging force in the air?"

Wang Shui rubbed his shoulder. It hurt, but not seriously.

"Understood, continue."

Wang Shui charged again, and Sylvia continued to use the routine of retreating first and then advancing in order to feed the opponent, and also continued to use the sword lift.Wang Shui left some room for tactics this time. In the end, he retreated and gave way, regaining his sword point and attacking again.

Sylvia chose to block with her sword. Wang Shui quickly stood firm, and then launched a fierce and fast slash. Standing still did not mean that he would not move. Shui Wang tried to send the blade in while using his footwork to control it. The distance between two people.

The sense of distance is also an important point in combat.

Suddenly, Aqua Regia felt that his hands were empty. It turned out that Sylvia had seen through Aqua Regia's attack pattern and assumed that the sword was a feint attack, so she reduced the blocking force and guided Aqua Regia's movements to deform.

Wang Guo really took advantage of the trap in the move. Sylvia jumped up and opened Wang Shui's sword, and then stabbed hard with both hands!
A flash of light flashed in Wang Shui's eyes. He jumped back and swung the sword blade again in an extremely unscientific manner. Silver-white moonlight flashed on the ground. Sylvia's blunt sword was severely chopped down. Wang Shui instantly raised his hand and struck again. A ray of moonlight!
Sylvia had already started to turn sideways before the second ray of moonlight arrived. She dodged the lightning-like upward move very lightly, then raised her sword and stabbed flatly again, hitting Wang Shui's chest and sending him flying two or three meters. .

"Oh, you actually dare to use my moves against me... No! Why can you use [Moon Slash]?! This is the exclusive ability of [Moon Penumbra]!"

Wang Shui was also stunned for a moment. He opened the character panel and saw that there was a [Penumbra of the Moon (Elementary)] passive skill in his skill bar.

This skill is not only in its own line, but also has an independent color and background image, as well as an arrow that can be opened, which contains the skill [Moon God Slash]!
Above all the skills, on the dark silver text titled [Talent Awakening: Arrogant Master], the moonlight glow flows like water.

(End of this chapter)

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