my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 47 Sylvia Network

Chapter 47 Sylvia Network
In the town of Lisenberg, the new granary in Aqua Regia was completed last week and has met the storage requirements.

It was close enough to the train station, so a lot of money was spent on the land, and the completion of the warehouse directly consumed Wang Shui's savings.

The good financial news is that production costs are very low, and with just enough water and fertilizer, the grain yields are very impressive.The granary here has just been fully prepared, and 10 tons of wheat have been loaded into the aqua regia within a week.

Now, Wang Shui was walking through the neat and wide corridor underground in his house.

The corridor is five meters high and ten meters wide, with the top 20 meters above the ground. The walls are made of smooth stone and the feet are asphalt. Even if Wang Shui mastered three alchemy techniques, it would take a lot of effort to open up such an underground space alone.

On both sides of the corridor are the planting area, central control area and temporary warehouses. There are more than a dozen warehouses of three types, which store grain, compressed straw and specially prepared fertilizers respectively.

The effective underground planting area is only 1000 square meters, which sounds huge, but is actually only 1.5 acres.

The wheat seeds are simply selected by Aqua Regia using rapid growth. They do not need to be resistant to insects, diseases, or lodging, as long as they have high yields. The wheat he is currently breeding, [Susheng No. 11], has a stable yield of more than 300 kilograms per mu.

Wang Shui walked to the central control room and checked the report data in the [array machine]. This was not a computer, but a simple alchemy array microcontroller. The embedded program inside only had work-related functions and the structure was very simple.

The data in the report is quite stable. Wang Shui has relaxed the maturity time of a crop of wheat to 20 hours. Taking into account the relatively cumbersome automated harvesting and warehousing process, it can probably guarantee a harvest of 23 hours. In this way, the energy consumption will be reduced to within the region. veins and crust can be restored in real time.

Because intensive soilless cultivation is used, there is flowing water and fertilizer under the culture tank, so aqua regia planted wheat in two layers, and the effective planting area was directly doubled to 3 acres. Therefore, under normal conditions, this grain factory can produce a daily output 0.9 tons of wheat.

Seems like a lot?Actually not even close.

A rough calculation shows that the annual standard output can basically be maintained at 300 tons, and the standard stock of Wang Shui's newly built small warehouse is 6000 tons. It's not that Wang Shui is aiming too high. The grain only looks like a lot, but is actually far from enough.

Amestolis is a country with a population of more than 5000 million. According to the staple food requirement of 0.1 tons per person per year, 500 million tons of wheat are needed. According to Aqua Regia's survey, not only do a large number of people in this country lack staple food, even if they are relatively In rich places, people are more likely to eat meat, eggs, milk and some vegetables, and the production of staple foods is seriously insufficient.

Wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, potatoes, sweet potatoes.

The comprehensive output of these staple grains in a general sense may not even reach 350% of the subsistence level, which is about [-] million tons.

If Wang Shui wants to monopolize the staple food market, supply the army, secondary processing and even export, he needs an annual output of at least 1000 million tons, but he now only has 300, which is several orders of magnitude behind.

Of course, this is only a planting area of ​​three acres, and aqua regia also has the advantage of multi-layer planting. Expanding the planting area is easy and must be done.

His current problem is lack of money, but he doesn't want to use agricultural financing directly, so he plans to play some simple tricks.

On the center console, Aqua Regia switches the production mode to [Load 5], and the space in the planting area will be stacked to the upper limit of 4 layers.

The growth time will also be compressed to 4 hours. This factory will temporarily produce at 10 times the efficiency, but the safety limit is one month. After that, the factory and Dragon Veins will have to rest for at least one month.

Aqua Regia needs these 270 tons of wheat, and he is in urgent need of the first pot of gold.

After setting up the production task, Wang Shui inserted a crystal coin engraved with the alchemical array into the center console, and then returned directly to the disguised underground layer, while the alchemy array in the grain factory was still working.

Yes, this is the remote alchemy effect, but there is a limit to this distance. In order to break through this limit, Wang Shui developed the crystal coin that was just inserted into the center console.

"The signal here is good. Everything is normal at [Lisenberg Warehouse Station No. 1]. This mechanical body is really awkward. I'll be back first."

Sylvia's voice echoed in Wang Shui's mind. Without any feeling, Sylvia's consciousness returned to Wang Shui's body, and Wang Shui could also sense the warehouse area ten kilometers away. He could sense the simple mechanical body he made for Sylvia, specifically the same crystal coin in the robot's body.

"This simple network is easier to use than I imagined. As long as I continue to increase the size and power of the [Relay Signal Station], I can use alchemy in farther places."

Aqua Regia sensed that Sylvia was checking the mental synchronization between them.

"Just now I felt that a new device was activated. It seemed to be a machine. Is it a new toy for me?"

After Sylvia got used to the soul state, she became very interested in all kinds of new bodies.

"No, that is the center console of [Lisenberg Grain Factory No. 1] at our feet. I plan to build a relay station here and then expand the new grain factory to the wilderness to the west."

"Well - you don't have much money now, right?"

"Next month I made an appointment with a grain merchant. We sold all the inventory, plus the 270 tons for emergency production, for a total of about 400 tons. The profiteers only quoted a unit price of 550 yuan after looking at the samples. It was conservatively estimated to start at 22 yuan. The initial capital is enough for leverage.”

"What are you trying to argue with?"

"Nothing. I want to use this money to register a logistics company. No, it's better to buy one. Buy a small company with good credit, expand the industrial scale, and then find professionals to operate it. Go to the bank to get a loan. For loans that have nothing to do with grain factories, use the loans to expand production. Then open a larger grain company and go through a similar process again."

"What is this, a financial operation?"

"This can't be called an operation. We don't understand and we don't dare to ask. Playing finance to the lowest level is hard power. The more you indulge in it, the harder it is to get out. We just need to use some rules on the surface, and more What’s more, this is a market-friendly event, we are not empty-handed, we have stable food as the cornerstone.”

Sylvia said she didn't want to understand either. She went to the garage to change her body and drove an off-road vehicle to the west of the town. She was going to inspect the terrain. They needed a suitable environment to build a large-scale grain factory.

Aqua regia also had his important matters. In the clean room on the underground floor, a huge white machine occupied more than 100 square meters of space, with only a small workbench in the center.

In the next room, there were crowds of iron-gray metal humanoids that resembled mechanical exoskeletons. They only had a rough skeletal frame and transmission mechanism, no skin, no extra parts, and even the alchemy array was directly forged. Inside the metal structure, the appearance is very simple and elegant.

These are not Sylvia's spare bodies, but engineering constructs made by Aqua Regia.

Whether it is Wang Shui's grain factory or various future facilities, basic workers are needed, and these individuals with the model of [Worker Grandpa Mass Production Machine] are what Wang Shui's business empire envisions.

Structural robots are better than real workers, and Wang Shui can let them work overtime without worrying about being hung on a street lamp.

However, Sylvia alone would definitely not be able to squeeze... well, she would definitely not be able to operate so many engineering machines for a long time and at the same time, so Aqua Regia made the large white machine in front of her.

To put it simply, this is a computer whose core components, the computing module, are 10 crystal cards.

That's right, this is something that Aqua Regia brought from the main world. Rubbing chips with his hands does not mean that he fully understands the principle and can do it with a slap of his hands using alchemy.

The components of the chip are not complicated, and Aqua Regia also roughly knows the manufacturing principles, but let alone nanoscale operations, Aqua Regia can't even do it at the micron level now.

The underground production center console is just a simple single-chip computer, which he turned into a 10-square-meter steel plate. The difficulty of the chip cannot be achieved with hard work.

What's more, Wang Shui doesn't have much time. He doesn't want to build a family business in more than ten years, but wants to enjoy the family business in more than ten years.

The computing core cards brought from the main world are very powerful and expensive, but they can be recycled and reused, so the actual cost will not be too high.

To build this large computer, Wang Shui certainly would not use simple programs. He needed those robots to be able to complete complex tasks and even have a certain amount of initiative.

The answer is already obvious.

Wang Shui rebuilt a [Thinking Lock] computing cloud group on this machine. The structure is simpler, but the code volume is not low at all. Wang Shui divided the [computing power] according to the minimum standard for a single person, which is [1BVail] , abbreviated as 1BV.

In the end, he got 10 computing power units, which is the thinking space of [-] artificial souls.

Yes, it is an artificial soul. Aqua Regia wants to make his insect swarm, but the artificial soul is not a copy and paste of the program. It must have a complete soul model before it can be made slowly.

There is only one soul in King Sail's head that can be used as a model, yes, Sylvia.

At the beginning of the plan, Aqua Regia asked Sylvia for permission to copy.But her soul was too large, and Wang Shui could only copy a frame, eliminating a large amount of personality information and data clouds.

However, with Aqua Regia's understanding of artificial souls, he cannot guarantee the integrity of the product. What he is sure of is that every artificial soul is a different existence.

The experiment has long been completed. Wang Shui now packages the first batch of ten artificial souls, stuffs them into a small single room in the computing cloud, and then connects them to the control network.

This network is the [Thinking Network] with the mental synchronization between Wang Shui and Sylvia as the underlying layer. Wang Shui named it - [Sylvia Network].

The artificial souls connected to the "Hill Network" soon received their mechanical structure bodies, which were the robots in the next room.

The personality of Wang Shui's intervention was also shaped by [Thinking Lock]. After several months of work, Wang Shui got the first group of capable men.

"Hello Brother Shui."

The ten artificial souls were still next door, but they sensed the location of Aqua Regia through the "Hill Net" and directly used the [Thinking Channel] to say hello to Aqua Regia.

"You are temporarily named according to the body number. First log in to the [Work Database] to learn the work content, and then connect to the [Personality Database] to expand your humanity. The goal is to give yourself a name within a week. Oh, by the way, your current job is to use excavation equipment to move downwards and The design drawings for expanding this grain factory from the side are included in the factory plan."

"Okay, Brother Shui." The ten guys' souls are very similar at present, and they all speak in the same voice. Their soul voices, oh, I should say it's them, are very similar to Sylvia, but they are less ethereal and more ethereal. Mechanical feel.

"Have you activated the artificial soul?" Sylvia suddenly joined the chat.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Queen."

"Wang Shui!"

 I found that although my progress was slow, the density of my stories was quite high, just dry.

(End of this chapter)

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