New York 2006

Chapter 98 Teach Taylor how to make a fortune

Chapter 98 Teach Taylor how to make a fortune

Luo Ji walked to the sofa and sat down. He packed up the company documents on the table and put them into a document bag.Then put it aside, Fiona will come to collect it at noon, and then fax it back.

Taylor looked through the resume on the table and asked nonchalantly: "Feili, are you going to start your own clothing brand?"

"No, this is a new brand founded by David Zhu. I will take part in it. I don't have much energy to do these things, and I don't understand this industry. I need someone to take me."

Taylor was surprised and said: "He is the founder of Nordica, why would he bring you with him? He doesn't lack people who are willing to invest."

Luo Ji boasted, "I am also a well-known person, so the new clothing brand cannot succeed without my reputation."


Luo Ji said seriously: "Don't believe it, I am also a big shot in New York, okay? I own five companies, I am an investment genius, and countless people want me to make them rich!"

Taylor leaned against Luo Ji, took Luo Ji's arm and shook it: "How about you take me with you, too?"

Luo Ji asked, "How much money do you have?"

"127 million." Taylor said.

Luo Ji said in surprise: "127 million? Why so little? Your album has sold more than 140 million copies now, and your singles have sold more than 50."

Taylor said sadly: "The company has taken away most of it, most of the 127 million. I earned it through hard work in business in the past six months."

Luo Ji said, "Let me think about it."

Taylor thought Luo Ji didn't want to take her, so she started acting coquettishly: "Just take me."

Luo Ji turned around and said, "Let me think about what I should help you invest in?"

"it is good."

Luo Ji thought for a while and decided to leave the decision to Taylor: "There are two investment methods now. One is relatively stable. The return rate this year will definitely exceed 20%, but the principal is relatively stable."

Taylor said: "Is it Apple stock? I just heard you mention it on the phone."

Luo Ji lowered his voice and said, "Yeah. The other kind of yield is higher, maybe five times, maybe ten times, but there's also the possibility of losing everything."

Taylor also lowered his voice: "What is it?"

Luo Ji took out his iPhone and searched for John Paulson online. He found an article describing his short-selling strategy: "Look at this article."

Taylor took the phone and read it: "It's so complicated. I haven't learned a lot of vocabulary. I only saw that he made a lot of money."

This is the shortcoming of phonetic writing. There is no meaning at all from the text. It can only be understood through deep learning.

But ideograms don’t have this kind of trouble. When you encounter an unfamiliar word, you can guess it roughly by disassembling the words.

Luo Ji whispered: "His and I have the same investment strategy, we are both shorting the subprime mortgage market. Don't tell others, short sellers are more hated."

"it is good."

"Then what's your decision?"

Taylor thought for a while and whispered: "Then I will ask my father to buy 60 Apple stocks for me. How about you help me invest the remaining 60?"

"Of course, but what does your father do?"

"My father was a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch."


After the conversation, Luo Ji continued to pick up the singer's resume on the table and read it.The resumes of these singers are diverse, including street singers, people who came from musical families since childhood, singers who failed to participate in the American Idol audition, singers who are good at composing, and opera singers...

"It seems that everyone has a dream of becoming a star. Look at this resume. This man is over 50 years old and he is still looking for signing opportunities."

Taylor looked it over and said: "Normally, we two are lucky. Several friends I know in the music industry have been out for ten years, but no music company is willing to sign a contract. Even I have been looking for three years. It was only after being noticed by Big Machine Records boss Scott Borchetta that the contract was signed.”

Luo Ji asked casually: "How does he treat you?"

Taylor thought for a while and said: "Business-wise, he values ​​me quite a bit. After all, I am the only successful singer released by Big Machine. But I don't have much say. They have to arrange all the schedules. Even some of my I can't refuse activities that I don't like." Luo Ji immediately thought of the unspoken rules of the industry and asked nervously: "What kind of activity is it?"

Taylor didn't notice and said calmly: "He often takes me to some singers' concerts or celebrations for free. It is nominally to promote the album, but in fact he is doing it to return favors or earn favors."

Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it wasn't an unspoken rule: "Isn't this free labor?"

Taylor sighed: "This is nothing. When I signed the contract, my concerts were also handled by big machines. Their lighting accompaniment and stage effect were particularly poor, so they had to take a 30% commission, and I can only get 10%."

"That's a bit much, right? For a concert, the artist and the accompaniment team he raises usually get about 15% to 30%."

For a concert, the venue usually takes 30% and the ticketing company takes 5%.

Promoters generally take 25%. For example, Live Nation, which has strategic cooperation with SB Live Performance Company, takes 25%. They are mainly responsible for promoting and selling tickets, communicating with the venue, and responsible for the security of the venue.

The remaining 40% is divided between live performance companies and artists.Braun took the initiative to make a profit, and Luo Ji and his accompanist team could get 25%, which was higher than ordinary artists.

Under normal circumstances, this type of live performance company can get 20% to 25%.They are mainly responsible for the transportation of performance equipment, travel expenses, personnel wages, lighting equipment, artists' food and accommodation, etc.

Taylor spoke angrily: "What's even more outrageous is that for all my commercial performances, endorsements, Big Machine Records' agents and managers also take a very high commission, which adds up to 20%."

Luo Ji said, "I don't have a manager, and the manager's half commission is 3% to 8%. Isn't this meant to trick you? Why don't you protest?"

Taylor smiled bitterly and said: "I signed a 6-album contract, and the liquidated damages are very high. I can't afford to pay it. And Scott Borchetta has tapped me to a certain extent. I don't want to make it too ugly with him."

Luo Ji disagreed: "Your idea is completely wrong. It's like my business war with Universal Music. How could they take me seriously if I don't protest? I only got my current contract after a fierce confrontation. The same goes for you, Sco Te’s problem now is that he doesn’t respect you at all and thinks you are someone who can be exploited at will. If you don’t resist, he will exploit you forever.”

Taylor was a little nervous after hearing this, and hesitantly said: "Do you think I can do it?"

"Of course you can. It's not easy to cultivate a successful singer now. They are definitely not willing to let you leave, and these contracts are obviously not in line with the market. You are just fighting for your own legitimate interests, and it is not an excessive request."

Taylor was still a little worried: "What if he still doesn't compromise in the end?"

Luo Ji said firmly: "Then I'll see you in court. You are a minor. To the end, the jury will definitely favor you. No one will favor a capitalist who exploits minors."

When 17-year-old Taylor heard these words, his aura suddenly changed, as if the fighting will that had been hidden in his body was inspired, and he became much more confident.

She said firmly: "I will!"

Luo Ji encouraged loudly: "Well done, go fight, Taylor!"

"What advice do you have?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "What demands are you going to realize?"

Taylor said: "I want to have my own accompaniment team. An accompaniment team itself doesn't cost much. In this way, the big machines have no excuse to deduct my money, and I can get 15% of the concert tickets." 20%. Equipment transportation, lighting and scenery can still be handed over to Big Machine, so that they can make some money. I will also fire Big Machine’s manager and replace it with my mother. This way I can have my own people around me. "

"Where's the broker?"

Taylor said: "Forget it, the managers of independent records now are people from record companies. I don't want to make it too ugly with them."

Luo Ji thought for a while: "Then you find a powerful lawyer, the most famous in Nashville, so that you can scare them and let the people at Big Machine Records see your determination. Then let him go to fight with Big Machine Records If you go to negotiate with Machine, the requirements can be raised a bit higher. For example, if you don’t want the agents and managers of Big Machine Records, the concert share will be 20%..."

Taylor smiled and said: "I know this. When I gave in in the end and the conditions were met, they thought they were getting an advantage. This way, it won't be too tense."

Luo Ji praised, "You are so smart."

"anything else?"

Luo Ji continued: "If they are still unwilling to compromise, then you can directly point it out in the media. Prepare to initiate a lawsuit..."

Taylor said: "Is this going too far? I'm afraid it won't be over by then."

Luo Ji stared into Taylor's eyes and tried to reduce her psychological burden: "Don't be afraid. You have to remember that a person who doesn't respect you doesn't deserve your respect either!"

 One more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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