New York 2006

Chapter 97 Recommended Stocks

Chapter 97 Recommended Stocks
At eight o'clock in the morning, Luo Ji walked across the street wearing the clothes from the music video.Director Francis stood aside and directed, and the camera recorded everything.

"Cut, Fxxk, I caught the pedestrian's face. There was no one there just now!" Francis said loudly.

The photographer next to him said: "He just came out of the coffee shop next to him. He accidentally entered the lens."

"Logic, do it again!"

"it is good."

The filming had been going on for 10 minutes when someone noticed this.Luo Ji saw several people walking nearby.

The crew immediately went to stop pedestrians from approaching. They were very cooperative and watched this scene with interest.

Luo Ji did it again, and this time it went very smoothly. Francis spoke with satisfaction.


The crew immediately packed up their equipment and got into the car, and Luo Ji fled immediately.Several people drove to Francis's studio.Francis spoke to Luo Ji.

"Your script is very well written and the lens design is also very creative. The interaction between men and women through different time and space is very creative."

"No, no, I just wrote it casually." Luo Ji waved his hand.

Francis said: "Don't be modest, you are indeed an artistic genius. Today there is only the evening shooting task. How about we go to the studio and take a look at today's shots?"

"it is good."

The MV for "We don't talk anymore" is the experience of two people from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night.The shots are relatively fragmented. After three days of shooting, most of the shots have been completed, leaving only a few shots at night that have not been shot well.

After driving to the studio, Luo Ji and others entered the screening room. After searching for a long time on the big screen, they found that the video they shot was flawless, and then they felt relieved.

Fiona then came over with a middle-aged white man: "This is a staff member from Apple."

Luo Ji immediately greeted him: "Why do I bother you to come over? Haven't we already sent the video to you?"

The Apple staff said: "Let me take a look at other related shots to see if there is anything more satisfying."

Party A still had to take good care of him. Luo Ji looked at director Francis and he immediately asked the staff to show the relevant footage.

More than ten minutes later, Apple staff saw the relevant footage of Luo Ji getting up and holding his mobile phone at the beginning of the MV.

"Stop, this lens is very good. The Apple logo on the back of the phone is even clearer."

Francis said: "But Logic's expression wasn't quite right in this shot, and he laughed out loud."

Luo Ji immediately said, "We can retake the photo tomorrow morning. Anyway, it's just me."

"Okay, I'm fine with that," Francis said.

After watching all the subsequent shots, the Apple staff did not raise any further comments. He nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait until June before you release the MV. We plan to release the first-generation iPhone at that time!"

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "OK, then I will release this song as my third single. The time is just right."

Apple employees were very satisfied with Luo Ji's attitude: "Half of the sponsorship fee will arrive tomorrow. Remember to check it! The other half will be called after the MV is broadcast."

"it is good."

After the Apple staff left, Francis said: "He's okay, he doesn't interfere much. By the way, how about Apple's new mobile phone?"

Luo Ji said: "Their mobile phone is simply an epoch-making product. It combines all the functions of MP3, personal PDAs and mobile phones. The most important thing is that the mobile phone is not expensive."

"is it?"

Luo Ji smiled mysteriously: "Director, I'd like to give you some investment advice. If you have money, you can invest in Apple."

Francis looked at the 16-year-old boy in front of him and actually gave him investment advice. He was dumbfounded: "Logic, have you bought shares of Apple?"


"How much did you buy?"

Luo Ji raised a finger and smiled mysteriously.Francis smiled and did not continue to ask, but started talking about other things.

"Are you free tomorrow night?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "If I have time, don't I plan to shoot the music video in the past two weeks?"

The MVs for Luo Ji's three songs were all handed over to director Francis's studio.

The production costs for the three MVs are sufficient, and the shooting costs are US$180 million. Universal Music is responsible for 23% of the costs, and Future Records is responsible for 77%. MV related income is also distributed according to this proportion.

"Well, is Taylor free tomorrow night?" Francis asked.

"She's fine too. She'll be leaving Los Angeles next Monday."

Francis smiled and said: "Then I invite you to attend the premiere of the "300" movie in Los Angeles tomorrow night!"

Luo Ji asked in confusion, "What is your relationship with this movie?"

"I'm good friends with Zack Snyder, the director of the movie, and he asked me to help call someone."

Luo Jiyi recalled: "You all have a background in shooting music videos, you are the MTV generation, right?"

Francis smiled and said, "Yes. We met when we were filming the song MV."

"That's fine, I promise you."

Francis smiled and said: "Thank you, Logic. I'll call him now."

It seems that everything will be fine this afternoon. The shots that need to be shot during the day have been completed. The lighting for the re-shot of the wake-up shot is also wrong, so we can only re-shoot tomorrow morning.

Luo Ji then said goodbye to Francis, and returned to the hotel by car with Fiona and the bodyguard.Luo Ji opened the door and started shouting.

"Tyler, I'm back."

Taylor immediately ran out of the bedroom: "Have you finished shooting the morning shots?"

"It's over."

Luo Ji casually hung his coat on the hanger, then sat down on the sofa, picked up the thick resume and documents on the table, and started reading.

"By the way, Director Francis asked us to attend the premiere of "The [-]" tomorrow night. Remember to wear a dress then."

"Okay." Taylor continued: "Are you going to start working again?"

"Yeah." Luo Ji said casually, then looked through the company's documents.

Nothing major happened in the last few companies, just trivial matters. Luo Ji took care of them in a short time.

Then he picked up the clothing industry survey report sent by Jamie and Zhu Qinqi's project evaluation book and read it.

Youth clothing brands are indeed what Zhu Qinqi said, the competition is very fierce.Several giants are fighting each other, but as long as they do it, the profits are indeed very generous.

The project given by Zhu Qinqi was evaluated by professionals, who listed all detailed costs and gave a cost budget of 4830 million US dollars.It is not much different from the 5000 million yuan given by Zhu Qinqi.

It took three days and sixty thousand dollars in evaluation fees. Luo Ji felt that it was well worth the money. At least it gave him some peace of mind.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji picked up his phone and saw that it was a call from lawyer Jamie.He walked to the hall window and answered the phone.

"Fili, when I was helping you contact others to evaluate the project, I also investigated David Zhu. He had left Nordica in 2003."

Luo Ji suddenly realized: "No wonder others keep saying that he is the founder of Nordica. I always thought that he is still a senior executive of Nordica. Why did he leave?"

"He sold the company!"

"Sold?" Luo Ji asked.

"In 2003, he had a conflict with his partners, and he finally sold Nordica to VF Corp. for $10 billion. He made $1 million from the deal. After that, he worked in Manhattan Purchased a townhouse, renovated it, and established a design company. Mainly serving New York's upper class, providing custom-made suits handmade in Italy."

Luo Ji said, "It's definitely not as profitable to make this kind of custom-made suits as the popular brands!"

"By the way, he really likes you. After my inquiries, he plans to create a new youth clothing brand, and the inspiration does come from you."

Luo Ji was surprised and asked: "How did you find out about this? Can you read people's thoughts?"

Jamie said proudly: "I found out about this project through my father's friend. This project has been circulating in New York's upper class circles for several months. He told many people that the inspiration for starting a youth brand came from you. I told people that you plan to invest in this project! Use this to raise funds."

Hearing this, Luo Ji was not angry, but rather happy: "Is my influence so high now? I have become the target of other people's financing bragging."

Jamie smiled and said: "Hahaha, I guess, your clothing taste has indeed been recognized by the media. But mainly Zhu's fame plays a role. After all, he is the founder of Nordica. Although competition among youth clothing brands is fierce , the risk is very high, but there are still many people who are willing to believe in him.”

This gave Luo Ji a new doubt: "With his reputation, there must be no shortage of people willing to raise funds. Why would he brag about me to others?"

Jamie said: "This is the second point I want to tell you. Have you heard of the Victoria's Secret story?"


"Its founder, Roy Raymond, sold the secret of Viloria to others for 400 million U.S. dollars. In the following years, the company grew rapidly and its valuation exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars. Roy finally Jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge."

"So what you are saying is that Mr. Zhu regrets selling Naodika back then."

Jamie said seriously: "Yes, Nordica is now valued at at least 20 billion US dollars. So he is serious about starting this business, but the competition among youth clothing brands is indeed great, and he is unwilling to take huge risks, so He needs financing. But this time, in order to prevent the conflicts between his partners from happening again, he does not need major shareholders but small investors. This way he can control the company."

Luo Ji understood: "That's why he brags about me to others to attract small investors."


"Thank you, Jamie, your reward will not be less this time."

Jamie hurriedly said: "I'm not here to ask this. Feili, we have known each other for so long, and I came here before Braun. You have formed a company with him in partnership, and I am only taking over your legal affairs. Can you take me with you!"

Luo Ji said, "What kind of company are you going to let me set up with you? Is it a new law firm? Don't you have your own law firm now? Do you want me to become a shareholder?"

Jamie said: "No, can you introduce me to Mr. Zhu and let me invest some money in this company!"

Luo Ji immediately refused ruthlessly: "You have forgotten what you just said. Mr. Zhu does not want to have a major shareholder. Didn't I just introduce you to invest to anger him? He may think that we will join forces to threaten him in the future."

Jamie continued: "I'll just put in a small amount of money, 100 million, please, Fili. For the sake of the face we have known each other for so long!"

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Well, let me introduce you to a way to make money, which is much more stable than investing in this clothing brand."

"Then why do you still invest in this clothing brand?"

Luo Ji said, "On the one hand, I want to diversify my investment, and on the other hand, I want to increase my reputation by promoting clothing brands."

"Okay, what project are you talking about?" Jamie asked.

Luo Ji said: "Invest in Apple stocks. You have also seen the Apple mobile phone I use. This mobile phone is really an epoch-making product."

"Really?" Attorney Jamie said in surprise.

Luo Ji said seriously: "You can watch Steve Jobs' demonstration video. This phone is not yet on the market. It is planned to be launched in June this year. You will be too late to enter the market when the mobile phone is launched. But whether you will enter the market or not remains to be seen. It’s up to you to judge!”

Jamie thought for a while and said: "Feili, you are a genius. I have watched you grow from a street boy to what you are now. I believe in you!"

Luo Ji said calmly: "If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

"it is good."

Taylor sat on the sofa, pretending to be bored, flipping through the singer's resume that Jeff had sent, and glancing over to Luo Ji from time to time.

Luo Ji didn't notice. He leaned against the window and thought for a while, then picked up the phone and dialed Zhu Qinqi's number and spoke.

"Mr. Zhu, has the name of the company been decided?"

"Ronald, I was just about to call you, but you called me. After the name was decided, I chose the one you suggested, Shein."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Isn't this a nice name? I thought of it in a flash."

"Haha, what a great name, you are a genius."

"When will the company be established?" Luo Ji asked.

Zhu Qinqi said seriously: "In the past few days, but before you invest in the shares, I want to explain to you in advance that the final decision-making power of the company will be decided by me, and you only have the right to make suggestions."

Luo Ji didn't show any anger and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhu, I fully support you. I'm just a layman. Who controls the company if you don't control it!"

"it is good."

Luo Ji continued: "Then what rights do I have?"

Zhu Qinqi smiled: "Of course you also have your own rights. The board of directors can give you a position when the time comes, and the company's operating and financial expenses will be informed to you."

"Okay, happy cooperation then!"

"Happy cooperation!"

(End of this chapter)

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