New York 2006

Chapter 59 Media Hegemony

Chapter 59 Media Hegemony
"Felix Slott Rowe."

Luo Ji heard someone calling him by his full name. Now he could basically judge how others knew him by what they called him.

Those who knew him through family and friends, as well as Luo Ji's network before he became famous, all called him by his nickname Feili.Examples include Sammy, Lawyer Jamie, Max, Carl, Fiona, Grandma Queenie, etc., which represent relatives or close relationships between each other.

After he became famous, everyone who knew him called him by his stage name Logic.Such as manager Braun, William Daly, Britney Spears, Jeff Basker, reporter Robin, Taylor Swift, fans.Of course there are people from the previous school, Blake, Hailey, etc.

And calling him by his Chinese name Luo Ji basically refers to the Chinese group.

And calling him Felix Slott Rowe was for some formal occasions.For example, dealing with more serious institutions such as governments and schools.

Luo Ji turned around and saw a very beautiful middle-aged white woman wearing business attire, glaring at him angrily.She is the headmistress of her new high school.

"Felix, you said you haven't been to school for how long."

Luo Ji had met senators, wealthy people, and mayors, and he wasn't nervous at all when talking to these people.But for some reason, when he saw the principal, his aura suddenly dropped and he started to stutter.

"I, I, I"

"Okay, stop me and me. There is an exam next week and you must come to school to take it."

Speaking of the exam, Luo Ji felt guilty: "I remembered it. The math teacher has informed me that I will take part on time."

Luo Ji got over the initial nervousness and immediately used his advantage. He stepped forward and took the principal's right hand: "Principal, you are so beautiful today. Can I invite you to dance with me?"


Luo Ji lowered his voice and said coquettishly, "Just one."

As expected, the older women all liked him. The headmistress' serious face finally broke into laughter, and she patted Luo Ji's shoulder lightly: "Okay."

Luo Ji guided the headmistress onto the dance floor and danced his lame dance.The surrounding onlookers all watched the dance of the old and the young with great interest.

Luo Ji came here today because he received an invitation from Philip Dowman.

In September 2006, Viacom Chairman Redstone shocked the entire entertainment industry by firing Freston as CEO.One of the main reasons was that Freston didn't take decisive enough action to acquire MySpace, the most popular social networking site at the time.

Philipp Dorman was appointed by Redstone as Viacom's president, CEO and chairman.He is now the helmsman of MTV.

A few days ago, after his manager Braun contacted the reporter who was smearing Luo Ji, the reporter pointed Braun to a middle-level executive at MTV. It was this middle-level executive who gave him the order to smear Luo Ji.

Through phone calls, this middle-level manager at MTV was very arrogant and made many conditions that Luo Ji could not accept.

For example, in the future, videos cannot be released on YouTube, future MVs can only be played on MTV, and they must participate in MTV programs many times, etc.

After Braun was sternly scolded by Luo Ji that day, he did not dare to tell Luo Ji such conditions, fearing that Luo Ji would get angry and switch to those big agencies to help settle the matter.

So Braun had no choice but to go to the MTV headquarters in person. After several days of squatting, he was finally able to find Philip Dorman, the man at the helm of MTV.

Although the two were both of Jewish origin, their classes were fundamentally different. Philip wanted to leave immediately, but Braun revealed that his grandfather was also a survivor of the Holocaust. Only then did Philip Dorman be moved and willing to help Braun. To quell Viacom’s smear campaign against Logic.Because Philip Dorman’s father was also a Holocaust survivor.

The above events all came from the oral account of agent Braun, who came to claim credit from him.

However, there was still one final step to resolve the matter. Philip Dorman invited Luo Ji to meet him in person.So Luo Ji and his agent Braun came to Manhattan's Upper West Side today, and Philip Dorman's private party came to see him.

Philip Doman asked Luo Ji to see him. This was a way of asking him to bow his head.

Luo Ji came here without even thinking. There was no shame in bowing to the media hegemony.

There are three major platforms for broadcasting TV series and news in the United States.

One is a public station, which is a TV station where you can watch programs for free by connecting to a TV antenna.One is a cable station, which is a pay station. They need to pay to watch programs.The third one is the emerging network platforms, such as Netflix and YouTube.

The five major public channels in the United States are CBS owned by Viacom, ABC owned by Disney, FOX owned by News Corporation, NBC owned by General Electric and the French company Vivendi, and PBS (non-profit organization, science and education channel, government-funded).

Pay stations are divided into basic channels and advanced channels. The basic channels include FX, AMC, syfy, Disney, MTV, syfy, CNN, BET and other TV stations.

Premium channels include HBO, Showtime, starz, Cinemax, etc.

Among these media broadcast channels, the public channels with the largest audience are undoubtedly the public channels, followed by basic channels.

Viacom owns CBS, MTV, BET, these large television networks, and they also have many newspapers and radio stations. If Viacom is determined to deal with Luo Ji, he will probably shed his skin even if he is dead.

There is no shame in bowing to hegemony. Luo Ji rushed over immediately after being summoned by Philip Dorman.

But Philip Dauman, as the head of Viacom, is really busy. It has been almost an hour since Luo Ji came, and he is still seeing guests.Luo Ji could only separate from Braun and hang out and socialize at the party.Then he met his female principal.After the dance ended, the headmistress' attitude towards Luo Ji became much better. The two chatted for a while about studying. Luo Ji said goodbye to the headmistress and continued to socialize.

Most of the people who came to this party were senior executives from Viacom and CBS (CBS), famous TV hosts, and stars of popular TV series currently being broadcast on CBS.

For example, the famous Daily Show host Jon Stewart, Price Guess the Host Bob Barker, Criminal Minds' Thomas Gibson, NCIS' Mark Hammon and so on.

Luo Ji socialized for a while and got to know a lot of people because of his status as a singer.

The Grammy broadcast rights have been with CBS since the 20s.Adhering to the principle of seizing opportunities when they arise, Luo Ji found the person in charge of CBS's Grammy broadcast through someone he had just met.

"Hello, I will attend the Grammy Awards this year. Can you take care of me and let me be on camera? Do you know? When I was a child, I wanted to be on camera at the Grammys. This is the biggest wish of my life. one."

The person in charge of the Grammy broadcast immediately agreed: "No problem, leave it to me. But you owe me a favor."

Luo Ji was confused as to why he agreed so readily, but he still replied: "Okay, no problem. As long as it's not very difficult, I will definitely do it."

The person in charge of broadcasting the Grammys across the street seemed to have taken advantage and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it won't be anything difficult. I'll tell you after I think about it."

Luo Ji said goodbye to the person in charge of the broadcast and went to the garden of the villa alone.After this period of chatting, Luo Ji found that the Viacom host executives he met had a good attitude toward him.It seems that only a few people know about the information that discredits themselves and the game between Viacom and YouTube.

Luo Ji waited for another ten minutes before his agent Braun found him and took him to see Philip Dorman.

Walking into a separate room, Philip Doman was sitting on the sofa. He looked like an ordinary middle-aged white man, with a somewhat high hairline, and the whole person looked ordinary.But if you know that he is now the helmsman of Viacom, the feeling is different.

"Logic, Braun told me that you worked together to stop the spread of white supremacy flags in Chicago, and you did a great job."

After Philip Dorman finished speaking, he stood up and shook hands with Luo Ji.The other person's attitude was very good, and Luo Ji relaxed a lot: "As an ethnic minority, I also don't like the swastika flag."

"You did it right Logic."

Philip Dorman asked again about his political beliefs.Luo Ji's answer was as close to the Democratic Party's position as possible.The political stance of the Jewish community in the United States, like that of ethnic minorities, is close to the Democratic Party.They were feared by white Europeans during World War II and were very wary of white conservatives.

"Logic, you made the right choice. Only in this way can the United States be on the right path."

"I will."

Philip Dorman looked at his watch and then said: "Logic, I will help you handle your matter. MTV will not target you anymore. But we also have conditions here."

"What conditions?"

"First, you can no longer promote YouTube in front of various media. You are not their spokesperson. They are obviously taking advantage of you."

Luo Ji immediately replied: "No problem, I can do it."

"Second, your future MVs will be played on MTV."


Philip Dorman stepped forward and shook hands: "I'm glad you're so reasonable, Logic, Braun. It's getting late, and I have to meet the next guest later. You can go out first."

Luo Ji and Braun left the room and went outside: "Why is his attitude towards me so good? The conditions he gave are very reasonable."

Braun immediately patted himself on the back: "Of course it's for my sake."


Luo Ji didn't believe that Braun had such a big face, but his ability to maneuver was really good.He had previously secured a million-dollar endorsement contract for Ludacris, and now he recognized the head of Viacom, whose personal abilities were indeed outstanding.

"Braun, during this time you can help me pick up some commercial performances in New York, and look for the ones with high prices. By the way, if my single needs to be soundtracked by movies or commercials, you can help me too. Get in touch.”


The two of them were walking and chatting. Luo Ji remembered the unusual behavior of the person in charge of the Grammy broadcast, so he told his manager Braun.

Braun was speechless for a moment: "Every minute of Grammy is precious. It's obviously abnormal for him to agree so easily. So do you think there is a possibility that they have cameras in their plan to take care of you?"


Luo Ji slapped his forehead with both hands and stood stunned on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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