New York 2006

Chapter 58 Investment and First Major

Chapter 58 Investment and First Major

Tired from working in the recording studio, Luo Ji came to his office, picked up the Newsweek in his hand, and started reading.It contains news from the past few weeks.U.S. warplanes carried out air strikes on suspected terrorists in Somalia, the war in Iraq began to increase troops, and the U.S. Embassy in Athens was attacked by rocket-propelled grenades, etc.

Luo Ji skimmed over all these messages, but two pieces of information caught Luo Ji's attention.

On January 1, Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.This is a historic breakthrough. In the United States, the conservative stronghold of the West, it is not easy for women to reach this point.

Luo Ji thought about it. In recent years, whether it is movies, songs, or politics, women have gradually begun to appear as independent individuals. They are no longer the vassals of men. They have independent thoughts and power. Women's influence in American society has become more and more important. Getting bigger seemed to be the trend in the future. Luo Ji quietly remembered this, maybe he could use it in the future.

Another news from the technology industry made Luo Ji extremely excited. After Luo Ji traveled through time and had a little money through hard work, he was thinking about how to increase his wealth.

He has no memory of his past life, so he can only find inspiration from the MV.Among the several MVs, only "We don't talk anymore" appears in the future, and the most valuable one is undoubtedly the future mobile phone.

The male and female protagonists in the MV get up in the morning, start socializing for the day, and then go to bed at night, never leaving their phones around the clock.

The function of the mobile phone is also very powerful. It can take pictures, and the pictures are clearer than all current mobile phones, almost like a camera.You can listen to songs. The heroine in the MV listens to the music with headphones.You can make calls and send messages, and the software for sending messages seems to be different from current text messages and so on.

Future mobile phones will have no keyboards and will have a full touch screen appearance. Luo Ji then searched for mobile phones on the market and found that all mobile phones have keyboards.

Then he learned about full-screen touch screens, which involve multi-touch screen technology, and the two big companies that master this technology are Microsoft and AT&T.However, the market value of these two companies is already very high, and a small patent should not have much impact on the company.

Luo Ji then learned more about it in detail. Multi-touch screen technology was rarely used on mobile phones, but was used more on handheld computers.

But personal digital assistants, such as handheld computers, are now emerging among the best.Dell, BlackBerry, HTC, Toshiba, Sony, Lenovo, IBM, etc. No one knows when a winner will emerge.Luo Ji opened a securities account early, but he didn't know where to invest the money.

Until Luo Ji saw in Newsweek today, there was an iPhone with only one button and a touch screen.It used a multi-touch screen, and Luo Ji immediately had an investment target.

On January 2007, 1, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world on stage at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco, California.Newsweek took a closer look at the phone's features.

After Luo Ji read the report, he searched online and found the video of Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone that day, and watched it with interest.

Whenever Jobs showed off a new iPhone feature, Luo Ji felt that the feature seemed familiar.When Luo Ji finished watching the entire video, he was completely stunned.

This new Iphone is a collection of traditional mobile phones + MP3 + personal PDAs. Such a mobile phone includes all the functions of these three electronic products.The price of the mobile phone is not outrageous. As long as consumers are not stupid, this mobile phone will subvert these three industries.

Luo Ji decisively searched the Internet and found that this press conference did not seem to attract the attention of the capital market for the time being. Apple's stock price was still fluctuating within a small range, and there was nothing unusual about it.Luo Ji took a closer look and found out that this phone is not yet in mass production and will not be released until July this year.Capital is waiting and watching.

With hints of future MVs, it would be a fool not to seize such a good entry opportunity.Luo Ji immediately logged into his securities account and purchased $85.79 million of Apple shares at an average price of $100.

Luo Ji looked at the remaining 40 dollars in his account, and bought all the stocks of Gugou, the parent company of the oil pipeline, at an average price of 489.62.

Luo Ji made a fortune in YouTube, and now his biggest fortune comes from YouTube.During this period, the number of YouTube users has been growing, and Gugou’s market share has also been expanding. Although it may be affected by Viacom’s lawsuit, everyone knows that the Internet is the general trend, and now is a very good time to enter Gugou. opportunity.

Luo Ji invested most of his net worth in the stock market, and the remaining money was used to produce albums and pay salaries to his employees.

After finishing all this work, Luo Ji happily drank a cup of coffee.With hints from the future, making money is not easy.He doesn't need to share this joy with anyone, he just needs to enjoy it alone.

After finishing these things, the lunch box made by Grandma Queenie was delivered. After Luo Ji finished eating, he said goodbye to Grandma and went to the recording studio to continue working.

As soon as Luo Ji walked in, he found Jeff Busker and the newly recruited music post-production engineer busy in front of the computer, performing post-production of songs.

Luo Ji came to the console alone, listened to the songs he had recorded that morning, and then slowly revised them in the direction he wanted.

To be honest, after two months of dedicated guidance from a vocal teacher, Luo Ji's singing skills have improved a lot.Just modify the recording a little bit.Luo Ji's on-site skills have also been greatly improved.I don’t know how much progress I have made compared to two months ago.

However, after listening to it, Luo Ji was still not satisfied. It was not that there was something wrong with his singing, but that the accompaniment of electronic music was not very good.

"Jeff, come here."

"what happened?"

"These are these songs by British composer Brian Eno. The accompaniment we recorded is a bit different from the accompaniment style he gave me."

"I have thought about this. It should be the reason for the use of electronic synthesized sounds. His songs are very avant-garde, and some electronic music has unique effects. We don't know how he synthesized them, and there are no such synthesized sounds on the market. Maybe. He invented it but it hasn't been commercialized yet." Luo Ji rubbed his chin and thought. Several of the songs by the British composer Eno didn't have very nice melodies, but his music style was very advanced, especially his "Lost!" 》Demo.Lyrical rock-style songs use a lot of electronic synthesis sounds, which sounds refreshing.

This freshness is very similar to his "we don't talk anymore", and it is likely to be a popular genre in the future.But the most popular thing on the market right now is rhythm and blues, and Luo Ji doesn't know if his electronic music will become popular.

Luo Ji thought about it for a long time. Britney said that her album would use a lot of electronic synthesized sounds. During this time, there were also a lot of high-ranking electronic music on the billboard.It all indicates that electronic music should be the trend of the future.

Moreover, Luo Ji's intuition told him that there was no problem in choosing this path.Following his intuition, Luo Ji felt a sudden change in his heart and told Jeff Busker.

"You contact Brian Eno directly and ask him to fly to New York. I hope he can help me produce other songs for the album. My song "We Don't Talk Anymore" also requires a lot of electronic music. I need him Help him make it and tell him that I will definitely give him a satisfactory price and share."

Jeff was reluctant to speak: "This cost is a bit high. He will probably bring a team. It is not cost-effective to directly use the collected songs."

"It's okay. I have sufficient production funds. If not, we will accept a few commercial performances in New York. During this period, many commercial performances in New York have invited me."

Luo Ji has never been stingy with people who have the ability and skills. They will work hard only if the price is enough.As for those who are incompetent and have no skills, let’s talk about it separately.

Jeff was still discouraging: "So your album is going to be closer to electronic music, lyrical rock, and classical pop? Are you not considering other songs? Among the songs we have included, some of them are very good."

Luo Ji remembered something and his voice became stern: "Do you have any opinions on my choice?"

Jeff was immediately discouraged: "No, you have the final say on your album."

Capitalists still have a deterrent effect.Luo Ji knew that Jeff Basker had collected songs written by his former colleagues in the company, as well as songs written by him.But if you don't choose, you don't choose. Luo Ji won't let him go. The whole album will still be dominated by Luo Ji's will.

"That's it, other songwriters, please apologize to them on my behalf. Just say that it's not that their songs are bad, but that they are different from the style of my album."

"Okay, I will call them one by one and tell them."

"You first contact the Englishman Eno and ask him to come over quickly. We will try to produce the album within a month or two. It would be best if it can be released together with Britney and my single "Marvin Gaye". Bu Lanny is so famous that she has taken a big part of the song, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.”

"I'll do it right now."

More than ten minutes later, Jeff came back: "He promised that he would come over this week."

"very good."

After communicating, Jeff walked to a corner and sat down with a depressed look on his face.Luo Ji watched from a distance, but finally couldn't help but go up to comfort him. He had tried his best in the past two months.

"Jeff, did you make any promises to your former colleagues?"

Jeff looked sad: "I did brag to them that I could put their lyrics and music into your album."

Jeff Busker does have a habit of bragging, not once or twice.

However, there is no problem with his talent. In the past two months, he has helped Luo Ji solve many music problems: "Haha, you like to brag so much."


Luo Ji started to draw a line: "Jeff, you are the music president and AR of our company. These two positions certainly don't have much power when I am the only singer. But I don't plan to treat Future Records as just me." People’s companies, I want to develop my company, I need to sign other singers, send them records, and make my company bigger and stronger.”

"is it?"

"Of course, signing an artist contract is one of your rights. You can sign your friends in when the time comes, no problem."

Jeff Busker was very happy: "Is it so good?"

"Of course." Luo Ji looked at Jeff with a smile, and then showed his capitalist face: "But remember, don't let me down when the time comes. I don't want to see executives who make me lose money."

Jeff's smiling face stiffened: "I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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