New York 2006

Chapter 333 TiK ToK

Chapter 333 TiK ToK
  "Brothers, it's time for dinner again!"

In a poor community in Brooklyn, New York, an old man was smiling and showing off to his friends next to him.

"Logic personally packed the food for me!"

Hahahaha, the people next to me laughed out loud. Luo Ji was also amused by him and looked at him with interest.

He then turned his head and said to Luo Ji, "Thank you sir, God bless you."

"God bless you!" Luo Ji also said such auspicious words to him.

Lao Mo on the opposite side nodded.

Luo Ji continued: "There are some toiletries and clothes at the back. Go and get them quickly."

"Okay." Old Mo nodded gratefully.

Today is Sunday, January 2010, 1.

A few days ago, CNBC's financial channel revealed that his stock market value alone was worth US$20 billion, and public opinion exploded in an instant, with a lot of talk about his wealth.

The mainstream media have basically reported positively, and his growing wealth is also in line with the mainstream values ​​of the United States.

Logic was self-reliant and rose from the ghetto, becoming one of the representatives of the American dream.

However, while the financial crisis has not yet dissipated, many people in the United States have lost their jobs and houses because of the financial crisis.

Many people at the bottom are full of hatred towards capitalists at this time, believing that these people's greed has taken away everything from them. Luo Ji was also classified as a capitalist by some people.

The mainstream media didn't say anything, but there were some hateful comments about him online.

Luo Ji had already experienced this situation. That's just showing off and doing charity.

That's why today he came to the slums to distribute food and daily necessities to the poor.

Performing a complete set, Luo Ji carefully prepared meals for the people queuing up.

At this time, Fiona walked up to Luo Ji and introduced a white police officer to him.

"Logic, this is the chief of the Brooklyn, New York, division. He wants to thank you personally."

Luo Ji stopped what he was doing and handed over the cooking task to Blake beside him. Then he took the initiative to greet the white police officer: "Hello."

The white police officer said enthusiastically: "Logic, thank you for donating [-] yuan to our branch."

"You're welcome."

Luo Ji pointed to the police officers patrolling around to maintain order: "You are the cornerstone of the United States. Without you, there would be no such peaceful environment."

"This is a matter within our scope." The white police officer nodded.

To be honest, I have the experience of being shot in the ghettos of Chicago. Luo Ji cared about his own life very much.

Without the protection of this group of police, he would not dare to perform charity shows in the slums of New York.

He still felt that it was not safe, so he brought several bodyguards to stand around him and do charity with him, ensuring that they could deal with any emergencies.

Luo Ji chatted with the white police officer for a while. When the conversation came to an end, the white police officer spoke.

"Logic, I suggest you don't stay here all the time. Many people around heard you distributing supplies here, and they all gathered around. There are more and more people, and it might cause a commotion."

Luo Ji looked at Fiona, and she nodded to him.

This means that the media has already captured the material. Then there is no need to stay any longer.

Luo Ji then said, "Okay, I'll leave now."

Soon, Luo Ji got into the car with Fiona, Blake and two bodyguards. Follow-up work will be handled by local charitable organizations and employees of the Viva Viva Charitable Foundation.

Fiona took a long breath: "To be honest, this environment is really scary."

Luo Ji felt a little funny: "The place you lived before was worse than this."

"That was before. After all, I haven't been to the South Side of Chicago for a few years. Now I feel panicked when I come to a place like this."


Fiona asked back: "What about you, Feili? Are you uncomfortable?"

"A little bit, but it's okay."

Luo Ji continued: "With so many police officers and bodyguards around me, if something happens in this situation, I won't be safe no matter where I am."

Fiona gave a thumbs up: "Feili, you have a big heart."

Luo Ji got down to business: "Let's hold a similar charity event every year from now on. Please make sure to record it."


"You can find some better photos and give them to my image team and ask them to send a tweet for me."


Luo Ji added: "By the way, let them explain the reason why I left early. Just say it was to prevent riots."


Luo Ji was sitting in the office of Marvel's New York headquarters, listening to Zhu Haowei personally report on Marvel's financial situation last year.

"Logic, Marvel's total revenue last year was US$4.6 million. Compared with the revenue of US$2008 million in 6.6, it was about US$2 million less."

Luo Ji nodded: "Yeah, that's understandable. After all, Marvel didn't have a movie released last year."

Zhu Haowei continued: "Last year's revenue of 4.6 million U.S. dollars, the comic publishing department contributed 1.3 million U.S. dollars, and the film production department contributed 1.3 million U.S. dollars. Among them, the toys and licensing business contributed the most, and the revenue contributed [-] million U.S. dollars. knife."

Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, hahaha. After all, we are a company that sells peripherals!"



"Other large expenses include company management fees, which are 3400 million US dollars, an increase of 2008 million US dollars compared with 400."

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded to express his understanding. After all, when he acquired Marvel, he promised to give the company's executives a salary increase. Zhu Haowei continued: "Including miscellaneous expenses, such as taxes and the like, we spent about 3.6 million yuan last year. Of the remaining 3 million yuan, we directly used 19 million yuan to repay the debt. The previous 16 billion Mi Dao's debt has now dropped to 6000 billion US dollars. The company now has [-] million US dollars in cash, which is used for the early preparations of "Captain America" ​​and "Shang-Chi" as well as the company's daily operations."


“The distribution agreement signed between Marvel and Paramount is all-expense-paid, so we don’t have to worry about distribution fees.”

Luo Ji nodded: "Yeah."

Zhu Haowei then said with a worried look: "Logic, although we reduced our previous debt by 3 million yuan. But last year we filmed a movie and borrowed another 3 million yuan. This year's "Captain America" ​​and "Shang-Chi" For filming, we need to borrow about 3 million yuan. This debt will not decrease but will increase. If our movie fails, the company is likely to fall into a quagmire of debt."

Luo Ji consoled him and said, "The movie will definitely be a success."

Zhu Haowei lost his temper very rarely and looked at Luo Ji angrily: "Then you are still unwilling to participate in the movie "Shang-Chi", Logic, your appeal is very important to this movie. And this is an all-Chinese movie A movie really cannot fail!"

Luo Ji complained: "But as long as I participate in this movie, I will have to participate in the filming of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future. And the filming of super blockbusters is too time-consuming. Not to mention the subsequent publicity, which is also very time-consuming." . Coupled with the "Twilight" series, every year I waste half a year just making movies and promoting them."

"Wouldn't it be better to leave this opportunity to make blockbusters to other Chinese people?"

That was my original plan, and later I mentioned that I might participate, just to get Marvel to take this project seriously. Haowei, I told you this before, but now you are against me. "

Zhu Haowei hurriedly said: "But Logic, you are the most suitable for this role. And your popularity is high enough to make this project more likely to succeed."

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Well, let's go ahead and tell the others that I don't want to participate in the show and see how they react. If there is too much opposition, we will make a decision based on the specific circumstances."

"Okay." Zhu Haowei nodded helplessly.


One day later, Luo Ji received many calls from people who came to persuade him to participate in the "Shang-Chi" movie.

Thomas Tull: "Logic, we invested in Marvel with you because we believed in you. You should know what Marvel's situation is now. Marvel's debt is increasing. Marvel can no longer afford it. "The Incredible Hulk" is such a loss, I hope you can seriously consider it."

Kevin Feige: "Logic, we created the project in your image. Your character in the movie is very outstanding. He is a character with high IQ and high combat power. Your character also has a very arc, from a teenager to a... I became a hero and learned the meaning of sacrifice. No one is more suitable for this role than you."

A Chinese member of the Marvel Creative Committee: "Logic, Shang-Chi's father is Chinese and his mother is white. This is the same as your experience. We set the age at about twenty years old, which is also based on you. He also has a super high IQ. It’s also based on who you are in real life. This character is very charming and is guaranteed to make you more famous around the world.”

Director Lin Yibin: "Logic, you can't give up your choice. Our initial casting preparations are all based on your image. Shang-Chi is you in reality, you will be very relaxed to act."

Luo Ji was very helpless. He couldn't even think of leisurely time, so he could only assume the responsibility of the chairman of Marvel.

"Okay, Lin Yibin, stop talking, I will participate in the show. However, I need you to give me a promise."

Director Lin Yibin nodded: "What promise?"

Luo Ji said, "We need to make the movie very exciting."

Director Lin Yibin quickly agreed: "Okay, no problem."

“When does casting start?”

"About mid-March, we have actually started to sign some unimportant supporting roles."

"Mmm Good."

Luo Ji hung up the phone, picked up the script of "Shang-Chi" and started reading it again.

The current script of "Shang-Chi" probably only refers to the background settings of the comics. The characters and the plot have shifted to a large extent.

Shang-Chi's father is a member of the Celestial Clan, which is an existence similar to Asgard.

Back then, because of the "Jedi Heavenly Power", these gods all evacuated to the depths of the universe.

As a result, Shang-Chi's father had to guard the sealed chaos beast on the earth. In order to prevent the crisis of annihilation, he stayed on the earth.

In this way, more than two thousand years passed without incident.

So Shang-Chi's father began to travel around the world, and then there was Shang-Chi, the demigod.

Until Shang Qi was a child, the seal of the Chaos Behemoth suddenly became loose, and Shang Qi's father left alone.

The protagonist Shang-Chi, when he got older, started a journey to rise as a hero in order to trace his father's experience of leaving without saying goodbye.

This is a standard story about the rise of a superhero, with self-consistent logic. It is a very brilliant script, but I don’t know if it can produce the effects envisioned in the script.

Fiona came over at this time: "Feili, it's time to go. Didn't you say you wanted to see the child?"


The vehicle arrived at Robin's door.

Just as Luo Ji was about to get off the car, he heard the news coming from the car radio.

"Taylor Swift's "All too Well" was beaten by newcomer Ke$ha's "TiK ToK" to end the Billboard singles' six-week streak."

"TiK ToK?"

Luo Ji murmured to himself. For some reason, he felt that the pronunciation was very familiar, just like when he first came into contact with the words streaming media and Web2.0. As if engraved in instinct.

"What's wrong with you?" Fiona, who had already gotten out of the car, looked at her nephew sitting motionless in the car with confusion.

"You wait a moment."

Luo Ji took out his mobile phone and searched for TiK ToK on the Internet. It took him more than ten minutes to listen to Kesha's single carefully, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

TiK ToK, is it really just a song?
  Is it my delusion?
  Fiona was very confused about her nephew's reaction: "Isn't it just a song? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm just curious about why this song won the championship." Luo Ji finished casually, then pointed outside: "Let's go in."

Luo Ji thought as he walked.

TiK ToK, TiK ToK…

This word is so familiar and so clear! It's like an instinct engraved in your bones. This feeling is unmistakable.

Could it be that Kesha's song "TiK ToK" was so famous in her previous life that it impressed him so much?

Or, the real thing that TiK ToK represents has not yet emerged, and TiK ToK is something from the future?

 Marvel's revenue refers to Marvel's historical financial data in 2008 and 2009.

  (End of this chapter)

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