New York 2006

Chapter 332 The Gentle Domineering President

Chapter 332 The Gentle Domineering President
  Chelsea Clinton came to Brooklyn today as promised.

She came to a walled mansion, stood in front of the camera outside the gate, and pressed the doorbell next to it.

Perhaps because of the contact in advance, the door was opened in less than five seconds.

This was her first time here. When she entered, she realized that the villa and the yard were not big, at least not as big as her family's mansion in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Think about it, this is New York after all, and every inch of land is precious. It’s strange that the villa can be big.

"Hi Chelsea. Welcome."

"Hello, Robin."

Chelsea enthusiastically hugged him. During this time, the two had been in contact several times and got to know each other.

Chelsea followed her into the villa and saw several people sitting in the living room holding documents and discussing. She walked over and said hello.

She also knows all these people and has been in contact with them in the past few days. They are all members of the Long Live Life Charity Fund. One of the shorter women, Lily, is also Robin's best friend.

Chelsea Clinton is here on business today. She is representing Logic Investment Company to discuss the details of the upcoming banquet with the Viva Viva Charitable Fund.

The reason why Chelsea participated in this discussion is probably this.

In November last year, Secretary of State Creighton called Luo Ji and said that his daughter was about to graduate with a master's degree and hoped that Luo Ji could provide her with an internship.

Ms. Clinton’s behavior was an attempt to deepen the relationship. Luo Ji happily accepted.

Chelsea is the daughter of the Secretary of State, so of course Luo Ji can't just give her a job and send her away.

After learning about Chelsea's resume, Luo Ji discovered that she had served as vice chairman of the fundraising committee at the Clinton Foundation. Very good at dealing with people.

After Luo Ji thought for a long time, he arranged for her to work at Logic Investment Company and let her deal with those investors.

Her position belongs to the external relations department and does not involve the core secrets of the company's investment department. But those who deal with them are all the upper class in the United States.

This position is perfect for Chelsea. It would also satisfy Ms. Clinton and make her feel that Luo Ji valued her daughter.

Luo Ji originally positioned Logic Investment Company as a networking platform similar to the Madoff Fund. So simply investing is not enough, you also need a club that can communicate with each other.

So after Logic Investments' annual earnings report came out. Luo Ji just wanted to hold a party and bring everyone together.

However, simply giving will only make people take it for granted and not cherish it. Only limited requests will make people pay more attention to the hard-earned high returns of investment funds.

Therefore, Luo Ji planned to combine this celebration party of Logic Investment Company with his Long Live Charity Fund. Ask those who come to the banquet to donate money to the charity fund.

Chelsea looked at a few people and asked, "Has the venue of the banquet been confirmed?"

Robin said: "The current choices are the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and the Hilton Hotel. But which hotel it is, you still need to confirm the specific date of the banquet."

Chelsea nodded: "The specifications of these two hotels are indeed good enough to match the status of those big shots. As for the time when the banquet will be held, it is not yet certain."

Several people were sitting in the living room and continued to discuss some arrangements for the banquet, such as how to arrange seats, how to set up the banquet process, how to choose music, and how to provide food.


Lily listened to Chelsea's narration, feeling a little bored. I accidentally glanced at the TV and said, "Hey, there's Logic on the TV."

Everyone's eyes immediately moved to the TV, which was a financial channel. The sound of the TV was a little too low to hear clearly, so Robin took the remote control and turned up the sound.

The male guest on the TV said: "It's crazy, it's simply crazy. The aftermath of the financial crisis is still going on, and the unemployment rate is still high, but last year the Nasdaq Internet Index rose by more than 24%."

The female host said seriously: "Not only that, the technology industry stocks Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Booking Holdings that Logic has recommended in the media have all increased by more than 100%."

The male guest smiled and said: "Did you know? The concept stock of Logic sector has appeared in the market now."

The female host asked doubtfully: "Is Logic already so popular in the financial market?"

"Yes. He is a true investment genius!"

The male guest said: "The Booking Holdings he invested in has increased 2.6 times. Since he invested in Netflix, it has increased 3 times. There is also a stock that has increased 8 times since he bought it. You know Which company is it?”

The female host said cooperatively: "Which one?"

“BYD, China’s electric car company!”

The female host looked surprised: "I remember that Logic invested 5 million yuan and occupied [-]% of the shares, right?"

The male guest nodded seriously: "Yes, Logic's current investment alone has become 8 million US dollars."

Robin, Lily, Chelsea and others who were watching TV suddenly opened their mouths in surprise.

The female host on the TV continued: "Logic's announced holdings in the stock market include 5% of Booking Holdings and 10% of Netflix."


The male guest continued: "Now these two companies, Logic's shares in Booking Holdings are worth US$3.8 million, and Netflix is ​​worth US$3.7 million."

The female host looked surprised and said: "So, Logic's wealth that can be found in the stock market is worth 15.5 billion US dollars."

The male guest shook his head: "Have you forgotten that Logic participated in Huami Bank's acquisition of United Bank two months ago? At that time, he invested 1.95 million yuan and now owns 10% of Huami Bank's shares."

The female host smiled: "He usually invests in cutting-edge technology industries. I really forgot about this kind of traditional banking investment. It seems that after the Huami Bank acquisition was completed, it has increased by 80% so far."


The female host thought for a while and said: "Now Logic's 10% stake in Huami Bank is worth US$3.5 million. Doesn't that mean that Logic's investment in the stock market alone is worth US$19 billion."

"Yes. And it will only be more, not less."

The male guest continued: "Logic has recommended Apple, Google, and Amazon before. I believe he must have bought them too. It's just that the market value of these three companies is too high, and his proportion may be relatively small and not disclosed."

"Then ignore the uncertain data."

The female host then said with a surprised look on her face: "Then adding 10% of Twitter's shares of 20 million US dollars, wouldn't it mean that his wealth in the stock market alone now reaches 19 billion US dollars! He is only [-] years old now, how did he do it? Arrived?"

The male guest smiled: "So I say Logic is the investment genius! The real investment genius!"

The female host thought for a while and said: "Then what do you think of the concept stocks in the Logic sector? What do you think the trend of these companies will be in the future?"

The male guest immediately said mindlessly: "Of course it's bullish! When Logic sells off its shares, we can just sell them. He is Mr. Buffett's "apprentice", he is a genius, and we just need to follow his steps. That’s it!”

The female host quickly interrupted: "Ahem, cough, cough, we only analyze stocks. We don't recommend it."

The male guest also reacted and hurriedly said: "Yes, the concept stocks in the Logic sector have indeed risen a lot last year and are already at a high level. I hope everyone can invest cautiously."

The female host said: "Let's talk about the next financial news. What do you think about last month, Comcast acquired 51% of NBCUniversal's shares from General Electric? Does this mean that they It’s time to move from a media service provider to the media industry.”

The male guest nodded: "Yes, Comcast is the second largest pay TV service provider, the largest cable TV and home Internet access service provider, and the third largest home phone service provider in the United States. This acquisition... …”

Robin, Lily, and Chelsea were no longer interested in paying attention to the news below. Instead, they were stunned by the discussion on TV that the Logic stock market had 20 billion US dollars.

In the entire living room, the only sound was the sound from the TV.

Luo Ji came down from the second floor with his two children in his arms. I saw these women sitting on the sofa watching TV, motionless.

They didn't even notice that Luo Ji had come downstairs, so they asked aloud, "What's wrong with you?"

Robin reacted and looked back at her ex-husband. She did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Uh... weren't you playing with the children on the second floor? Why did you come down here?" Before Luo Ji could answer, the actions of the two children had already said everything. With sad faces, they stretched out their hands to Robin anxiously: "Mom...hug."

Robin stepped forward to take them, and smiles immediately appeared on the two children's faces.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ji said with some sourness: "They still kiss you."

Robin's first reaction was to retort, but his words changed as he spoke, and he said, "You haven't been with them for two months, and it's a bit annoying. You can just spend more time with them in the future."

Luo Ji felt much better after hearing this, and a smile appeared on his face: "I will, I will be in New York during this time."

"Yeah." Robin nodded.

After Luo Ji and Christine made their official announcement, Robin was very angry and attacked him whenever they met.

In December last year, she even went back to her hometown in Canada with her two children, leaving Luo Ji without seeing the children during the holidays.

Robin returned to New York five days ago with her children. Christine, who had been by Luo Ji's side, returned to Los Angeles because she was going to promote "The Book of Eli".

Taking advantage of this gap, Luo Ji has been trying to please his ex-wife these days.

Hey hey hey, look, isn't this effective? She was very gentle today.

j Luo Ji kept up his efforts and said flatteringly: "Robin, how about we go to the John George restaurant on Fifth Avenue for dinner tonight? We haven't eaten alone for a long time."

Robin looked at her ex-husband with complicated eyes: "Okay... okay."

Having settled the important matter, Luo Ji had time to greet the others in the living room and said hello to everyone: "Lily, and everyone, hello."


"Hello, Logic."

Everyone looked at Luo Ji eagerly, as if they wanted to eat him. In particular, several female employees of the charity fund looked directly at him, their eyes motionless.

Luo Ji touched his face: "Is there something on my face?"

"No no."

"Okay." Luo Ji didn't pay attention, and then looked at Chelsea: "Hello."

Chelsea was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to hug Luo Ji: "Hello, Logic. Long time no see."

Luo Ji was a little confused by her enthusiasm, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He showed the attitude of an elder and asked in a concerned tone: "How are you doing at the investment company during this time?"

Chelsea has adapted to the relationship between the two and said: "It's very good. Everyone takes good care of me."

"That's good. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, you can tell me and I will help you deal with it."

"Well, I will."

At this time, Robin had calmed down the two children and handed the children to her ex-husband: "You can play with the children, I still have to work."

"Okay." Luo Ji then looked at everyone in the living room: "Don't worry about me, just continue working."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he took the two children to sit on the carpet next to the fireplace, picked up the Lego toys next to them, and patiently played games with them.


However, the few people sitting on the sofa in the living room working were obviously not as serious as they were at the beginning.

From time to time, they would glance at Luo Ji, who was tenderly playing games with his children. His eyes were full of adoration, admiration, desire and other emotions.

In the afternoon, Chelsea, Lily and others finished their discussion and left.

Just now in the room, it was difficult for several people to discuss it in front of the principal. At this time, when they arrived outside, a group of people could no longer suppress their gossip and began to discuss among themselves.

"Have you bought concept stocks in the Logic sector?"

"Wow wow wow, I really didn't expect that. Logic is so rich. He is so successful."

A female employee of a charity fund said: "Logic is handsome, rich, and extremely gentle. I just saw him playing with his children with a gentle look on his face, and my heart almost melted."


Nine p.m.

After Luo Ji and Robin finished their romantic candlelight dinner, they returned home and sat down on the sofa, chatting and laughing.

At this time, the relationship between the two has returned to its original state and is very close.

Luo Ji put his arm around her shoulders and asked, "Is your sister Katie going to college this year?"


"Which university was she admitted to?"


Luo Ji said in surprise: "She is coming to New York, why didn't you tell me?"

"She won't come for a while."

"Okay." Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "My dear, what gift do you think I should give her? Girls of her age seem to like luxury goods such as sports cars, jewelry, and bags."

Robin immediately interrupted: "You are not allowed to give her such an expensive gift. She is here to go to school, not to enjoy it."

"Okay, okay." Although Luo Ji said this, he was still thinking about how to please his sister-in-law.

"Feili, let me tell you something." Robin looked at Luo Ji seriously.

Luo Ji also became serious: "What's the matter?"

"do you still love me?"

"Of course." Luo Ji took her hand and finished without hesitation, then asked instead, "Then do you still love me?"

"Of course I love you too." Robin looked at her ex-husband with complicated eyes and said hesitantly: "But, you love..."


Luo Ji didn't wait for her to finish speaking and interrupted her tyrannically. He leaned forward and blew gently into her ear: "My dear, since we love each other, nothing else matters. You don't know how much I miss you during this time."

Robin's breathing immediately became rapid: ""

Luo Ji said softly, "We haven't done this for a long time."

"I... let's go to the bedroom, not the living room. Maybe... maybe the nanny will come downstairs if she's thirsty... to drink water..."


 The value of Luo Ji's shares in Netflix, East West Bank, BYD, and Booking Holdings is based on the January 2010 valuations of these companies.

  (End of this chapter)

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