New York 2006

Chapter 330 Don’t meet someone too amazing in life

Chapter 330 Don’t meet someone too amazing in life

Wise men say, only fools rush in
  The wise say that only fools are addicted to love.

But I can't help, falling in love with you
  But falling in love with you is something I can't help.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin
  If this is a crime, should I stop there?

If I can't help, falling in love with you
  If I fall in love with you, I can't help myself.

At a resort hotel in the suburbs of Chicago, Luo Ji's cover of "Can't Help Falling In Love" was playing in the room. The singing was so loud that it spread outside.

Carl and Bonnie were saying goodbye to everyone, and they were about to leave for their honeymoon.

Luo Ji was very kind to Carl and covered all the expenses for their honeymoon. The place arranged is also very high-end. It is Grenada in the Caribbean. Many American celebrities go there when they relax.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of Calboni and the others, Luo Ji finally let go of his worries.

He stepped forward and hugged Karl, then said to him: "When you come back from your honeymoon, come and be a bodyguard for me temporarily. Three bodyguards are not enough now."

A smile immediately appeared on Carl's face: "Thank you, Logic."

Luo Ji then looked at Bonnie, stretched out his hand to shake her hand and said, "Happy wedding, enjoy your honeymoon."

"Yeah. I...we will." Bonnie responded excitedly.

This would end the unhappiness between him and Bonnie today.

Luo Ji didn't disturb them much and returned to Kristen to watch the others say goodbye to Karl.

Kristine didn’t know what was wrong, she was fine this morning, but since attending Karl’s wedding ceremony in the church, her whole person has become a little depressed.

Christine held Luo Ji's arm and rested her head on Luo Ji's shoulder.

She looked at the white flowers around her, listened to the music coming from the room, and the newlyweds in brightly dressed clothes, and said with envy: "It's so romantic."

Luo Ji nodded in agreement: "After all, I spent so much money, how can it not be romantic?"

Christine punched Luo Ji on the shoulder and said angrily, "You are so disappointing."

Luo Ji touched the painful shoulder, feeling a little confused.

The last time he attended Lily's wedding, he was beaten by Robin. Today I was beaten by Christine again.

Could it be that she is pregnant?
  Luo Ji thought about it carefully. They took safety measures when they were together. Kristen also drank today, so she should be fine.

Karl's voice interrupted Luo Ji's thoughts: "Everyone, keep having fun, let's go first."


Everyone applauded and sent the newlyweds off to their honeymoon. They watched the car disappear and everyone standing at the door walked towards the hotel.

Luo Ji looked at the somewhat angry Christine and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? You look a little unhappy today."

"I, I think..." Christine hesitated: "Forget it, I'm fine."

Women are so difficult to understand!
  Luo Ji didn't know what she was thinking, so he simply pulled her towards the lawn outside the hotel and said with a smile, "Don't you want to build a snowman? Come, I'll accompany you."

"Okay... okay." Kristen nodded.

Two 19-year-old men and women started playing outside the hotel. Although my hands and face were red from the cold, I still had a great time.

Other young people also saw this scene and joined in one after another. Even Fiona came. As the number of people increases, building a snowman soon becomes boring.

Bang! A snowball hit Luo Ji on the head.

Luo Ji took a look and saw Christine standing a few meters away, looking at him with a smirk on her face.

Luo Ji immediately picked up a snowball from the ground and threw it towards Christine. She was prepared in advance and turned sideways to hide.

A group of young people who were building a snowman saw this scene and joined in. The snowman building instantly turned into a melee.

Fiona, Christine, brother Chucky, and some unknown young people, Xueqiu all greeted Luo Ji.

"Lipp, Ian. Help!" Luo Ji quickly called for support: "And Chucky, I'm your brother, help me. Don't be deceived by Christine!"

As others joined Luo Ji's side, he felt much more relaxed. With his regular physical training, ordinary people are no match for him.

Luo Ji first planned to deal with Fiona. Although this woman had convinced him with her lies today. But it also made Luo Ji a little unhappy.

Luo Ji squeezed the "iron snowball" hard and aimed to hit her on the shoulder.

"Fxxk, Felix, are you serious?"

Fiona touched her painful shoulder and looked at her nephew angrily. Luo Ji answered her with action and continued to squeeze the "iron snowball."

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

Fiona, who was still very angry just now, quickly begged for mercy.

Luo Ji was unmoved by her begging for mercy and still squeezed the snowball in his hand. Fiona was frightened and ran directly into the hotel.

Luo Ji didn't chase after her, he just wanted to scare Fiona. Kristen next to her saw this scene with a happy smile on her face.

But soon, she stopped laughing. Because Luo Ji was holding the "iron snowball" that had become somewhat crystal clear, tossing it up and down in his hand, and looking at her with a smirk on his face.

  Kristen didn't hesitate, but there was no way she could outrun Luo Ji. Luo Ji caught up with him in an instant.

Christine quickly begged for mercy: "Honey, don't. You snowball will kill someone."

Luo Ji waved the "iron snowball" back and forth in front of her: "Do you know you're wrong? You're still joining forces with outsiders to bully me."

"I know I was wrong." Kristen said pitifully.

"Hmph, that's not bad."

Of course Luo Ji was just trying to scare her, how could he really hit her with this "stone". He threw the "iron snowball" aside.

When Kristen saw that the danger was over, she immediately stepped forward and hugged her boyfriend affectionately: "My dear, you are so kind."

Luo Ji looked at her and smiled evilly. He grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and was about to pour it into her neck. Kristen immediately ran away.

The two of them chased each other and had a great time.


A few minutes later, Luo Ji and Christine were lying on a patch of snow. Holding hands and watching the snowflakes falling slowly in the sky.

"Fili, why are you so nice to me?"

"Of course it's because I like you." Luo Ji said lovingly.

Kristine liked hearing this kind of love words very much, with a sweet look on her face: "My dear, you are so kind."

"That's not the case," Luo Ji said proudly.

Kristen was silent for a moment, looking up at the gloomy Chicago sky, and said, "It would be great if we could do this for the rest of our lives."

Luo Ji didn't answer, just looked at the sky.

The reason why he is so good to Kristen, besides liking her a little, is mainly because she has brought him so many benefits to Luo Ji Tianqi's "Twilight" series.

But there's no need to tell her.


new York.

Large swaths of snowflakes fell from the sky, covering the entire city with a white coat.

Max stood by the window of his apartment, looking at the snowy scene in New York in trance.

Her roommate, Caroline Channing, walked up to her and asked, "Max, what are you thinking about?"

Max came back to his senses: "I just thought of some things from the past."

Caroline asked: "Is it about Logic?"


The two of them have known each other for three years and are considered very close friends. Max also gradually accepted this friend and would tell her some things that were in his heart.

Caroline looked at her friend who had been losing weight recently with distress, and said, "Do you still like him?"

Max opened up: "I don't know, I just often think of some of the things that happened between him and me. In fact, Logic and I have known each other for a long time, when he was not famous yet, and he was pretending to be older..."     Caroline Halfway through listening, a surprised expression appeared on his face: "So, you went to Logic when you were 16?"

Max said sheepishly: "Yes, after I found out his age, I kicked him out of the room in the middle of the night. You don't know how embarrassed he was at that time."

Caroline laughed: "Hahaha, Max, when you get old, you can brag about this to others."

Max also laughed: "Hahaha, that was indeed a very wonderful experience."

Caroline asked curiously: "What happened next?"

"Then the two of us just became friends. I would often go to his street performances and bring him some cupcakes."

Max continued: "To be honest, I was really attracted to him at that time. Not only was he handsome, he was also very talented. He also performed a love song to me in public at that time. I really felt it at that time. He was really He liked me. I had already made up my mind at that time, regardless of age, and was willing to be with him, and I even hinted at him."

Caroline wondered: "Then why aren't you together?"

"He was a bit slow and didn't understand my hint."

"Is it because he is slow?"

"It's not just because of this."

Max sighed and said: "It also has something to do with his career. I have known Logic for a long time and discovered one of his characteristics. That is that when he focuses on his career, he ignores everything around him. At that time, he was focused on his career and didn't care. Some details around me.”

"and after?"

Max said: "You should know what happened next. He became famous, and then went to the United States to promote it. He met Britney, Taylor, Kristen. That playboy!"

Caroline nodded in agreement: "He is indeed a playboy."

"Oh." Max sighed deeply.

Caroline continued to ask: "So do you still like him now?"

"do not know."

Max slowly narrated: "I have lived for so long and met many people. For the first time, I felt loved and protected by someone. Logic is actually very kind at heart, and he is also very good at talking about love. Maybe He is an artist, he is very good at expressing his emotions. When I get along with him, I can really feel his love for me. That feeling cannot be faked. It’s just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I'm not his only one. He loves many people." Max then cursed: "That playboy!"

"So, what are you struggling with?"

Max said slowly: "Obviously it was me first, but now he is surrounded by that woman."

Caroline scolded: "You damn self-esteem, you shouldn't have broken up with Logic in the first place. Whatever you like, you should fight for it instead of letting go. Look at Kristine, that Bitchi, who was with you back then." She broke up with Logic. In the end, she got back together with Logic. She must be trying to numb you, that scheming girl."

Max shook his head: "My personality doesn't allow me to do this."

"Then let go and move forward." Caroline encouraged: "You will definitely encounter something better."

"No one could treat me better than him."

Max said with disappointment: "Actually, love is something that can hardly be downgraded. That is, once you have experienced good love, it will be difficult for you to accept ordinary feelings."

Caroline advised: "If you haven't tried it, how do you know you won't meet someone better than him?"

Max shook his head and said regretfully: "No one is more amazing than him. I watched him grow from an ordinary person to this point with my own eyes, but now, he does not belong to me."



During the Christmas holiday, Psaki did not return to New York to reunite with her family. Instead, she invited her family to come to Washington for the holiday.

Today, she took her parents and two younger sisters to visit her lobbying company. The family returned to their Washington mansion.

The nanny immediately came over and cleaned the snowflakes off the family.

Psaki's two sisters have been living here for many days, but they are still very excited.

"Sister, your house is so big. It feels like a noble manor."

Psaki smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not that exaggerated. This is Washington, and housing prices are not as expensive as in New York. Even though it's big here, it's actually not expensive."

"Okay." The two sisters sat down on the sofa and enjoyed the hot coffee made by the nanny.

Psaki's parents are relatively wealthy and middle-class. But it is still far from the wealthy class.

The parents looked at the mansion and the nanny, and couldn't help but feel worried.

Psaki's father winked at his wife, Eileen, who understood. Pulled Psaki to the bedroom.

Erin tried to slow down her tone and said, "Jen, you said you wanted to introduce your boyfriend to me before, but why have you heard nothing from me again? By the way, you haven't told us yet, who is your boyfriend?"

Psaki hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "Don't ask, just know that I'm living a good life now."

Mother Eileen hurriedly said: "How can we not be worried? Your mansion costs at least more than five million, and you also have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, the luxury car you drive, and the nanny you hired. How much money does this cost! Don’t do anything wrong.”

Psaki shook his head: "Don't worry, my company earned this."

Mother Eileen looked serious: "Do you think I don't know anything? A lobbying company that has been established for a few years can earn so much. And you are not the company's major shareholder, so don't think that I can't check the information."


"Jen, tell me if your boyfriend gave this to you. You are already so old, you can decide your own life. As long as your boyfriend is not very old, we will not object. We I just want to know how you are doing now. I am your mother and I am worried about you."

Things seemed to be unfolding in a strange direction, and Psaki didn't know how to respond.

Mother Eileen saw her daughter's expression and said with surprise: "Is your boyfriend very old? Forty, fifty, sixty, it can't be seventy!"

Psaki's mouth fell open in surprise.

Mother Eileen hurriedly said: "Jane, you must not do anything wrong. Although our family is not rich, we have no problem maintaining a decent life. If you find someone so old..."

Psaki couldn't listen anymore and quickly interrupted: "It's not what you think. My boyfriend is very young."

Mother Eileen quickly asked: "How old?"

Psaki was a little embarrassed to say it. He hesitated for a long time before saying: "Ten...nineteen years old."

"You said nineteen?"


Mother Erin swallowed in surprise and took a long time to digest the news. She asked tentatively: "Nineteen years old? Is he the second generation of rich people?"

Psaki is also very confused about her current love life. During this period, her boyfriend will call her when he has time.

Said that he and Kristen were just hype, said how much he liked himself, and said that the person he loved most was himself.

But the photo of the passionate kiss couldn't be faked. My little boyfriend was just a playboy. Maybe there is a woman she doesn't know about, and his ex-wife Robin is very suspicious.

This kind of relationship is abnormal, but Psaki really can't bear to leave him.

My little boyfriend is really great, and he has a sweet mouth and a body full of energy. Being with him makes me feel several years younger.

Psaki looked at her mother's worried eyes, and she had also been very irritable recently. She was full of entanglements about this relationship and wanted to find someone to talk to. So he spoke.

"He's Logic." Psaki said, feeling relieved.

"Logic?" Eileen said, "Doesn't he have a girlfriend? I've seen it in the media, it seems to be a girl of the same age as her."

Psaki simply recounted the relationship between the two: "He and I have been together for a year... Some time ago, the two of us were planning to have a child..."

After her mother Eileen listened to her daughter's story, she said with a serious face: "Logic doesn't plan to marry you, and wants to have children with you. You actually agreed!"

Psaki cried when she heard this: "Yes, he was fine at the time. I thought he just didn't want to get married. Who would have thought that he had other girlfriends. He was just a playboy. Woo woo woo."

Mother Eileen said firmly: "Then break up. You are only thirty years old now. It's not too late to find someone who loves you."

Psaki became even sadder when he heard this: ", you have forgotten my birthday, I...I am already 31 years old. You didn't come to see me for my birthday this month. Only Logic remembers it," he said. My birthday."

Mother Eileen was suddenly embarrassed. After her eldest daughter graduated from college and started working, she really paid little attention to these things.

Psaki now just wants to cry out her recent grievances: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I...I love him so much...but he did this to me. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

(End of this chapter)

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