New York 2006

Chapter 329 The future of relatives

Chapter 329 The future of relatives
  On December 2009, 12, I got up at 26 a.m. in Chicago. It was sunny yesterday, but now the entire city was covered in heavy snow. A piece of silver-covered, turned into a white world.

Luo Ji was wearing a black suit and a gray British windbreaker. Kristen was wearing a purple evening gown and a red trench coat.

The two held hands and arrived outside the Hyatt Hotel.

"Logic, Christine, could you please do an interview?"

"Logic, Christine. Look this way."

The surrounding reporters wanted to come forward for an interview, but were blocked by the hotel's security and their own bodyguards.

a little cold.

Luo Ji sent his girlfriend to the car first. I also wanted to follow him up, but I thought that it would be difficult for these reporters in this cold weather, so I motioned to the bodyguards and then walked up to these reporters.

"If you have anything you want to ask, please tell me quickly. It's very cold, so you should go back and rest after the interview."

These reporters were somewhat flattered by the sudden concern of the big star and rich man. But business is more important, a TMZ reporter hurriedly said.

"Logic, what are you and Kristen doing in Chicago?"

"Attending my relative's wedding."

"Then when do you plan to marry Christine?"

"Uh..." If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have been soft-hearted and would have come to be interviewed. Luo Ji organized his words: "We are still young and have not considered this matter yet."

The reporter from TMZ did not pursue the issue and continued to ask: "Logic, recently some media said that you are the king of pop in the new era. The media is now in a quarrel. What do you think of this matter?"

"The new king of pop?"

Luo Ji spread his hands and said with a smile: "I think this title sounds nice. It would be great if it could be placed on my head. However, after all, this title is for the public to evaluate, and I don't think so myself. Use it. Just like when I say that I am the president of the United States, no one recognizes me!"

Hahahaha, everyone around laughed.

A CNN reporter said: "Logic, you just said president? Have you ever had the idea of ​​running for president?"

"Of course it has, and more than once."

Luo Ji said with regret on his face: "If I had not embarked on the path of music, I might have become a popular politician now. After all, no matter what I do, I can be the best in the industry."

Hahahaha, everyone laughed again.

Luo Ji was interviewed for a few more minutes. When he saw that the time was almost up, he pointed to a white male reporter next to him.

"It's just you, last question. I have to go to the wedding."

The reporter said: "Logic, I am a reporter from Forbes. May I ask about the valuation of Holi Game's Series C financing of 40 billion US dollars. Do you think this valuation is high?"

"Not at all!"

Luo Ji looked at him and said seriously: "Mobile games and social games are experiencing a huge explosion in the industry. This is a rapidly expanding industry. Now that you see my company's valuation of 40 billion, you think it's too high, but I want to say one thing. It’s not high either. Maybe after a while, my company’s valuation will reach 60 billion, 80 billion or even 100 billion is possible. This is the speed of the Internet, which is different from traditional industries.”

"Then, how much share do you personally hold in Holi Game Company?"

Luo Ji realized that this was what he wanted to ask.

Luo Ji looked at the Forbes logo on his chest, thought for a moment and said, "I own 46%."

The reporter from Forbes on the opposite side reiterated: "46%? Did I hear that right?"

"Yes." Luo Ji then said to everyone, "Okay, the interview is over. The weather is very cold, everyone should go back and rest."


Luo Ji and Christine took the car all the way to a resort hotel on the outskirts of Chicago. This place has been booked today as the venue for Carl and Bonnie's wedding.

"It's snowing again," Christine said.

Luo Ji stretched out his hand to let the snowflakes fall on his palm, but they were instantly melted by his body temperature: "It's not snowing heavily, it's okay."

Kristen said with great interest: "What do you think we can build a snowman here after the wedding? I have been living in Los Angeles since I was a child, and I have never seen it snow with my own eyes."

"Okay." Luo Ji reluctantly agreed. He had a very bad impression of Winter. When I was a kid living in an RV campground, it was freezing cold in the winter.

"That's so kind of you." Kristen said with a smile on her face.

Luo Ji hugged her and walked towards the door of the hotel: "Hurry in, it's very cold outside."

The two entered the hotel. Sammy and Queenie were sitting at the table dressed as ladies, chatting with Bonnie's mother. The three of them seemed to get along just fine.

Luo Ji frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, hiding it well. To be honest, he was very dissatisfied with Carl's fiancée Bonnie's family.

Bonnie's family is the same as Fiona and Carl's family before. They are all white families living at the bottom.

In the United States, there is a word specifically used to describe this kind of family: white trash.

There is a word that can describe Bonnie's family more clearly, trailer trash. Her family is the same as Luo Ji's early life.

Bonnie's father was imprisoned for committing crimes in his early years.

Then her mother, who like Sammy didn't like working, lived in a trailer with several children. Her mother's private life is very chaotic, and she now has eight children.

Although Luo Ji was dissatisfied with Bonnie's family environment, who liked Carl? Bonnie was Carl's first kiss, first love, and first love is always special.

These days, Luo Ji finally understood the love story between Carl and Bonnie.

When Carl was about ten years old, he met Bonnie when he got into trouble at school and was detained. The two became boyfriend and girlfriend and did many extraordinary things.

The two were together for half a year, and then Bonnie's mother moved away to join her mother in the country. They separated without leaving any contact information.

Who would have thought that last summer, the two would get back in touch through Facebook, a social platform, and through the push mechanism of their relationship network.

Reunite, have beautiful memories, fall in love online again, and show up.

Then things got out of hand, and within a year and a half, the two 16-year-old boy and girl got married.

"Feli, Christine, come here." Queenie waved to the two of them.

Luo Ji walked over with his girlfriend and said hello to several people. Then he asked with some curiosity: "Where's Chucky? Didn't he come here early with you today?"

Bonnie's mother hurriedly said, looking very reserved: "He is playing with some of my children."

Luo Ji was a little worried that his brother would not be led astray by them. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. The contact between the few of them was only for the past few days. After the wedding, they should rarely see each other.

Moreover, today is Karl’s wedding, so we still have to give the woman some face.

Luo Ji nodded: "Where is Karl now?"

Sammy said: "On the third floor."

"Then I'll go talk to him and see if there's anything I need help with."


Kristen next to her also said: "Fiona, Bonnie, Debbie, are they on the second floor? I'll go find them too."


Luo Ji and Christine walked upstairs, and Sammy, Queenie, and Bonnie's mother started chatting again.

Sami said to Bonnie's mother: "I envy you. Your child is about to get married. I don't know when Fili and Chucky will get married."

Before Bonnie's mother could say anything, Queenie who was standing next to her saw that Sammy was a little unhappy: "You should stop meddling in the child's affairs. Fili is much more reliable than you. He decides his own affairs, so don't interfere casually."

Sammy immediately retorted: "I am Fili's mother, why can't I get involved?"

"You forced Fili and Robin to get married last time. Did it have a good result?" Queenie continued: "Fili once talked to me privately and said that he is now afraid of marriage."

Sami looked in disbelief: "Really? Why didn't he tell me about this?"

Queenie raised her chin: "When Philip was just starting his career, I was always with him to take care of him, but you were in Chicago taking care of your father Frank who had not recognized you for decades. Tell me who he is related to. .”

Sammy glared at his mother Queenie: "You...I won't tell you anymore. I'll go up and see Fiona and the others."

third floor.

Luo Ji walked into the room and saw Karl standing in front of the mirror. Lip, Ian is cleaning up his image.

Luo Ji first looked at Lip and said seriously, "How is your drinking problem?"

Lip was a little afraid of Luo Ji and hurriedly said, "It's under control."

Luo Ji nodded: "You should be more careful in the future and don't follow in Frank's footsteps."

"I will not."

Lip quickly promised, and then he said with a smile: "Logic, I will graduate next year. I wonder if you can arrange a job for me."

Apart from Carl and Fiona, Luo Ji didn't want to bring other relatives to his side or interfere with his career.

Luo Ji had already made arrangements for these relatives and would provide funds for them to graduate from college safely.

At major turning points in life, such as graduating from college and getting married for the first time, a reward of [-] yuan will be given. After adulthood, the family trust fund will give them [-] yuan in living expenses every month.

As for going further, they have to rely on themselves. Find a job by yourself, start a business by yourself. The start-up capital of US$[-] after college graduation was enough for them to start a business.

If you don’t want to find a job or start a business, you just want to eat and die. Then arrange to contribute to a charity fund and receive an extra salary every month.

The monthly income of about [-] yuan is enough to maintain a decent life for their ultra-high middle class.

Luo Ji looked at Lip and said, and at the same time he said to Ian next to him: "I believe Fiona has told you that the only jobs I can offer you here are jobs in charity foundations. Lip, you If you are willing to come, I can let you join the charity fund’s Chicago department.”

Lip was a little disappointed: "Let me think about it again."

Luo Ji looked at him and said, "You will graduate from college next year and you will get a sum of funds. If you want to start a business, open a store or something, you can ask Fiona for consultation."

"Okay." Lip nodded.

Luo Ji then looked at Ian, the gay among the relatives: "Do you have any plans to go to college? If you have this idea now, I can ask Fiona to help you make arrangements."

"No, I'm doing well in the Gay Anti-Defamation League," Ian said.

"Okay. It's up to you to decide your life." Luo Ji actually admired him quite a bit, and he wouldn't be tempted even if he had a sword worth five hundred thousand meters.

However, he can receive [-] yuan a month from the family trust, so he should live a comfortable life. Young people could understand, and it was not convenient for Luo Ji to control them.

Ian looked at Luo Ji and hesitated before saying, "Logic, the president of our Gay Anti-Defamation Alliance wants to meet with you. I wonder if you have time."

Luo Ji asked, "Is it about donating money?"

Ian thought for a moment and said, "It's most likely, but he didn't say it."

"Just say I'm not free and refuse it for me."

Luo Ji then looked at him and said seriously: "Ian, I don't reject your group. But I am a celebrity and it is not convenient for me to express my political attitude. Can you understand?"

Ian nodded: "I can understand."

Luo Ji finished chatting with the two of them, and then looked at Karl next to him. He was a little naughty boy a few years ago, but now he looked trustworthy in suits and ties.

Perhaps because he has been living in a military academy for the past few years, Karl stands very straight, his eyes are firm and bright, and he speaks very loudly.

Luo Ji took the initiative to give him a hug and said with a smile, "Karl, how do you feel about getting married?"

Karl said honestly: "I'm a little nervous. Feili, did you feel this way when you got married for the first time?"

Luo Ji nodded: "A little bit, after all, it's the first time."

Karl then looked at Luo Ji with some anxiety: "Logic, I want to tell you something, but don't be angry, okay?"

Luo Ji nodded: "Go ahead."

"I don't want to go to college anymore." Carl continued: "When I get to the military academy, I won't be able to see Bonnie for a long time, and I'll be there for four years. I'm afraid it will affect my marriage."

Luo Ji glared at him: "Didn't you say that the military academy is your dream?"

Karl shook his head: "I just want to manage my marriage well now. My parents are unreliable, and I don't want to follow in their footsteps."

"Did you tell Fiona?"

"I told you, she agreed." Karl then whispered: "It's just that she asked me to tell you myself."

Luo Ji valued his Karl very highly and had been cultivating him carefully. Who would have thought that he would be this choice and be fascinated by Wenrouxiang.

Seeing that Luo Ji was angry and silent, Karl asked, "Logic, what do you think?"

"You are only 16 years old now, which is still too young. You will regret it in the future."

Karl shook his head: "Logic, this is my own choice."

"Let me think about it." After Luo Ji said this, he walked out of the room without looking back.


Luo Ji went all the way to the second floor, searched around and found the bride Bonnie's room.

He walked in. Inside the room, the bride Bonnie was putting on makeup. Fiona, Kristen, and Debbie were helping her clean up, and Sammy came up at some point.

When Debbie saw Luo Ji, she timidly stepped forward to say hello. Luo Ji took one look at her big belly, glared at her and said nothing.

Kristine immediately came up to smooth things over, protecting Debbie behind her: "Honey, why are you here."

"I'll come and see you."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he glanced at Karl's bride, Bonnie. Luo Ji had seen photos of her when she was a child. They were very cute. But when she grew up, her whole body became fatter, especially her face. She was not beautiful at all.

I don’t know how, but she was able to charm Karl so much that he gave up on going to military school.

Bonnie, the bride, stepped forward enthusiastically and stretched out her hand to say hello: "Logic, hello. Thank you for everything you have done for me and Carl."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded coldly and did not hold her hand.

Bonnie was a little embarrassed and put his hands in the air at a loss.

Luo Ji ignored her and looked at Fiona: "Come out with me for a moment."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he walked out of the room. Fiona said to Bonnie, "It's probably Carl who told him about not going to college. He values ​​Carl very much. Don't think too much about it."

"Yes, don't think too much." Sammy also stepped forward to comfort Bonnie.

Bonnie nodded: "Yeah, I understand."


Luo Ji took Fiona directly outside to be baptized by the cold Chicago wind.

Luo Ji said unhappily: "Fiona, after being blown by the cold wind, will you wake up a little? What on earth are you thinking? You didn't stop Carl from going to college!"

Fiona said: "Karl is a bit stupid, he is good like this."

Luo Ji looked at her angrily: "Have you been brainwashed by Bonnie? Carl is going to the military academy, and he might be able to achieve great things in the future."

Fiona looked at Luo Ji seriously: "Feili, not everyone is as smart and mature as you. Not everyone can make a career. There is nothing wrong with living an ordinary life."

Luo Ji couldn't say anything to refute. It was as if he was meeting his aunt for the first time: "So, this is also what you expect from Lip, Carl, and Debbie."

Fiona nodded: "Yes, they are all ordinary people. I don't hope they will achieve much. I just hope they can live their lives safely according to their own wishes."

Luo Ji looked at her doubtfully: "But this is not you. You were not like this before. You want to succeed, and you also want the people around you to succeed."

Fiona stepped forward and hugged her nephew, with a big smile on her face: "My dear, isn't it you?"

(End of this chapter)

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