New York 2006

Chapter 288 You really understand me

Chapter 288 You really understand me
At seven o'clock in the morning, Luo Ji felt his mouth was dry while he was sleeping.My hands were rummaging around looking for a glass of water to quench my thirst, but I couldn't find it.

After touching it, Luo Ji opened his eyes in a daze.

What caught his eyes was the big bed in his room, and Adele was lying on her side beside him, staring at him with her big eyes.

Adele became a little flustered when she saw Luo Ji waking up, and hurriedly said: "Logic, you're awake!"

Luo Ji looked around for a moment, then naturally took his hand back.

At this time, he was still a little confused and had a headache, as if he was suffering from the sequelae of alcoholism: "Last night..."

Adele was a little embarrassed and said: "I'm really sorry for last night. I was impulsive. I don't blame you."

Luo Ji was very thirsty now and his brain was a little sluggish. He sat up and looked at Adele next to him: "Are you thirsty? I'll get two glasses of water."

"A bit." Adele nodded.

Luo Ji got out of bed, walked naked to the water dispenser, poured a glass of it and drank it.Then he poured two more glasses, took them to the bed and sat down.

"Give you."

"Thank you!"

Luo Ji was drinking water blankly. Seeing this scene, Adele could only lower her head and drink water to relieve her embarrassment.

As his body took in water and the sluggishness after drinking alcohol disappeared, Luo Ji felt alive again, and his IQ reached a high point.

He gradually recalled what happened last night.After Adele cried in Luo Ji's arms last night, Luo Ji drank a lot of wine with her, but she was still in great pain.

Adele was drunk and impulsive, so Luo Ji became the target of her healing.

Luo Ji looked at her and said, "Are you feeling better now?"

Adele was a little embarrassed: "Uh..."

Luo Ji stared into her big eyes: "If you still feel a little sad, I'm okay with that."

Adele was stunned by these words, and the water in her mouth almost spat out: "Cough cough... cough, no, no need."

"Hahahaha, just kidding you."

Luo Ji grinned and patted her shoulder: "My friend, get up quickly. Maybe my assistant will bring breakfast later."

Adele was so amused by this boy that she couldn't laugh or cry. She became more natural and handed the water glass in her hand to Luo Ji: "You turn around first, I want to get dressed."

Luo Ji said, "It's not like I didn't watch it last night."

Adele was a little speechless: "How come I didn't realize you were such a rogue before!"

"Hahaha." Luo Ji grinned at her, then stood up and walked to the bathroom: "You get dressed, I'll take a shower first."

Adele looked at Luo Ji's leaving figure and scratched her hair in annoyance before getting up and getting dressed.

10 minute later.

Luo Ji came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel and saw Adele standing in front of the bathroom mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles on her evening dress. One of the areas of the evening dress was torn.

Luo Ji quickly said, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention last night!"

Adele was a little crazy: "Can you please stop mentioning what happened last night? It's so embarrassing."

"Okay, okay, don't mention it, don't mention it." Luo Ji said without any sincerity. He really wanted to laugh, because he had become someone else's tool for healing.

Seeing that her clothes were almost finished, Adele said, "You go ahead and do your work, I'm leaving!"

Luo Ji teased her: "Are you using me up and throwing me away like this?"

"You..." Adele stared at him with wide eyes, but Luo Ji was unmoved. She said helplessly: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving."

Luo Ji immediately became serious: "Wait a moment, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

"Last night, I was inspired by you and wanted to write a song for you. I wonder if you are free this afternoon. Maybe we can write it together."

Adele instantly thought of the legend about Logic in the music circle, saying that he was an inspirational singer-songwriter, and sometimes he would be inspired when he met some people.Although most of the time he writes songs for himself to sing, but sometimes he also writes songs for others.

These songs, without exception, are all masterpieces and can be popular all over the world.

Adele was extremely shocked that such a thing had happened to her. She said with some uncertainty: "Really?"

"Of course." Luo Ji said seriously: "You find a recording studio with a piano. After I finish recording the BBC movie promotion program in the morning, I will come find you in the afternoon."


Three in the afternoon.

Two bodyguards drove Luo Ji to Kensington Street in London, where most of the British record companies gathered.XL Records, where Adele is signed, is also located here.

Luo Ji stepped out of the car and was immediately surrounded by British paparazzi following behind him: "Logic, what are you doing here today?"

Luo Ji replied, "I came here to exchange music with Adele. We had ideas at the party last night and we plan to write a song together."

The reporter immediately exploded, and the shutter kept clicking.Adele also came out to greet her at this time.

A reporter shouted: "Logic, Adele, can you stand together while I take some photos?"

Adele felt a little frightened when she saw so many reporters, but Luo Ji didn't panic at all.

He pulled Adele to his side, put his arm around her shoulders and said to reporters: "OK"

A group of reporters took photos and asked: "Logic, how did you and Adele meet?"

Luo Ji: "We met at the Grammy Awards."

"Logic, do you like Adele's music?"

Luo Ji: "I like it very much. Her music can directly touch the soul."

"Logic, what do you think of Adele?"

Luo Ji: "I think she is the best soul singer of the new generation."

He blew Adele's rainbow fart in front of reporters for a while, and then followed Adele towards the record company where she was signed.

The recognition from a world superstar frightened the new British singer. Adele quickly said: "Thank you Logic for praising me in front of the media."

Luo Ji smiled: "Aren't we friends?"

Adele relaxed a lot: "Of course! You are my friend."

As soon as I walked into the record company, all the employees looked at me like they were a legend.But no one came up to say hello or ask for a photo.

Luo Ji followed Adele inside and asked in confusion, "What's going on?"

Adele said with a smile: "I told the company this morning that you would come today and compose songs for me. The president of the company told everyone not to disturb you when you come."

"Yeah!" Luo Ji nodded.He understood very well that since the release of his second album, he had become a legend in the music circle, and countless people wanted Luo Ji to compose songs for them.

He and Adele walked into the recording studio, and a polite white man immediately stepped forward and said, "Logic, do you need anything else?"

Luo Ji scanned around and found recording equipment, common musical instruments, pens and papers. "No more. I'll contact you if you need anything. You can go out first."

"Okay." The white man smiled at Luo Ji, then bent down and walked out of the recording studio and closed the door.

Luo Ji looked at Adele: "Who is he?"

Adele said: "The CEO of our company."

His posture is quite low, and he doesn't look like a company president at all.

Luo Ji didn't hesitate. Business was more important. He said, "Then let's get started."


Luo Ji had checked it using comparison software this morning and found that the song Someone Like You had never been released.But I don’t know if Adele has started writing.

So Luo Ji sat down directly in front of the piano, played the intro to Someone Like You, then looked at Adele and asked tentatively, "What do you think?"

There was nothing unusual about Adele: "Is this the inspiration you had last night? It feels very sad." Luo Ji didn't have any scruples and said directly: "I want to tell such a female story in the song. That person is assumed to be You. One day in the future, the man you love deeply is going to get married, and you come uninvited..."

After hearing this, Adele's good mood suddenly disappeared, and she became a little disappointed: "So, is your inspiration from the story of me and my ex-boyfriend?"

Luo Ji retorted directly: "No, this feeling of not being able to love and being unable to let go is a common emotion among human beings. I also feel it occasionally."

"Okay." Adele cheered up: "Then let's get started!"

Luo Ji nodded calmly, and then slowly narrated: "For this song, I plan to highlight the characteristics of your voice, so I plan to create a very simple accompaniment, just the sound of the piano..."

It has a finished song of Tianqi, so during the creation process, Luo Ji basically guided the whole process, and then allowed Adele to have a slight sense of participation.

Three hours later, the two had a half-finished song.

Adele pointed to a lyric and said: "I think it's better to use the word shy instead of embarrassed. This can highlight the evasiveness behind it."

"We are all old friends, why are you still so shy? Why are you still so embarrassed?" Luo Ji pretended and hummed a few lines.Then he said seriously: "Indeed, shy is a better word for this word."

Adele looked at the music score in her hand and then said: "I think there is something wrong here. You can change the request into a plea. This will make it more obvious that you can't forget him."

"Indeed." Luo Ji said immediately, "Then I'll play the music on the piano and you can sing along to see if there's anything wrong with it."

"it is good."

Luo Ji played the piano, and Adele's voice also sounded: "Don't forget me, I beg you. I remember you said, sometimes..."

After singing a short section, Luo Ji stopped playing and then looked at Adele in admiration.

To be honest, this song was made just for her. In just a few moments, she sang the emotion perfectly, with almost no difference from the original version.

Luo Ji couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. The singer in front of him was the one who stood at the top of the music industry, and was inferior to her, Luo Ji.

Adele looked over: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm a little tired. Let's replenish some food and start creating again later!"



This song is really touching and the lyrics are a sad story.During the creation, the two of them were also infected by this emotion and became very depressed.

The two replenished their food and continued to create.

Unknowingly, it had been six hours since I arrived at the recording studio, and it was now nine o'clock in the evening.

There were not many people left at XL Records. In the recording studio, Luo Ji and Adele looked at the finished product in their hands and were all a little exhausted.

Luo Ji forced a smile and said, "Let's record a complete demo and end it. I think the song is already perfect."

"Yeah." Adele didn't refute, then sat down and walked to the side to start brewing her emotions.

Luo Ji turned on the recording equipment and started to do the radio work.

He then sat down in front of the piano and looked at Adele. Adele took a deep breath and nodded to Luo Ji.

The prelude of the piano sounded, and 13 seconds later, Adele's voice also sounded: "I heard that your heart belongs to you, you have found the right girl, and you are about to enter the marriage hall. I heard that your dream has come true, and it looks like me In comparison, she is your perfect score. They are all old friends..."

Luo Ji showed his professionalism, lowered his head, and concentrated on playing the piano, cooperating with Adele.

"Summer sprouts in the mist, and the young years are full of glory and surprise. I don't want to come uninvited to your wedding, but I can't forget..."

"I hope you can see my face and remember that it's not over for me."

"I remember you said that sometimes love can last forever, but sometimes love hurts so much."

As the final piano sound ended, the entire recording studio fell silent.Luo Ji raised his head to look at Adele and found that she was wiping tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands.

Luo Ji said, "Are you okay?"

Adele wiped it and said: "It's okay, it's okay."

Luo Ji felt that her condition was much better than yesterday, and she was not as sad as yesterday, so he said, "Okay, take it easy for a while. I will take you back later."


Luo Ji walked to the computer in the recording studio and started saving the demo he had just created.

Adele looked at Busy Luo Ji with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but start to be in a trance, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.


After finishing everything in 10 minutes, Luo Ji looked at the woman opposite who was staring blankly at him: "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

Adele reacted and said quickly: "I live in the villa area of ​​Kensington."

The two walked out of XL Records. It was already dark and the moon could not be seen. Only the street lamp next to them gave off a dim light.

Luo Ji's bodyguard also drove over at this time. The two sat in the back seat and chatted for 10 minutes before arriving at the villa area where Adele lived.

Luo Ji got out of the car in person and stood under the street lamp to say goodbye to her: "Bye."

Adele looked at Luo Ji with complicated eyes: "Thank you, logic."

"You're welcome." Luo Ji smiled at her and said, "Good night."

"Good night." Adele also smiled at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji said, "I'll watch you go in before leaving."


Adele walked towards the villa, but she turned back halfway.He ran over and gave Luo Ji a big hug. Then he looked at him and said, "I like the song Someone Like You very much."

Luo Ji replied: "We created this together."

Adele said sincerely: "You really understand me and write directly from my heart. I feel like we have known each other for many years."

Luo Ji said in a calm tone: "Maybe this is the sympathy of artists."

Adele then took Luo Ji's hand and mustered up the courage to speak: "Do you want to come in and sit down?"

Luo Ji immediately laughed: "Do you still want emotional healing? If you want, I won't refuse."

Adele first rolled her eyes at Luo Ji, and then looked at him seriously, with anxiety in her eyes.

Luo Ji patted her shoulder to comfort her, and then looked into her eyes: "You are not in the right state right now. You cannot face your heart. What you need now is not me, but a good rest."

Adele was silent for a moment, then let go of her hand: "Yeah."

"Bye! Adele."

Adele walked towards the villa.When she reached the door, she looked back.

On the street, the boy who was two years older than her stood under the dim streetlight, grinning at her.

This smile was so warm that it couldn't help but affect her, and a smile appeared on Adele's face.

When the boy opposite saw this scene, he waved to her and mouthed good night, and she quickly responded with her mouthed words.

Soon, Luo Ji's car disappeared into the night.

It’s very quiet on a June night in London!

The big house was empty with only Adele living there.

She felt a little lonely and sat on the sofa, quietly recalling the past. She thought she would recall her ex-boyfriend, but his memory began to blur.

As she was thinking wildly, some pictures flashed through her mind from time to time.

Finally, what appeared in her mind was Luo Ji, who was standing under the dim street lights on the street just now, smiling warmly at her.

This picture was very nice and heartwarming, and it made her heart skip a beat.

dong dong dong!dong dong dong!
Adele stood up immediately, walked towards the bedroom, and said in a panic: "Stop thinking about it, sleep, sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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