New York 2006

Chapter 287 Someone Like You

Chapter 287 Someone Like You
Luo Ji looked at the time. It was already two o'clock in the morning. He planned to walk around the party again to see if there was anyone he hadn't taken care of today. If not, he would go back to his room to rest.

The party was held in the hotel banquet hall where the film promotion team lived, so it was very convenient to go back.

After wandering around for a while, Luo Ji discovered that Fiona had disappeared. He vaguely remembered that Fiona seemed to have hooked up with a British musician.Blake also disappeared, no doubt going to the room with the girl he just met.

Saoirse Ronan, who came to the UK to promote, stayed at the party until ten o'clock, and then was taken out of the party by her mother.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Stephenie Meyer, the author of "The Twilight Saga", did not leave. She was sitting not far away, chatting with BBC news reporter Natasha Kaplinsky.

Luo Ji was relatively familiar with Natasha Kaplinsky. When he came to the UK before, Luo Ji discussed European new energy policy issues with her.

He didn't chat with her today, so Luo Ji walked up and sat next to the two of them and joined in the discussion: "What are you two talking about?"

Stephanie said with some interest: "Let's talk about Mormonism."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Is it the polygamy religion?"

Stephanie immediately grimaced, and Kaplinsky quickly winked at Luo Ji.

Only then did Luo Ji notice the change in Stephanie. This beautiful young woman had always had a good attitude and had never seen her angry. Why was she glaring at him now?

"What's wrong?" Luo Ji asked confused.

Stephanie said emotionally: "Mormon polygamy was more than 100 years ago. If you don't know, don't talk nonsense."

"It's wrong to say it wrong. Are you so excited?" Luo Ji was a little confused.

Kaplinsky interjected: "Stephanie is a Mormon."

"Okay, my fault." Luo Ji apologized immediately. It involved personal beliefs. Some people are very religious.Luo Ji had met some Americans before, and they really believed in God, angels, prophets and the like.

Stephanie's attitude improved a lot: "I forgive you."

Luo Ji then asked, "But is it true that the Mormons are not polygamists? I think that's what the media says. It seems that in 2006, the FBI even included a Mormon leader in the "Ten "Most Wanted".

Stephanie explained: "They are not orthodox and have been kicked out by the Mormon Church. The formal Mormon Church abolished polygamy as early as 1890. The government also prohibits polygamy, so those people will be wanted."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded.

Stephanie then rambled on: "Logic, Mormonism is the Church of Latter-day Saints. In 1820, Joseph Smith was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He was authorized to preach on earth and became an apostle, belonging to the prophet……"

Luo Ji didn't want to hear it, but he didn't interrupt out of politeness.But as he listened, he also realized that wasn't Mormonism just like other sects?

Global monotheism can roughly be explained as follows: There is an omniscient and omnipotent God in the universe, and there is only one God, who is the ultimate existence.

Each religion has different names.Such as God, Allah, Yahweh, etc.

One day in history, the Ultimate Being came down from above, selected a man, and then issued to him a book that served as a guideline for mankind.Then let this person spread the book to humanity.

And the chosen person is the prophet, or the Trinity or something like that.

In short, the version has been updated. The famous religions in the world should be sorted like this in chronological order.

Believe in the Tanakh as delivered by Moses, and that is Judaism.

Believe in the Bible as conveyed by Jesus, that is Christianity.

Believing in the Torah conveyed by Muhammad is Islam.

As for the Mormon religion that the beautiful young woman in front of me believes in, the prophet is Joseph Smith, and the "Book of Mormon" he conveyed is the "ultimate existence" conveyed to mankind.Those who believe in this book are Mormons.

Although Hinduism has three gods, it also believes in an ultimate existence.Their most famous thing is the caste system.This seems very outrageous at first glance, but they also have their own strict logic, otherwise so many people would not believe it.

Luo Ji's mind began to wander, and various ideas emerged.

After looking around the world several times, it seems that only the Chinese cultural circle denies the concept of ultimate existence and believes that man can conquer heaven.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that China can last for 5000 years and become the only civilization in the world that has lasted for such a long time.This civilization believed in human power rather than placing its destiny in a god.

In the long history, this civilization has always risen again as time goes by after experiencing a trough.

Civilization and culture determine everything.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that areas in the Chinese cultural circle have missed the scientific revolution and the industrial revolution.But now we can still stand in the first echelon in the world, including Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore.

This may not only be related to the high average IQ of East Asians, but also has a lot to do with culture.

The same goes for China, which is also the first echelon in the world.If calculated based on purchasing power parity, China surpassed Japan as early as 1999 to become the world's second largest economy.Even in terms of GDP, there are reports that China will become the world's second largest economy next year.

Luo Ji touched his chin and fell into deep thought. Most places in the world are monotheistic, but if we do not look at the present, but scientific statistics from the long history.

Chinese culture is the best culture on the entire planet, and it is also the most unique.

Stephanie looked at Luo Ji and said, "Did you listen to me?"

"Of course I'm listening," Luo Ji said truthfully.

Stephanie obviously didn't believe it and said with some helplessness: "In short, God has conveyed the latest contract to us."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded perfunctorily.

Stephanie said with some anticipation: "Logic, do you have any plans to believe in Mormonism?"

Luo Ji immediately waved his hand and refused: "Not yet."

"Okay, I know you believe in Protestantism." Stephanie did not force it: "If you want to join the Mormon Church one day, you can come to me."


Not to be outdone, Natasha Kaplinsky hurriedly asked: "Logic, do you have any plans to believe in Judaism?"

"Not yet."

Stephanie muttered unhappily: "Follower."

Natasha Kaplinsky pretended not to hear, and continued: "If you want to join the church one day, you can contact me."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded.

Since Luo Ji acquired Marvel, some of the elite Jews he knew have asked him if he plans to convert to Judaism.

For example, Philip Dauman, New York Senator Schumer, Warner CEO David Zasloff, and former Marvel helmsman Perlmutter.

Luo Ji's agent Braun also told him about "Tanach".

Judaism used to not preach to people other than Jews, but because of historical events, they slowly and systematically attracted elite groups to join them.

This is especially obvious after World War II. They will attract many global elites to join them, form a community of interests, and carry out commercial and political actions such as resource replacement.

Of course, joining them will not simply bring you benefits, but you will also have to bear obligations.That is to support them and to cooperate with their strategies in the general direction.

Luo Ji still knew where his base was, and because of his father's education before he was ten years old, he also recognized his identity in his heart.

Luo Ji really didn't want to continue discussing religious topics with these two women. He pretended to look at his watch and said, "It's getting late, so I'll go back to my room to rest."

"I'm going to rest too." Stephanie stood up.

"Okay, let's go together then." Luo Ji looked at Natasha Kaplinsky: "Bye."

"Bye, Logic."

Because of the woman's behavior just now, Stephanie left without saying hello.Luo Ji also followed.

On the way to the elevator, Stephanie said slightly sarcastically: "Logic, their scriptures say that God only signed a contract with the Jews. Only the Jews are God's chosen people, so even if you join Judaism, you will not get God." blessing. Judaism is not universal. So you must not join them.”

"I know."

Stephanie added: "And their teachings are wrong, and so are other religions. If you think about it, other religions have a history of thousands of years. Paper was only introduced to Europe from China in the 11th century, and various wars , those scriptures must have been partially lost in the process of dissemination. That’s why God re-selected prophets after human beings developed to modern times..."

"Stop talking." Luo Ji just wanted to find an excuse to escape.

Stephanie then said: "So..." Luo Ji looked at her seriously and interrupted directly: "Stephanie!"

"I will not say anymore."

Stephanie made a zipper gesture to her mouth.She also felt that it was inappropriate to pester Logic like this. She had never been like this in the past, maybe because she had a little drink today.

Oh, bad, the teachings say that drinking alcohol is not allowed.Forget it, just this once!
When passing by the left side of the banquet hall, Luo Ji saw through the glass a girl holding a wine glass and standing on the balcony outside, drinking by herself.

It was a little dark outside and he couldn't see clearly, so Luo Ji stopped and squinted to observe.

Stephanie asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Luo Ji waved his hand: "You go back and rest first, I'm going to meet a friend."



Luo Ji walked through a small door and walked outside. The balcony was small and hidden, so it was indeed a good place to hide and relax.

Adele was holding a glass of wine with her back to Luo Ji, staring at the night view of London. Her back looked very sad.


Luo Ji felt as if something had been kicked under his feet. He lowered his head and saw that it was an empty wine bottle.He raised his head again and looked at Adele's back. She hurriedly wiped her face with her sleeves and then turned around.

Adele said: "Logic, good evening!"

Luo Ji looked at her red eyes and the slightly stained makeup on her face, and then realized what had happened.He immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Why are you crying?"


Luo Ji looked at the wine bottles scattered around: "Are you okay?"

Adele forced a smile: "Logic, I'm really fine."

Luo Ji looked at her eyes that were red from crying and the way she spoke in a daze. It was obvious that she was sad and drunk.

Luo Ji looked at the high place on the twelfth floor again, feeling a little worried.So he walked over to her and sat down: "Then I'll chat with you."

"Okay... okay." Adele felt a little uneasy.

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for four months, and you have become even more beautiful!"

Adele said doubtfully: "Really?"

"Of course!"

Luo Ji was telling the truth. When I saw her at the Grammys a few months ago, she was still an unconventional country girl.

Maybe it's because the company started to take her seriously after she won the Grammy. Not only has she lost weight now, but her clothes and makeup have also been designed by a professional team.The whole person looks dignified and elegant.

Adele said somewhat unconfidently: "Thank you!"

Luo Ji then asked, "What have you been doing lately?"

"Preparing for a second album, accepting commercial performances, and then participating in various programs." Adele said with some melancholy: "Since winning the Grammy, my whole life feels different."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "This is the trouble of becoming famous. You should adapt as soon as possible."

"I will." Adele nodded.

The two didn't have much contact, and they only briefly exchanged music experiences after this year's Grammy Awards.

Luo Ji said, "I'm a Grammy judge. Do you know who I voted for for Best New Artist at the Grammys last year?"

Adele thought for a while: "Lady Gaga, she is a singer in your company."

"I voted for you!"

Adele was extremely surprised: "Really?"

Luo Ji stared into her eyes and said seriously: "Of course it's true, your voice is very contagious! It has a feeling of penetrating the soul. I like your music very much."

"Thank you, Logic." Adele showed a sincere expression and said, "I also like your music very much. It can touch people's hearts and directly touch their souls."

"Then do you think I'm a talented musician?"

Adele said without hesitation: "Of course!"

Luo Ji grinned: "I also think I'm a genius, hehehe!"

Adele was amused: "Hahaha!"

After this conversation, the relationship between the two became much closer.

During the subsequent chat, Adele was no longer so reserved and relaxed.But she still drank one glass after another. In less than 10 minutes, she had drank three large glasses.

Luo Ji felt that the atmosphere was about to change, so he said, "Have you encountered something sad? Maybe it will make you feel better if you tell me."

Adele put the wine glass in her hand aside, was silent for a while and said: "A few months ago, I fell out of love. I didn't cry at the time and continued to live my life normally."

"I thought I wouldn't care, but when I saw him again, I realized how much I cared about him. I still had to pretend to chat with him as if nothing had happened."

As she spoke, Adele had tears on her face.Luo Ji fulfilled his duty as a listener. Without saying a word, he walked up to her and gently put his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

Adele seemed to be very drunk, choked with sobs, and spoke intermittently in a daze.

"In the past few days, I heard from a friend that he found a new girlfriend. He told others that that woman was his perfect answer and the two were engaged."

"He didn't invite me to his engagement party, so he definitely won't invite me to his wedding. I will definitely appear at his wedding..."

"For him it was over, but for me it was never over."

"I thought I could do it, and I would be better off without him. However, I can't forget him. I feel so painful, like someone stuck a needle in my heart."

"I could imagine looking for him again in my 40s, only to find that he had settled down with a beautiful wife and beautiful children and he was very happy...and me, I was still alone."


Luo Ji listened carefully. Suddenly, a melancholy piano sound sounded in his mind, and then a black and white picture appeared. Adele was wearing a black windbreaker, walking by the river with her hands in her pockets, singing as she walked.

I heard that you're settled down
I heard that your heart belongs to someone

That you found a girl
Found the right girl

And you're married now
About to enter the palace of marriage
I heard that your dreams came true
I heard your dreams come true

Guess she gave you things
look compared to me

I didn't give to you
She is perfect


Adele lowered her head and burst into tears as she spoke.Looking very sad.

Sometimes it lasts in love
Sometimes love can be eternal
But sometimes it hurts instead
But sometimes love hurts so much
Luo Ji looked at the sad girl, patted her back gently, and said leisurely, "Time will heal all wounds."

Adele cried even more sadly when she heard this. She buried her head in Luo Ji's chest and cried non-stop.

Soon the shirt was wet with tears.

"everything will get better."

After saying this, Luo Ji looked at the night view of London at two o'clock in the morning.It's dark here and completely silent.And his thoughts gradually drifted into the distance.

 Adele - Someone Like You
(End of this chapter)

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