New York 2006

Chapter 278 The Sorrow of the Weak

Chapter 278 The Sorrow of the Weak
Time flies so fast, April 4th arrives in the blink of an eye.It had been three days since Luo Ji's last rant on TV.

Home on Broadway in New York, [-] p.m.

Two nannies were busy in the kitchen, preparing dinner for everyone.Luo Ji, Fiona, Jen Psaki, Braun and Zhu Haowei were sitting in the living room watching Fox News on TV.

Host Tucker Carlson tweeted: "In the past few days, the rapper released his album "Relapse" on Eminem, in which he described his experience of drug abuse and was full of pride about it. feel!"

"He also said in interviews that he loves prescription painkillers as much as he loves his daughter, Haley Jade. He has both images tattooed on his body."

"When did drug abuse become something to show off in the United States? We should resolutely boycott such singers..."

Psaki smiled and said: "It seems that FOX News has completely compromised with you. They have not mentioned your layoffs once these days. Instead, they vented their anger on other singers."

Luo Ji gave Braun a thumbs up: "Well done! Braun."

Braun waved his hand: "The main reason is your high deterrence."

Zhu Haowei looked at Luo Ji and asked curiously: "Logic, when you threatened Fox, were you really not afraid? You know, Fox is the news channel with the most subscribers in the United States. If they don't compromise, you will have to fight with the No. [-] news channel in the United States. A major news network is at war!”

"Am I afraid?" Luo Ji crossed his legs, drank a cup of coffee calmly, and boasted to a few people: "To be honest, I don't take Fox seriously at all."

Fiona showed contempt: "You know how to brag! Who couldn't sleep that night!"

Luo Ji immediately protested: "Why do you always tear me down?"

Hahahaha, several people in the living room laughed out loud.

Luo Ji looked at Psaki beside him, who was laughing so hard, and his mind went back to a few days ago, to the conversation the two had in the back garden.


Psaki extended her hand to encourage: "Come on!"

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded very seriously.

Psaki then said, "What are you going to do?"

Luo Ji was silent for a moment, then looked at her firmly: "Tough!"

Psaki looked shocked and asked quickly: "Are you referring to Fox or the state senator from Massachusetts?"


"I just asked you to work hard, but I didn't ask you to die." Psaki hurriedly advised: "That state senator doesn't matter, he is a nobody. We can secretly fund his rivals to kill him. But Fox, that is the No. [-] person in the United States. A big news station!”

Luo Ji didn't refute or get angry, but just slowly told the story: "Jane, do you know? When I first became famous, I was very popular on YouTube, and then I got involved in YouTube and Viacom MTV. During the war. At that time, MTV directly threatened me in the media."

"I heard Braun mention it." Psaki said: "But isn't the result good? With Braun's efforts, you also reached an alliance of interests with Viacom."

"Yes, the result is good." Luo Ji said immediately, "But the feeling of being threatened is very unpleasant."

Psaki held Luo Ji's hand and advised: "Maybe you should do the same this time. There are always things that don't go your way in life. You have to learn to compromise. It's too dangerous to be tough with Fox. They will destroy you. .”

Luo Ji looked seriously into her eyes: "Whenever you encounter trouble, you compromise, and when someone threatens you, you beg for mercy. So what's the point of me working so hard, investing so aggressively, and establishing a private equity fund to expand my influence?"

Psaki seemed to be meeting the 18-year-old boy in front of her for the first time. She looked at Luo Ji seriously, and after a long silence, she said, "Is this why you are so eager to expand your influence?"


Psaki still felt it was too dangerous, so she gently stroked Luo Ji's hand and advised, "Very few people can do things according to their own wishes throughout their lives."

Luo Ji looked at her and said seriously: "I want to be that special person, and I hope you support me."


At that time, they returned to the room to discuss again. The elites under their command were opposed to confronting Fox, but under Luo Ji's strong will, Fiona, Zhu Haowei, Braun and the convinced Psaki all began to make suggestions.

"We can threaten Fox. If they continue to maliciously report on you, future movies from Marvel and Logic Pictures will attack Fox's movies in their schedules."

"You can threaten to call on fans to unsubscribe from Fox News. Your influence among the Chinese-American community is very strong, and there are always people willing to follow you."

"You can call on the Chinese-American community to protest. Don't you know many Chinese-American politicians? Now is the time to use them."

"You can slander Fox News in the media and say they are fake news to attack their credibility. Of course, this trick can only be used as a last resort and is a nuclear deterrent."

"Get celebrities to support you. Your private equity fund has made so much money for them and now it's time to use them."

"Speaking of private equity funds, do you have anyone in your private equity fund who has business dealings with the state senator's sponsor? You can ask them to threaten to end the cooperation."


Thinking of this, Luo Ji's thoughts returned to the present.

The result is good, Fox compromised, and Tucker Carlson has not responded to Luo Ji's words in the media these days.That state senator, Scott Brown, stopped taking advantage of his spotlight and disappeared from the media in disgrace.

Luo Ji invited a few of them to his home for a dinner today, which could be regarded as a celebration of the successful public relations.

He watched on TV, where Eminem, who had been violently attacked by Fox for several days, was being surrounded by reporters in a panic, and couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hahaha."

Braun said, "Why are you laughing?"

"Look at Eminem's embarrassed look." Luo Ji then said, "If I hadn't resolutely fought back, I would be the one being surrounded by reporters now."

"Hahaha." Several people laughed.

After the joy, Zhu Haowei said: "For a simple singer like him, no matter how famous he is, in front of the media giants, he is just a small figure and does not have much capital to resist."

Braun complimented: "Logic has already transcended the identity of a singer."

A big smile appeared on Luo Ji's face, but he said in disgust: "Stop kissing my ass, you flatterer!"

"Why did I kiss your butt?" Braun spread his hands: "I obviously told the truth."

"Hahahaha." Several other people laughed.

Luo Ji and Psaki did not smile, but looked at each other with love in their eyes. Kiss ass, this is a joke that only two people understand.

Braun then became serious: "Logic, since they have admitted defeat, then you should stay silent in the media, stop talking about them, and let this matter disappear completely."

"Yeah, I know." Luo Ji nodded.

Psaki said: "Is that still targeting Scott Brown?"

Luo Ji said casually: "Of course, by continuing to secretly fund his competitors, I can be considered a contribution to the Democratic Party."

When Braun heard this, he quickly said: "What about Tucker Carlson? Fox News's compromise was very unexpected. They are not soft persimmons. You must not provoke conflicts again." "I know this. You Don't you trust me?" Luo Ji nodded seriously. He couldn't reach out to Fox yet, but he had written him down in his notebook and would deal with him when he had the opportunity in the future.

Braun said, "That's good."

Luo Ji was no longer interested in chatting at this time. He blinked at Psaki, then coughed twice and looked at the group of people: "It's still a while before dinner starts. I'm going to the toilet."


"I'll go too." Psaki caught up with Luo Ji.

Braun, Zhu Haowei had no doubt about him, chatting and watching TV.Only Fiona noticed something and stared at the two people's leaving figures suspiciously.


In front of the bathroom mirror, the two of them were tidying up.

Luo Ji pulled up his pants and said with some embarrassment, "My performance was a little abnormal this time."

Psaki kissed him on the cheek and said, "I'm coming too."

"Really?" Luo Ji didn't believe it.

"Really!" Psaki nodded seriously.

Luo Ji immediately puffed up his chest and became more confident. He washed his hands and said, "Is there nothing unusual?"


Luo Ji finished wiping his hands: "Then I'll go out first."

Fiona saw her nephew coming out of the corner, then looked at her watch, 5 minutes?

Are you overthinking it?Fiona thought to herself.

Luo Ji walked towards the sofa in the living room and saw Braun staring at the TV with a serious look on his face, so he said, "What news are you watching? So serious."

Braun said: "News about Israel."

Luo Ji sat on the sofa, took a sip of the red wine on the table, and then looked at the TV.

The host of Fox on TV rarely spoke of negative news about Israel: "On December 12 last year, during the "Operation Cast Lead" war carried out by Israel against Palestine, after an investigation by the United Nations, it was officially confirmed that Israel White phosphorus bombs, an internationally banned weapon, were used in the war. And Israel used civilians, including women and children, as human shields in the war. There were more than hundreds of incidents. Today, Israel admitted that they used White phosphorus bomb..."

The scene switched to the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Most of the cities were in ruins, and the camera showed some children who had lost their homes.Their faces were full of sadness.

Some reporters also interviewed them, and the overall tone was full of sympathy for them.

Psaki also came over at this time, sat on the sofa and watched the news.

Fiona was full of sympathy for these images: "War is so cruel."

Luo Ji turned sideways and looked at his Jewish manager: "Braun, what do you think of this news?"

"Of course it is condemnation!" Braun said directly: "I strongly disagree with this kind of military action by Israel."

When Psaki heard this, a mocking smile appeared on his lips, and Luo Ji was also somewhat disapproving of this.This guy just talks about it in private and will never talk about it in the media.

Jews in the United States may sometimes oppose some of Israel's policies, but when it comes to the fundamental interests of Israel's living space, they are very supportive of Israel.

Before, when Luo Ji was chatting with the old white guy from Boeing about Jackson, he mentioned Yi Fang.

After that, Luo Ji specialized in studying matters related to Israel.

Needless to say, there have been several wars in the Middle East. Israel has defeated neighboring countries and almost no one dared to resist it openly.

However, this is not possible for Palestine. In 1947, when Palestine and Israel were partitioned, the United Nations allocated a piece of land to Palestine and Israel, and their territories were mixed together.

Pakistan initially accounted for 44% of this area, but now it has eroded down to only 9.5%, which is close to the end of the country and the extinction of the species.In fact, it is not appropriate to say 9.5%. In fact, Pakistan only has a small area near Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea.

Pakistan still has a place inland, but why do you say that?
It does look like this when you look at the map, but in fact, the inland area of ​​Pakistan has been completely surrounded by Israel, and has no borders with other Middle Eastern countries at all.

Moreover, the inland area has the smell of a World War II concentration camp. They were divided into small areas by the Israeli separation wall made of barbed wire. The movement and travel of the Palestinians were completely controlled by the Israelis. .There is no way to stir up any trouble.

Moreover, the inland area was still being eroded, and Luo Ji wouldn't be surprised if the fish on the chopping board disappeared completely one day.

That's why he said that the only area Pakistan actually controls is Gaza.

Luo Ji watched the news on TV and looked at Psaki with some confusion: "Isn't Israel an ally of the United States? Didn't the United States support Israel in terms of public opinion in the past? Why is it reporting negative news this time? "

Braun was also very confused and looked at Psaki.

Psaki explained: "Israel has completely kidnapped the United States' Middle East strategy. The United States actually wants to have good relations with Middle Eastern countries, but when they make trouble, this conflict becomes even deeper."

Braun asked worriedly: "The United States will not give up on Israel!"

"How is that possible? Use your brain to think about it." Psaki said: "This time it is just a beating. I hope Israel will restrain itself. How could Israel be so arrogant as to directly admit to the media that it used white phosphorus bombs!"

"Probably to scare the Middle East!" Zhu Haowei suddenly said.

Luo Ji carefully pondered what Psaki had just said. How could it be possible?After thinking about it, he gradually figured it out.

During the European Middle Ages, Christianity and Islam fought religious wars for thousands of years.After entering modern society, although the two have relaxed a lot, this thousand-year hostility is not so easy to resolve.The inertia of thinking has determined the strategic choices of Europe and the United States.

However, the people in the Middle East are probably frustrated to death. The Holy Land Jerusalem has now completely become Israeli.There is no solution to this hatred.

It can be compared to the fact that the capital of the United States is occupied by others, and the American people have to respond with a smile. This kind of frustration and hatred can directly rise to the sky.

Therefore, despite the fact that people in the Middle East seem to be in harmony with Israel on the surface, privately, I don’t know how many Middle Eastern countries are funding the rebels in the Gaza Strip.

Humiliation and hatred envelope the Middle Eastern countries. They are afraid of the hegemony of the United States and do not dare to react too much, but this hatred will not disappear at all.

No wonder a nation that was considered peaceful in history has become so extreme now.

Luo Ji looked at the buildings destroyed by the war and the displaced children on TV, and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

This is the sorrow of the weak!
How similar is this to his fight with Fox? If he was a weakling, a nobody, how could Fox take him seriously?

Just like the protests of refugees on TV, Omi was only condemned by public opinion.

Become a strong person, become a big shot, Luo Ji said to himself at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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