New York 2006

Chapter 277 Mad Dog Logic

Chapter 277 Mad Dog Logic
Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Luo Ji thought that Marvel's layoffs would be over. However, several mainstream media outlets that invaded the Republican Party would occasionally use themselves as examples to talk about the recent wave of layoffs in the United States.

Fox, in particular, found evidence that its orders were outsourced to China and publicized it.

Luo Ji had been pretending to be dead these days, hoping that things would calm down.But things are getting worse.Even some politicians are hyping up this matter.

As a last resort, Luo Ji could only find the elite around him to discuss public relations methods.

Luo Ji, Zhu Haowei, Braun, Jen Psaki and Fiona, all with solemn expressions, sat on the sofa in the living room of their home on Broadway in New York, watching the Fox 24-hour news on TV.

A middle-aged white man in a suit and tie, he is quite handsome, with a group of white supporters standing behind him, talking in front of a group of reporters.

"In recent years, the manufacturing industry in the United States has been shrinking rapidly. Just like Logic, countless companies have transferred the manufacturing industry in the United States to third world countries, causing the American people to lose job opportunities."

"I promise that if I enter Congress, I will change this situation. Come up with solutions to the problem."

Luo Ji looked at Braun in confusion: "Is this the politician? He has been teasing me in the media recently?"

"Yes." Braun nodded.

Luo Ji asked, "Who is he?"

Psaki, a political consultant, immediately explained in a professional manner: "His name is Scott Brown. He is a Republican and a state senator from Massachusetts. He also used to be a model."

"His previous career has nothing to do with me. Reagan was an actor before he became president!" Luo Ji looked at Psaki: "Why is he targeting me?"

Psaki said: "What else could it be for? It must be to gain popularity and gain political capital for himself! He may be preparing to enter Congress."

"M-Fxxk, a small state senator dares to mess with me." Luo Ji didn't want to let such a person who disliked him enter the Congress, so he said directly: "Go find his Democratic rival in the district, I want to fund that person."

A small state senator really doesn't have much confidence in front of billionaires.

Psaki did not refute. She thought for a moment and said, "If I remember correctly, Massachusetts is the territory of the Kennedy family. Ted Kennedy is now the senator of Massachusetts. I believe that as the Democratic Party, they are very willing to see A Republican state senator disappears. You also get to meet members of the Kennedy family."

Luo Ji curled his lips and said, "Contact through the Democratic National Committee, don't go to Ted Kennedy."

Psaki said, "Why? Don't you want to meet members of the Kennedy family?"

"Do not want to."

Fiona opened her mouth wide: "That's the Kennedy family! The most famous political family in the United States."

Luo Ji said perfunctorily: "I'm too busy and don't have time."

Psaki stared into Luo Ji's eyes suspiciously: "Is there something I don't know about?"

Luo Ji said lightly, "No, don't think about it."

"Okay." Psaki said with disbelief written all over his face.

Of course there is something going on. Last year, Ms. Clinton resigned as a New York State Senator and went to the White House to become Secretary of State.Then her state senator seat becomes vacant.

At that time, President Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, expressed her intention to run, but what Ms. Clinton wanted to recommend was her person Lu Tianna.

There is no tenderness in politics, no matter how high the family's status is.

Caroline Kennedy's popularity is too high and her threat level is very high.Ms. Clinton later took direct action, breaking the news in the media that Caroline Kennedy was having an extramarital affair with the chairman of the New York Times.Caroline later withdrew.

The two sides formed a rift. Ms. Clinton, and now New York State Senator Lu Tianna, have said to him more than once not to fund the Kennedy family.He also said a lot of bad things about their family.

Of course Luo Ji knows how to choose. If you look at who is the New York State Senator now, you will know which party is stronger.

The Clinton family is now the big boss, and Luo Ji is really not familiar with the Kennedy family.But he and Ms. Clinton developed a close friendship.

Zhu Haowei ate for a while and then returned to the topic: "Logic, letting the media keep discussing that you laid off so many people is not good for your reputation."

"Yes, back to the topic." Luo Ji responded and looked at everyone: "By the way, why have the media been holding on to me during this period? Could it be that someone is targeting me."

"Stop being paranoid. We still have to think about it from the perspective of media studies." Braun hurriedly said: "Logic, the main reason is that you are so famous, and your second album is selling so well now, and you are officially the darling of the media. Everyone is very concerned about it. Your topic.”

Jen Psaki spoke up: "And now the unemployment rate is soaring, and the Tea Party movement is not letting up. You just hit this hot spot."

"This does make sense." Luo Ji then said: "However, it must be because I am half Chinese! Otherwise, why would Fox keep targeting me so much? They don't want to see a very famous Chinese appear. Right? .”

The atmosphere became solemn and several people stopped talking.

Zhu Haowei smiled and said: "There are indeed some reasons for this. You are too successful and they are jealous of you! Hahaha."

"Hahaha." Luo Ji laughed heartily, and the atmosphere instantly became relaxed.

Braun said: "But this matter still needs to be resolved."

Luo Ji said helplessly: "I have asked Zhu Haowei to explain it to the media many times, but no media is willing to report it."

"People only want to see what they are interested in." Braun continued: "Logic, Zhu Haowei's voice is too low. No one wants to see his news. What everyone wants to see is you."

"Yes." Psaki nodded: "I suggest you explain it to the media in person."


After the meeting, Luo Ji went to the backyard alone and saw a butterfly flying around among the flowers.He started to stay in a daze and was lost in thought for a long time.

Suddenly, Psaki sat next to him and asked with concern: "What are you thinking about?"

Luo Ji pulled up a small piece of grass from the ground and played with it: "Nothing?"

"Are you worried about what happened today?"

"Nothing, this bit of public opinion is nothing to me." Luo Ji looked at Butterfly and said seriously: "Actually, I no longer rely on my good reputation to make a living. Even if I give up my identity as a singer and actor, I can still do it. very good."

"That's not what I'm talking about," Psaki said.

"Then which one are you talking about?"

"It's the one you mentioned before. Half Chinese." Psaki reached out and took Luo Ji's hand to comfort him: "Don't be depressed. You are the best."

"Of course I know." Luo Ji smiled at her: "You are quite discerning!"

"Stinky fart!"

Luo Ji said, "By the way, what's your bloodline? I haven't heard you mention it yet."

Psaki spoke up: "Greek, English and Irish ancestry. My grandfather was Greek."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded: "Have you ever felt the convenience brought by your bloodline while living in the United States?"

"No." Psaki said: "I used to be a very ordinary person. I was born in a small town, went to a good school, and entered politics by chance. Without my original efforts, I might be in the same situation now. Not to you."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded.

"Actually, most of the people in this world are ordinary people. It is difficult for ordinary people to encounter worries like yours." Psaki looked at Luo Ji and sighed, "In fact, there is only a difference between elites and ordinary people in this world. "

"Yeah." Luo Ji was a little distracted.

Psaki said, "Are you still depressed?"

"No." Luo Ji said with a carefree face, "This doesn't have much impact on me. You must know that my Y gene is the gene of the best nation in the world."

Psaki frowned: "So you are a Chinese supremacist?"

"Don't think about it. If I were real, how could I be with you?" Luo Ji said seriously, "I'm just proud of my bloodline."

"Okay, so why are you moping?"

"I was just thinking of something else."

"whats the matter?"

Luo Ji spoke: "Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations."

"This theory is quite popular among the Republican Party." Psaki asked doubtfully: "Why would you think of this?"

"Of course it's because of recent experiences!" Luo Ji continued: "You should have noticed that if an 18-year-old white man acquired Marvel, the media would definitely praise him to the sky, instead of being sarcastic and seizing me for layoffs. The problem persists, especially with Fox."

"They cannot represent all Americans. There are still Democratic media who can say good things to you." Psaki continued: "Furthermore, Fox is originally a Republican media, and you who support the Democratic Party are enemies."

"Yeah." Luo Ji rubbed the back of Psaki's hand: "Actually, I quite like some of the policies of the Republican Party, but reality made me make a choice and run towards the Democratic Party. I actually don't like the Democratic Party very much. The results are equal.”

"But the Democratic Party can only choose this path! To be fair, some ethnic groups are indeed not very smart as a whole."

Psaki blinked at Luo Ji, and then said with a smile: "Actually, you can also consider some good aspects. There are millions of Chinese Americans in the United States who are your die-hard fans, and there are also many Asians. I like you very much, and I have tens of millions of dollars in total. It is actually very difficult for white celebrities to do this. Moreover, there are also many white people among your fans."

Luo Ji said, "That's because I'm handsome and write good songs. Ordinary people have the same pursuit of beautiful things."

"Hahaha, narcissistic!" Psaki said immediately: "Actually, you represent East Asians to a certain extent. The American people have greatly changed their view of East Asians because of you."

"Many people have said this to me, including Zhu Haowei in the previous house."

Psaki extended her hand to encourage: "Come on!"

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded very seriously.


At the entrance of Marvel headquarters, a group of reporters stood in front of Luo Ji.At this time he was being interviewed by the media. A reporter from CNBC said: "Logic, why are you laying off employees?"

Luo Ji showed disappointment on his face and confessed to the camera: "I find that I am still too young and too impulsive. I will ignore whatever I want."

"What are you referring to?" CNBC reporter asked.

Luo Ji explained: "Since I acquired Marvel, Marvel's debt has suddenly reached 19 billion US dollars. The heavy debt burden has caused Marvel to lose money every day. I feel that Marvel is very likely to go bankrupt."

The reporters suddenly became commotion and kept taking pictures.

They had thought about the headlines of the news, and Logic himself admitted that his impulsive acquisition of Marvel might lead to Marvel's bankruptcy.

Immediately afterwards, a group of reporters asked about the specific situation of Marvel.Of course, Luo Ji "told the truth" and complained to the media.

"Now is the financial crisis. Many real companies across the United States have either gone bankrupt or laid off employees. Some time ago, the second largest electronics retailer in the United States went bankrupt and reorganized. I really don't want Marvel to follow in their footsteps, so I can only lay off employees."

"Yes, running a big company is hard. I'm trying to learn about it now..."

After 10 minutes, the reporter's interview was basically over.

Suddenly, an arranged CBS reporter asked, "Logic, what do you think of Fox News' Tucker Carlson's evaluation of you these days?"

Luo Ji cleared his throat, his expression completely lost the modesty he had during the interview. He raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, shook it back and forth, and spoke loudly.

"I think Tucker Carlson is not a qualified host at all. He only knows how to express emotions and stir up conflicts. He completely ignores the difficulties in reality and only lives in his own illusory world."

"We are now in the financial crisis. More than 47 people have been laid off across the country. Microsoft, IBM, Aetna, Monsanto, Pfizer, Ford...these big companies are all laying off employees. I don't know how Marvel, a small company, can offend him by laying off employees. ”

This was actually a bit of a violation, but in order to find arguments that were beneficial to him, Luo Ji could no longer control so much.Moreover, after mentioning so many companies in one go, it is equivalent to saying nothing at all.Try to minimize the impact.

The CBS reporter asked in confusion: "Do you mean Tucker Carlson?"

"Of course, I think Tucker Carlson is a weak person, like a turtle. He only dares to criticize me, a little singer, in the media, and he doesn't dare to provoke those big companies at all."

Luo Ji continued: "Also, I think he is specifically targeting me?"

The CBS reporter looked puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

"I think Tucker Carlson may be a racist, and he can't stand me. He specially sarcastically slanders me in the media. He has been teasing me on his show during this period."

Boom, the reporters went crazy instantly, and the camera shutters never stopped.

The CBS reporter continued to ask: "I remember that during this period, Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown kept mentioning you. What do you think of him?"

Luo Ji was on full fire.Directly fired: "He is also a turtle like Tucker Carlson. He is weak and incompetent. He dare not talk about the problems of big companies. Instead, he frequently mentions me, an 18-year-old kid who came from a slum and looks easy to bully."

"My company is already having a hard time running. Are they two satisfied with watching my company collapse?"

"Both of them are cowards, bullies and maybe a little bit racist."

"You can check Scott Brown, maybe his funders have also laid off employees this year. I wonder if our state senator has objected in the media."


At Fox Studios in Los Angeles, Tucker Carlson frowned as he watched Luo Ji's high-intensity output on TV.

The program assistant, who was in his 20s, was very worried and babbled to the side: "I've said it before, people in Hollywood say that Logic is a petty person who will retaliate for his anger, but you still don't believe it."

"Oh my gosh, he even gave you the nickname Turtle. He's given people nicknames before."

"Now he first shows weakness in the media, saying that he is a child who has just grown up. He also said that you only dare to bully the weak, how can you respond to him."

Tucker Carlson has much more media experience than his assistant: "Don't panic, Logic's biggest basis for saying this is that his Marvel is suffering from serious losses and is about to go bankrupt. As long as we question this, it will be fine. Everything about him His explanation is like trying to defend his shameless behavior!"

The assistant looked shocked: "Do you have any evidence? The news that Marvel is about to go bankrupt has been reported by the Wall Street Journal."

"So what? We can say it without evidence. We just need to question his capitalist position." Tucker Carlson said calmly: "And it's not that I have no basis. Marvel issued it in February The financial situation in the annual report is not bad, but why are we suffering serious losses now? I have every reason to suspect that he deliberately found someone to leak the Wall Street Journal report in order to prepare for public opinion about layoffs."

The assistant questioned: "He is only 18 years old, how can he think so carefully?"

Tucker Carlson glanced at his assistant: "Don't forget, his IQ is 167!"

"But this is just your guess." The assistant said: "Should we just tell it without evidence? This is a bit contrary to the media people..."

"Just do it!" Tucker Carlson said calmly: "Anyway, he came for me."

At this moment, the person in charge of Fox News knocked on the door and walked in. He saw Tucker Carlson and said, "Are you preparing for today's program? Is there any topic you can talk to me about?"

Tucker Carlson spoke up: "Opposition to President Barack, the New York shootings, and the response to Logic."

The person in charge said: "Can you please stop mentioning Logic? Everyone is tired of you talking about him in the media many times during this period."

Tucker Carlson looked coldly: "What do you mean, are you here to lobby for him?"

"Of course not, no one can command me." The person in charge continued: "I just think your topic selection is inappropriate. Are you willing to face off with an 18-year-old kid in the media? Even if you win, you will Not much glory.”

"I'm just talking about things!"

The person in charge advised earnestly: "He is just a mad dog. He has already said in the media that you are a racist. There is no need to provoke him."

"Then it's even more time for me to respond." Tucker Carlson said leisurely: "Are we at Fox still afraid of a mad dog?"

"Of course we are not afraid of mad dogs." The person in charge said: "But he is not an ordinary mad dog. He is a mad dog with tens of millions of loyal fans and huge capital. If he calls on everyone to unsubscribe from FOX, can you bear it? Can you live there?"

"Yes!" Tucker Carlson said without hesitation.

"But I can't." The person in charge said: "We don't need to provoke a mad dog! I can tell you straightforwardly that the rumors in Hollywood are true. He will do whatever he wants to achieve his goals. At the beginning, he planned to cooperate with Universal Music perish together!"

Tucker Carlson didn't believe it at all: "I don't believe he dares to go to war with Fox!"

The person in charge said: "He purchased Marvel at a very high price of 38 billion yuan. Who would have thought of it at that time?"

Tucker Carlson's calm eyes finally turned angry: "You promised me not to interfere in my choice of news topics."

"But we really don't need to provoke him." The person in charge said: "You should know that we white people don't hate him that much. He is a genius who started from scratch in the slums. Even though he is half Chinese, everyone still likes him very much. He values ​​his family, has no problem with his faith, supports gun ownership, and is charitable..."

"Stop talking." Tucker Carlson said excitedly: "Just this once!"

"Okay, okay!" The person in charge had a smile on his face, but he secretly planned to take care of him when the contract expired.


At the same time, in Scott Brown's office in Massachusetts, he was receiving a call from a funder.

The funder issued a direct order: "I will not allow you to talk about Logic in the media anymore. Otherwise, I will stop funding."

"What do you mean?" Scott Brown asked with a big question mark on his face: "Logic mentioned my sponsor in the media, but you backed down without taking any action?"

"Do you think Logic is just talking about Logic in the media!" the sponsor said loudly: "Today, a client of my company called me and he said that if you still say bad things about Logic in the media, he will Stop doing business with me and find another company!”

"How can Logic control him?"

The donor said irritably: "How do I know?"

Scott Brown also wanted to try harder: "Are you going to give up on our long-term friendship? Our cooperation over the years has been very pleasant."

The financial owner said coldly: "If you consider our friendship, you should stop your actions. That's a profit of several million a year."

Scott Brown was silent.

The funder continued: "As Logic said, if you really have the guts, go grab those big companies and hammer them! Instead of provoking an 18-year-old young man. Moreover, you also chose the wrong target this time. Logic has risen so fast that people don’t even realize how many resources he controls!”

Scott Brown felt a little aggrieved thinking about it.Stay silent.

The sponsor's tone softened: "Just think it's for me, okay?"

Scott Brown said helplessly and painfully: "Okay, I promise you! But just this time!"

"I knew you still cared about our friendship." The sponsor said happily.

After hanging up the phone, Scott Brown gasped and couldn't calm down for a long time.

He started swearing directly in the office: "Fxxk Logic, Fxxk big companies, Fxxk Barack, Fxxk housing assistance plan, Fxxk people of color, Fxxk Democrats, Fxxk funders!"

After 10 minutes, he finally calmed down: "I must get rid of being controlled by these big money owners, otherwise the United States will be over!"

He took out his cell phone and rummaged through it, and found the contact number of a civil society organization in Massachusetts that he had contacted some time ago and dialed it.

When the call was connected, Scott Brown asked calmly: "Hello, is this the Massachusetts Tea Party headquarters? We worked together before when I gave a press conference."

"Of course I remember, Mr. Scott Brown!" A surprised voice came from the opposite side: "We have always liked your political opinions against the relocation of American manufacturing, immigration, and Barack's tax increase and housing assistance plan."

Scott Brown felt a lot relieved: "Maybe we can discuss it in detail when we have time."

An old white man's voice came from the opposite side: "Of course, the Tea Party is always waiting for you. You are the hope of the United States!"

"Oh, by the way, did you watch Logic's interview today? He said I was a racist. Do you have any opinions on this?"

The old white man opposite asked: "Why do we think this sentence is a compliment?"

(End of this chapter)

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