New York 2006

Chapter 229 Adele and Sarah Palin

Chapter 229 Adele and Sarah Palin
Luo Ji was in the study room with Yao Ming, Blake, and the passer-by with the ID of Hero Sheldon whom he met while playing the game today. The four of them were playing a copy of the Dark Temple of World of Warcraft.

"Hurry up, there are so many goblins, I can't hold on here anymore." Black shouted.

"I'm coming." Luo Ji, as a death knight, rushed to support.

"The Blade of Azzinoth has appeared." Yao Ming said.

As a passerby, Sheldon put the items into his backpack in an instant. The night elf thief he played laughed and said: "I am no longer Sheldon, from now on I will be the Juggernaut."

Black yelled, "I'm dying."

Luo Ji said into the earphone: "Master Sheldon, hurry up and provide support. We will talk about the Blade of Azzinoth later."

The passerby whose ID was Sheldon the Great said proudly: "Goodbye, natives."

Luo Ji suddenly felt something bad and hurriedly shouted: "No, I will pay double the market price to buy the Blade of Azzinoth."

"Really?" Hero Sheldon said hesitantly.

"Didn't you notice my ID and voice? I am Logic myself, so I can save you so much money."

A passerby whose ID is Sheldon Hero asked in confusion: "Are you really Logic?"

Blake shouted: "He is it, don't hesitate, come to support first."

Hero Sheldon no longer hesitated and hurriedly joined the battlefield.After a while, everyone cleared the copy.

"Logic, the Blade of Azzinoth is for you."

The artifact is in hand.

Now that the initiative is in his hands, it's time to settle accounts.

Luo Ji said, "Were you planning to run away with the Blade of Azzinoth just now?"

"No, absolutely not."

Luo Ji snorted coldly: "Then you just said goodbye, native. What do you mean?"

"Uh...I am doing this out of professional habit."

"What professional habits?"

"Didn't you notice my role? My role is a night elf thief, and a thief should look like a thief."

Luo Ji was speechless for a moment.

He thought for a moment and said, "Blake, Yao Ming, what do you think we should do?"

Yao Ming smiled and said: "Hahaha, he said it as if there was nothing wrong with him."

"Okay, Sir Sheldon, give me your Ebay account and I'll buy any props you want."

"No need, the four of us created the dungeon this time. It's no problem that the props belong to you." Hero Sheldon smiled and said, "Can we still play together in the future?"

"No, you are a thief. What if you get the artifact and run away in the future?"

Hero Sheldon said pitifully: "I won't do this next time."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Are you sure? This is your professional habit! How can you change it?"


"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

"But my skills are good enough."

"Next time."

Hero Sheldon pretended to be pitiful: "Please, please mess with Logic."

For some reason, Luo Ji didn't want to refuse when he heard the voice. He was moved by the voice: "Okay, okay. I'll take you with me next time I play games."

"YES." An excited voice shouted from the other side.

This person is very interesting. He sounds like he is in his 20s, but sometimes he talks like a child and still has a childlike innocence.

The hero Sheldon continued: "Logic, can I follow you on Facebook?"

"My Facebook account is a public account. It has been verified and anyone can follow it."

"Then can you pay attention to me."

"Don't take an inch."

A begging voice came from the other side of the phone: "Please, please mess with me, Logic."


Luo Ji said helplessly: "Okay, okay, send me your account number."


"That's okay, I'll log off, AFK."

"Bye." The three teammates said in unison.

Luo Ji logged into his Facebook account on his computer. He now has more than 900 million followers, the most among any singer.

He entered Sheldon Lee Cooper into the search bar, and Sheldon's Facebook page appeared.

Sheldon, 25, is a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology. His research interests include bosonic string theory and hybrid string theory.Holds Master of Science, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees.

Single, IQ 187.

"Really? IQ is so high!"

Luo Ji looked at Sheldon's Facebook page and exclaimed, this man's photo looked so familiar, and he seemed to have an inexplicable liking for him.Just like when I met Max, Robin, and Bianca.

"Feili, come down quickly. The show has started." Fiona's voice suddenly came from downstairs.

"Here we come." Luo Ji replied casually.

He looked at Sheldon's photo a few more times, then clicked on applying as a friend and walked downstairs.


Sammy, Queenie, Chucky and Fiona were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the NBC comedy show "Saturday Night Live" on TV.

Sammy said: "Fili, come here quickly. The show has started."


NBC's "Saturday Night Live" has attracted a lot of attention in the United States today because the character who will appear today is Sarah Palin.

The Republican female vice presidential candidate has exploded in popularity recently.

Sarah Palin is full of controversy. She is the governor of Alaska, a former beauty pageant, and the mother of five children. The media revealed that her 17-year-old daughter had an "illegitimate child", and she in turn advocated against abortion rights.

She is also very aggressive and has repeatedly incited people to attack Senator Barack. She is the kind of person who likes to go to extremes.

She doesn’t know the difference between South Korea and North Korea, or the difference between the Queen of England and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.But her image is very good, and her popularity far exceeds that of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

I don’t know if it’s because Sarah Palin is a woman, but the media’s attitude towards her is a little different from candidates in previous years.

CNN, NBC and other channels’ reports on Sarah Palin all turned into entertainment broadcasts, making people who had never cared about politics suddenly learn to be cynical.

Sarah Palin has become the "political fun-loving person" in the United States.

Luo Ji sat on the sofa. The host of the show, Will Forte, stretched out his hand and the camera began to slowly move back. He said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome today's opening guest, Adele."

Luo Ji knew Adele as a singer and had listened to her album.

The prelude to the music started, and Adele appeared on the TV screen. She was dressed in an old-fashioned and conservative way.

Luo Ji casually complained: "She is only 19 years old, why is she dressed like a 30-year-old white aunt?"

"Hahaha, indeed." Fiona continued: "She still imitates your followers, "16", "19"."

Sami looked at the TV and said, "Don't judge a girl like that."

"Okay, okay." Luo Ji then said, "She is a British singer, right?"

Fiona replied: "Yes."

Luo Ji touched his chin: "If I remember correctly, her album "19" was released at the beginning of the year. Why did she come to the United States to promote it now?"

"I didn't know that." Luo Ji sighed while watching the TV show: "She is so lucky. Today's show is very popular. It will greatly increase her fame in the United States."

I've made up my mind
I have made up my mind
Don't need to think it over
No need to reconsider

Adele's voice sounded, and Luo Ji's attention was instantly attracted to her.

Fiona continued: "Indeed, today..."

"Shh, don't talk, listen carefully."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, Fiona fell silent for a moment.

If I'm wrong I am right
right or wrong
Don't need to look no further
There is no need to think long term anymore
Luo Ji was stunned by the voice of Adele, a "white aunt". This girl had excellent singing skills that were not expected of a singer of her age.

Luo Ji thought that his singing skills were pretty good, but Adele's singing skills were even better than him.

What does it mean to not look at people based on their appearance, what does it mean to open your mouth and kneel down, and what does it mean to conquer others with your singing skills.

Adele is.

"Perfectly sung."

Luo Ji listened carefully to her performance and couldn't help but applaud.

Judging from the action performance on the scene, this girl is still a little young and nervous.But her singing voice was really attractive, giving Luo Ji a kind and familiar feeling.

Her singing voice was like the voice of an old friend.

Luo Ji turned to Fiona and said, "Ask Adele's agent to see if we can arrange a meeting. I want to get to know her."

"Okay." Fiona took out her notepad and recorded it.

Adele is out of TV and Sarah Palin is on camera.

There seemed to be a press conference on TV.Luo Ji took a closer look and realized she was played by comedian Tina Fey.

"Fake Palin" was answering reporters' questions seriously at this time. This comedian is very popular now, and various announcements are coming one after another.

Fiona said, "She looks so much like Sarah Palin."

“Isn’t it true that Sarah Palin is going to show up?”

As soon as Luo Ji finished speaking, the camera on the TV switched.

The real Sarah Palin slowly walked onto the podium, and the "fake Palin" immediately looked horrified, then hurriedly raised her hands in surrender and left.

When the two passed by, they glanced at each other, which immediately caused the audience to burst into laughter and everyone burst into warm applause.


Sami, Luo Ji, and Fiona also laughed when they saw this scene on TV.

No matter what they are like in private, these politicians in the United States must show a spirit of daring to entertain in front of the media.

Next, Sarah Palin began to accept interviews on the show to promote her political views.

The question was obviously scripted to favor Sarah Palin.She answered with ease.

However, "Saturday Night Live" is a comedy show, and the "reporter's" questions are not serious at all. There are many comedy elements in it.

Does this promote serious political ideas?

Luo Ji complained: "What exactly does Sarah Palin think? Her status as a "political fun-loving person" has become even stronger. Will this be useful in the next election?"

Fiona said: "Maybe they are being pushed into a hurry. The polls are now very unfavorable to the Republican Party."


Luo Ji looked at Sarah Palin on the TV, and suddenly thought of the sexual and satirical movie "Who's Nailin' Paylin" (Who's Nailin' Paylin) recently released by an American pornographic TV company? Big, popular all over the rice.

Fiona looked at Luo Ji and said, "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think of anything."

Luo Ji put aside his confused thoughts and started thinking seriously.

In fact, despite the media’s malicious interpretation of Sarah Palin, this woman with glasses and an elegant smile on TV is actually very attractive.

She is a very qualified political star and is well adapted to the political ecology of the United States.

Luo Ji rubbed his chin and started thinking.

Even if she loses the election, she will still be a pivotal political figure in the Republican Party.Should he ask his political adviser Jen Psaki to get in touch with her and buy a few copies of her autobiography?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji said, "I'm going to make a call."



Jen Psaki on the other end of the phone said seriously: "Sarah Palin is an evangelical Christian who opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and gun control. She also opposes environmental protection and supports the development of natural reserves in Alaska. Oil, this is on the opposite side of your business, and I don’t think you two can talk about it.”

"So you think I shouldn't touch her?"

"Yes, if it comes out that you support her, it will cause you a lot of trouble."

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "But she will be an important figure in the Republican Party in the future, so it would be right to get in touch with her. And it's not like I don't take sides between the Republicans and the Democrats. I don't have a very firm political stance. My politics The concept is relatively flexible, and when you meet people from that party, you can say that kind of thing."

"It's okay if you want to get to know her, but not now."

Jen Psaki continued: "Now she is more popular than McCain. She is at a moment when politicians' self-confidence is extremely inflated. If you contact her now, she may not pay attention to you. Even if she pays attention to you, she will not pay attention to you." It will definitely give you a relatively high psychological status. If you want to get to know her, I suggest you do it after the election."

“What if the Republicans win?”

Jen Psaki asked rhetorically: “Don’t you read the polls?”

"Well, you convinced me."


The next day, Luo Ji and Fiona looked at the news on the computer.

The "real vs. fake Palin showdown" caused "Saturday Night Live"'s ratings to hit a 14-year high last night, with more than 2000 million people watching.

Adele is popular all over the United States, and her Google searches have surged.

Adele's album and single downloads surge on iTunes.Her album "19" and her single "Chasing Pavements" shot to No. [-] on the iTunes download list.

Luo Ji sighed: "What does it mean to become famous in one fell swoop? Adele is it!"

Fiona said: "She is the British singer who has achieved the best performance in the United States in the past two years, right?"

"Yes." Luo Ji continued: "When she returns to the UK, she will definitely be warmly welcomed. Just like the Beatles did when they broke through the United States."

"How could it be possible? Haven't the British always looked down upon the United States?"

"The British Empire is long dead."

Luo Ji said: "Although Britain often sneers at the United States, in fact they will treat British people who can succeed in the United States much differently than local British artists."

"is it?"

"Of course. Can you be more confident and stop Ha Ying!"

Fiona changed the subject: "Stop talking about this, let me convey what you told me yesterday."

"What did Adele say?"

Fiona continued: "She is very willing to see you, but now she has returned to the UK. She said that she will come to you in person next time she comes to the United States."

Luo Ji wondered: "Why did she return to England so soon?"

Fiona explained: "Her "Saturday Night Live" was recorded a week in advance. At that time, her promotion in the United States ended, so she returned to the UK after recording. She was originally very concerned about this promotion in the United States. I didn’t have any hopes, but I didn’t expect it to become popular now.”


Fiona said: "Why do you want to meet her after watching the show?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I always feel that she is very familiar, like an old friend, and she is an excellent singer-songwriter. I was wondering if I could communicate with her and provide me with some creative inspiration."

"Then we can only wait until she comes to the United States again."

(End of this chapter)

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