New York 2006

Chapter 228 Over the Atlantic Ocean

Chapter 228 Over the Atlantic Ocean

(I forgot to write the title, Over the Atlantic Ocean.)
Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ding ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping pinging ping pinging ping ping pinging.

Luo Ji mentally matched his performance-style fighting with strong sound effects.

The vampire on the opposite side gave a "powerful" punch, and Luo Ji, pulled by Wia, flew backwards in a way that did not conform to the physical scene, and hit the green screen behind him heavily.

This scene will be processed with special effects later. Luo Ji will hit the stone wall, and a big depression will appear, and gravel will fall down.

Luo Ji spat out a mouthful of blood. He covered his chest with a look of pain on his face and staggered as he looked at the powerful vampire in front of him. Finally, he lost his support and knelt on the ground with a clang on one leg.


The vampire opposite showed an evil smile and walked over slowly step by step.

He grabbed Luo Ji's neck with one hand and lifted it up. The wires behind Luo Ji started to work. He was like a chicken being picked up by the vampire opposite him with one hand.

In an instant, he was ready to break Luo Ji's neck.

Bella watched this scene worriedly, extremely anxious.

Next to her, Alice, who had the power of prophecy, had an idea flash in her mind, saw a scene in the future, and hurriedly shouted.

"No, Bella will be a vampire in the future, and we will transform her."

Director Zhu Haowei, who was sitting not far away, looked at the picture on the monitor and shouted loudly: "Yes, it's perfect."

Everyone at the scene immediately burst into cheers: "It's finally over."

The action director of the crew hurriedly stepped forward and helped Luo Ji remove the wires on his body: "Logic, are you okay?"

Luo Ji raised his brows slightly: "I know kung fu, so this is nothing to me."

"Hum..." The action director stopped and stopped talking.

Luo Ji saw that he stopped mid-sentence and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. It seemed that he was calmed down by his own performance.

I am indeed a boxing genius. If I had not taken the music path, it would not be a bad idea to fight in the UFC.

Luo Ji was happily thinking about his handsome figure in the boxing ring, when 14-year-old Saoirse Ronan walked over. She was wearing the costume from the movie, and her cheeks were as pale as a vampire.

Loli vampires are very eye-catching.

Saoirse looked like a young adult. She patted Luo Ji on the back and said, "You did well just now!"

"No, who am I! I am the acting master of the crew!"

"Okay, okay, stop blowing."

Saoirse asked seriously: "Logic, I heard that you will take a private plane back to New York in the afternoon?"

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Saoirse said with a flattering look: "How about taking me with you?"

"Don't you live in Ireland?"

"I have business in New York."

"are you alone?"

"And my mother, two people."

Luo Ji thought about it in his mind: "OK, there are still free seats, but you have to pack up quickly. We will leave for the nearby airport in a moment."



At two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Ji and others took a car to the nearby private jet airport.

The departure hall here is really small compared to the departure hall of civil aviation aircraft.Since reservations had been made before, the business of thirteen people was completed quickly in less than 10 minutes.

After passing through the glass door of the terminal, there is the airport behind.In less than a minute, everyone was led by the airport staff to the Gulfstream G1 that Luo Ji had just bought.

Two white female flight attendants in their 30s stood waiting next to the plane with their hands folded in front of their abdomens and smiling faces.

"Hi, Logic."

Luo Ji nodded and said hello: "Hello."

The two stewardesses were very excited when they saw Luo Ji, but they restrained themselves and arranged for 13 people to get on the plane in a professional manner.

A stewardess went to arrange for others to take their seats, while Luo Ji, led by another stewardess, came to the cab to get to know the two captains.

The pilots of the plane were two middle-aged white men who seemed to be very reliable people.Together with the two flight attendants, these four people on the crew will become Luo Ji's crew members from now on.This is the first time the four of them have met.

"Did your trip to Italy go well?" Luo Ji asked the captain.

The middle-aged white captain smiled and said: "It went very smoothly."

"That's good."

The middle-aged white captain continued: "Logic, can we take a photo together when we get to New York? My daughter likes you very much."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "No problem."

After a few casual chats, Luo Ji came to the cabin and sat down. The plane took off shortly.

It’s really convenient. It doesn’t take as long to wait for a civil airliner. No wonder the rich like to buy private jets, which can save a lot of time.

Luo Ji's Gulfstream G500 is a business jet produced by General Dynamics in 2005.

The aircraft is 29.4 meters long and can carry up to 19 passengers in addition to the four crew members.

From the nose to the tail, there are the cab, kitchen, cabin, a room for two people to sleep and rest, and a bathroom.

Kristen, Fiona, Blake, Blake's new girlfriend, Saoirse Ronan and others looked at the private jet excitedly. Luo Ji was also a little excited. This new toy was not only practical, but also a powerful tool for showing off.

Blake sighed: "I never thought I would be able to fly on your private jet one day."

"It seems that you haven't seen my extraordinary qualities before, and your vision is a little bad!" Hahahahaha!Everyone laughed.

Kristine asked curiously: "You just told me that you wanted to buy a private jet not long ago. How did you get it so quickly? I heard that there is a long queue for a private jet?"

Luo Ji explained: "Originally we had to wait three or four months, but during this period due to the financial crisis, many customers who had booked flights canceled their orders, so I happened to be the one to do it."

"That's it."

Saoirse Ronan smiled and asked: "Logic, how much does this plane cost?"

"3300 meters knife."

Luo Ji continued: "The person who sold me this private jet said that the price of this type of aircraft during the boom was 4200 million to 4400 million dollars."

Kristen said: "Why is there such a big difference? It's almost 1000 million."

"I heard from him that it was because of last year's subprime mortgage crisis and this year's financial crisis, and the poor economy, that the private jet market was greatly affected."

Christine laughed and said, "So now is still a good time to buy a private jet?"

"I heard the salesman say this, it's cheaper now."

Everyone chatted with each other, and the plane soon reached the stratosphere at an altitude of 1 meters, which is the height where private jets fly.

This altitude is more than 2000 meters higher than a civil aviation aircraft because the airflow here is relatively weak. It is the altitude stipulated by the International Aviation Industry Association for private jets.

The plane flew slowly and steadily.The two stewardesses unbuckled their seat belts and were busy in the kitchen, preparing food and drinks for everyone.Except for 14-year-old Saoirse, everyone drank happily.

After eating and drinking, Blake said, "I'm going to take a rest in the back."

"Yeah." Luo Ji responded casually.

Saoirse Ronan, who was sitting next to Luo Ji, smiled and said, "The scenery outside is so beautiful."


The weather is indeed very good today. Looking down through the glass of the plane, the Atlantic Ocean is blue, and occasionally you can see a few clouds below the plane.

Saoirse Ronan took Luo Ji's arm and said expectantly, "Logic, can I visit you when I finish my work in New York?"

"Of course. I'm in New York during this period. You can come to me at any time."

"Where is your home?"


Saoirse said in surprise: "What a coincidence, I'm going to Broadway too."

"What are you doing there?"

"Audition, Peter Jackson's new film, The Lovely Bones."

"The Lovely Bones?"

Saoirse said doubtfully: "Yeah. But your focus is wrong, isn't it? This is a Peter Jackson movie."

"The director of "Lord of the Rings"!" Luo Ji finally reacted, and then he explained: "What a coincidence. Brian Eno, the producer of my first album not long ago, became the director of "Lord of the Rings". The soundtrack director of "The Lovely Bones" came to New York. He also invited me to have a get-together when he had time."

"What a coincidence!"

"Indeed, the circle is really small."

Luo Ji suddenly noticed that Blake's new girlfriend stood up, walked to the back, opened the door of a room and walked in.

This seems to be the room Blake entered just now.

Luo Ji looked at Kristine opposite, and her eyes were also looking at the back of the cabin.After a while she turned around, and their eyes met.

Sparks flew in an instant!

"Logic, do you know what The Lovely Bones is about?"

"What did you say?"

"It was a story that happened in 1973. Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old high school freshman, who was the character I was auditioning for, dreamed of becoming a photographer. One day, the boy she had a crush on, Ray, asked her out. When As Susie walked home through the cornfields..."

The story was quite interesting, but Luo Ji soon lost interest. He dealt with the little girl at one time or another, and then flirted with Christine, who was sitting opposite, chatting and laughing.

After five minutes like this, Christine glanced at Luo Ji, then stood up and walked toward the back.

He and Christine had developed a tacit understanding during this time. Luo Ji nodded to her. After 2 minutes, he stood up and walked to the back.

Saoirse Ronan took Luo Ji's hand and asked anxiously, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to rest in the back."

"But both lounges are full."

The little girl is a bit clingy as a fan.

Luo Ji responded helplessly: "It's okay, Blake and I can just squeeze in."

Saoirse Ronan let go: "Uh... okay."

Luo Ji came to the back aisle. He first listened to the corner of Blake's door.Sure enough, a woman's weak and suppressed voice came from inside.

Luo Ji smiled, pushed open the door to the room next to him, and found Kristine already lying on the bed, covering her body with a quilt.Her coat and pants were already on the table next to her.

Luo Ji walked in without hesitation and closed the door, then sat on the bed and began to take off his clothes.

There is a glass window next to the bed. From the outside, you can see the Atlantic Ocean more than 1 meters below.

A love story that takes place over the Atlantic Ocean, beautiful, warm, passionate and romantic.


Saoirse Ronan was sitting in the cabin, staring at the back. After 3 minutes, no one came out. She turned around angrily, picked up the juice and drank it one sip after another.

(End of this chapter)

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