New York 2006

Chapter 190 Graduated

Chapter 190 Graduated

On May 2008, 5, Luo Ji, Taylor, Blake, Blake's girlfriend Hailey, Bruno Mars and a photography team gathered in the conference room of Future Records and watched MTV on TV.

The voiceover on the TV said: "Logic's single "Perfect" has been released for three weeks and has ranked fourth on the Billboard singles chart. Not long ago, Logic, Taylor, Bruno Mars and others went to an Austrian ski resort. Hintertux shot the music video for the song."

"The shooting of this MV was personally directed by Logic and Taylor Swift and cost more than 150 million US dollars. It is a rare large-scale production in song MVs in recent years. According to reports, the inspiration for this MV is the two From personal experience, the relationship between the two was established on the snowy mountains."

"Now, let's enjoy the MV together."

I found a love for me
i found my love
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
fall in love darling follow me
On the TV, the MV started playing.The plot of this MV is almost exactly the same as Tianqi's MV, except that the people and location have been changed.The five people who traveled together became Luo Ji, Taylor, Blake, Hailey and Bruno Mars.

The location of Tianqi’s MV is unknown, but the Austrian ski resort Hintertux is famous around the world.It was much more beautiful than the ski resort in Ohio where Luo Ji and Taylor met.The effect of shooting is also more beautiful.

Halfway through the MV, a yellow and white orange cat suddenly appeared on the screen.

Taylor said, "Look, it's Meredith. She looks so cute in the camera."

All the staff members echoed: "The effect is really good."

Meredith is the name of the kitten Taylor adopted last time at a ski resort hotel in Ohio.

The name comes from the name of the heroine in her favorite TV series "Grey's Anatomy".She is a strong woman.

And she looks perfect, I don't deserve this
She looks so beautiful that she makes me feel unworthy
You look perfect tonight
My dear, you are the most perfect tonight

At the end of the MV, Luo Ji and Taylor were seen on TV dancing on the snowy field at night. With the singing, it was very romantic.

At the end of the scene, the two returned to the cabin on the snowfield to sleep. In the early morning, under the sunshine, Taylor woke up in Luo Ji's arms. A smile appeared on her face. The plan had succeeded, and the MV ended.

"Perfect! Perfect!" a staff member shouted with a pun!
"Perfect!" Everyone in the conference room shouted in celebration.

Luo Ji looked at everyone and smiled. During the filming of this MV, everyone could almost be said to have gone on vacation to Austria. It was very relaxing.

Luo Ji took his family, and Taylor took his mother and younger brother. It was a trip through work.

Jeff Busker walked up to Luo Ji and said, "It's very good. It's a very romantic MV."

Luo Ji responded: "MTV has already broadcast it. Please hurry up and ask company personnel to upload my MV on YouTube."


Jeff Busker continued: "By the way, I have good news for you. Lady Gaga's single "Bad Romance" has reached No. 6 on the Billboard singles chart. Her album will be released today."

"Haha, not bad, not bad, it lived up to our hype! Then you can arrange her MV shooting, and choose the company directed by Francis."


Taylor came over at this time: "It's time for me to go back to Big Machine Records and continue recording the album."


Luo Ji said, "The recording of your song "A Thousand Years" still has some flaws and needs to be revised."

Taylor smiled and slapped Luo Ji: "If you continue like this, what you will give me will not be a surprise, but a shock. I know you want me to be by your side, but the other songs in my album are still Need to record."

The surprise Luo Ji prepared for Taylor was, of course, his apocalyptic song "A Thousand Years".Taylor has always been obsessed with asking Luo Ji to write songs for her, and now she is satisfied.

During this period, Luo Ji, as the producer of the song, kept delaying Taylor, not wanting her to leave. Taylor also knew about it and worked with Luo Ji to cooperate.

However, Taylor's ambition has never been extinguished.

Luo Ji said helplessly, "Okay, but I will speak at the high school graduation ceremony tomorrow. Do you want to attend as a guest?"

"Of course, I'm not leaving now. I'll wait until your graduation ceremony is over before I leave."

After Taylor finished speaking, he took Luo Ji's hand and said, "This is an important moment for you, and I want to witness it."

At the end of May, the weather in New York has suddenly warmed up, and today the high school graduation ceremony was held in the school gymnasium.

Directly in front is a podium, with high school classmates who graduated this year sitting directly in front of them.The men wore black graduation gowns and the women wore red graduation gowns.

Behind them were the parents of the students who came to watch the ceremony, as well as students from other grades of the high school.There were several invited reporters around with several cameras set up.

"Today Logic will speak as a representative of graduating students."

"Have you seen the school's wall of fame? Logic's photo is already up there."

"Taylor Swift is sitting in the back. I wonder if she would like to take a photo with me. I like her very much."

"Taylor doesn't know, but Logic will take a group photo with us outdoors later. When the graduation ceremony is over, don't delay later. Let's grab a seat in the front. Maybe Logic will leave halfway through the group photo."

Behind the podium, Luo Ji was sitting and chatting with the headmistress.

She smiled and said, "Logic, your movie will be released in two weeks, right?"

"Well, large-scale publicity has started during this period. You should have seen it too." "Yes." The headmistress said with a smile: "I saw it on HBO TV. Do you also cooperate with HBO? "

Luo Ji explained: "The distributor of this movie is Warner Group, so I can use some of their channels to promote it. But the main way to promote my movie is on the Internet. There are so many young people online now. This is The main audience for my films.”

The two were chatting some gossip, and the headmistress suddenly changed the topic: "What do you think about changing the school library to your name?"

"Logic library?" Luo Ji asked confused.


Luo Ji smiled awkwardly. The headmistress must have read the news some time ago.

Luo Ji's previous high school suddenly changed the name of the school gymnasium to Logic Gym. After they changed the name, they asked Luo Ji's previous music teacher to inform him.

Since they were giving him face, Luo Ji didn't hesitate and directly donated 100 million dollars to repair the school's gymnasium.I didn’t expect that this would happen in high schools today.

Luo Ji thought about it and said, "Okay, no problem."

Successful people in the United States like to do this, donating money and naming some institutions, buildings, stadiums, etc. after their own names or family names.Or give back to their alma mater and let the school name some libraries, gymnasiums, etc. after them.Luo Ji was no exception. He was also somewhat vain.

The graduation ceremony officially began. The headmistress walked to the front and said an opening speech. Then she smiled and said to everyone: "We would like to invite our outstanding student representative, Felix Sloat Rowe, to come to the stage to speak."

Bang bang bang, everyone in the audience applauded.There may be many outsiders and fans who don't know his real name, but basically everyone in the school knows it.

Luo Ji walked onto the stage wearing a black graduation gown. He came to the microphone and said, "I would like to congratulate everyone here for being able to attend this graduation ceremony. After years of hard work, it's finally time to reap the rewards. You are the best. Let's. We applaud everyone.”

Luo Ji took the lead in applauding, and others in the audience followed suit.The applause stopped after five seconds, and Luo Ji approached the microphone.

"Of course, there's me, too, and I'm the best."

Hahaha, many people in the audience laughed.

Luo Ji continued: "I would like to thank my mom, grandma, Fiona, Tyler and Andrea. Thank you for coming to my graduation ceremony today. Thank you for witnessing this important moment for me."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he waved in the direction where several people were sitting.Sami and others waved back to him.

"Today, we are officially saying goodbye to our high school days. This place is full of memories of youth. We are looking forward to the future, but also a little anxious and reluctant to leave. Many people may be confused and don't know what the future will hold."

"What I want to say is, don't be afraid, be brave. This is the psychological state that people will have when they are about to leave a familiar environment. This is the survival instinct of human beings that has evolved for thousands of years. I remember the first time I sang in Brooklyn At that time, my heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness, but if I had not taken that step, I might not be where I am now."

"The opportunity to achieve great things in our lives is always in our hands. Please remember that many political leaders, celebrities, and scientists were once ordinary people like us. They are no different from you and me before. Although in the future On the road, mistakes and failures are inevitable. But you must be brave. The mark you leave on the world is the footprint you have walked. While you are young, be brave enough to try, love bravely, and pursue what you love bravely. thing."

"Don't let all kinds of shackles constrain us, everyone, come on! I sincerely wish you all a bright future in the future. Thank you everyone!"

The entire speech lasted just over three minutes, chicken soup, concise and clear. No matter how much you say without experiencing it personally, you will never remember it. Luo Ji knew this very well. Luo Ji's mother's previous advice basically went in one ear and out the other.

The next group photo is the key point, everyone can show off only if they have photos.

The photo session lasted for five hours before it ended. Today, not only the graduates came to take photos with him, but also the parents of the students, other lower-grade students and some teachers and staff of the school also came to see him.

Luo Ji refused everyone who came. For some reason, Luo Ji didn't feel irritated at all on this occasion, but rather enjoyed it very much.

In the afternoon, major news networks.

"Today, Logic graduated from high school and he gave a speech as a high school graduate. Taylor Swift also went to watch the ceremony."

"We received special news that Logic was admitted to many universities with SAT scores of 1566 and ACT 35. He finally chose New York University, which is relatively close to home. According to people familiar with the matter, Logic rejected a full scholarship from New York University and hoped to Scholarships help those who need it more.”

In the afternoon, Luo Ji saw the news on some serious news websites.This news should gain a lot of favor among the mainstream people in the United States.

At night, in the departure lounge of New York's LaGuardia Airport, Luo Ji and Taylor disguised themselves. They wore headphones and listened to Taylor's recently recorded song "A Thousand Years."

Taylor's version is more girly and country than Apocalypse, which fits her style.

I have loved you for a thousand years
My love for you has passed the test of thousands of years
I'll love you for a thousand more
I will love you as always, longer than a thousand years
Time stands still
Time is frozen in this second

Beauty in all she is
You are so beautiful
Taylor smiled and said, "Why can you write such a female song?"

"I got the inspiration while watching the fourth part of The Twilight Saga."


As they parted soon, both of them felt a little depressed.

Andrea, who was sitting aside, suddenly said: "Taylor, it's time to board the plane."

"it is good."

Taylor stood up and looked at Luo Ji reluctantly: "When I graduate next year, can you come to my graduation ceremony?"

"Of course." Luo Ji said affirmatively.

 I have graduated and passed the college entrance examination. I sincerely wish you all the best!
(End of this chapter)

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