New York 2006

Chapter 189

Chapter 189
Early in the morning on May 2008, 5, Luo Ji, accompanied by two bodyguards, his mother Sammy and Fiona, drove to New York's LaGuardia Airport in a commercial vehicle.

Luo Ji was very familiar with the route to this airport. He always came to this airport every time he flew to and from the United States.Luo Ji looked out the window, his eyes dull and lost in thought.

Sami looked at Luo Ji and said, "Feili, what's wrong with you? Why don't you seem to be in good condition lately?"

Luo Ji said, "I don't know what's going on lately. Starting in April, I sometimes feel uneasy for no reason."

"Do you want to see a doctor?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "Mom, don't you know? I attach great importance to health. I've seen it and the doctor said there's no big problem. It's probably due to a bit of stress."

Sammy asked with concern: "What pressure are you feeling?"

"I don't have any pressure, everything is fine." Luo Ji looked at the scenery outside: "Maybe it's because I haven't had much rest recently."

The journey was smooth, and several people came to the airport exit hall to wait.Luo Ji disguised himself so well that no one around him noticed.Fiona disappears for a while and brings a reporter with her.

This reporter is the reporter who photographed Luo Ji and Lady Gaga a few days ago. He is a gossip reporter for TMZ, a celebrity gossip news website owned by Fox Entertainment. The two have a cooperative relationship.

Luo Ji provided him with news, and he gave him reports that were beneficial to Luo Ji.It's a win-win situation.

"Logic, will I shoot here later?"

"Yeah. When Taylor comes out later, remember to take a picture."

The TMZ reporter smiled and said, "Don't worry, the photos will definitely satisfy you. I will let Fiona review them."

"Thank you for your hard work." Luo Ji touched him with his fist.

"Tyler is here," Fiona reminded.

Luo Ji took a look and saw that Taylor was wearing casual clothes. Taylor's mother, Andrea, followed beside her. Her face seemed not to be good.

Luo Ji quickly took off his mask and sunglasses and walked towards Taylor with a smile. The TMZ reporter quickly picked up the camera and kept filming.

Luo Ji shouted to her, "Taylor."

When Taylor saw Luo Ji, she immediately ran up and threw herself into Luo Ji's arms. Her voice seemed to be choked with sobs.

"Fili, I miss you so much!"

When Fiona saw this scene, she quickly reminded the TMZ reporter beside her: "Hurry up and shoot."

"I'm taking pictures, trust my expertise."

People at the airport exit also spotted the two of them and immediately surrounded them. Some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.Two bodyguards rushed to maintain order.

Someone in the crowd of onlookers shouted: "Logic, Taylor, don't break up, you two!"

Luo Ji said, "We have a very good relationship. Don't believe the scandals in the tabloids."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he pulled Taylor outside and said hello to Taylor's mother, Andrea.

Andrea just nodded coldly as a greeting.

Luo Ji whispered in Taylor's ear: "What's wrong with Andrea? She seems to be very dissatisfied with me."

Taylor whispered: "She is very dissatisfied with the hype of our scandal. She said it is hurting our relationship, but it's okay. I will persuade her."

Luo Ji felt helpless, but now was not the time to please his mother-in-law. More and more people were gathering around him. Luo Ji found it difficult to move. Airport security noticed something unusual, and under their escort, the two of them were able to escape.

"What a beautiful photo!" Taylor said.

Back home, Luo Ji and Taylor looked at the photos taken by the TMZ reporter. The timing was very good and the shots were very beautiful.

Luo Ji looked at Fiona: "Just this one, let him send the news out as soon as possible."


After arranging matters with the news media, Luo Ji ended his business and then prepared to please Taylor's mother Andrea.This was her and Taylor's first visit to Luo Ji's new home.

Luo Ji looked around. His mother Sami, his grandmother Queenie, and Taylor's mother were standing in front of the photo wall in the hall.Luo Ji pulled Taylor closer.

Sami was introducing Taylor's mother at this time: "Look at the picture in the middle. It's a photo of Fili and the Queen of England."

Taylor's mother, Andrea, seemed to have thought of something and smiled.

Sami looked proud and continued to introduce to Andrea: "Look at this, it's a photo of Fili and former deputy commander Gore. This is a photo of Fili and President Clinton. This is a photo of Fili and President Clinton. Photo with Ms. Clinton, Senator of New York.”

Andrea was a little surprised and looked back at Luo Ji: "You still know the Clintons?"

"Yes." Luo Ji replied seriously: "They invested some money in my fund."

Andrea nodded and continued to look at the photo wall.

Sami continued: "This is a photo of Fili and Steve Jobs. Fili has a good relationship with him. They are still cooperating in their current companies. Fili's company is developing software for Apple mobile phones."

"Yeah." Andrea nodded.

Luo Ji put his hand on his forehead, and Sami came again. Whenever someone came to the house, she would show off Luo Ji's connections and connections to others.

Luo Ji gave Taylor a helpless look.Taylor didn't notice Luo Ji's eyes, but looked at the photo wall with interest.

Grandma Queenie pointed to a photo of Luo Ji and a Chinese man: "Do you know this person?"

"I don't know." Andrea said.

"He is Pony Ma. A famous Internet entrepreneur in China. His company has a market value of tens of billions of dollars. His company has taken a stake in Feili's Internet company. There is cooperation between the two companies."

Taylor looked at Luo Ji and asked, "Your Internet company?"

"It's Holi. I rarely promote this company, so there is relatively little news in the media."

Grandma Queenie continued to introduce to Andrea: "Did you see this? It's a photo of Philip and William Daly. You know the Daly family..."

Luo Ji listened to his grandmother's introduction. She introduced the Daley family in the most detail.For anyone who has lived in Chicago, the Daley family holds a special place.

Taylor took out his cell phone and searched Holi while others were not paying attention.

"In the social gaming industry, Holi Game Company has the largest market share. You may not know that this company is actually owned by Logic. There is news that the company has completed Series A financing. The financing parties are KPCB and Tencent. The company’s specific valuation is unclear, and Holi did not disclose it to the media..."

Luo Ji and Taylor continued to walk around the house with their mother, and Sami tried his best to show Andrea how good his son was.

"This is a charity fund founded by Fili, mainly to help outstanding students and homeless people. You see, this is a photo of Fili and them. This charity fund spends more than one million dollars every year."

"This house costs more than 500 million yuan. Fili also has another one in Los Angeles, which is also more than 500 million yuan. Andrea, you saw it when we attended the Grammys in Los Angeles. It's very beautiful."

"This is Fili's study. He sometimes has to work in it all day long. I asked him to stop working so hard. He has to work hard even though he is so rich. It's not good for your health."

"What, Taylor is very naughty sometimes, you can't control it. The same goes for Fili, sometimes he is very naughty."

Several people milled around for about ten minutes.Taking advantage of a gap, Luo Ji pulled his mother Sami aside: "Can you stop talking so much? Andrea thought we were here to show off." Sami gave Luo Ji a reassuring look: " You don’t understand, a man’s psychology is different from a woman’s psychology, I’m doing this for your own good.”

"Sammy, what's in this album?" Andrea asked.

Sami patted Luo Ji's hand, then walked towards Andrea with a smile: "Here are photos of Feli when he was a child. Taylor saw them when he came home last time. Come, let me introduce them to you."

By the time everyone finished reading the photo album, twenty minutes had passed.

Luo Ji felt that Andrea might be angry with Sami's showing off today, so he smiled awkwardly at her.Unexpectedly, she also showed a kind smile to Luo Ji, completely without the coldness she had shown in the morning.

Did mother's strategy work?Do women and men really think differently?
Before Luo Ji could think about it, Fiona came over and said, "Feili, Taylor, the news is out."

TMZ acted really fast. It seemed that the article had already been written. Luo Ji took Taylor to the study room, turned on the computer, and logged directly into the TMZ website, which is the most famous celebrity gossip website in the United States.The headlines on the front page were the news about these two people.

"Today, Logic went to New York Airport to pick up Taylor Swift."

The picture on the webpage is a snapshot of the two of them at the airport. The two of them were smiling very happily, and there was no sign that there was any problem with their relationship.

"There is no problem with the relationship between Logic and Taylor. Our reporter contacted Logic himself today."

"Logic said that he and Lady Gaga were just friends and partners. The two were just discussing the song "Bad Romance" in a coffee shop that day, and the media reported it randomly. Logic said that the reason why he has not given interviews to the media these days is because It's because I'm busy with the movie "Twilight". The movie will be released on June 6, so I have to make a lot of preparations in advance."

"Logic hopes that the media will not intrude too much on the personal lives of the three of them and pay more attention to their works."

After reading the news from TMZ, Luo Ji then opened the Reddit website. Many people discuss news on this website. Luo Ji searched and found that someone had already posted a link to this news.

Although Fiona was always paying attention, she didn't expect that there would be many comments under the post in such a short time.

"Let me just say, Taylor and Logic have such a good relationship, how can they break up."

"Have you listened to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance"? It was written by Logic. It's really good. Highly recommended."

"It's mainly an aesthetic issue. Do you think Lady Gaga is good-looking? The previous news is false. I don't believe someone as handsome as Logic would like her."

"What's wrong with Lady Gaga? Do you just think Taylor is good-looking? Kristen Stewart's appearance is more suitable for Logic. Haven't you seen the trailer of "Twilight"? I love it."

Luo Ji looked at the comments and complained, "Can you stop crooking the building?"

"Taylor and Logic got together because of the mutual attraction of artists. What else does Kristen have besides her face? Haven't you heard of "Coffee" that Taylor wrote for Logic, and "Perfect" that Logic wrote for Taylor? What's in it? Can’t you understand the true feelings between the two? If someone can write me such a romantic song, I will definitely marry him."


"Support +1!"

This comment has the most likes, and the two of them still have a lot of CP fans!

Luo Ji continued to look at other people's comments. Some of them were really annoying.

"Logic, I want you to be taken away by an oncoming car as soon as you step out, Taylor is mine!"

"Hapa vampire, Hapa singer, get out!"

"Logic is a Wall Street capitalist and a vampire. He bribed you by putting on a show in the media. I am an insider of a charity organization. He has never helped the homeless before. He only acted urgently after the news broke." Just contact us for show and help some homeless people.”

"It doesn't matter whether it's a show or a charity, it doesn't matter what you do but your heart!"

These haters!

Luo Ji hadn't read any comments about him online for a long time, so he searched Logic on the homepage and found some popular posts about him.

After browsing it briefly, I found it to be generally positive.The most viewed photos are some of his handsome photos, followed by news about him.

"Logic and Britney, we wrote the song all night last night!"

"Logic made $[-] million from the subprime mortgage crisis."

"Logic's album "16" has sold more than [-] million copies."

"Logic is on the Forbes Celebrity List!"

"When will Logic run naked!"

"Logic's value investing, detailed explanation of Internet technology stocks recommended by Logic."

"Logic trolling video collection!"

"About my investment in Logic Private Equity Fund."

Taylor curled his lips: "I've seen all of these, boring!"

"I haven't paid attention to what netizens have said about me for a long time. Let me take a look first." Luo Ji stared at the screen and said, "You can just look around at home!"

Taylor first wandered around the study, looking here and touching there.The entire study room is very large, with a desk in the middle and a bookshelf on the left side of the room with many books on it.

"Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "God is Dead", "Twilight" series, "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, "Harry Potter" series, "Programming Languages", "Introduction to Computers" ", "Mathematical Principles", "Universe", "Underlying Principles of Music"...

"IQ and Global Inequality."

"The Power Elite".

"A Brief History of Puritan American Culture: The City on a Hill."

Taylor looked casually and moved to the other side of the study.

It is arranged like a small living room, with a TV on the wall, a sofa coffee table on the floor, and a long table next to it, with various music CDs, movie DVDs, and most of them game consoles and game cassettes. It's something boys like.

"Boring." Taylor muttered softly, then looked at Luo Ji and said, "What is the surprise you have prepared for me?"

"I'll tell you the secret later," Luo Ji said casually.

Taylor said: "Then let me go to your bedroom?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment, and there seemed to be nothing shameful inside: "Go ahead and take a look."

Taylor came to Luo Ji's bedroom alone. The room was relatively neat and not messy.Someone should clean it up regularly.She sat down on the bed. The bed was very soft and should be very comfortable to sleep on.

I've been on a plane for a long time today and I'm a little tired.She was just about to lie down and rest for a while, when she saw a gap in the drawer of the bedside table, and a touch of red appeared inside.

Curious, she opened the drawer and found a folded scarf lying quietly inside.

"Isn't this my red scarf? I forgot about taking it back."

Taylor picked it up, looked at it, touched it with his hands, and then held it in his arms and felt it, it was warm and comfortable.

Then she folded it carefully, put it gently in the drawer, and closed the drawer as if she had discovered nothing.

She lay on the bed and felt the warmth quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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