What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 202 It would be a fool not to take the initiative when you have it

Chapter 202 It would be a fool not to take the initiative when you have it

East China Sea.

Jiang Qi overlooked the mighty sea below and looked towards the far distance of the East China Sea.

In that direction is the location of the "Boiling Valley" recorded in the booklet.

It is also Jiang Qi’s destination this time.

Jiang Qi had no intention of stopping, and once again activated the somersault cloud, kicking off the cloud at top speed, and was about to rush in that direction.


However, at this moment, a dragon roar made Jiang Qi stop.

I saw a divine dragon suddenly flying out of the sea waves. The dragon's body was slender, not domineering, but rather delicate.

Jiang Qi smiled, went up to meet her, and said, "I've met the eldest princess."

The divine dragon also fell in front of Jiang Qi and manifested its true form. She was none other than the eldest princess Ao Luo who was respected by all the dragon clans in the world.

"why you?"

When Ao Luo saw Jiang Qi, he blinked in confusion and asked, "When did you learn the Great Sage's Somersault Cloud?"


Jiang Qi also blinked. Wasn't this a coincidence?

Seeing this, Ao Luo explained briefly.

It turns out that there is a golden bell in the East China Sea. It is of no great use. It only records the method of soaring into the clouds and escaping light used by the famous saints of the three realms. As long as the recorded evading light flies close to the East China Sea, it will be sensed and respond to different events. sound as a reminder.

Just now, Jiang Qi's somersault cloud triggered the golden bell. The old Dragon King thought it was the Great Sage coming to beat the autumn wind. Ao Luo happened to be in the palace, so he asked Ao Luo to come over to greet him so that he could become familiar with him.

But after Ao Luo came out, he discovered that the person riding the cloud was not Sun Dasheng, but Jiang Qi.

After Jiang Qi heard this, he smacked his lips secretly.

What kind of fantasy version of the welcome bell?

Not to mention that the Dragon King of the Four Seas is sensible, this "service attitude" is enough to make those masters who like to fight against the autumn wind feel comfortable.

Including but not limited to, Sun Wukong, Nezha, Lu Dongbin, etc.

None of these gentlemen are easy to serve, but they have never targeted Sihai Dragon Palace.

As the saying goes, eat people with soft hands and use short words with others.

"Are you here to find me?"

After Ao Luo explained, he asked.

She still remembered the agreement she made in the small world in the Haotian Tower. Jiang Qi gave her three ancient dragon relics in exchange for teaching her how to use the Zhulong magical power.

Jiang Qi also remembered this agreement, shook his head and said: "I may have to bother the princess again after a while. Xiaodao has other things to do when he comes to the East China Sea this time."


When Ao Luo heard this, he had no intention of asking further questions. He just said: "If you need my help, just call me. My face is still reliable in the world."

"Thank you princess."

Jiang Qi smiled and nodded.

Ao Luo didn't say much, turned around and walked back into the East China Sea.

After such an episode, Jiang Qi once again jumped into the clouds.

This time, I didn't meet any acquaintances or obstacles. The journey was smooth and we reached the deepest part of the East China Sea.

This place is already the wilderness of the East China Sea. Before it was over, it was completely separated from the boundaries of the four major continents and was an uncivilized land.

As for the situation in that realm, let's put it this way: even the most miserable demon clan is unwilling to go to that uncivilized land to survive.

Jiang Qi did not disperse the somersault cloud, because below him was the so-called Boiling Valley.

He lowered his head and looked at the dark red island.

The island is large, but its shape is irregular, like pieces of paper that have been burned and fallen into ashes.

And on that island, there was no trace of life, whether it was birds, animals, trees, flowers, or grass.

All life was burned away by the red gold flame burning in the center of the island.

In the center of the island is a valley that sinks deeply, like a ferocious chasm.

The red gold flame spurted out from the crack, and a trace fell, which was Baili Chidi.

Jiang Qi closed his eyes slightly, opened the heavenly eye between his eyebrows, filled it with divine light, and looked at the valley.

In it, Jiang Qi "saw" the only vitality of the entire island.

It is also the only existence that can barely be called a living being.

Its true form cannot be seen clearly, but its fiery energy is enough to make the eyes feel burning.

If you're not careful, you'll get stuck in the flames.

"The sun is really hot." Jiang Qi murmured to himself and remembered something at the same time.

When the demon tribe laid out the Seventh Princess, they were blocked by the extremely high-ranking Sun Fire Emperor Zhenwu.

At that time, Jiang Qi was still wondering, how could the demon clan still have such "fresh" true sun fire after the ancient demon court was exterminated until now?

Now when you look at this boundary, you can understand that 80% of it is collected and condensed from here.

Without thinking much, Jiang Qi slowly raised his hand, and a long red sword appeared in his hand, humming in Jiang Qi's hand.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let you take the lead today."

Jiang Qi whispered a word of relief before he stopped complaining about Zhen Xianjian.

Then, the other hand shook, and a dark sword appeared, which was the Absolute Immortal Sword.

Compared to the dissatisfaction of Zhenxian Sword, Juexianjian was very cooperative, but the emotions that followed made Jiang Qi look weird.

To describe it roughly, it’s: Why is my brother’s girlfriend still so mean? Unlike me, I do whatever my brother asks me to do.

Too tea, too tea

Jiang Qi shook his head and shook the inexplicable thoughts out of his mind.

Then his expression became solemn, and the Juexian Sword in his left hand was held flat in front of him.


Jiang Qi chanted the mantra and activated his magic power.


Complex but unified, like one sound and countless sounds, the sound of swords sounded in layers but in clear order.

The Juexian Sword emits a dark sword light, and the sword body becomes blurry.


Jiang Qi shook his hand, pointed the Immortal Sword in his hand at the valley, and threw it out.


The sword is in mid-air, changing in the wind.

One turns into ten, ten turns into a hundred, a hundred turns into a thousand

In the blink of an eye, it evolves once.

When you approach the Boiling Valley, if you look out from the Boiling Valley, you will find that the sky has darkened.

The sky and the earth are covered with shadows of pitch-black swords!

The Absolute Immortal Sword turned into a torrent of swords that enveloped the Boiling Valley, and "washed" fiercely on the Boiling Valley.


Within the Boiling Valley, there were harsh sounds of birds chirping, and anyone could hear the anger in the tone.

Jiang Qi looked on indifferently.

Just kidding, why not do it if you can take the lead?

Also, Feiling Valley is full of Sun Fire, which is clearly the opponent's home field. Jiang Qi fought against the opponent in Feiling Valley because he was confused.

One of the essences of fighting is to infinitely expand one's own advantages while infinitely weakening the opponent's advantages.

This teaching from Master Yang Jian is also the golden rule that Yang Jian learned during countless bloody battles in the Tribulation of the Gods.

Let’s not mention Jiang Qi’s advantages for the moment, but the opponent’s advantages are obvious.

This is the advantageous location of Feigu.

Although Jiang Qi was proficient in the fire-preventing technique, it was still unclear whether he could block the endless stream of true sun fire.

In this case, then simply cut off the source of the true sun fire.


A voice sounded again in the Boiling Valley, but this time it was a human voice, although it was still sharp.

Jiang Qi turned a deaf ear and pointed his finger like a sword, mobilizing countless swords to further destroy Feigu.

The true fire of the sun is boiling, trying to burn the Immortal Sword into scrap metal.

But obviously, even if the Eastern Emperor is resurrected, he may not be able to burn the Juexian Sword, let alone a miscellaneous one.

In the end, under the torrent of swords from the Immortal Sword, Boiling Valley turned into ruins, and the true fire of the sun stopped burning.

After Jiang Qi did all this, he took back the Immortal Sword.

And flying out with the Immortal Sword, there was also a pitch-black crow.

In those scarlet eyes, there was a fierceness that came from the ancient wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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