What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 201 Weird "Mission"

Chapter 201 Weird "Mission"

Jiang Qi blinked when he heard this, looked at Wen Zhong aside, and raised his hand to salute.

"Junior Jiang Qi has met Master Wen Zhong."

"There is no need for common etiquette."

Wen Zhong interrupted Jiang Qi's words, but did not deny that Jiang Qi claimed to be a junior in his sect.

Chanjiao and Jiejiao are still a bit difficult to deal with now, but Wen Zhong also knows very well that the two religions have long been inseparable.

What's more, what does the grievances of the older generation have to do with Jiang Qi, a fourth-generation disciple?

If you don’t call me uncle, I won’t force you to do it. If you call me uncle, I have the confidence to recognize you.

This is roughly what most disciples of the Second Sect who have experienced the Battle of the Gods think about the juniors of the other family.

"Come with me."

Wen Zhong looked Jiang Qi up and down, then turned around with a flick of his sleeves, motioning for Jiang Qi to follow.

Jiang Qi first bowed to the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and excused himself, and then hurriedly followed Wen Zhong's footsteps.

Wen Zhongren is tall and tall, and his steps are also long. Although his boots are soft-soled, he can still step out with a sonorous iron-blooded tone.

Along the way, everyone who saw the Heavenly Lord stopped to salute, but Wen Zhong did not look sideways and just walked out.

After about half a stick of incense, Wen Zhong took Jiang Qi to a document warehouse.

Raise your hand and push the door open.


The old door made a harsh sound, and it was difficult to imagine that this dilapidated document library was the Shenxiao Yushu, one of the cores of the heaven.

Jiang Qi stood beside Wen Zhong, looking sideways into the case library.

In the darkness, two pairs of eyes lit up. Just by looking at the divine light, one could tell that the guards in the case library were two masters of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Jiang Qi closed his eyes in surprise.

He knew very well that his great-uncle was very particular about making the best use of everything, and the two Taiyi Golden Immortals who had been guarding the archives all year round were definitely within his great-uncle's sight.

In other words, at least in the eyes of my great-uncle, it is not enough to place the record library in the Shenxiao Yushu in the core hinterland of the heaven. Two additional Taiyi Golden Immortals must be arranged to be stationed all year round!

In fact, this was just a guard who showed up after the document library was opened.

Whether there is something secretly there or not is not something Jiang Qi can know.


A hoarse voice sounded from the mouth of one of the guards. Even when facing Wen Zhong, the boss of Shenxiao Yushu, he had no intention of being polite.

Wen Zhong didn't care, as if he was used to it, he just raised his hand and threw out a talisman.

The talisman floated out and burned spontaneously in the absence of wind.

This is a one-time seal.

Jiang Qi was surprised again.

It seems that even Wen Zhong cannot enter and exit this case library at will.

What's inside?

Why did Emperor Changsheng let himself follow Wen Zhong here?

Also, what is "the person you want"?

Could it be that Wen Zhong asked him to do something by name, and the Emperor Changsheng was happy to see it happen?

While Jiang Qi was thinking about it, Wen Zhong on the other side had already walked into the document library and started rummaging through it.

After a cup of tea, Wen Zhong came out holding a book with yellow footers and motioned to Jiang Qi at the door to follow him.

Jiang Qi followed Wen Zhong out of the mysterious document warehouse without squinting. When he got outside, the door was closed again. Jiang Qi looked back and saw that it was just an ordinary warehouse with nothing special about it.

"have a look."

Wen Zhong handed the booklet in his hand to Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi raised his hand and took it. The book was too thin to be called a book. With the empty cover on both sides, it only had eight pages.

He turned the first page, and there was no divine light that bloomed and directly projected the stored information into the sea of ​​consciousness, and there was no world in the book.

It's just a rigid and square font that records something.

The book is not big, just about the size of your hands spread out, but the words written on it are not small, only twenty or thirty words per page. In addition, there is a picture catalogue.

Jiang Qi scanned the content above, his eyes widened unconsciously, and he looked at Wen Zhong in front of him as if he was electrocuted.

There was shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Uncle, this is"

Wen Zhong did not answer, but pointed with his finger somewhere on the first page Jiang Qi opened, and asked: "Do you know what this means?"

Jiang Qi looked at the position pointed by Wen Zhong and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid no one in the Three Realms knows about it."


Wen Zhong said two words lightly, and then said: "No one will help you, but nothing will bother you." "The same goes for the other party."

After saying that, Wen Zhong opened his hands to Jiang Qi, his meaning was very simple.

If you feel you can't do it, just return the booklet to me.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi put away the book without hesitation, raised his eyes, looked directly at Wen Zhong, and said, "One day."

"Then just one day!"

Wen Zhong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

Jiang Qi said no more, turned around and walked away, but Wen Zhong's voice came from behind.

"Don't read the rest."


Jiang Qi really wanted to know what the rest of the contents of this book that was shocking on the first page were.

But Jiang Qi was very obedient.

Since some bosses have advised him not to watch it, Jiang Qi will definitely not watch it.

Jiang Qi has never lacked self-knowledge.

It wasn't until he watched Jiang Qi leave Shenxiao Yushu that Wen Zhong turned around and returned to the inner room.

The Immortal Emperor was still leaning leisurely on the recliner, while the case not far away was covered with unmarked papers at some point.

Wen Zhong turned a blind eye, walked to Emperor Changsheng, raised his hands in salute, and said: "Emperor, Jiang Qi took it, he said, one day."


Emperor Changsheng smiled slightly when he heard this and said: "It is said that this disciple of Yang Jian is not like his teacher, he is gentle, elegant, humble and polite."

"Looking now, how can I not be like Yang Jian? The arrogance in his bones is even worse."

After sighing, the Emperor Changsheng made no secret of his love for Jiang Qi. He looked at Wen Zhong and said with a smile, "What do you think of Jiang Qi?"

Wen Zhong was silent for a while, then quietly sat back behind the case and began to deal with government affairs.

After a long time, Wen Zhong's voice sounded.

"The young tiger comes out of the gorge and roars proudly in the mountain stream."

"Be prepared to grind your teeth and claws"

"Killing like hemp!"


The Immortal Emperor smiled and closed his eyes again.

"I wonder if the current training will cause this young tiger to lose its teeth and claws?"

the other side.

After Jiang Qi left Shenxiao Yushu, he never took out the booklet and took a look at it, but the content on the first page was deeply engraved in his mind.

There is not much content on it, just a catalog with more than twenty words. Some of it is old, but some of it has fresh ink marks.

"Deep in the East China Sea, there is an island called Boiling Valley."

"There is sun fire within it, and within the fire there is a black cloud."

"It is not a natural thing, it is cultivated by the remnants of the demon clan from the ancient heritage."

"As of now, it's done."

The last five words were added recently.

Jiang Qi recalled the catalog:

Above the waves, the island is half hidden, the sun is boiling, and there is a red golden bird in the fire.

The bird has three legs and swallows the fire of the sun like it drinks ice water.

Jiang Qi took a deep breath, went straight to the outside of Nantianmen, and called out the somersault cloud.


He kicked off the clouds with one step, and the top speed suddenly spread out.

Jiang Qi went straight to the East China Sea. He was also thinking about it on the way, but there were so many things that he couldn't figure out for a while.

This seems to be a trial for Jiang Qi, but if you look deeper and look at the level of heaven and the demon clan, this seems to be a compromise between heaven and earth.

When did the dangers of cutting down in heaven need to be fought one-on-one?

These were all questions, but Jiang Qi didn’t think deeply about them.

Now that I have taken over this matter, there is only one goal: kill the bird.

(End of this chapter)

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