Chapter 136 Trial Begins

"I come?"

Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, looking a little confused.

Cleaning holes in Luzhou, Beiju is not a simple job. It is not as many people think. Let Jiang Qi put up a name and then leave all the work to his subordinates.

Not to mention that Jiang Qi is only a seventh-grade heavenly official now, and he is still a civil servant. His name is not justified at all. This is not how gold is plated. Even his uncle and grandpa have to teach the basic laws.

It only talks about how to mobilize hundreds of thousands of heavenly troops, how to dispatch them, how to arrange their formations, and how to march. These all need to be coordinated by the general and marshal.

Not to mention the energy required, the gods themselves cannot support such heavy divine power.

This is why every time Beiju Luzhou plows the caves, it is a second-grade or above Tianwang Marshal. Even Yang Jian only went to command the Beiju Luzhou Expeditionary Force after he became a law enforcement god.

It's not an unspoken rule, it's just that the status of gods below the second rank cannot be sustained.

That's it, you still have to be a martial artist.

Of course, things like the Taibai Venus are not included in this list.

They are civil servants who only become civil servants when they have no opponents.

This is the person who is talking about the appearance of generals and generals.

Therefore, what my uncle and grandpa just said about letting Jiang Qi lead a team to clean the holes in Liting was not to gild Jiang Qi, but to roast Jiang Qi on the fire.

Doing good deeds is a matter of course, and doing bad deeds is a grave sin.

Not to mention that there is no benefit at all, Jiang Qi himself does not have that ability.

The rigid requirement for a second-grade god position is beyond the reach of Jiang Qi now.

Once you reach that position, you are really nothing but a carrot and a pit.

So, what did my great-uncle think?

"Yes, you go."

Jiang Hu Ke nodded with a smile, and then said: "Don't have confidence?"

"There is no ability."

Jiang Qi said with a wry smile.

The third generation of immortals must also pay attention to the basic laws, my great-uncle.

Jiang Qi is confident, but not blindly arrogant. Such an earth-shattering event is really not something Jiang Qi can handle now.

"There will be."

Jianghu Ke stood up and said nothing. He just patted Jiang Qi on the shoulder and said, "You need a military merit to show the three worlds how dazzling my descendants are."

"I will pave the road for you."

Jiang Qi blinked thoughtfully and asked tentatively: "Haotian trial?"


Jianghuke smiled and said, "Tomorrow, the Haotian trial will begin. Just wait and see."

As he spoke, Jiang Hu Ke pointed in a certain direction.

Jiang Qi turned his head and looked over, but saw nothing. The next moment, Jiang Qi felt a pain in his butt and was kicked out.

Seeing Jiang Qi turn into a stream of light and disappear into the sky, Jianghu Ke took back his big feet.

"You brat, I really owe you both master and apprentice."

Jiang Qi didn't know how long he had been flying. He only knew that the speed was so fast that he couldn't even open his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, everything he looked at was pitch black.

"I thought this kick would last me forever."

Jiang Qi muttered and rubbed his butt in an indistinct manner.

He knew this place well and had been here several times.

According to my uncle, this place is called the "unknowable place", and it is also the place where my uncle placed the Haotian Tower.

As for the meaning of this so-called unknown place, Jiang Qi didn't know.

Jiang Qi is not surprised by what kind of gadgets he can create when he reaches the realm of his uncle and grandpa.

Jiang Qi looked around and finally saw a bit of golden light in the far distance in the east. With a movement of his feet, his mind was spinning, and he had crossed an unknown distance and came to the golden light.

When Jiang Qi came here last time, he figured out that in this world, concepts such as time, space, distance, etc. can be distorted at will, or in other words, these concepts do not exist at all.

In front of Jiang Qi, that bit of golden light has become a very familiar look to Jiang Qi, it is Haotian Tower.

Jiang Qi stepped forward and tried to push the door, but found that the door of Haotian Tower did not move at all. "Tsk."

Jiang Qi scratched his head helplessly, he understood.

"The trial is about to begin. Do you want me to be the welcome guest?"

Jiang Qi muttered, sighed resignedly, and stood next to the entrance of Haotian Tower.

I don’t know how long I waited, it might be a year, or it might be a breath, but another person appeared in front of Jiang Qi.

Wearing a Taoist robe, but not wearing a crown, he was just tied up with a redwood hairpin. He was obviously very handsome, but he gave people a very "decadent" feeling, probably because of his big dark circles under his eyes.

When this man saw Jiang Qi, he was stunned for a moment, and then muttered: "How could someone arrive faster than me?"

While talking, he came to Jiang Qi, made a bow, and proclaimed: "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord."

"Wang Qing, a disciple of the Qingwei Sect, met fellow Taoist."

The Taoist priest named Wang Qing was very polite and calm, whether he was saluting or talking, but it always seemed like he was trying to keep his spirits up.

He seemed very tired.

This was Jiang Qi's first impression of Wang Qing.

"Jiang Qi, a disciple of Jinxia Cave, has met fellow Taoist."

Jiang Qi looked Wang Qing up and down, and without any delay, he returned the favor. On the "internal information" that his uncle and grandpa gave him, there was Wang Qing's name. He was a top-ranked genius, and he was just waiting for others in Wu Xin. The batch below.


Wang Qing was stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes widened, and the formulaic smile on his face became a little more friendly.

"It turns out that it was my junior uncle who was rude and disrespectful in front of me!"

Qingwei Sect is the dharma lineage left in the world by Master Taiyi of Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain. Its leader is a re-disciple of Master Taiyi. In other words, he and Jiang Qi are the same generation, but one is a direct descendant and the other is a descendant. Exterior doors.

But in general, the relationship is not that far apart. After all, the ancestors of the two families are not only brothers, but also have a very good relationship with each other.

Speaking of which, it is reasonable for Wang Qing, a disciple of the leader of the Qingwei Sect, to call Jiang Qi "junior uncle".

"I thought that the disciples had arrived early, but I didn't expect that my junior uncle would be one step ahead."

Wang Qing asked curiously: "How did the junior uncle come here?"

Jiang Qi did not answer, but asked: "How did you get here?"

"Cough cough."

Wang Qing coughed twice and said with some embarrassment: "Junior has been practicing in Jinguang Cave these days. Seeing that he is about to miss the time, he was given to me by Taishizu."

As he spoke, he raised his legs and rubbed his butt in a subtle way.

After speaking awkwardly, Wang Qing thought Jiang Qi would laugh, but when he looked up, he saw the young uncle looking at him with a look in his eyes.
Pity each other?
"Uncle Junior, you too."

Jiang Qi nodded silently.

Why do these older generation bosses have such a tacit understanding in some strange places?

Isn't this junior disciple just a human being? He just knows how to kick him with his feet.

For a moment, the two looked at each other in silence, but their eyes looked at each other with a hint of cordiality.

They are all victims.

"Uncle Junior Master, were you kicked by Grand Master Yuding's uncle?"

Jiang Qi shook his head.

"Is that Uncle Yang Jian?"

Jiang Qi also shook his head.

"Then who are you?"

Jiang Qi turned around silently and looked at Haotian Tower.

Suddenly, Wang Qing's eyes widened.

After a long while, he gave Jiang Qi a thumbs up and said sincerely: "What I can do as a junior uncle is not as good as that of a junior."

The two were talking when another person came over from a distance.

Wang Qing glanced at it and couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Why did he arrive first?"

(End of this chapter)
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