What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 135 Who is causing trouble?

Chapter 135 Who is causing trouble?

The Lingxiao Palace is still the same Lingxiao Palace. It seems that no matter how the Three Realms change, as long as the Supreme One still sits on the throne above the hall, there is nothing to fear.

What the Seventh Princess has experienced in the past two years, especially the changes she has just experienced, is considered a major event in the Three Realms, especially for me.

Originally, the seventh princess was a little uneasy, but what happened just now had a great impact on her.

Along the way, I felt a little restless.

But after seeing the person who smiled kindly at her, she could no longer hold back her tears.


Like a baby swallow falling into the arms, the petite person ran into the generous embrace, shrinking into it almost greedily.

For the seventh princess, this is the safest place in the world.

"Tianyu, my son, you have been wronged."

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke lovingly, caressed the seventh princess's forehead with his big hand, and gently straightened a few strands of messy hair.

"Dad, I'm sorry for you, but this is what you have to go through."

"Don't blame Dad."

Perhaps only at this time, the Great God is a pure father without any other aura.

Listening to her father's apologetic and firm voice, the seventh princess silently shook her head.

"Xiao Qi doesn't blame dad, and he will never blame him."

There was a cry in the sound of the urn.

Even if it's not strange, he is still a child, and only in this embrace can all the grievances, panic and confusion in his heart turn into tears.

"Take a nap and it will be over when you wake up."

The Great Goddess hummed an unknown tune.

Soon, the seventh princess fell asleep in her father's arms.

Jiang Qi looked at his nose and heart, standing in the audience without saying a word. He wanted to sneak away, but he didn't dare.

But Jiang Qi would not dare to continue watching here.

"Stinky boy."

At this time, the Great Heavenly Lord laughed and cursed from the throne above the cloud platform.

Jiang Qi then raised his head and was about to speak, but his eyes widened.

There seemed to be a burst of divine light shining around the Great Heavenly Lord, but Jiang Qi couldn't see it clearly.

When he could see clearly, a figure "walked" out from behind the Great Heavenly Lord.

He is middle-aged and dressed in a down-to-earth manner, and he is just a wanderer.

Jiang Qi looked at the Great Heavenly Lord in shock.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

It's not because of the relationship between Jiang Hu Ke and Great Heavenly Lord.

Jiang Qi had long guessed that Da Tianzun and Jiang Hu Ke were the same person, but they were not the same person.

The method of killing three corpses has existed since ancient times. It was later unified by the Taoist ancestors and is one of the three holy ways. There is no reason why the Great Heavenly Lord does not know it, let alone practices it.

Jiang Huke was one of the three corpses of the Great Heavenly Lord, and Jiang Qi was not shocked.

Surprisingly, the Great Heavenly Lord acted like this in order not to disturb the seventh princess's sleep, and Jiang Qi had something to explain here, so the Great Heavenly Lord directly sent out guests from the Jianghu to talk to Jiang Qi.

This was something Jiang Qi didn't expect.

Jiang Qi couldn't stand it when he doted on his daughter to this extent, really.

Is this the method of killing three corpses that you were asked to use?

Don’t you see that the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao are the direct descendants of the majestic saints, and they are the geniuses who came out of the school one by one by Yuanshi Tianzun himself. Their basic understanding and qualifications are the best in the world. But now, after so much experience, few dare to Said that he was sure to kill a corpse.

Anyway, Jiang Qi's own ancestor didn't have the confidence to guarantee it.

The others are probably about the same, because even among the Twelve Golden Immortals, Master Yuding ranks among the top three in terms of aptitude, understanding, and will.

This is what you use for such an amazing method?
"Come with me, it will make you feel better if you wake up Xiaoqi."

Jianghu Ke got off the platform, waved gently to Jiang Qi, and even looked back from time to time, for fear that if he moved too loudly, he would wake up his baby.

"Hey." Jiang Qi didn't dare to speak, snorted softly, and then followed Jianghu Ke's footsteps and left Lingxiao Palace.

After leaving the palace gate, Jiang Qi dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

Jiang Hu Ke also relaxed a little and looked at Jiang Qi. The big one and the small one looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Uncle, who do you think is so bold?"

Jiang Qi followed Jiang Hu Ke and found a step to sit down on, and then asked.

"You talk first."

Jiang Hu Ke sat in a lazy and casual posture, looking at the rolling clouds not far away, and said casually.


Jiang Qi asked tentatively.

The accuracy of this answer is not high in Jiang Qi's opinion, but it is definitely not low. When it comes to who is the most capable of causing trouble in the Three Realms now, the first choice is Buddhism, which has a lot of no taboos due to its skyrocketing luck after traveling to the west.

It just so happens that the power of luck is decreed by Heaven. This era loves Buddhism, so even if Buddhism causes trouble, most of the big guys are afraid of it.

In fact, it doesn't matter which force it is.

The reason why Buddhism is causing trouble in the three realms is to take advantage of the sudden increase in luck and make another big profit. This is human nature.Daomen even went too far at the beginning.

Don’t you see that in the past, when humanity was first established, most of the immortals who taught the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were members of the Taoist sect.

The ensuing Catastrophe of the Gods can even be said to have been caused by internal strife caused by the Taoist sect's own troubles and the loss of opponents in the three realms.

Originally, in the end, whether it was Chan Jiao or Jie Jiao who won, they would all die at the hands of the Taoist sect.

But none of the other saints expected that Master Tongtian would overturn the table.

Okay, you're targeting me, right?Then no one gets to play.

This allowed the two Buddhists to get a big advantage and set the trend for Buddhism to be popular today.

Although the journey to the west has passed, Buddhism has perfectly reproduced Taoism's original operation, and the road to causing trouble continues.

The Water, Water and Land Dharma Assembly of the Tang Dynasty a few years ago was one of them.

The earlier incident involving Yang Chan was also one of them.

It's just that Buddhism's luck is a bit bad. When Taoism took advantage of the general trend to cause trouble, there was no great deity who could turn the heaven into a hall of one word and overlook the three realms.

Therefore, it is right to throw the blame on Buddhism.

In today's major events in the Three Realms, a fool can be fooled more than eight and a half times out of ten times.

"Boy, I know you can't stand Buddhism, and I can't stand it either, but this time it's really not Buddhism."

Jiang Huke looked at Jiang Qi's surprised look and added, "At least it's not Buddhism that takes the lead."

It seems this is half the time.

Jiang Qi thought to himself and asked: "Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"They are just a group of ancient remnants who still want to overthrow the Heavenly Court and recreate the Demonic Heaven."

Jianghu Ke said with a smile, but there was not much friendly meaning in that smile.

A test is a test for a daughter, but if someone does something to your own daughter, you can't turn a blind eye to it no matter what.

When Jiang Qi heard this, he stood up suddenly. The Jianghu guest looked puzzled and asked, "Boy, what are you doing?"

"Go call Master and come again to Luzhou in Beiju to sweep the holes."

Jiang Qi said matter-of-factly.

"Or do you have other candidates? This junior recommends Emperor Zhenwu. This emperor dares to kill him."

Since the demon clan is causing trouble, there is no need to worry about the root cause. Just keep an eye on Beiju Luzhou and sweep over. There may be innocent people if you kill them all, but there will definitely be fish that slip through the net if you kill every other one.

"Sweeping means sweeping."

Jianghu Ke signaled Jiang Qi to be calm, and after Jiang Qi sat back down next to him, he asked with a smile.

"How about you come and clean it?"

 There will be a best-selling recommendation tomorrow, and it happens to be the end of the month, so I’d rather ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)
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