What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 125: Who is scarier, man or ghost?

Chapter 125: Who is scarier, man or ghost?

After feeding the seventh princess and finishing the beef, Jiang Qi wiped his hands, looked at the door of the City God's Temple with interest.


The temple door was pushed open with great force, and cold wind rushed in.

The visitors were three strong men, wearing single clothes despite the freezing weather. They were all tall and tall and wore the same clothes. They obviously belonged to the same place.

"Eating dog intestines!"

The leading strong man cursed and looked around the Chenghuang Temple. His eyes stayed on Jiang Qi and Guo Yi for a while longer. His eyes flickered. He obviously saw that one of these two people had a good background and the other was not good at carrying a knife. provoke.

The three of them sat down in the last deserted corner and chatted quietly.

"Let that little bitch run away!"

"Don't worry, not one of the people the Prime Minister's Mansion wants can escape!"

"I'm afraid that little girl's skin will freeze out in this ice and snow. I'm afraid it won't be easy for the Prime Minister to explain it to me."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Let's rest first. That woman has a very bright mind, otherwise she wouldn't have run away from the Prime Minister's Mansion."


The three of them cursed a few more softly. The cold wind blew and they were all sweaty. They felt as if they were covered in ice when they were blown by it.

"Brother, look."

One of them took a fancy to the Nahu people's goods, which were fine Persian carpets.

The leader winked.

Immediately, the man stood up and went over to talk to the Hu man. The Hu man was reluctant at first, but after hearing the man say, "How dare you stop me from doing things in the Prime Minister's Mansion," he could only take out three blankets.

"Brother, look at the kid next to him."

The three big men each had a blanket. They had just been wrapped up. The man holding the blanket said a few words in the eldest brother's ear and looked vaguely in the direction of Jiang Qi.

"Shut up and go to sleep!"

The leading brother scolded him in a low voice, gave the other party a crisp slap, then looked at Jiang Qi and said: "This gentleman is here to invite me. My brother's mouth was frozen by the cold wind and he said a few dirty words. I'll wait until he comes back." In the Prime Minister's Mansion, I will definitely teach him to have a good memory!"

He was not stupid, and he could see that ordinary people could not raise the aloof demeanor and demeanor of this young girl.

It's better to do less than to do more. If you take the initiative to apologize regardless of whether the other party heard it or not, and then use the name of the Prime Minister's Mansion, even if you are a noble man, you won't care about it.

"Your Excellency has a good command of you, and I hope you can maintain it."

Jiang Qi said inexplicably.

The eldest brother who took the lead was stunned when he heard this, but still replied: "Thank you for your teaching, I will keep it in mind."

Jiang Qi said no more.

Soon, the three people fell asleep.

At this time, the seventh princess tugged on Jiang Qi's sleeve, lay next to his ear and whispered: "Nephew, something is coming."

"Yeah, he's a kid."

Jiang Qi replied in a low voice, and then asked: "Auntie, who do you think is scarier, humans or ghosts?"

"Of course it's a ghost, although I haven't seen one either, hehe."

When she said the next sentence, the seventh princess quietly stuck out her tongue.

"Auntie can take a look at it later."


The seventh princess nodded curiously and stared at the door of the City God's Temple expectantly.

The time soon came to the middle of the night.

Except for the seventh princess and Jiang Qi, everyone else fell asleep.


The door of the City God's Temple was pushed open again. Today, the abandoned City God's Temple was very lively.


Accompanied by a faint cold wind blowing, the wind is wrapped in a hint of sweet fragrance. Although it is cold, it is fascinating.

Except for the barbarian and his men, the three strong men and Guo Yi all woke up and looked at the door.

I saw a beautiful woman wearing heavy linen clothes, but still unable to hide her plump figure, timidly walked in.This woman must be in her twenties, her pretty face without makeup turned pale from the cold, she held a basket tightly in her hand, her eyes were like a frightened rabbit, she lowered her head carefully and looked at her with her peripheral vision. People in the Chenghuang Temple.

Guo Yi only took one look and fell asleep again.

But the three strong men stared at the woman fiercely.

It was late at night and it was cold. I didn’t expect such a beautiful scenery.

"Where did the little lady come from?"

The strong man who had just grabbed the blanket spoke jokingly, the teasing in his voice barely concealed.

"My family, my family is delivering shoes to my husband who is working in the city. I left early and it was not time to open the city gate. I couldn't bear the cold, so I came in to hide from the wind and disturb all the gentlemen. It was really a terrible death. "

The beautiful woman was startled, but fortunately her speech was still clear. After speaking, she shrank aside and moved closer to Jiang Qi intentionally or unintentionally.

Perhaps in the eyes of this beautiful woman, compared with a single man holding a knife, three strong men in a group, and a pile of beards, the two young girls who looked like spring breeze made her naturally safer. feel.

"It's really cold here. Are you freezing, little lady? Do you want to come under my bed and warm yourself? Hahahahaha."

The strong man continued teasing, but the elder brother did not reprimand him.

Taking on such a hard job and teasing a rural woman is nothing more than a big deal.

"No, no need!"

The beautiful woman stepped back in fright, and the basket in her hand fell to the ground.

The basket was overturned. In addition to a package, there were also some snacks that were not expensive but looked like they had been put into.

"I'm afraid you are hungry. I have some food here. I respect you."

The beautiful woman forced a smile and said that it seemed that in her simple world view, as long as these vicious old men ate her snacks, they would not have any evil thoughts towards her.

"Young lady is very considerate. You can do things only when you are full!"

The man smiled wildly, stood up and stepped forward, picked up the pack of snacks, took one and smelled it, his eyes lit up, and he ran back with it.

"Brother, this snack smells sweet. You should try it too."

With that said, the three of them each took some and were about to stuff it into their mouths.

The seventh princess looked bitter.

In her eyes, where is the snack?It was clearly a pile of rotten pieces of meat. The beautiful woman was also a ferocious evil spirit. Even the basket was made of bones and sinews.


When Jiang Qi saw that the Seventh Princess was about to speak, he raised his hand to stop her and signaled to wait and see.

"good to eat!"

"Yeah, delicious!"

"Brother, it's so delicious!"

On the other side, the three people were eating like crazy. They couldn't stop eating one bite after another. They looked crazy and their eyes were glowing scarlet.

Apparently he was on the right track.

The seventh princess blinked in confusion, nestled next to Jiang Qi, and no longer meant to speak.

"Eat, eat"

The beautiful woman didn't know when she came in front of the three strong men. She no longer had the fear and cowardice she had just now. Instead, she smiled charmingly and licked her plump lips.

The voice also became coquettish and sticky.

As if to stimulate the soul, the three strong men ate even more vigorously.

Soon, the strong man who had just teased the beautiful woman had finished taking out the snacks in his hand, but he didn't stop. Instead, he seemed to be eating like crazy and started to nibble on his companion's neck.

This made the beautiful woman couldn't help but take a few steps forward. This was her own blood food, and it would be a pity to lack any of it.

However, at this moment.

The strong man suddenly raised his head, his eyes became clear, he grinned, and spit out a talisman.

The talisman was filled with saliva and smeared on the beautiful woman's face, making a violent sizzling sound like ice water entering hot oil.

Accompanied by the beautiful woman's scream that didn't sound like a human voice, the strong man smiled ferociously.

"How are your acting skills, gentlemen?!"

(End of this chapter)
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