What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 124 Jiang Qi taking care of the child

Chapter 124 Jiang Qi taking care of the child
That night.

Outside Chang'an City, beside Ba Bridge, there is a pavilion ten miles away.

This is a place to say goodbye to friends. There is an abandoned City God's Temple next to it. The temple is already dilapidated. However, due to the curfew in Chang'an, people who have delayed their time entering the city will choose to stay in this City God's Temple in order to avoid trouble. Stay.

Over time, the place has been repaired a bit, with some dry grass and firewood added, and the windows have been barely covered, making it somewhat popular every night.

The statue of the City God has long been moved to the new City God Temple, and the shrine has become a place for candles and lamp oil.

The candle flame was dim, and a hairy hand clumsily pulled at the wick. The thick calluses on his fingers made him not afraid of the heat for a moment.

The owner of that hand had blond hair and blue eyes and was wearing clothes from the Tang Dynasty.

This is a barbarian.

After the Hu Ren made the lights brighter, he turned around, smiled flatteringly at the other two corners, and then sat back down in his seat.

There, in addition to him, there were some servants, a lot of goods, and four orchids in thin clothes, clinging to each other for warmth.

For the barbarian merchant, he could not sell Persian carpets and orchids for ten times the price, so it would be a waste to come to this Eastern City of Angels. Therefore, he was even so stingy that he was unwilling to stay in a hotel.

Under the light, Hu Ji's graceful figure swayed with a seductive shadow.

"That beard, send two Hu Ji over to keep the uncle warm!"

At this time, a thick and rough voice came from one of the directions that the Hu man was looking at just now.

The man who spoke had a beard, a square face, round eyes, thick eyebrows, and a standard Guanzhong appearance.

Wearing a military uniform, lying next to him was a Tang sword.

Born in Guanzhong and carrying a knife with him, such a person is probably a military man.

The Hu people also knew this. He did not dare to offend the Tang people, let alone a Tang army. He stood up quickly, made a skillful cross-hand salute, and spoke in half-baked Mandarin, flatteringly: "This uncle , can you think of these two?"

The military man looked at the two Hu Ji pointed out by the barbarian and frowned. In comparison, the other two were more beautiful and had more money.

"Afraid that the uncle can't pay for it? Are you going to deal with it with two defective goods?"

The soldier pointed at the other two without any explanation and said, "Let those two take off their clothes and come over!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of silver and threw it over.

"Forgive me, sir. I dare not hide this from you. These two were decided by the eminent monks of Daci'en Temple. It's true."

The barbarian said with a grimace.

"What does the monk want Hu Ji to do?"

The military man was surprised to hear this.

"You should also know that in a few days there will be a water and land ceremony. At that time, all the eminent monks from all over the world will come to Chang'an, including monks from the Western Regions, so it will be easier to buy two orchids to serve them."

The barbarian smiled and said, "Look."

"Damn it, the monk got the better of me."

The military man was obviously not a brainless person, and he also knew that the water and land ceremony was decided by the emperor, and there was no need to provoke those monks for temporary pleasure.


The military man lost interest and waved his hand. The barbarian trotted over quickly, picked up the silver, and respectfully returned it to the military man.

He collected the money, sent the barbarian merchant away, yawned, and looked to the other side with interest.

In that corner, two people were sitting.

A boy and a girl, both teenagers.

The man was wearing a rough linen robe, which looked extremely old-fashioned, but it happened that such a shabby clothes were worn by the young man with a transcendent meaning.

Next to this young man, there is a little girl who looks one or two years younger. She is so beautiful that she does not look like what a human should have.

Even Concubine Yang is probably not as good as this little lady.

The military man thought to himself, and accidentally caught a glimpse of a green light on the girl's wrist.

This is wearing half a house in Chang'an on your hand!

"You two, be polite."

The military man's expression changed, but he did not stand up. He just made a cross-hand salute, indicating that it was not that he was rude, but that it was inconvenient for his female relatives to pass.

"Looking at the demeanor of these two people, they must be noble people. Why are they resting in this ruined temple?"

The military man asked casually.

Hearing this, the young man smiled and said: "My girl has great ideas. It's not easy for me to accompany her, but I don't dare to expect to take her anywhere."

"When a young lady has a brother like you, Xiaolang, she must be honored and favored at home." The military man smiled. Seeing the girl puffing up her cheeks, she plucked her brother's sleeves dissatisfiedly and said she was She was dissatisfied with her brother for calling her so ignorant.

"Guo Yi, I'm a person from Guanzhong. What do you call me?"

"I'm down here, Jiang Qi."

Jiang Qi smiled and pointed at the seventh princess beside him and said: "This is my girl, ranked seventh."

"Jiang Xiaolang, Jiang Qiniang."

Guo Yi said hello again, then opened the package, took out an oil paper bag, smiled mysteriously, and said: "I'll give you two some snacks to try."

Say, stand up.

"But it's disrespectful."

Jiang Qi smiled and took two steps forward, took it, raised his eyebrows, and said, "This is it?"

"Ahem, a cow in my farm accidentally broke its hoof. There's nothing we can do about it."

Guo Yi pretended to be sad.

"Thank you to Brother Guo for being so lucky in the cold night."

"you are welcome."

Guo Yi cupped his hands and was about to turn around when he was stopped by the young lady.

"give you to eat."

He looked down and saw that the little girl who looked like a porcelain doll had taken out a few jujubes that were red and pleasing to the eye. After picking them for a long time, she gave him a half-cooked one.

Guo Yi laughed dumbly, but he didn't care about it with a little girl, just treating it as a child who couldn't bear to eat snacks.

However, it is rare to find such plump jujubes at this time of year.

"Thank you Jiang Qiniang."

Guo Yi thanked her and spread her hands, seeing the little girl reluctantly throwing the dates into her hands.

He was not polite and threw it into his mouth, but blinked his eyes the next moment.

Such sweet dates.

"This is the first time I've tasted such sweet dates. It's not a loss at all."

Guo Yi felt an unknown sense of satisfaction in her heart, and without thinking much, she nodded to the siblings and returned to her seat.

With a movement of his big mouth, he spat out the date cores at will, and then fell asleep with his clothes on.

It was freezing cold outside. Even though he had the energy in his body, he was not afraid of the cold. But for some reason today, he felt as warm as a stove in his belly.

Drowsiness came over me and I fell asleep unconsciously.

"It's really not a loss."

Jiang Qi opened the oil-paper bag and smiled slightly when he saw the beef with distinct muscles inside.

"good to eat!"

The seventh princess tasted a piece, her eyes lit up, and she was about to take it again, but she found oil stains on her hands.

This put the seventh princess in a dilemma for a while. The eldest nephew had said before that it was best not to use magic power and behave like a mortal. In other words, there was no way to chant a spell to cleanse her.
The seventh princess, who had never known dirt since she was a child, couldn't stand it any longer.

A piece of silk brocade was handed to the seventh princess.

"Thank you, nephew."

The seventh princess thanked her in a low voice and wiped her fingers carefully, but she saw Jiang Qi happily eating each piece.

This made the seventh princess regret wiping her hands so early, but she didn't want her hands to be stained with oil stains after finally wiping them clean.

After thinking for a while, the seventh princess raised her hand and tugged on Jiang Qi's clothes.

Jiang Qi looked over.

"Big nephew, ah"

I saw the seventh princess looking at him expectantly with her big eyes. To be precise, she was looking at the soy sauce beef in his hand. She opened her small mouth as if she was being fed.

Jiang Qi laughed dumbly, picked up a piece and fed it to the seventh princess.

It’s fun to take care of kids.

(End of this chapter)
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