Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 11 The rich woman is shocked!Watch the live broadcast!

Chapter 11 The rich woman is shocked!Watch the live broadcast!

Qing intends to chat with Lin Xiao directly in private.

[Have you charged money into it? ”]

Lin Xiao was stunned.

Is he intentionally recharging money to you in the game?

how could it be possible!
He is an agent who opens boxes, not a agent.

How is it possible to top up money for a rich woman?
He's not crazy anymore!
[Not charged, not charged! 】

Lin Xiao quickly shook his head and explained.

【impossible! 】

Qing deliberately looked through the recharge records in his warehouse in recent days.

Except for the tens of thousands of jade that Qing intended to charge today, there are no more recharge records on the account.

But it would be even more difficult to figure out if you are interested in this.

She didn't understand how Lin Xiao did it.

Why did you use [-] yuan to do [-] yuan?

[If you didn’t recharge extra money, how come you got so many natural stones? 】

Qing continued to ask intentionally.

The jade in her account is missing a few cents!
Lin Xiao sent a message to explain to himself.

【I just smoke it normally! 】

Then he directly took a screenshot and sent it to Qing Youyi.

Your Majesty: [.]

Three deer in ten bursts?

Is this how the game actually works?

This is something Ou Huang and not Ou Huang can describe.

There was silence for a while.

Lin Xiao could understand the other party's mood.

In addition to the first three-yolked egg, he also had double-yolked eggs no less than five or six times in a row.

The most important thing.

These double yolk eggs are not just two heavenly ornamental stones that end there.

Most of the time it's a deer plus a natural stone.

There are only four stones in this wave. The key is that he only clicks ten consecutive points each time, so the cost is low.

Probably because the final beneficiary is himself after all.

After all, Qing Yiyi didn't complain about the outrageous lottery probability.

Seeing that there was no reply for a long time, Lin Xiao also murmured in his heart.

What's happening here?
Does this mean there is no manual fee?Want to default on your debt?

But after all, they were "simple" working people, so Lin Xiao still didn't open his mouth to ask directly.

It would be bad if you make your boss unhappy.

He also fell silent.

After a while, Qing, who had not answered for a long time, deliberately asked directly.

[Can you continue to help with lottery draws in the future? 】

Seeing Qing's intentional words, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the other party wants to continue to ask him for lottery draws in the future, he will definitely not break up with him this time.

This manual fee is indispensable.

But Lin Xiao doesn't think it's very good if he continues to give Qing intentional draws in the future.

This thing, when you are lucky, anything will work.

If you smoke any one, it will be double yolk or triple yolk.

But he is not the illegitimate son of Lady Luck. How can he not lose in a lottery?

If it was Lin Xiao's own account, even if the lottery failed, Lin Xiao would not be unhappy.

But after all, I am working for the boss.

If you are unlucky and get cheated by others, you will definitely not be happy about it.

Qing continued to reply intentionally. "There is a basic assistance fee of 1000 yuan each time, and each stone is calculated as [-] yuan per stone."

“The difference can be used as a reward!”

"It doesn't matter if it exceeds the limit. No matter how bad the draw is, you are not responsible!"

Seeing Qing's intentional reply, Lin Xiao suddenly beamed.

No matter whether you succeed or not, you don't have to take responsibility. You will get a thousand dollars every time you do it.

If you are lucky enough to ship the goods, let alone make up for the price difference.

With such good conditions, it would be really hard to figure it out if I quit.

The rejection in Lin Xiao's mouth instantly turned into, before chatting, [Oh, you are really good at reading people! 】

As the phone vibrated, a transfer of [-] yuan was sent, which shocked Lin Xiao.

As a result, he couldn't find any reason to refuse!

If it weren't for Qing's intention to be a younger sister, Lin Xiao might not be able to resist saying Lu Bu's famous saying.

I have been wandering for half my life and have never found a pearl. If you don’t give up, I would like to worship you as my adoptive father!

After a moment, Lin Xiao replied.

[No problem, boss, as long as you have a job, just call me!]

Lin Xiao agreed immediately.

Then the two briefly chatted for a few words before ending the conversation.

Lin Xiao was in a daze when he saw that there was more than 2 yuan in Lingli.

For the first time, he felt how rich Qing Youyi was.

It’s just a manual fee.

What Lin Xiao was thinking was that it was only a few hundred yuan, so there was no need for so much money.

But he never expected that Qing Youyi would be so generous.

Just give me 2 yuan!
It’s a bit unreal to earn this kind of money!
But he likes it!
For the first time, Lin Xiao had some enthusiasm for a game other than playing it.

The exchange with the rich woman just now gave him some inspiration.

If his luck can stay like this, he can smoke for others.

You can definitely make a fortune by doing this.

However, anyone who can do this must be somewhat famous, or at least look respectable.

Ordinary people can't trust you with this kind of thing. What if you take the money and run away with it?

This thing is all about credibility.

After all, it's a deal worth tens of thousands.

And there is one more problem.

Many people do not think that the other party is lucky, but are blindly confident, thinking that their own number is actually the European Emperor number.

Even if you withdraw it, you will be reluctant to give money later.

This is something Lin Xiao must consider.

This is Lin Xiao’s first time making money from games!
Because the main task was almost completed, Lin Xiao did not continue logging in.

Instead, he casually searched for Ni Shuihan's live broadcast.

He thought very clearly that if he wanted to expand this business in the future, it would definitely not be possible to rely on the credibility of both parties unilaterally.

Lin Xiao must learn to live broadcast. Live broadcasting to draw draws for others is much more reassuring than drawing draws without showing one's face.

Since you have the idea of ​​​​making money in this area, you must first learn.

Even though the game had just launched, there were already categories on the Maoya platform, but Lin Xiao spent a long time browsing before he found Ni Shuihan's channel.

I have to say that the popularity of Nishuihan mobile games has been really loud recently.

More and more people are watching the live broadcast.

But the pain points of MMORPG are still very obvious.

This game is suitable for playing, but it is really not suitable for live broadcast, or in other words, development games are not suitable for live broadcast.

Lin Xiao clicked into the live broadcast room with the most people called "My Exaggeration Is Really Stronger".

As soon as I entered, I heard a cry.

"Guaranteed, guaranteed! Deer! Deer!"

(End of this chapter)

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