Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 10 What is the Peerless European Emperor?

Chapter 10 What is the Peerless European Emperor?
"Damn it, what's wrong with this!"

"Three deer!"

"Oh my god, this number is so cool???"

Lin Xiao almost took off from the bed with excitement.

No wonder he was excited.

Normally, it would be outrageous to see one stone in ten consecutive days.

What's more, it's three!

Still all deer!

You must know that one deer can be exchanged for three Heavenly Stones, and three deer are equivalent to nine Heavenly Stones!

Nine heavenly ornamental stones in a row!
How lucky that the cliff can be recorded in history!
Afterwards, Lin Xiao turned his attention to games.

He just made a little estimate.

If you want to draw 180 Heavenly Stones, ten consecutive drawings will cost [-] yuan. If you get nine Heavenly Stones, you will directly complete almost one-third of the target!
If it were based on the normal price of 2000 pills, what he did just now directly saved Qing Xin nearly 2 yuan!

If you have good luck next time, let alone not having enough, there might be a lot left over!
Thinking of this, Lin Xiao continued to immerse himself in the sky and began to admire the rocks.

Use the Destiny Knowing skill again.

These two times, there were two bad lucks, but the goddess of luck did not always stand by Lin Xiao's side.

The second time he drew ten consecutive draws, he was completely black. He didn't get a single Heavenly Prize Stone, but only got a purple thing, a pink horse.

One shot and ten consecutive empty shots.

The second shot wasn't much better.

Another clear blue sky with white clouds.

As if feeling that his luck was getting a little weak, Lin Xiao rubbed his hands vigorously until they turned red, shouting silently in his heart.

"Tianshishi! Come on!"

Third round!
It’s a familiar animation again.

This time it’s a deer and a natural stone!

Although there is no first one, it is still far away from the level of a big spectrum. This is equivalent to four heavenly appreciation stones.

Four ten shots in a row, and thirteen heavenly stones were drawn!

Good guy, others come here to draw the sky and admire the rocks, but Lin Xiao comes here to purchase goods.

To determine the price of Tianzhanshi, start with him!

Next, Lin Xiao basically maintained the level that he would definitely ship the goods after [-] draws, and there was a high probability of deer or multi-yolk eggs.

A simple calculation means that basically every ten draws in a row will yield a Heavenly Treasure Stone.

Although it doesn't sound as outrageous as the four ten-shot shots that fired 13 heavenly stones just now.

But put it into the lottery of ordinary players, this is quite outrageous.

"My little red hands!"

"Am I the illegitimate son of Goddess Luck? Could it be that I was born to eat this bowl of rice?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but thought secretly in his heart.

This lottery is incredible to anyone.

It’s no longer something that can be described as being in Europe. Even if the number is in Europe, it is impossible to guarantee such a high shipment rate.

Then there is only one explanation.

"Is this what I am capable of?"

Lin Xiao thought secretly in his heart.

A series of outrageous things he encountered after his rebirth made Lin Xiao somewhat suspicious.

This luck is really ridiculous!
People who are reborn in novels always have some golden fingers. Maybe his golden fingers mean he is lucky.

Looks like he has to buy a lottery ticket to try.

If he could do anything, he would just search the Mark Six Lottery.Won tens of millions and enjoy life. When you are the winner in life, what kind of games do you still play?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao began to imagine the feeling of winning tens of millions.

Buy a big villa, hire a dozen servants, and preferably design an e-sports room for yourself on each floor.

The first floor is a computer, a double bed and a large leather sofa.

Then fill the house with game figurines.

The second floor is a PS4 e-sports room, equipped with a lazy sofa, and a large-screen wall-mounted TV, preferably one that looks like a projection cloth.

The third floor is reluctant to put up a room for racing games and VR games.

Just have a sofa in this room, and no sharp objects to prevent accidental injuries while playing VR.

Then every day when I have clothes to wear, I put out my hands for food and open my mouth.

If you like the e-sports room, go to that e-sports room to play. When you are tired, just sleep where you are.

The basement also needs to be designed.

It would be best to have a pool table and board game area in the basement, and put some 82 Lafite, so that when the brothers come, they can just have fun here.

We still need to add an elevator to make going up and down the stairs more convenient.

If the price is cheap, you can have half a basketball court in your own garden. Playing basketball on the court every day is also a beautiful thing!

Speaking of playing basketball, Lin Xiao was the vice-captain of the school basketball team when he was in college. There were many school girls cheering him on the sidelines every day.

But after his junior and senior years, he rarely played basketball.

It would be best to use the entire bathing pool so that you can relax and unwind after playing basketball every day.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao felt that his bed was a little wet.

When he looked down again, the saliva from his mouth was almost dripping onto the bed.

Lin Xiao was freed from his fantasy.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

He also has a big villa and an elevator. If he can survive in Shanghai, he will burn incense and set off firecrackers.

The problem before him now is how to solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation in Shanghai.

When I was in college, I felt that 2000 a month was more than enough.

But after graduating from college, 5000 a month felt tight.

The pressure of food, clothing, housing and transportation is too great!
The monthly rent alone costs 5000 yuan, not to mention food and drink every day.

Looking back now, university dormitories are really the cheapest and most comfortable place to live.

As soon as I left college and started working, I realized how difficult it was to stay in first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Lin Xiao was thinking about things in college, and the movements of his hands did not stop.

After a while, the mission was over.

Nine heavenly ornamental stones plus seven deer, exactly 30!
It only cost more than 4 jade to win.

Lin Xiao slapped his thigh, extremely annoyed.

If he had known this, he wouldn't have bought the Tianshou Stone in exchange for anything!

How about just buying lottery tickets and drawing them?

He is really a big injustice!

WeChat informs the other party that the number can be added.

The other party simply replied with a nice word.

But the account on his mobile phone was deleted.

Not long after, three question marks were sent.

(End of this chapter)

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