Chapter 92 Accidental death is suspected
The theoretical explanation of cardiac arrest is the sudden termination of the heart's ejection function, the disappearance of the pulse of the aorta and the disappearance of heart sounds, and the severe ischemia and hypoxia of important organs.

If the rescue is not timely, it will eventually lead to the end of life.

The most common cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation.

The so-called sudden death cannot be equated with cardiac arrest. The latter is one of the causes of the former, but it is not the only cause.

What Chen Yi is thinking now is that if Tang Yiping has a heart problem, then as Zhuo Yun said, the possibility of accidental death increases.

Although there are doubts, many times the doubts are coincidental.

If it is proven that all the doubts have nothing to do with Tang Yiping's death, then this case can be separated from the category of homicide.

"Is the right coronary artery blocked..."

"In other words, the blood supplying the lower wall of the heart and the right ventricle cannot flow normally. In this case, the probability of cardiac arrest is much higher than that of normal people."

"But it's unlikely to stop suddenly, right? Has the condition reached its limit? Or was it stimulated?"

"Is it a coincidence?"

Chen Yi looked through the autopsy report in his hand and whispered to himself.

Listening to Chen Yi's words, Zhuo Yun said: "This must have nothing to do with the poisoning, right? The surveillance shows that there is no external force."

"Otherwise, check it from other directions."

It would be too hasty to determine that accidental death is the case, but we still need to take a closer look.

At the very least, we need to find out what Wang Yan is doing. He is still locked up in the detention room.

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course we have to check."

"Wang Yan, Tang Yiping's nanny, driver, and the lawyer who accompanied us yesterday cannot be let go."

"In this case, Brother Yun, I'll go see Wang Yan again."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay, I feel relieved when you ask."

"Whenever something is wrong, you can definitely tell."

At this time, a police officer turned his head and shouted not far away: "Chen Yi, Director Zhang is calling you."

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun said: "You go first. If there is a life-threatening situation, of course you have to ask about the situation."

Chen Yi: "Okay."



After knocking on the door, Chen Yi pushed the door open and stood in front of Zhang Jingang.

"Zhang Bureau."

Zhang Jingang didn't look up. He was writing something at his desk and said, "Sit by yourself."

"it is good."

Chen Yi sat opposite Zhang Jingang.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Jingang put down the pen in his hand and looked at Chen Yi: "What happened? The dead person's name was Tang Yiping, right?"

There are [-] or [-] listed companies in Yangcheng alone, and the number of registered companies is measured in millions, and there are quite a few that are operating normally. Naturally, he doesn't know who Tang Yiping is.

Compared with well-known entrepreneurs like Chen Zhiyao and Bai Guoxiang, Tang Yiping is not on the same level.

I can only say that compared with ordinary workers' salaries, they are considered successful.

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, Tang Yiping, chairman of Huatong Company."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang frowned slightly: "Another senior corporate executive has died. This year has been really eventful."

"How about it? Was it his death?"

Chen Yi answered objectively based on existing clues: "The cause of death was cardiac arrest. It is also determined that there was some problem with the deceased's heart. The possibility of homicide is relatively small."

"However, there are still some doubts in this case, which need to be fully investigated. For example, there was a call from a black account before the death."

"If there is no correlation and no new clues emerge during the period, it can be confirmed that the death was accidental."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's okay."

He still has great faith in Chen Yi. Since the other party said that the possibility of committing suicide is relatively small, it seems that there is no major crime involved.

As long as it's not a murder, that's good news.

"Do we need to let Zhou Yebin return to the team?" Zhang Jingang asked.

Chen Yi: "No need, right? Team Zhou probably hasn't figured it out yet."

"No problem, Brother Yun and I will just check. Nothing will be missed. Don't worry."

Zhang Jingang nodded: "Okay, let him rest more."

"Since you arrived, he seems to have become a lot more lazy."

"In the past, let alone recuperation, he would come to the bureau and take command even if he was wearing a plaster cast."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Team Zhou's hard work is our role model."

It's not just laziness, it's a sudden relaxation after many years of high tension, which indirectly shows that the other party has really paid a lot to fight against illegal crimes.

Zhang Jingang waved his hand: "Okay, go ahead and do your work. Let me know the results when you have them."

"Oh, by the way, wait, has anyone... contacted you recently?"

Chen Yi stood up and was about to leave when he was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He felt that the words seemed familiar and very familiar.

Fang Shuyu also asked, right?
Yes, I did ask.

"What...who is that person? What do you mean?" Chen Yi was confused.

What's going on?Are you playing charades with me here one by one?

Seeing that Chen Yi's reaction didn't look like he was pretending, Zhang Jingang smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just asking casually."

"Go get busy."

Chen Yi was suspicious, hesitatingly took two steps and turned back, finally opened the door and left.

Doing yarn?
After Chen Yi left, Zhang Jingang breathed a sigh of relief again. It seemed that Fang Songping had not found Chen Yi.

This old Fang is quite tolerant. I've told you, why don't you go and interrogate Fang Shuyu?

You have a good mentality, no wonder you are the number one.

After Chen Yi left the office, he took two steps and finally turned back and lay down in front of Zhang Jingang's office door.

He felt that something must be wrong. Could someone be plotting against me?

"Chen Yi? What are you doing?" A police officer happened to pass by and looked at Chen Yi and asked in surprise.

Chen Yi straightened up quickly and coughed lightly: "Why haven't you done anything? Where is the detention room? Oh, over there, right? I have to go see Wang Yan."

"You are busy, you are busy."

After speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.

Police officer: "Uh..."

what's going on?

In the detention room, Wang Yan was huddled in the corner, his head buried in his knees, very quiet.

With the sound of footsteps, she slowly raised her head.

The door opened and Chen Yi stepped in.

After seeing it was Chen Yi, Wang Yan lost interest and lowered his head again.

Chen Yi didn't care, moved a chair and sat not far away, and said, "Do you understand? Tell me why you falsely accuse Tang Yiping."

Wang Yan didn't raise his head, but his voice sounded: "I didn't falsely accuse him, he just raped me."

Chen Yi: "Then what? What do you want?"

Wang Yan: "That's your police matter. I'm just here to call the police."

"Isn't it your job to uphold justice? Are you asking me?"

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said, "He has been punished."


These words made Wang Yan raise her head and look at Chen Yi, with a trace of doubt in her expression and eyes.

Chen Yi stared at him and said slowly: "The person is dead."

Wang Yan was stunned: "Who died?"

Chen Yi: "Tang Yiping is dead."

Hearing this, Wang Yan's eyes widened and she shouted in shock: "What did you say?! Dead?!"

"How did you die?"

Chen Yi did not answer and asked: "Why did you falsely accuse Tang Yiping?"

It took Wang Yan a while to come back to his senses. After his expression changed a few times, he lowered his head again and said, "I did not falsely accuse him."

Chen Yi was helpless: "Wang Yan, now that the person is dead, we will definitely investigate with all our strength, including you."

"Everything about you, everything about your relatives and friends, will not be let go."

"Are you sure you won't tell the truth?"

These words made Wang Yan's shoulders tremble and he insisted: "I am telling the truth."

Chen Yi suddenly said: "Did you take the money?"

Upon hearing this question, Wang Yan was quiet for about two seconds and said, "No."

Chen Yi: "Okay, it seems that the money has been collected. Where is the money?"

"Bank card transfer, or cash?"

Wang Yan: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Seeing this, Chen Yi shook his head, stood up and said, "If you think about it more seriously, you can call me at any time when you think clearly."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

At this moment, Wang Yan raised his head and looked at the direction Chen Yi left.

There were mixed emotions of doubt and fear in his eyes.

Chen Yi, who left the detention room, came to the case handling hall with a serious expression.

Wang Yan is definitely hiding something, which is a big problem.

Correspondingly, Tang Yiping's death has once again added doubts.

"How's it going?" Zhuo Yun walked over.

Chen Yi shook his head: "Don't say anything, but she must have something to hide."

"Also, she was very shocked by Tang Yiping's death. It wasn't like she was pretending. She was probably unprepared."

"It can be temporarily assumed that she has nothing to do with Tang Yiping's death."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun frowned: "This is very strange. What is her motive for making false accusations?"

Chen Yi: "The probability of collecting money is very high."

"When I asked her just now if she would charge money, she paused for two seconds and didn't respond at all. She just calmly gave a negative answer."

"Conforming to the characteristics of lying."

"Let Sister Jiang check the bank statements, and then search her home."

"I can't figure out Wang Yan's motives, which makes me very uncomfortable. It's like... it's like there's a dead end at the beginning."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Chen Yi: "Also, print out a copy of Wang Yan's detailed family information and give it to me."

The commanding tone did not make Zhuo Yun feel any discomfort. Perhaps after the Bai Guoxiang case, he had become accustomed to Chen Yi's leadership.

"Understood, I'll go right away."

Zhuo Yun leaves.

Chen Yi returned to his seat and began to connect all the clues and doubts about the case in his mind.

Wang Yan made a false accusation, and Tang Yiping was taken to the city bureau. After confirming the false accusation, he left and returned home. Then he locked himself in the study and thought about life.

At this moment, the phone rang. After the two chatted for a while, Tang Yiping walked to the window and soon suffered cardiac arrest and died.

Hmm... there seems to be something that can be discussed.

For example, it is obvious that Tang Yiping was affected by the false accusation, but when he was in the city bureau, he showed an indifferent attitude.

I have been sitting in the study for such a long time, and my face doesn't look good. Did you think of something?
Also, when asked yesterday if Tang Yiping had any enemies, the other party’s reaction was this:

Have you had any enemies recently?No.

Did you have any enemies before?At this point, the expression changed.

Can we think that Tang Yiping lied?
Have you ever had enemies?
(End of this chapter)

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