Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 91 There seems to be something wrong with the heart

Chapter 91 There seems to be something wrong with the heart

Chen Yi came to the door of the study.

The woman was still a little frightened. Although there were police officers inside and outside the villa, they could not bring her a sense of security.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder made her peek into the study secretly from time to time, and then quickly avert her gaze.

Pale face, sweaty forehead, tense nerves.

This woman must have been quite frightened.

Many people in their 30s have never seen a dead person, and generally their elderly relatives are still alive.

If you encounter someone suddenly, you will definitely be scared if you have average psychological quality.

"I... that's all I know."

"I'm just a worker, it has nothing to do with me!"

The conversation between Zhuo Yun and her was almost over. The woman probably watched too many TV series and tried hard to avoid her suspicions, although she knew it would be useless.

Zhuo Yun: "Okay, I probably understand."

"You go downstairs and calm down first. If there is any problem, we will come back to you."

The woman nodded slightly, turned and left.

Chen Yi stepped forward and watched her leaving. Zhuo Yun said, "I said that when I knocked on the door to ask if Tang Yiping needed supper, I pushed the door open and found that Tang Yiping was dead."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "When did Tang Yiping return home?"

Zhuo Yun: "About nine o'clock."

"Judging from the distance from the city bureau to here, it seems that he didn't go anywhere after leaving the city bureau and went directly back home."

"According to the nanny, Tang Yiping did nothing after returning home. He didn't even eat and went straight into the study."

"In the meantime, the nanny came and brought a cup of hot water."

"When I come back, I will ask the other party if he needs a midnight snack as mentioned earlier. There will be an interval of about three hours."

"So, the time of death was within three hours."

Hearing this, Chen Yi raised his head and glanced at every corner of the ceiling.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun said: "There is no surveillance, but there is in the study. Jiang Xiaoxin is retrieving video data."

It's not surprising for such a big boss to install surveillance cameras in his study.

It may be for preventing theft, or it may be for other purposes. In short, it has many functions.

Since there is surveillance at the crime scene, it makes the police investigation less difficult.

As long as there is no malfunction in the monitoring, it means that Tang Yiping's death process has been mastered.

This is quite rare in homicide cases and saves the police a lot of investigation work.

Chen Yi fell into deep thought. He still hasn't reacted yet, mainly because the time of Tang Yiping's death was so strange.

She had just been falsely accused of rape and died inexplicably at home a few hours later.

There won't be any connection between the two, right?

That's not right. Tang Yiping just went to the city bureau for a walk. What kind of connection can there be?

At present, there are no clues and we don't know anything. We can only wait for the results of the on-site investigation.


Tang Yiping's death method seems to be the same as that of Wang Lihua, and it doesn't look like homicide on the surface.

Before he died, he covered his chest and looked in pain. Was there a heart problem?Or poisoned?
In a few seconds, Chen Yi habitually went through the questions he encountered in his mind.

"Chen Yi, do you think there is something wrong here?" Zhuo Yun spoke, interrupting Chen Yi's thoughts.

Chen Yi raised his head: "Are you referring to Wang Yan's false accusation?"

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Yes."

"I was falsely accused and sent to the city bureau at night. I came home and died in the early morning."

"This is too suspicious. Are the two things not connected?"

Chen Yi said: "Normal thinking should be... connected, but now there is no evidence or clues to support it."

"The top priority is to determine the cause of death first and figure out what exactly caused Tang Yiping's death."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Yes."

Time passed slowly, during which the forensic assistant also arrived and joined in the autopsy.

About half an hour later, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun walked into the study and stood next to Fang Shuyu.

"What's going on, forensic doctor?" It was Zhuo Yun who spoke.

Fang Shuyu squatted there in silence for a moment, raised his head slightly and said, "Cardiac arrest."

"Cardiac arrest??" Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment, then said: "Accidentally died?!"

Fang Shuyu did not answer Zhuo Yun's question and said to himself: "The pupils are dilated, the complexion is cyanotic, the expression is distorted, and there are no wounds on the body for the time being, which is consistent with the clinical manifestations of cardiac arrest."

"That's how it looks at the moment."

"If you want to further determine the cause of death, you need to go back to the city bureau for a comprehensive autopsy."

"And you need to find out if there is anything wrong with his heart."

Zhuo Yun: "Uh..."

The result of cardiac arrest surprised him.

Is it really a coincidence that he died right after leaving the city bureau?
Chen Yi stared at Tang Yiping's body, then turned to the cell phone that fell on the ground, and then turned to look at the nearby window.

"Looking at the death scene, the inference of cardiac arrest can also be demonstrated."

"Tang Yiping was probably standing in front of the window on the phone before he died. He suddenly felt discomfort in his chest and covered it with his left hand. His expression became painful, and then he slowly fell to the ground."

"The best rescue time for cardiac arrest is 4 minutes. If it exceeds 6 minutes, it will be very dangerous."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun subconsciously said: "Then why did the nanny call the police? Didn't the person who called the person realize that something was wrong?"

Chen Yi glanced at him and said, "Brother Yun, you are on point. Your response is very quick."

"That's right. Who was Tang Yiping talking on the phone to, and the other party didn't notice anything unusual?"

"This matter lacks rationality, unless Tang Yiping suddenly felt unwell the moment the phone was hung up."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but straighten his back.

After several previous cases, he had classified Chen Yi's IQ as a monster, and he felt very comfortable being praised by the other party.

It means that I’m not that bad.

Naturally, the few people didn't know Zhuo Yun's little thoughts. Fang Shuyu said at this time: "After checking the call records, it will be clear soon."

"It's really strange. I don't think it's such a coincidence."

She was also involved in the analysis of the case, probably because she had been staying with Chen Yi for a long time recently.

Zhuo Yun stepped forward, put on his gloves and picked up the mobile phone on the ground.

The screen lights up automatically, and there is facial recognition and a password that needs to be taken back to the bureau to unlock.

Or, check the call records directly, both methods are available.

Zhuo Yun put the mobile phone into the evidence bag and handed it to the police officer next to him.

Chen Yi said: "Brother Yun, after the on-site investigation is over, let everyone go back and rest first. We will talk about it at dawn."

"I'll keep an eye on the forensic department. Change it."

When a murder occurs in the early morning, the division of labor must be clear. You cannot leave it alone, and you cannot put everyone into work, otherwise the efficiency the next day will be very low.

The most important and urgent thing is the autopsy, so the forensic department needs to work overtime.

Other issues such as testing and visits can wait for now.

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Okay, I know, I will arrange it."

"Don't be too tired. Get some rest as soon as you get the results. You can get some more sleep. Just leave the preliminary investigation to me."

Chen Yi hummed and said, "By the way, let Sister Jiang keep the surveillance video. I want to take a look."

Zhuo Yun: "No problem, I will explain it to her." In the remaining time, Chen Yi came to the window and carefully checked centimeter by centimeter, and finally concluded that there were no tiny holes.

He has seen many bizarre things.

If Tang Yiping died of homicide, and if no second person appeared in the study when Tang Yiping died, then it is possible that the murderer used a sophisticated launching device to penetrate the glass and hit the target with one blow.

At the moment, it seems not.


City Council.

Forensic Medicine.

It was already past three o'clock in the morning. Chen Yi did not participate in the comprehensive autopsy, but sat there waiting.

Fang Shuyu and the forensic assistant are busy.

Information shows that Tang Yiping has no direct relatives and the autopsy can be carried out directly, but that step has not yet been reached.

After a long time, the forensic assistant took off his mask and looked over.

"There are no suspicious wounds on the whole body, and there are no signs of poisoning yet. Toxicology tests are needed to determine the possibility of drug residues in the blood."

Chen Yi: "Let's do an autopsy. The focus is on the heart. I'll check the surveillance video."

"After you're done, go back and rest quickly. Just leave the autopsy report in the case handling hall."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay, don't worry."

Chen Yi nodded, stood up and left the forensic room.

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi sat in front of the computer and clicked on the video file left by Jiang Xiaoxin.

The screen lights up.

This is Tang Yiping's study room. The camera is facing the desk. The angle is very wide. Although there is a blind spot, it is not large and can almost cover the whole area.

At this time, Tang Yiping was sitting there quietly, drinking the boiled water in his hand.

He didn't look at the documents or his phone. He just sat there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

This time is around twelve o'clock.

Tang Yiping sat like this for nearly an hour. At this moment, the mobile phone on the table lit up, and he picked it up and connected it.

There is no sound in the video, which means that the surveillance camera does not have built-in audio equipment, so you can't hear what Tang Yiping is saying at all.

It seems that Tang Yiping also considered his privacy. Although he installed a camera, it only stayed on the image.

Tens of seconds after the call, Tang Yiping suddenly stood up and walked to the window.

He looked at the night in the distance and continued to talk on the phone.

From this angle, Tang Yiping's right hand and mobile phone were covering his face, and his expression could not be seen.

Time passed slowly, and at a certain moment, Tang Yiping raised his hand to cover his chest, staggered, fell to the ground slowly, and dropped his cell phone.

This is the whole process of Tang Yiping's death.

From beginning to end, no second person appeared in the study.

Chen Yi had checked the window glass before. There were indeed no sharp pinholes, and the glass was not thin. If a needle-like object penetrated, it would leave spider web-like spreading cracks.

"Accidental death?"

Four words popped into Chen Yi's mind.

According to the conversation with Tang Yiping last night, this person seems to have some problems, coupled with Wang Yan's false accusation and Wang Lihua's murder precedent.

This made Chen Yi deeply skeptical of this conclusion.

"Let's talk after we get some sleep."

Chen Yi was not an iron man. Staying up all night affected his thinking and judgment. He turned off the video, got up, found a folding bed, and fell asleep quickly.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Yi opened his sleepy eyes and was awakened by the messy sound of work.

He sat up suddenly and glanced at the time, then tapped his newly awakened brain.

Seeing that Chen Yi was awake, Zhuo Yun came over with a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

Chen Yi took it.

While Chen Yi was drinking water, Zhuo Yun said, "I checked Tang Yiping's call records. Guess what?"

Chen Yi said without raising his head: "Black card, the account owner cannot be found."

Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment: "How do you know??"

Chen Yi stood up from the folding bed, put the water glass on the table, and said, "I have seen the surveillance video. The call was not interrupted when Tang Yiping died, but the other party did not choose to call the police or an ambulance."

"There are two possibilities for this situation."

"First, the other party's purpose is impure. In this case, the call record is a major clue. The police will know it as soon as they check it. Anyone who is smart will choose a black card."

"Second, the relationship between the other party and Tang Yiping was very bad. The late call may have been due to personal matters. However, after realizing that Tang Yiping was suspected of having an accident, he decisively chose to ignore the matter and ignore it."

"If it was the second possibility, you wouldn't have asked me to guess, but just tell you the name."

After listening, Zhuo Yun's expression froze: "Uh...Chen Yi, you don't even let go of my psychology, you analyze it, right?"

Chen Yi chuckled: "It's just subconscious. It's a habit."

"How about it, can you find the source?"

Nowadays, mobile phone numbers are registered by real names for all people, but black numbers still exist.

The current standard is: you can use it yourself, but you can’t sell it to others.

Before Tang Yiping died, he received a call from a black card, which undoubtedly directly told the police that there might be some problems with his death.

But what the problem is is currently unknown.

Zhuo Yun shook his head: "If we can't find it, where can we find it?"

"Since the other party chose to use a black card, he obviously didn't want the police to find out his identity. In this case, Tang Yiping's death would not be right."

Chen Yi hummed and said, "This is one of the questions, and there is another one."

"Why did the other party make this call? Is it necessary?"

This question made Zhuo Yun think deeply and said: "Yes, why must we fight?"

"If the caller is related to Tang Yiping's death, you can do nothing unless..."

"Make a few taunts on the phone to vent your anger? Or tell Tang Yiping that you are going to die soon. I am very happy."

"Is it reasonable?"

Chen Yi nodded: "It's reasonable, and the possibility is not small."

"But if we can't find anyone, let's let him go first."

After saying that, he picked up the autopsy report on the table. It should have been placed here by Fang Shuyu in the early morning.

"Where's Shuyu?"

Zhuo Yun: "Go back and rest. I'll let her rest and come back in the afternoon."

"How about you, enough friends?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "As a team leader and a senior criminal police officer in the criminal investigation detachment, shouldn't I care about my colleagues? What does it have to do with me?"

Zhuo Yun was speechless: "Pretend, just keep pretending with me."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. The test results of that glass of water came out. It's normal. It's just ordinary water. There are no other ingredients in it."

"I've also read the autopsy report, and the toxicological tests are normal."

"The only abnormality is that Tang Yiping's heart seems to have a problem, but he has no history of heart disease. Could it be that he suffered from an acquired disease and didn't have time to check it out?"

"I can only say that it increases the possibility of accidental death."

Hearing this, Chen Yi raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

It seems that Zhuo Yun has almost completed the preliminary investigation work and obtained all of Tang Yiping's medical records.

(End of this chapter)

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