Chapter 72 Qian Ningchu

The three people left the orphanage.

At the door, Zhuo Yun picked up the small evidence bag in his hand, looked at it, and said, "Chen Yi, are you going to compare it with the suspect's DNA?"

"It sounds a bit ridiculous that the director of the welfare home committed a crime."

"If he did this, there might be more than one case."

Chen Yi took out a cigarette, lit it, and said: "Since we have met, I just asked for a piece of hair. At least I can rule out suspicion. Some people know who they are but not who they know."

"Until the murderer is brought to justice, any man related to the victim will be a suspect."

"If we really get to that point, all the men in the orphanage will have their DNA compared."

"For now, there's no need for that. We'll talk about it later. We have other things to do."

Zhuo Yun nodded, put away the evidence bag, and looked back at the orphanage behind him.

"The orphanage takes in homeless children and has made great contributions to society. It deserves respect, but its management is too lax."

"It's incomprehensible to ignore him after being missing for several days."

Chen Yi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "To put it bluntly, I am the greatest luck to be able to grow up alive, stable and healthy, with no worries about food, drink and education."

"People are different. These children naturally receive much less attention."

"Hey, I can't help it. There are always corners in the world where the sun doesn't shine."

"This is the meaning of our existence."

While talking, the three of them got into the car.

"Are you going to school now?" Zhuo Yun asked, putting on his seat belt.

Chen Yi: "Go."

"After school is over at noon, we will take Qian Ningchu to have a meal. It won't take long."

Zhuo Yun: "Eating? Then you have to find someone who can issue invoices... Well, pretend I didn't say that."

He almost forgot that Chen Yiduo was rich. The price of a lunch would probably be too lazy to pick up if it fell on the ground.

Soon, the three came to the community school.

The management of this school is relatively strict and it is a closed school. The door is closed except when going to school and after school, and no students are allowed to go out.

During this period, outsiders, except teachers and school staff, are also not allowed inside.

Zhuo Yun provided the certificate, first found the principal, and then contacted the head teacher.

Then, just wait.

The normal schedule in autumn is that school ends at 11:30 am, but this school is earlier, at [-]:[-].

After the head teacher and Qian Ningchu explained the situation, the other party was a little confused, but still followed Chen Yi and the others honestly.

"Ningchu, don't be afraid, we are really the police."

Qian Ningchu is a pure-looking girl, her eyes are much clearer than those of adults, and her whole person is like a newly blooming cherry blossom, full of youthful atmosphere.

However, the keen Chen Yi still saw a trace of impurity in the other party's eyes.

This girl should know and experience more than her peers.

It is also normal. Without the protection of parents, it is difficult for the development direction to be on the normal track.

"You...what are you looking for me for?"

It could be seen that Qian Ningchu was not afraid. After all, he was facing the police, but he still felt timid.

It would be like this for any teenager.

Chen Yi smiled: "I'll treat you to a meal and let's talk about Zhao Ruoyao. Can you help the policeman?"

"Zhao Ruoyao?" Qian Ningchu was stunned for a moment, "I haven't seen her for several days."

Chen Yi nodded: "I know, it's okay, just chatting."

"what do you want to eat?"

Qian Ningchu's thinking look was quite cute, and he hesitated: "Can I eat anything?"

Chen Yi: "Of course, everything is fine."

Qian Ningchu's eyes lit up: "Then I want to go to Qingkong."

Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin were surprised by these words. Where is Qingkong?
At this moment, Chen Yi's smile faded slightly and he said, "Ningchu, how do you know about Qingkong? Have you been there?"

Qingkong is a very high-end restaurant, with a minimum per capita consumption of over RMB [-], and there are no group purchases online.

It is impossible for people who have never eaten there to know unless they hear others talk about it.

Not to mention the children in the orphanage.

This time Qian Ning was initially afraid and said weakly, "I've never been there. I heard what others said."

Chen Yi: "Who is it?"

Qian Ningchu fell silent.

Seeing this, Chen Yi smiled and said, "It's okay, uncle, don't ask."

"You want to go to Qingkong, right? OK, let's go now."

"If you don't go to Qingkong, it may delay your lunch break. Will it affect your afternoon classes?"

Qian Ningchu shook his head: "It doesn't affect it."

It can be seen that she seems to want to go to that place called Qingkong.

Chen Yi: "Okay, let's go."

"Brother Yun, I'll drive."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."

The clear sky was not close to here and it took nearly half an hour on the road.

When several people got off the car and arrived at Qingkong Restaurant, Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin were immediately surprised.

Such a luxurious decoration must be expensive. How did Qian Ningchu, a child in an orphanage, know?Ever passed by?
With this question in mind, the two of them looked at Qian Ningchu, who looked excited, and then fell silent.

This should also be Chen Yi's question. No wonder the other party asked that question before.

I’ll probably ask more questions later.

This involves Qian Ningchu's network, which is very important.

Qian Ningchu has the best relationship with Zhao Ruoyao, so Qian Ningchu's network is basically Zhao Ruoyao's network.

Speaking of which, they didn't expect that Chen Yi's financial resources could be used in investigating cases. Anyway, if they had to pay for reimbursement, there would be no chance.

For a teenager, it will be beneficial to satisfy the other person's wishes and follow the other person's wishes when the time comes.

Four people entered the store.

The waiter's attitude was extremely respectful, and he politely led the four of them to the best seat by the window.

When Qian Ningchu couldn't wait to get the menu, his expression immediately changed.

"This... so expensive?!"

She naturally had a concept about money, and she immediately regretted it.

"Um...Uncle policeman, why don't you change the place?"

The menu price obviously far exceeded Qian Ningchu's expectations, which made her panic at this moment.

A piece of bread costs 120, which she usually wouldn't even dare to think about.

Chen Yi chuckled: "It's okay. Uncle is rich and can eat whatever he wants."

"But Ningchu, we only have this once. If we want to live a good life, we still have to study hard so that we can realize our dreams."

There are drawbacks to bringing Qian Ning here for the first time. After witnessing the extravagance, your mood may be affected.

But there are disadvantages and advantages. It can allow the other party to see a wider world, which is not a bad thing.

Besides, it’s just once, and the impact won’t be too big.

What's more, the case needs to be investigated.

After saying that, he turned to look at the two of them: "You guys too."

Zhuo Yun: "..."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "..."

They kind of understood the true meaning of a certain sentence: Rich people, let’s be friends!
Listening to Chen Yi's words, Qian Ningchu looked at the menu and nodded firmly: "I understand, policeman, I will work hard."

"Then...should I order it?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, order it."

Qian Ningchu didn't order much, the total price was only around [-], and he didn't know if he would be full.

Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin are also very conservative.

Chen Yi didn't say anything. He brought the menu and ordered more for two people. If it's not enough, they can share it.

"Hmm! It's delicious!" When the food arrived, Qian Ning looked surprised after taking her first bite.

She had never eaten such a delicious thing.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "If it tastes good, eat more."

Qian Ningchu nodded and said while eating: "Uncle policeman, what do you want to ask me?"

Chen Yi: "Zhao Ruoyao."

"Do you know where she went?"

Qian Ningchu shook his head: "I don't know, she didn't come back last Friday night."

"last Friday?"

Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, counting the time in his mind.

The body was discovered on Tuesday, and the time of death was supposed to be last Saturday. Then Zhao Ruoyao disappeared last Friday night. There was no problem in the process.

"Ningchu, where do you think she might have gone?"

Qian Ningchu took a bite of bread and said, "Maybe she went to find her boyfriend, she..."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Yi interrupted immediately, "What did you say? Zhao Ruoyao has a boyfriend?"

Qian Ningchu nodded: "Yes, yes."

After receiving confirmation, the three of them looked at each other.

Puppy love is not an unacceptable thing, but the sudden appearance of a boyfriend at the time of the murder can easily arouse their imagination.

"Who is Zhao Ruoyao's boyfriend?" Chen Yi asked.

Qian Ningchu said: "The one from No. [-] Middle School next door is... by the way, his name is Song Minghao."

Chen Yi was silent for a moment and said, "Isn't your school's management very strict? She doesn't have a mobile phone. How did she know the students from the school next door?"

Qian Ningchu said: "We met at the United Sports Games, and then we met again when we were shopping."

"Later on, he became Zhao Ruoyao's boyfriend."

Chen Yi nodded slightly and said, "What kind of person is Song Minghao?"

Qian Ningchu thought about it and used four words to describe it: "Bad boy."

Chen Yi frowned.

Delinquents are still very attractive to adolescent girls.

The Internet buzzword "will-o'-the-wisp boy" is a kind of ridicule. It is said that when the will-o'-the-wisp goes off, parents raise money in vain.

"Have you seen him?"

Qian Ningchu: "I've seen it before."

Chen Yi: "How do you two feel... how do you feel about each other?"

He felt awkward saying the word emotion.

But before, it was not unusual for boys and girls to chase each other like kittens and puppies.

Moreover, there are still examples of people going from junior high school to wedding dress.

Qian Ningchu nodded: "It's good. I think it's good. I haven't seen any trouble between the two of them."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand."

"Any more?"

"Besides Song Minghao, your classmates from this school, and friends from the orphanage, does Zhao Ruoyao know anyone else?"

Qian Ningchu thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "No more."

Chen Yi asked: "Are you sure?"

Qian Ningchu: "I'm sure, we have a good relationship. If she makes new friends, she will definitely tell me."

"Uncle policeman, where did she go? When will she come back?"

This question made Chen Yi silent for a moment and then said with a smile: "She won't come back for the time being. She may have to wait until she graduates from high school or college."

"It's okay, you will meet again in the future."

Hearing this, Qian Ningchu was visibly disappointed: "Oh... okay."

After that, she muttered in a low voice: "Have you found your parents? You don't even tell me this, it's really not enough for sisters."

Zhuo Yun and Jiang Xiaoxin looked at each other and sighed silently.

When he saw Qian Ningchu finishing his meal, Chen Yi continued: "Ningchu, did you find anything wrong with Zhao Ruoyao last week?"

Qian Ningchu looked up, as if he didn't understand.

Seeing this, Chen Yi changed his question: "For example, he is in a bad mood, low mood, or very angry."

This time Qian Ningchu did not deny it and nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi quickly said: "When? Please tell me carefully."

Qian Ningchu raised his head slightly as if thinking, and his voice sounded: "I remember it was last Saturday, right? Or was it last Sunday? I forgot."

"When she went home that day, Ruoyao was gloomy and didn't talk to me."

"I asked her what was wrong, and she got very angry and told me to go away."

"Maybe I had a quarrel with Song Minghao."

Chen Yi: "Didn't you say that they have a good relationship and have never had any trouble?"

Qian Ningchu was stunned for a moment: "Uh...did I say it? Oh okay, I think I did."

"I'm just guessing. I don't know what happened to her at that time."

Chen Yi did not ask further, but felt that this matter was very important. After pondering for a while, he said: "Earlier, did anything special happen in your lives?"

"Aside from normal schooling, shopping, playing, eating and sleeping, everything else is special."

Qian Ningchu recalled for a moment and said: "Donate, I donated once."

Chen Yi: "Are you referring to the social charity donation ceremony?"

Qian Ningchu nodded: "Yes."

"It was very lively. All of us went. We even had to give flowers to our uncles and aunts, and we also received a lot of gifts."

Speaking of this matter, Qian Ningchu's eyes had stars in his eyes.

For children in orphanages, social donations are indeed very exciting. They can not only improve their lives, but also receive gifts.

This is like opening a blind box, you never know what kind people will give you.

Chen Yi: "When did this happen?"

Qian Ningchu said embarrassedly: "I forgot which day it was."

Chen Yi: "How long has it been since Zhao Ruoyao suddenly became depressed?"

Qian Ningchu hesitated for a moment and said, "Just...a few days, right? Three or four days? A week?"

After asking this, seeing Qian Ningchu finishing her meal, Chen Yi handed her a drink, who happily took it.

After Qian Ningchu drank for a while, Chen Yi suddenly said: "Ningchu, let's go back to the first question, okay?"

"Who told you about Qingkong?"

Hearing this, Qian Ningchu made a move, silently put down the cup in his hand, lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Chen Yi said in a soft voice: "Ningchu, there are some things that you don't need to hide from the police uncle."

"We are here to protect you and will never hurt you, do you understand?"

Qian Ningchu was quiet for a while again. Perhaps influenced by Chen Yi's personality charm, he raised his head at this moment.

"An aunt told me."

Chen Yi smiled: "What kind of aunt is she?"

Qian Ningchu: " ordinary aunt."

Chen Yi: "How do you know each other?"

Qian Ningchu: "That day Ruoyao and I left the orphanage to go shopping. She took the initiative to come over and talk to us, and we got to know each other."

Chen Yi nodded: "Why did she tell you about Qingkong?"

Qian Ningchu said: "I just mentioned it when we were chatting. Not only Qingkong, but also other interesting places."

Chen Yi: "Did you talk about electronic products such as mobile phones?"

Qian Ningchu was surprised: "Eh? How did you know?"

Chen Yi's smile remained unchanged, but a coldness began to appear in his eyes.

"What else did she tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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