Chapter 71 Inquiry
The director of the welfare home is named Sun Dingliang.

After learning that the other party was a criminal police officer from the city bureau, he was surprised and politely invited the three of them into the office.

Soon, three cups of hot tea were served.

"Please have some tea."

Sun Dingliang put down his cup and spoke with a smile.

This is a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, trousers, and leather shoes, looking like a leader.

"Thank you."

Chen Yi said politely.

"Dean Sun, my name is Chen Yi. I am a criminal police officer from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. These two next to me are my colleagues."

"I came here today mainly because I want to know about Zhao Ruoyao."

Sun Dingliang was confused: "Zhao Ruoyao?"

"Oh, I remember her. She was a very good child. What happened to her?"

As he spoke, he sat down diagonally across from the three of them.

Chen Yi looked at Sun Dingliang and said, "Don't you know what happened to her?"

Facing the serious detective, Sun Xingliang's heart tightened and his expression changed: "She...she won't be in trouble?! I really don't know!"

Chen Yi frowned: "Dean Sun, the child in the orphanage has been missing for several days. As the dean, you don't know?"

“Didn’t the teacher in charge of management fail to report it?”

Sun Dingliang was silent for a while and said: "I'm so sorry, I really don't know."

"Our orphanage is relatively large and takes in a lot of children. Over time, the ages of the children vary."

"Those under ten years old live in the bungalows you saw on the way here. Those over ten years old and in junior high school live in buildings, with six people per dormitory."

"On weekdays, the life teacher is in charge."

"I'm not going to lie to you, I really haven't received any news about the missing child."

After saying that, he paused for a while and asked again: "What happened to Zhao Ruoyao...? Can't she be found?"

Chen Yi did not answer this question and said: "The data shows that Zhao Ruoyao has no father or mother and should be an abandoned baby. What is her condition? Is she a congenital disease?"

"Does Dean Sun know about this matter?"

Sun Dingliang: "Clearly, clearly, of course, how many years have I been here."

"This child Zhao Ruoyao is indeed an abandoned baby, but he has no physical disabilities."

"At that time, we also conducted a physical examination on her admission as soon as possible, and she had no internal diseases."

"He's in his teens now. He hasn't had any problems growing up to this age. He should be healthy."

"I want to come..."

He hesitated slightly and said, "I guess it's because of preference for boys over girls or...pregnancy before marriage, right? There are many such cases."

Chen Yi nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Since you are healthy, why wasn't you adopted?"

Nowadays, many parents who are unable to conceive, or couples who have Dink's regrets, or even those who want to have another child but don't want to get pregnant, will choose to adopt children in orphanages.

What they value most is, of course, health.

Since Zhao Ruoyao is healthy and good-looking, she should be favored by others.

Mentioning this matter, Sun Dingliang said helplessly: "Officer Chen, this situation is very common in orphanages, mainly because the children refuse."

"We respect the child's wishes very much. Adoption is a two-way choice. They cannot take the child away forcibly if they like it. They need to obtain the consent of the other party."

"Zhao Ruoyao is a kid who matures earlier than his peers. He has his own thoughts and doesn't want to go with strangers. He just likes to stay in the orphanage."

"If we can't do ideological work, we can only let her stay."

Hearing this, Chen Yi understood: "So that's it, I understand."

"Then please, Dean Sun, call Zhao Ruoyao's life teacher over. We want to get to know her better."

Hearing this, Sun Dingliang took out his mobile phone without hesitation.

"No problem, I'll give her a call. Wait a minute. It'll be soon."

"Hello? Xiao Zhang, come to my office."

"Yes, come here now, hurry up."

The phone hangs up.

Sun Dingliang wanted to ask Zhao Ruoyao what happened for the third time, but finally gave up.

There was no answer from the other party twice, and I was afraid that I would be asking for trouble if I asked a third time.


I'm afraid it's not a small matter that the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment can take personal responsibility for.

This Zhao Ruoyao...isn't something really going to happen? !
Sun Dingliang began to think wildly.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.


The door opened, and an ordinary-looking woman in her 30s walked in.

"Dean, you are looking for me."

The woman said something and shifted her gaze to Chen Yi and the others.

Sun Dingliang said quickly: "Xiao Zhang, these three are comrades from the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment. I have something to ask you."

"Answer whatever you know. You can't hide anything, let alone lie, you know?"

Criminal Investigation Detachment? !
The woman's face hardened, and she quickly nodded in agreement.

Many people will never interact with the criminal police in their lives. At most, they will go to the police station a few times because of household registration or ID cards.

In the eyes of ordinary people, criminal police officers handle big cases, and under the influence of TV dramas, they are basically bloody murder cases, which is scary.

"Sit down, sit down." Sun Dingliang waved.

"Okay... okay." The woman nodded and chose to sit farther away.

Chen Yi looked over: "Teacher Zhang, does Zhao Ruoyao know?"

The woman nodded: "I know, of course I know, I am responsible for her life."

Chen Yi: "Then where is she now?"

This question made the woman choke. After holding it in for a long time, she said bravely: "No... I don't know."

Chen Yi's face looked a little ugly: "The child you are responsible for is gone, don't you care??"

The woman was a little nervous. She glanced at the dean quietly and found that the other person's face didn't look good either.

That's right, the detectives are here, how can it be nice?

"Teacher Zhang, please answer my question!" There was a hint of coldness in Chen Yi's voice.

The woman was agitated and said subconsciously: "'s not that I don't care, I can't control it."

"When these children reach junior high school, their adolescent rebelliousness comes out. If you criticize them once, they will have ten more waiting for you."

"Especially after gradually getting in touch with new friends, and maybe people in society, it becomes more difficult to control."

"It's not just Zhao Ruoyao, but several other people are like this too. Occasionally they stay up at night."

"Of course we will look for it at first, and educate it seriously. As time goes by, it will just...just..."

Hearing this, Chen Yi raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

In this matter, both sides are indeed at fault.

Adolescent children will gradually become irritable and irritable, which is a combination of physical and psychological factors.

After I have my own independent thoughts, I am no longer willing to follow the teacher's instructions and be manipulated by others.

In addition, abnormal hormone secretion and rebellious psychological transition period are also the main reasons.

This is a normal phenomenon and is not a physical or mental illness.

The biological parents can't control them, let alone the teachers in the orphanage who need to take care of many people.

This is one of the reasons why many orphans take a wrong path in the future.

"Police officer, Zhao Ruoyao..."

After a moment of silence, the woman spoke hesitantly.

Chen Yi still didn't answer and continued to ask: "Has Zhao Ruoyao met any unrelated people in the recent period?"

The woman shook her head: "I don't know, these children won't tell us anything."

Chen Yi: "What about emotions? Are there any sudden changes or abnormalities?"

The woman thought for a moment and said, "No."

Chen Yi was helpless, he really didn't know anything about this.

But I can understand what the other person said. The secrets in the hearts of adolescent girls are not shared even by their parents, let alone other people.

"Who is her best friend?"

Chen Yi spoke.

The woman replied: "Qian Ningchu."

After hearing these three words, Chen Yi paused briefly and said casually: "Your welfare home is really good at naming it."

Zhao Ruoyao.

Qian Ningchu.

She looks poetic and classy, ​​much better than Zhao Chunyan or Qian Xiaohua.

Hearing this, Dean Sun Dingliang explained: "We have teachers who specialize in naming. They are very professional."

"Now that the children are here, of course they must have good names of their own, and they cannot be worse than others."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "When will she come back?"

The woman said: "Their school has evening self-study, which takes place after nine o'clock."

Chen Yi: "It's just a community school not far away, right?"

The woman nodded: "Yes, the schooling problems of all the children in our orphanage are solved by community schools."

Chen Yi: "Do these children have mobile phones?"

It was the dean who answered, and he immediately said: "No, no."

"We are a welfare institution. Children are abandoned or left without care. We cannot hold high-end consumer goods."

Chen Yi nodded. Jiang Xiaoxin said before that there was indeed no real-name mobile phone number under Zhao Ruoyao's name.

"Is it convenient if I go directly to the school to find Qian Ningchu?"

Sun Dingliang hesitated: "This...if it is necessary, it should be convenient, right?"

He didn't know how to answer.

Since it is a criminal police investigation, there is no need to ask for inconvenient questions. As long as it is reasonable, just go and no one dares to stop you.

Chen Yi looked at the time and said, "Okay, Teacher Zhang, please go back first."


After the woman left, Chen Yi looked over and said, "Dean Sun, although it is understandable that adolescent children are difficult to manage, is it a bit exaggerated to ignore them for more than two days?"

Sun Dingliang apologized and smiled: "What you said is that it's my fault and I will strengthen management immediately."

Interpol, he didn't dare to offend, let alone tell the truth.

Chen Yi sighed and shook his head, glanced at him and said, "Zhao Ruoyao is dead."


Sun Dingliang was stunned for a moment.


After he was sure that he heard correctly, he stood up in shock.

"What? Dead?! How did you die?"

If a child dies in the hospital, this is a big deal!
Chen Yi also stood up and said: "We are still investigating how he died. We hope Dean Zhang can keep it confidential."

"I tell you in advance so that you can really strengthen management and pay more attention to the children."

Sun Dingliang's face was shocked and uncertain, and he stayed there without speaking.

"We're leaving now. We'll come back to you if we need anything."

After saying this, Chen Yi turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, he thought of something and turned back.

"By the way, Dean Sun, can I have a piece of your hair?"

Sun Dingliang subconsciously raised his head: "Hair? What do you need hair for?"

Chen Yi: "It's nothing. It's a routine investigation. It's inconvenient if I don't know what to do."

Sun Dingliang nodded repeatedly: "Convenient and convenient."

After saying that, he turned around and opened the drawer and found a pair of scissors.

"How much?"

Chen Yi: "Just one stick is fine, but you can't cut it, you have to pull it out."

Sun Dingliang: "???"

 Thank you very much for everyone’s tips and votes!Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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