Chapter 69 Full Responsibility
After leaving the forensic room, Chen Yi came to the case handling hall and handed the autopsy report to Zhuo Yun.

"That's enough, there should be nothing missing."

Zhuo Yun took it and stared at Chen Yi in surprise for a while before turning his attention to the autopsy report.


"What the hell, this is a premeditated crime! The murderer is most likely an acquaintance of the deceased!"

"Even if it isn't, I must have been watching him for more than a day or two."

Zhuo Yun couldn't help but cursed.

It's been a long time since I've encountered a murderer with such a conscience.

A vendetta is fine and acceptable, but what does it mean if you attack a child? !
Chen Yi nodded: "This is more likely."

"In any case, the identity of the deceased must be identified first, and then the subsequent investigation can be carried out."

Zhuo Yun hummed and did not ask why Chen Yi knew about autopsies. He turned around and said, "Xiao Xin, have you found out?"

Jiang Xiaoxin frowned at this time and said: "I have checked them all, and there is nothing that matches them."

"Not to mention the past few days, even in the past month, there have been no missing reports of young people."

"Those who have records are either old people or adults with some mental problems."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly: "What? No way?"

"Chen Yi, are you sure the deceased died more than 48 hours ago?"

Chen Yi: "Absolutely sure, this will not go wrong."

The exact time of death cannot be locked, but the approximate time of death can still be determined.

Zhuo Yun: "Then...what other parents didn't call the police for such a long time? Did you go to a boarding school?"

Chen Yi: "Even if it is a boarding school, if the teachers find that the students are missing, they will definitely notify the parents."

Zhuo Yun rubbed his hair: "What's going on?"

"Chen Yi, can the fingerprints still be extracted? Let's compare them directly to the fingerprint database."

Hearing this, Chen Yi hesitated and said: "The deceased's hands should have been naturally hanging at the bottom of the suitcase and had been soaked in water for a long time."

"This results in a high degree of wrinkles in the epidermis and dermis of the finger, making it impossible to directly press the mark according to conventional methods."

At this time, Fang Shuyu walked out of the forensic room and came to the case handling hall.

She is also very concerned about the progress of this case and the identity of the deceased.

"What should we do??" Zhuo Yun was in trouble.

The identity cannot be determined, how can we investigate further?
There is no missing person report, and the fingerprints cannot be stamped, so you can't go to each school with the photo and ask questions, right?How much panic does it have to cause?

In fact, if there is no other way, this is the only way.

Based on the deceased's facial features and physical features such as birthmarks and scars, a joint investigation notice was issued for each police station to investigate and identify.

As a last resort, we may even resort to the power of the Internet.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious. One is the confidentiality of the case and the privacy of the deceased. The other is that after the murderer sees it, he may take counter-detection measures or even escape.

The surrounding police officers also looked over and were very concerned.

It would be difficult if the identity could not be determined quickly, and Zhang Ju could not explain it.

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said: "Of course fingerprints can be recovered."

Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment by these words, and said angrily: "I didn't tell you earlier!"

Chen Yi said: "If you want to get fingerprints on your fingers that are highly waterlogged, there is a way."

"First, cut off ten fingers and soak them in a beaker for three days. During this period, change the water every morning and evening..."

Just after saying this, Fang Shuyu stepped forward: "Chen Yi, I know this method, but..."

She understood what Chen Yi meant, and was surprised by how knowledgeable the other party was, that he even understood this.

According to Chen Yi, after soaking your fingers for three days, the epidermal layer and the dermis have been completely separated, forming a literal leather glove.

At this time, the cuticle on the surface of the finger will peel off in flakes, and the shed epidermal tissue will stick to the imprinted fingerprint.

Then, let the fallen leather gloves dry at room temperature until they are almost dry, then put them on the fingers of the person who is printing, and use an ink printing box to print.

When choosing a seal maker, try to choose someone whose fingers fit the size of the leather glove. When sealing, the fingers of the leather gloves and the covered fingers should be in the same position to reduce deformation.

The fingerprints printed in this way can basically meet the conditions for manual inspection and fingerprint identification system retrieval.

She knew about this method but had never used it because she had not encountered any related cases.

Unexpectedly, I encountered it today.

But she couldn't bear to cut off the deceased's ten fingers. He was still a child.

"Is there no other way?"

She looked at Chen Yi, hoping in her heart that the other party could solve this problem.

Chen Yi said: "I just want to propose a solution first. If it doesn't work, you can use it."

"Of course, it would be best if the victim's body could be immobilized."

Zhuo Yun: "How?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "A teenage child has been missing for more than 48 hours, and his parents or guardians did not report the case. This is a bit strange and inconsistent with common sense."

"Since it doesn't conform to common sense, let's analyze it from the very point of view."

"If the victim has no parents and lives in a poor environment, no one will care where she goes."

"Does this situation exist?"

These words made the case handling hall quiet down.

No parents?this……

Zhuo Yun didn't understand what Chen Yi meant and asked, "What do you want to say? Can you check your identity without your parents? Isn't it more difficult to check?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "No, it might be easier to investigate."

"The subjects included in our national DNA bank include children in orphanages."

"Also, the biological parents of abducted children will also be recorded to facilitate family tracing."

"Also, street children of unknown origin and begging children are among them."

"The living environment of these children is poor. Although there are help from social institutions, there will inevitably be no oversights."

"It's still possible to go missing for two days without reporting it."

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Zhuo Yun reacted for two seconds and suddenly slapped the other party on the shoulder: "Chen Yi! You have a quick mind!"

"Forensic doctor, let's compare it quickly. What if we find it?"

"Don't tell me if I can't find it!"

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away."

After speaking, she glanced at Chen Yi and gave him a sweet smile.

Although I don’t know if it will succeed, I still have to give it a try.

It would be best if the victim's fingers are not cut off.

Dissection and resection are two different concepts, and the latter is much more destructive.

After that, it was a long wait.

While waiting, Jiang Xiaoxin and her colleagues began to investigate the road surveillance near the place where the body was dumped, hoping to gain something.

However, it is very likely that the place where the body was found was not the place where the body was dumped, so it is more likely to be useless.

Even if it’s useless, you still have to do it. What if something is discovered?

At night, Fang Shuyu left the forensic room and handed the DNA data to Jiang Xiaoxin.

Jiang Xiaoxin did not delay and immediately entered the system to start the comparison.

Almost instantly, a girl’s information popped up!

Looking at the photos, they are very similar to the deceased lying in the forensic room. It is certain that they are the same person.

"Found it!" Jiang Xiaoxin shouted.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun, Chen Yi and others immediately gathered around.

"Zhao Ruoyao, age... fuck (a plant)!"

The one who cursed was Zhuo Yun. He didn't expect the victim to be so young!

In this case, let alone rape, even if it was consensual, the man would be deemed to have been raped.

Rape and murder are extremely bad behaviors.

Once caught, he will most likely be killed!
Chen Yi also frowned, shook his head and sighed. Fang Shuyu on the side couldn't help but cover his lips lightly, with mixed emotions of distress and anger in his eyes.

What kind of person can do this kind of beastly behavior!
The entire case handling hall fell into a long silence at this moment, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing. "I...I'll go talk to Director Zhang."

After a long time, Zhuo Yun said something, turned and left.

Zhao Ruoyao was indeed an orphan and grew up in an orphanage.

Now, if the children in the orphanage are not adopted, their surnames will be sorted according to the family surnames, or they will be selected by themselves.


Nice last name.

It's a pity that Hua Ji's age has now turned into a cold corpse.

Moreover... he must have endured miserable torture during his lifetime.

His life experience was already very pitiful, he never felt the warmth of home, but he ended his life in this way.

Thinking of this, all the police officers present could not help but feel filled with indignation.

If the murderer can't be caught, don't wear the police uniform!

"Chen Yi..."

Suddenly, Chen Yi felt a touch of softness in his palm.

He subconsciously turned his head and found that Fang Shuyu quietly held his hand.


Fang Shuyu looked at him and said slowly: "Chen Yi, catch him."

Chen Yi exerted slight pressure on his palms and nodded gently: "I will, this bitch can't run away."

Fang Shuyu hummed, and after realizing something, he quickly took out his hand, his face slightly red and a little embarrassed.

Chen Yi: "You go back first, I have to go talk to Director Zhang about something."

Fang Shuyu: "Looking for Bureau Zhang? What's wrong?"

Chen Yi hesitated: "It's hard to say yet. I'll tell you later."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay."

On the other side, Zhang Jingang in the office became furious after learning the identity and age of the victim.

"Zhuo Yun! I'll give you a month! Can we catch the murderer?"

"Speak to me!!"

Zhuo Yun was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Jingang suddenly turned his head: "Come in!"

The door opened and Chen Yi walked in.

After seeing that it was Chen Yi, Zhang Jingang took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

"Chen Yi, what's the matter?"

Chen Yi came closer, hesitated for a while, and said, "Bureau Zhang, were you responsible for two missing girls cases more than ten years ago?"

"I've read the files, but I haven't found them yet."

Zhang Jingang was stunned for a moment and nodded subconsciously: "If this is the case, you... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened, he slammed the table and stood up, his mood obviously fluctuating violently.

"Chen Yi, what do you mean? Tell me clearly!"

Chen Yi and Zhang Jingang looked at each other: "I remember those two girls were also from the welfare home."

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhang Jingang's expression suddenly changed, but Zhuo Yun beside him was also shocked.

Does the other party's implication mean that the disappearance case more than ten years ago is related to today's murder case?
What's more, do both cases involve the same suspect? !
If this is the case, wouldn't it be true that the two girls more than ten years ago were in danger? ?

Missing, there is still a possibility of being alive, maybe now living happily in a corner of the world.

If the case is merged...

Zhang Jingang stared at Chen Yi and said coldly: "Chen Yi! You can't say this nonsense. Do you have any basis for it?"

"Just because all three of them are from the welfare home?"

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said: "Bureau Zhang, I just want to understand the situation and have no intention of merging the case."

"Maybe it will be helpful in investigating the current case."

"The files are not detailed. How much do you know?"

"Don't think too much about it, just understand that of course I also want them to live."

After realizing that Zhang Jingang was emotional, he repeated it one last time.

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang took a deep breath and sat back slowly.

After a long time, he spoke slowly: "This case was reported to the branch by the branch because he was too young."

"You also know the person who made the report, a staff member of the welfare home."

"At that time, there was a lack of surveillance and the Skynet system was not yet popular, so no one was found."

"Human traffickers were rampant at that time, maybe..."

At this point, he paused, perhaps feeling that it was not very reliable.

Human traffickers rarely target people over ten years old. Boys and girls of this age are already very vigilant.

Chen Yi asked: "Who have you investigated?"

Zhang Jingang: "Friends of the missing person, staff of the welfare home, even sponsors, well-wishers from society, all interpersonal relationships have been checked."

Hearing this, Chen Yi tentatively said: "Can I... want a specific list?"

The interview records in the file are not that comprehensive, for example, they only had a few interviews.

Zhang Jingang was silent for a long time, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll give it to you, but I need to remember it, tomorrow."

"Chen Yi, do you really think..."

Chen Yi said quickly: "Zhang Ju, I just don't let go of any possibility. The probability is still relatively low."

Zhang Jingang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, the rigorous spirit deserves recognition."

"So, what do you think about this current case?"

Chen Yi said: "Try your best to detect it."

Zhang Jingang was not satisfied with this answer and stood up and said: "Chen Yi, no matter whether these two cases are connected or not, if you can solve the current case, I..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Ju Zhang, please don't draw a cake this time."

"It's our duty, we must catch him."

Zhang Jingang and Chen Yi looked at each other for a while, then nodded heavily: "Okay, I like this answer. How long?"

Chen Yi was unexpected: "Ah? Is there a time limit?"

Zhang Jingang didn't speak.

Chen Yi touched his forehead and tried: "Half... half a month?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun was startled and wanted to kick him but didn't dare.

Even Zhang Jingang was extremely surprised after hearing this time, and even started to look at Chen Yi again.

Good guy, Zhou Yebin doesn't dare to take this guarantee.

"Zhuo Yun, do you have any objections to letting Chen Yi take charge of this case?"

Zhang Jingang's eyes flashed with admiration, and he turned around and said.

Zhuo Yun quickly said: "No, no, absolutely not, I agree!"

He really felt that the pressure was too much, especially Zhang Jingang's anger just now, which made him panic.

Chen Yi is much more capable than him, so he is a perfect fit.

Zhang Jingang hummed, waved his hand and said, "Come out with me."

The three of them came to the case handling hall.

After seeing Zhang Jingang, everyone stood up.

Zhang Jingang glanced around and said: "From now on, Chen Yi will be fully responsible for this case. Everyone will cooperate fully and obey his orders."

"Until Zhou Yebin comes back, you can just regard him as the captain."

"This case is of a bad nature and I must catch the person. Do you understand?"

Everyone: "Yes! Zhang Ju!"

(End of this chapter)

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