Chapter 68 It’s okay, I’ll do it (two chapters in one)

There is a difference between a victim and a victim.

The younger the age, the more serious the suspect’s crime.

If the crime is subjectively intentional and the circumstances are serious, once caught, the death penalty is very likely to be executed immediately.

"Chen Yi, come."

At the scene, Zhuo Yun pulled Chen Yi aside, pointed to the river and said: "The suitcase was found by the river. Here, did you see those fishermen?"

Chen Yi turned his head and saw several men standing in the distance, gathering together and whispering, looking this way from time to time.

The fishing equipment by the river had not been collected yet, which shows that several people were still quite panicked and unable to stay calm after seeing the body in the suitcase.

Zhuo Yun continued: "According to the caller, they saw a suitcase floating on the river while they were fishing."

"The suitcase made a diagonal line and came to rest on the river bank."

"Out of curiosity, they stepped forward and opened it. After being frightened, they quickly called the police."

After finishing speaking, he took a look at the relatively clear river water and asked strangely: "They say that if the water is clear, there will be no fish. Can you catch fish in a place like this?"

The small river in front of us cannot actually be regarded as a river. It is more appropriate to call it a stream.

In some very clear places, you can even see through the river water the stones and aquatic plants lying on the bottom of the water.

Chen Yi looked at the surrounding environment and said: "You can fish. There are many types of fishing, and stream fishing is one of them."

"Did you see their equipment? It's professional creek fishing equipment."

"Clear water, high dissolved oxygen, and coldness are the three characteristics of creek fishing. It is still very fun."

Zhuo Yun was surprised: "You still know how to fish?"

Chen Yi nodded: "I just fished last weekend."

“These fishermen traveled over mountains and rivers to find a suitable place. We should thank them.”

"Otherwise, I don't know when the body will be found."

There is a joking saying that goes like this: Fishermen can catch everything except fish.

Among the cases of murder and corpse dumping in waters, a certain proportion is found by fishermen who call the police.

This also leads to some jokes often appearing on the Internet, such as fishermen making great achievements again and so on.

Zhuo Yun agreed: "Yes, it's too remote. The murderer is very good at choosing places."

"There are no residential areas around. It is certain that the murderer must have come by car. However, there is a lack of surveillance on the small roads along the way, so we can only investigate further afield."

Chen Yi lowered his head and looked at the ground and said, "I'm afraid we can't extract the footprints either."

The ground was a mixture of sand and pebbles. It was impossible to leave clear footprints. At most, the size could be determined.

Zhuo Yun: "It has been surveyed and cannot be extracted."

Chen Yi: "Have you gone upstream? This shouldn't be the place where the body was dumped."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "There are already police officers there."

"Hey, I really don't know which bastard did it. This is the youngest victim I have ever encountered since I became a police officer."

"If her parents found out, I don't know how devastated they would be."

Chen Yi was silent. He knew that Zhuo Yun had a child who was just one year old, so he could deeply empathize with her.

Put yourself in my shoes, no parent can accept this.

"When you catch someone, you'll know what it is."

After a moment, Chen Yi spoke coldly, turned around and came to the corpse, and squatted next to Fang Shuyu.

Fang Shuyu turned to look at him and said: "There was no foreign object in the hand, and no mushroom-like foam was found in the mouth and nose. It is initially judged that the body was thrown into the water after death."

"There were abrasions near the mouth and nose, and it was suspected that someone had forcefully covered it."

"Also, the deceased's wrists and ankles had severe friction wounds, and he should have been tied up."

When a person is put in a suitcase and thrown into the water, the body is basically dumped after death. However, criminal investigation is all about evidence and requires scientific identification.

"Strangled to death?"

Chen Yi looked at the limbs of the corpse, then looked at the scars on the neck, and spoke softly.

Fang Shuyu hummed: "It should have been strangled to death."

If others asked, she would say that further autopsy was needed, but Chen Yi was an exception.

Chen Yi nodded slightly and shifted his gaze again to look at the dead man's fingernails.

The fingernails of several of the fingers were everted and cracked. At the same time, there were dark bruises on the arms and wrists, which were defensive scars.

This shows that the deceased must have resisted fiercely before his death.

Following Chen Yi's gaze, Fang Shuyu also looked over and said, "Biological tissue was extracted from the fingernails."

Hearing this, Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "In other words, we have the suspect's DNA."

Fang Shuyu: "You can say that."

Chen Yi shifted his gaze: "Is there anything else? You know what I want to ask."

Hearing these words, Fang Shuyu took a deep breath, leaned closer and whispered a few words.

Chen Yi was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Rape and murder?"

"Bitch, if I can't catch you, I'll take your last name."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and came to the suitcase.

Looking at Chen Yi's leaving figure, Fang Shuyu sighed deeply, looking down at the corpse with pity in his eyes.

Like Zhuo Yun, this was her first time encountering such a young victim.

As a forensic doctor, the feeling is even more intense when you are in close contact with corpses.

To be so cruel to a girl is really worse than a pig or a dog.

On the other side, Chen Yi took the gloves handed by the police officer next to him. After putting on the gloves, he squatted down and carefully inspected the suitcase.

At this time, Zhuo Yun also came over.

"We've checked, and there's nothing there except corpses." Zhuo Yun said.

Chen Yi didn't say anything. After looking through it for a while, he said: "The material of the suitcase is unusual, and the price should not be low."

"Unfortunately, now that everyone is shopping online, it is really difficult to investigate from the source."

Zhuo Yun: "Yeah, who knows where the murderer bought it from."

Chen Yi stood up and said, "I have a question, where are the clothes of the deceased?"

"If it was rape and murder, why didn't the murderer throw away the clothes of the deceased?"

"Rape and murder?!"

Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously turned to look at Fang Shuyu. It seemed that the preliminary autopsy results had been obtained.

At that moment, he was even more angry.

What a beast!
After thinking for a moment, he said in a cold voice: "Maybe it was just thrown into the wild before it had time?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "It doesn't look like that."

"The victim resisted fiercely before his death, but other parts of his body were fine, and no wounds similar to scratches or bruises were found, indicating that the scene of the first crime was not in the wild."

"Furthermore, the deceased had been tied up, which does not meet the characteristics of committing a crime in the wild."

The wild environment is relatively harsh, and hard branches or stones or even the ground will cause the victim to suffer some trauma when he resists.

Such as scratches, bumps, etc.

However, now, no traces of these have been found.

Zhuo Yun: "If it's not in the wild...or at home?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Whether it's at home or not, there is a bed anyway."

"After killing the victim, the murderer put the body in a suitcase and drove it to the suburbs to dump the body."

Zhuo Yun: "Acquaintance?"

Chen Yi: "I don't know."

Zhuo Yun: "If you are not an acquaintance, it may not be so easy to kidnap a girl into your home. The target is too big."

Chen Yi looked down at the suitcase in front of him and said, "Is the goal big? Isn't this suitcase just right?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's face condensed: "No way?"

"First transport the living person in a suitcase, then transport the body after killing him?"

"Is this something normal people can do?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "I didn't say that. The situation is unclear now, so we can only investigate slowly based on existing clues."

"At the very least, we need to know the identity of the deceased first."

Determining the identity of the deceased is the first and most important point in investigating a homicide.

If you don’t even know who the deceased is, how can you find out?
As long as the identity of the deceased is determined and the interpersonal relationship of the other party is investigated, the case may make great progress.

Unless the murderer committed the crime randomly.

If the crime is committed randomly, the difficulty of case investigation will skyrocket.

Zhuo Yun nodded and said, "Does the forensic doctor have any clues about the suspect now?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

"The murderer probably left DNA behind, which is good news for us."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's eyes lit up: "That's really good news."

Chen Yi said nothing, walked to the river, squatted down and lit a cigarette silently.

Whether it is good news or not is a relative question.

Nowadays, the national fingerprint database is relatively complete. As long as you apply for an ID card, your own fingerprints will be left in the database.

If the murderer left fingerprints, it would be easier. By comparison, the suspect can be identified immediately.

However, the DNA database currently has limitations. Generally speaking, only criminals, family members looking for relatives, and other special circumstances will be entered into the database.

If the suspect is not among them, the DNA comparison will be useless.

We can only identify the suspect first and then confirm it through DNA comparison. This is irrefutable evidence.

So the question facing the police now is: now that the evidence is available, where is the murderer?

The on-site investigation work lasted for a long time. After determining that there was a high probability that there would be no new discoveries, everyone gathered up and returned to the city bureau.

The body was also sent to the medical examiner's room for a full autopsy.

After getting the news, Zhang Jingang immediately came to the case handling hall to inquire about the situation. "Teenage?!"

The age of the victim made Zhang Jingang's face suddenly look ugly, making him look a little scary despite his already majestic appearance.

The atmosphere was already very serious, but now it has dropped to freezing point.

Chen Yi sighed: "It should be no more than fifteen."

He made his judgment based on the normal development trajectory of women.

The face shape and body shape all indicate that the victim is just a girl.

Because I stayed in the suitcase, the blisters and swelling were not particularly serious, which can still be seen.

Zhang Jingang looked gloomily, glanced at everyone, and said, "Can I check?"

"Your captain is not here, can we check?"

No one answered, and no one dared to answer.

Cases of body dumping in the wild are relatively difficult to investigate, and no one has the courage to respond to Zhang Jingang.


It was not Chen Yi who spoke, but Zhuo Yun.

After Zhou Yebin left, Zhuo Yun became the highest-ranking member of the team.

He must stand up.

Zhang Jingang turned to look at Zhuo Yun: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

"My request for this case is to report in real time. No matter what new clues are found, let me know immediately."

"Now, go and verify the identity of the deceased immediately!"

Zhuo Yun stood at attention: "Yes! Zhang Ju!"

Zhang Jingang left.

At this moment, everyone's eyes in the case handling hall were focused on him.

This made Zhuo Yun's body stiffen, and he suddenly felt unprecedented pressure.

Now he finally understood how courageous Captain Zhou was, and he finally understood that this captain was really not easy to be a captain.

He used to be an executor, but he had never been a leader.


After holding it for a long time, Zhuo Yun uttered a syllable.

Chen Yi had no choice but to touch him: "Missing person."

Zhuo Yun suddenly realized: "Oh, right, let's immediately investigate the recent disappearance reports in Yangcheng to see if there are any that match the characteristics of the victims."

This was the obvious direction. He had been a criminal police officer for many years and he certainly knew it. However, the pressure was concentrated on him for a while, leaving his brain blank for a short time.

"I'll check right away."

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded and turned on the computer.

The disappearance of a girl is different from the disappearance of an adult. The parents of the former will definitely report the case as soon as possible.

Not to mention not seeing anyone for a long time, even if you suddenly don't go home for dinner at noon or evening, you will probably panic when you find that you can't contact someone.

After receiving the report, the police will quickly initiate an investigation.

If you are an adult, you generally need to wait 24 hours.

Because adults are relatively stable and mature and have a clear ability to act on their own, the police will not easily open a case unless there is evidence that they have been illegally violated.

To put it simply, what could happen to a normal adult?Maybe which bar the cat is drinking at?
If a case is opened for investigation after a disappearance, the police across the country don’t have to do anything else and can just look for the person all day long.

Half an hour later, forensic assistant He Yuan left the forensic room and came to the case handling hall.

He glanced around and finally landed on Chen Yi.

At this time, Chen Yi is assisting Jiang Xiaoxin in investigating missing persons.

"Chen Yi."

He Yuan shouted.

Chen Yi looked up: "Huh? What's wrong?"

He Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: "There's something going on over at the forensic department. Do you want to go take a look?"

Chen Yi was surprised.

Something's wrong?
Seeing this, Zhuo Yun stood up and said, "Let's go together."

The three of them came to the forensic room and saw Fang Shuyu wearing forensic clothes and a mask, standing by the stage with a scalpel in hand.

She should have taken action more than ten minutes ago, but she had not made any move yet.

If it is a criminal case of murder, the police can immediately conduct a comprehensive autopsy on the body and only need to notify the family.

In the last case, Wang Lihua's death was a relatively special circumstance, and the possibility of normal death cannot be ruled out.

"Shuyu, what's wrong?"

Chen Yi stepped forward to ask.

Fang Shuyu's right hand shook slightly and whispered: "I'm sorry, I..."

Chen Yi turned to look at the corpse on the table. The deceased was lying quietly on it, like a beautiful flower that withered prematurely, which was heartbreaking.

Dissecting it requires a lot of psychological burden.

Fang Shuyu is still a bit too young.

There is still a huge gap in the forensic profession, and the employment rate of qualified talents can reach an astonishing [-]%. Nowadays, major municipal bureaus and branches across the country are actually in short supply of excellent forensic doctors.

Confidentiality, psychological quality, professional skills, not many can meet all the requirements.

When chatting with Fang Shuyu before, Chen Yi also learned that the other party's master, the former chief forensic doctor, had retired, and Fang Shuyu was currently taking the lead alone.

Hey, it will be fine in a few years.

Forensic doctors have to be more accepting of corpses than criminal police, but Fang Shuyu seems to have never come into contact with younger victims, so it is normal to have a psychological burden.

"it's okay no problem."

Chen Yi patted Fang Shuyu gently, turned around and went to the clothes rack, picked up the new forensic clothes and put them on, and put on gloves.

"Come on, give me the knife."

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu was stunned and looked at Chen Yi in surprise.

The two forensic assistants next to him were also stunned.

Zhuo Yun, including Zhuo Yun, was shocked at this time.

"You wait!"

Zhuo Yun quickly stopped him.

"Chen Yi, do you really understand autopsy?!"

"Don't tell me you are talented in this area too! It's too fake!"

Chen Yi picked up the mask and put it on his ears, looked at Zhuo Yun and said, "How about you call back the former chief forensic doctor?"

Zhuo Yun: "This... is not impossible."

Chen Yi was helpless: "People are retired and maybe traveling, so don't bother."

"I have liked criminal investigation since I was a child, and I am also very interested in forensic science. I have been involved in it in depth. There is no problem in cooperating with Fang Shuyu."

"Go out and wait. I'll give you the autopsy report in two hours."

Zhuo Yun: "..."

Chen Yi: "I assure you, it will be a perfect autopsy and there will be no omissions."

"Don't waste time. Do you think the murderer is waiting for us to catch him now, or is he planning to buy a plane ticket and go abroad?"

The last sentence made Zhuo Yun's expression slightly condensed. After a moment of silence, he turned around and opened the door and left the forensic room.

Chen Yi turned around, picked up the scalpel, and acted decisively.

As time went by, the eyes of the two forensic assistants opened wider and wider. Chen Yi's skillful knife skills and precise positioning of body organs did not look like an amateur at all!
"Toxicological testing and material analysis of gastric lysates."

After saying that, Chen Yi came closer and smelled the lungs of the deceased, frowned and said: "There seems to be something wrong, Shuyu, let's check it out."

Fang Shuyu was a little confused, but when he heard the words, he reacted and said quickly: "Okay, okay."

Looking at Chen Yi's serious profile, she suddenly had a new understanding of him.

Afterwards, Chen Yi continued to examine the body's feet and hair, without missing any suspicious traces.

The time came two hours later.

Chen Yi sat next to the computer and took off his mask, looked at the printer next to him, and reached for the complete autopsy report that had been printed out.

The rigor mortis was not completely relieved and the putrefactive abdominal distension state did not appear. The time of death should be within three days.

Accuracy is affected due to immersion in water, and combined with other factors, it can be locked to two days ago.


Most importantly, ether was found in the body of the deceased.

Ether is often used as an anesthetic in medicine. Once a person inhales it, it can cause coma in as little as ten seconds or as long as several minutes, depending on the concentration.

Judging from the marks around the mouth and nose of the deceased, someone should have covered his mouth and nose with a cloth tool soaked in ether, which then caused him to become comatose.

The coma was not instantaneous; the deceased resisted violently during the process, leaving those defensive scars.

Everything is right.

Also, the suspect's biological tissue was only found in the deceased's fingernails and not in his lower body. It seems that safety measures were taken.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same.

Looking at the autopsy report in his hand, Chen Yi took off his mask.

"It seems that there was a premeditated plan to rape, murder and dump the body."

"Shuyu, I'm going back first."

After speaking, he stood up with the autopsy report.

Fang Shuyu said subconsciously: "Oh... ok, ok."

At this moment, Chen Yi's image in her eyes became much more mysterious, especially in his own professional field, which made her feel strange.

What kind of man is this?
The two forensic assistants expressed admiration. The other person's skills were as good as those of professional forensic doctors, and he had no blind spots in knowledge. They had only seen this kind of situation with teachers.

No wonder the forensic doctors treated him differently from others.

(End of this chapter)

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