Chapter 33 Interrogation of Fan Shihai

In the case handling hall, everyone was silent.

Two centimeters difference in height?Can you see this?

The strongest brain!

Could it be possible that two criminals were caught, one who hired a murderer and attempted murder, and the other who committed fraud?
They are not the real culprits who killed Ma Meng. The murderer is still floating in the sky?

If this is the case, then this case... is a bit bizarre.

Zhou Yebin had a dark face and didn't say a word.

I haven't encountered such a complicated case in many years.

It was originally confirmed that Fu Linwang hired a murderer to kill someone, but now the person he hired was found, but in the end Fan Shihai didn't do anything at all?
So who killed Ma Meng? ?

After being quiet for a long time, Zhou Yebin looked at Chen Yi again.

On your first day of employment, a very difficult home invasion, robbery and murder case occurred in Yangcheng. You are poisonous!
Of course, he is just complaining in his heart, he will not say it out loud.

Chen Yi is not a god, so he naturally cannot know what the other person is thinking, otherwise he will definitely break his defense.

What does this have to do with me?

Seeing Zhou Yebin's gaze not moving away for a long time, Chen Yi was a little frightened and couldn't help but speak.

Zhou Yebin had no choice but to sit down nearby. The huge contrast made him lose all strength.

"As a new employee, I'll give you a chance to practice, eliminate Fan Shihai's murder suspicion, and then figure out what's going on with the 20 yuan."

Chen Yi: "Uh..."

After saying that, he turned and entered the interrogation room.

The police officer in charge of recording was surprised when he saw that it was Chen Yi who came in, but said nothing and continued to prepare the record.

After Chen Yi left, Zhou Yebin and others came to the observation room and watched the subsequent interrogation process.

There is a one-way mirror in the observation room. The inside cannot see the outside, but the outside can clearly see the inside.

"October No. 13, from eight to ten in the evening, what are you doing?"

Chen Yi is directly planning to start with the absence certificate, which is the fastest.

"October NO.13?"

Fan Shihai recalled carefully, suddenly thought of something, and his face condensed slightly.

"No...nothing, just playing on my phone at home."

Seeing the other party's reaction, Chen Yi shook his head and sighed: "Fan Shihai, no matter what you have done at this point in time, you must say it."

"Because that was Ma Meng's death time."

"Even if you don't tell us, we will investigate. Don't waste everyone's energy."

"If I guess correctly, did you go to whoring?"

Fan Shihai was shocked: " do you know?!"

Chen Yi said quietly: "It's very simple."

"After taking 20, you are going to go to Ma Meng and explain everything, so that Ma Meng will be disappointed and afraid of Lin Wang and choose to leave with you."

"It's a pity that Ma Meng didn't choose to go with you. She still thinks that you made it up and did whatever it takes to be with her."

"You guys parted ways unhappy."

"You are in a bad mood. Now that you have money, you can't help yourself with some things."

"Furthermore, when I asked you just now what you were doing on the night of October 13th, you showed obvious resistance and refused to tell me."

"Since you didn't kill anyone, the reason you refused to mention it to the police is most likely other illegal and criminal acts."

"You have only spent a small part of the 20 yuan so far. You should not have gambled, and judging from your condition, you have no history of drug abuse."

"Then the possibility of soliciting prostitution is relatively high."

The precise analysis gave Fan Shihai instant goosebumps and he looked at Chen Yi in astonishment.

Are today’s police officers so outrageous?
"Speak quickly! You can't avoid this!" Chen Yi frowned.

Fan Shihai had no choice but to admit: "You are right."

Seeing this, several people in the observation room looked at each other and were surprised again.

If this is a newcomer, then there will be no old people in the criminal investigation detachment.

Their Yangcheng City Bureau has recruited a talented criminal investigation master?
trial room.

Chen Yi said: "Tell me the location and contact information, and we will implement it." Fan Shihai no longer concealed it, and silently revealed the location of the illegal transaction and the contact information of the other party.

The recorder immediately focused on recording, and at the same time, he did not forget to look at Chen Yi in admiration.

If he was responsible for the interrogation from now on, the suspect would be crying.

"Next, let's talk about what happened between you, Ma Meng and Lin Wang."

"Start from the moment you get out of prison."

Chen Yi continued to ask.

Fan Shihai was silent for a long time, and after organizing his words, he started talking.

Chen Yi listened carefully and did not miss any details.

After being released from prison, Fan Shihai immediately went to find Ma Meng, but learned that the other party was married.

Because of his deep feelings for Ma Meng, Fan Shihai was very sad, angry, and regretful.

He was sad that the one he loved got married, angry that Ma Meng didn't wait for him, and regretted that he got into a fight impulsively and went to jail.

But Fan Shihai did not give up.

Ma Meng did not delete any of his contact information, and also said that he should work hard so that he can find a better woman in the future.

This is tantamount to giving Fan Shihai hope.

After learning that Fu Linwang needed a delivery person, he did not hesitate to apply for the job and won the job.

As time went by, Fu Linwang's business trips became more frequent, and Fan Shihai seized the opportunity to greet Ma Meng and show concern for him.

In addition, Ma Meng was also dissatisfied with Lin Wang's frequent absence from home. Because of this reason, she had many quarrels, and finally couldn't help but fell into Fan Shihai's arms again.

Finally one day, when Fu Linwang invited Fan Shihai for a drink, he brought up the matter of killing Ma Meng under the stimulation of alcohol.


At this moment Chen Yi interrupted.

"Did you take the initiative to help kill Ma Meng?"

"We can confront Fu Linwang about this. Don't lie, otherwise it will only aggravate your crime."

Fan Shihai's expression changed and he nodded: "Yes."

"But I didn't really want to kill Ma Meng. I thought if I told Ma Meng about this, she would leave Fulin Wang and come with me."

Chen Yi: "Then what?"

Fan Shihai: "And just like what you just said, she ignored me."

Chen Yi: "Did Fu Linwang tell you why he wanted to kill Ma Meng?"

Fan Shihai shook his head: "No, maybe there were too many quarrels."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Don't you ask?"

Fan Shihai smiled bitterly: "At that time, I just wanted to tell Ma Meng about it as soon as possible, so what else could I ask?"

Chen Yi: "What if he finds out that Ma Meng cheated on her."

Fan Shihai was stunned and denied: "It's impossible. If you find Ma Meng, you'll tell me, but she's normal."

Chen Yi thought for a moment: "When you learned that Ma Meng was really killed, you were shocked and panicked."

"You thought it was Fu Linwang who did it. You thought he saw you taking no action and couldn't wait to do it himself."

"You thought that even if Ma Meng died, Fu Linwang wouldn't be able to let you go. If the police learned that he had hired murderers, the consequences would be serious."

"Next, it will be your turn."

"So, you don't dare live at home anymore, you're hiding, and you're ready to run away at any time."

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the harsh ones, the harsh ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of life-threatening consequences.

Fan Shihai is a ruthless person at best.

Compared with the murderer, his rank is far behind.

That's why he panics.

Hearing this, Fan Shihai was surprised and sighed: "You are really smart."

"Yes, that's it."

(End of this chapter)

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