Chapter 32 I didn’t kill anyone!

Just when Zhuo Yun wanted to complain about his psychological gap, Chen Yi's cell phone rang again.

If nothing else, it should be Zhou Yebin who came back.

Chen Yi took one look and connected directly.

"Hello? Team Zhou."

Zhou Yebin: "Chen Yi, Fan Shihai has opened a room in a hotel chain. I will send the address to your mobile phone."

"This kid is hiding. I'm afraid he's going to run away. Bring him back immediately!"

"I have asked nearby police officers to provide support. Be careful."

From the tone, Chen Yi understood that Fan Shihai's behavior of opening a house had already made Zhou Yebin treat him as a major suspect.

There is a family that cannot live in and opens a hotel, which is a big problem.

Murderers are still relatively dangerous, and the possibility of violently resisting arrest cannot be ruled out.

However, after learning that Fan Shihai was Ma Meng's ex-boyfriend, Chen Yi personally believed that the possibility of him killing Ma Meng was not very high.

It just stays at the level of inference and needs to be reviewed to know.

"Understood, go right away." Chen Yi replied.

After hanging up the phone, he and Zhuo Yun immediately got in the car and set off, rushing to the address sent by Zhou Yebin.

The chain hotel is not very far from Fan Shihai's home, only 10 minutes away.

When they arrived, three colleagues were already waiting.

"Brother Yun."

"Brother Yun."

The three of them are all relatively young, and they call Zhuo Yun the same as Chen Yi.

"follow me."

Zhuo Yun walked quickly to the front desk.

"Hello, City Bureau Detective."

After revealing their identity to the front desk, the staff was very cooperative and immediately took the five people with the spare room card and took the elevator to the third floor.

At the door of [-], Zhuo Yun took out his pistol and motioned to the staff to open the door.

Chen Yi took a look, but his heart did not waver.

He is more skilled at shooting guns than Zhuo Yun.

Facing Fan Shihai, who is suspected of murder and has a criminal record, anything can happen.

This is why the job of a criminal police officer is second only to the narcotics police in terms of risk.

With the sound of the electronic lock opening, several people rushed in quickly.

Fan Shihai is indeed in the room!

Hearing the noise, he was visibly startled and immediately jumped up from the bed, trying to leave through the window.

It's a pity that the hotel's windows are half-open and cannot accommodate an adult, and this is still the third floor.

"do not move!"


Three police officers swarmed forward, dragged Fan Shihai back, and pinned him to the bed.

"Be honest!!" the police officer shouted angrily.

Zhuo Yun put away his pistol, looked around, and found a bag on the table under the TV wall.

He stepped over and opened the zipper.

Inside, there was a large amount of cash.

A rough estimate was that it was almost 20, which was a good match for the stolen money.

"What...what are you doing! Why are you arresting me!!"

Fan Shihai was still struggling, but could not resist the power of the three people.

Zhuo Yun's face darkened, he pointed at the black bag containing the money and said coldly: "Where did the money come from?!"

Fan Shihai had short hair and a crew cut, with a ruthless look on his face: "What does it have to do with you!"

Zhuo Yun: "What does it matter? Did Fu Linwang give it to you?"

When he heard the name Fu Linwang, Fan Shihai's eyes narrowed and he immediately denied: "No!"

Seeing this, Chen Yi stepped forward: "Fan Shihai, this is the era of big data, and every coin has a code."

"Do you really think that using cash is absolutely safe?"

"Every time a deposit user withdraws money, the bank will set up a prefix number to track the money. The purpose is to prevent counterfeit money. If there is a problem, you can go back to the bank for negotiation at any time."

"We have found Fu Linwang's withdrawal record and can compare it at any time."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun turned his head in surprise.

This is really a lot to know. What else is there to do as an intern? You can become a full-time employee directly.

Fan Shihai was also stunned for a moment, silent, and cursed in his heart: What the hell is there such an operation? !

"You have nothing to say, right? Take it away!"

Zhuo Yun waved his hand and said coldly.


The handcuffs stuck Fan Shihai's wrist.

Regardless of whether he committed murder or not, the 20 he received from Fu Lin Wang was enough to deserve this pair of silver bracelets.

Several people escorted Fan Shihai out of the hotel, attracting everyone's attention along the way.Arresting people is something that is very rare to see in reality.

The hotel staff was quite scared and didn't know what crime the other party had committed.


City Council.

trial room.


The speaker was Zhou Yebin.

Fan Shihai lowered his head and whispered: "Fan Shihai."

Zhou Yebin: "Age."

Fan Shihai: "29 years old."

Zhou Yebin: "Profession."

Fan Shihai: "Delivery boy."

Zhou Yebin said coldly: "Fu Linwang, do you know him?"

Fan Shihai hesitated for a moment, thinking that the 20 yuan could not be explained, and nodded: "We know it."

Zhou Yebin: "Did he give you 20?"

Fan Shihai hummed.

Zhou Yebin continued to ask: "Why give you 20?"

Fan Shihai: "Kill."

Seeing the other party admitting so straightforwardly, Zhou Yebin was furious and slapped the table: "Kill who!!"

Fan Shihai trembled and subconsciously said: "Ma Meng...but I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him!"

When he heard Ma Meng's name, Zhou Yebin, who was relieved and thought the case was solved, was immediately stunned, and then said in disbelief: "What did you say? No killing?"

"Fan Shihai, please keep your attitude straight!!"

Fan Shihai was anxious: "It's true! I really didn't kill Ma Meng! Her death had nothing to do with me!"

"I just took the money!"

On the other side, Zhuo Yun looked at Fan Shihai in surprise, and then subconsciously looked at Chen Yi beside him.

Niubi ah.

Are you a fairy?This allows you to tell accurately.


Zhou Yebin was very angry and was about to curse.

When he was interrogating Lin Wang before, the other party was extremely tough, but now there is an even tougher one.

The money is all here, and he said he didn’t kill anyone.

"Team Week."

Zhuo Yun quickly came closer and whispered something into Zhou Yebin's ear.

After listening to Zhuo Yun's words, Zhou Yebin looked at Chen Yi unexpectedly. After thinking for a while, he stood up and waved to others to leave the interrogation room.

There were a lot of people in the case handling hall at this time, and many police officers who had gone out to visit had returned.

Everyone has a relaxed look on their face.

Targeting Fan Shihai means that the case should have been solved.

It took two days to catch the murderer, which was already very fast. Maybe there would be a collective third-class meritorious service or something.

Seeing Zhou Yebin and others coming out, everyone stood up and looked over.

Zhou Yebin glanced at everyone, remained silent for a moment, then turned around and said, "What's going on?"

Later, Zhuo Yun repeated Chen Yi's previous inference to Zhou Yebin.

Zhou Yebin was surprised, obviously he didn't expect that the other party had already guessed the result before arresting Fan Shihai.

The others were also a little confused and looked at each other.

"Team Zhou...what did Fan Shihai say?" Jiang Xiaoxin asked hesitantly.

Zhou Yebin: "It's the same as Chen Yi's theory. He said he received money, but he didn't kill him."

Hearing this, there was some commotion in the case handling hall, and many people focused on a newcomer like Chen Yi.

Is this really the so-called second situation?
Fan Shihai just wanted to chase Ma Meng back and didn't kill anyone at all?
Is it that great?

After being quiet for a long time, Zhou Yebin gritted his teeth: "Chen Yi, do you really think it wasn't him?"

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said: ", the height doesn't match up either. The difference is about two centimeters. The taller one is Fan Shihai, so there is no possibility that the heightening insole will affect the judgment."

The height gap between Fu Linwang and the murderer was obvious, while the height gap between Fan Shihai and the murderer was relatively small.

His eyes are rulers. Judging height based on surveillance video requires the use of perspective drawing or software measurement methods, and the minimum error range is determined based on reference objects and screen grid segmentation.

Chen Yi is very strong in spatial mathematics, very familiar with surveillance, and can do mental calculations with an error within one centimeter.

"Alibi checks can be continued and his home searched as a precaution."

"However, he is suspected of fraud and still faces arrest."

Chen Yi continued to speak.

Using deceptive methods for the purpose of illegal possession to defraud a relatively large amount of public or private property constitutes the crime of fraud.

Fan Shihai's behavior is completely consistent.

Zhou Yebin's face suddenly turned ugly at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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