Chapter 28 Bring Fu Linwang back immediately!
"What if Fu Linwang knows that Ma Meng is pregnant?"

These words shocked Zhuo Yun.

When he was at the crime scene yesterday, Fu Linwang was very excited when he learned that Ma Meng was pregnant.


He understood what Chen Yi meant, and asking this question showed that he still doubted Fu Linwang.

Just now, I got the character of Fu Linwang from Yang Fangping: good face, high self-esteem, and petty.

If Fu Linwang is really infertile, he already has low self-esteem, once he learns that Ma Meng is pregnant...

The motive for the crime is reasonable.

But the other party has sufficient alibi.

Recalling the question Chen Yi asked just now, Zhuo Yun immediately realized that Chen Yi might have made a bold guess.

Seeing that Zhuo Yun had guessed, Chen Yi chuckled: "Although the probability of this happening is very small, I have to say that hiring a murderer to kill is also a possibility."

"At least we're not ruling it out at this point."

"When it is confirmed that Fu Linwang is really suffering from infertility, then the possibility of hiring a murderer to kill is definitely there."

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Zhuo Yun took a breath and looked at Chen Yi: "You are really... really..."

He couldn't think of an adjective.

I'm afraid that from the moment Yang Fangping said "because of the children", Chen Yi had already quickly thought of all this.

This guy is really smart, he is a natural detective.

Even if the inference is proved to be wrong in the end, it will not hinder the expression of Chen Yi's ability.

Investigating a case is to find the final answer through multiple verifications of inferences.


Zhuo Yun gave a thumbs up and affirmed Chen Yi.

Without Chen Yi, this matter would have been discovered sooner or later, but not so soon.

Accurately targeting the interviewees on the second day requires clear control of details.

Chen Yi stood up with a smile: "Let's go, Brother Yun, go back to the city bureau first."

"Maybe today, we will have to see Fu Linwang again."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."


City Council.

The criminal investigation hall is relatively empty, and most people have gone out to visit.

The victim Ma Meng’s friends and former colleagues all need to meet to learn more about Ma Meng’s interpersonal relationships.

Ma Meng can be brought indoors in pajamas with confidence. The possibility of acquaintance is very high. This direction cannot be deviated for the time being.

"Hire a murderer to kill?"

After listening to the reports of the two people, Zhou Yebin glanced at Chen Yi and fell into deep thought.

The probability of hiring a murderer to occur is still very small.

Otherwise, the alibi in each homicide investigation will lose its strength and reference significance.

People have respect for life and the law, and if you have money, you must spend it with your life.

In reality, it is extremely difficult to find someone willing to pay to kill someone.

It was possible a few decades ago, because at that time there was a large number of unemployed people and social security continued to deteriorate, leading to an increase in the number of desperate people.

just now……

Public security has improved, living standards have improved, and the risk of crime has also increased.

It's not worth it to throw yourself into it just for a few bucks.

"Wait for the result first."

Zhou Yebin did not discuss this issue in depth, and Jiang Xiaoxin has not yet found out.

Hospital outpatient records are uploaded in real time and cannot be modified the next day, ensuring the authenticity of medical records and avoiding disputes.

Now that there is universal health insurance, it is even more impossible to delete records, and the police will definitely be able to find out if they want to.

Before noon, Jiang Xiaoxin gave the answer.

"Team Zhou, found it."

"Fu Linwang went to a hospital in this city four years ago. He was admitted to the male reproductive department and was diagnosed with vas deferens infarction."

Zhou Yebin walked over quickly: "Can it be cured?" Jiang Xiaoxin replied: "It's very serious."

"Medical records show inflammation of the genitourinary system and large-scale blockage of the vas deferens. Even if the vas deferens anastomosis is performed, it is difficult to succeed."

"So far, no records of Fu Linwang's surgery have been found."

Zhou Yebin took a deep breath and turned to look at Chen Yi.

"In retrospect, when Fu Linwang learned that Ma Meng was pregnant yesterday, he was very excited."

"Even if it's just pretending, it seems impossible to tell whether it's sadness or anger."

Since Fu Linwang suffers from infertility, it is understandable that he would be angry when he suddenly learned that Ma Meng was pregnant.

Without asking Fu Linwang himself about this matter, no one knows whether he knew Ma Meng was pregnant in advance.

Chen Yi asked back: "Then why did he hide this?"

"And when he was questioned in the interrogation room, his only emotion was sadness."

"With his character, he should be more angry than sad at the moment. Is it just because of his face that he doesn't want people to know?"

Zhou Yebin was slightly silent.

There is indeed an explanation: Fu Linwang knew that once the police learned that he suffered from infertility and discovered that his wife was pregnant, there would be a motive for the murder.

He then looked at Jiang Xiaoxin: "Go to the bank to get the procedures and check all Lin Wang's bank card transaction records to see if there are any large expenditures in the near future."

"Take a few people with you to investigate in batches and come back as soon as possible."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Zhou Yebin waved: "Come on, sit down first."

The three of them found a place to sit down.

"Chen Yi, do you think Fu Linwang hired a murderer to kill someone?" Zhou Yebin asked.

Chen Yi did not deny it, nodded and said: "Judging from the clues we have so far, this possibility is relatively high."

"The two inquiries and this visit to Yang Fangping made me feel that Fu Linwang has quite a problem."

"To take a step back, even if he didn't hire a murderer to kill someone, he must be an insider."

Zhuo Yun said at this time: "If Fu Linwang really hired a murderer to kill someone, then there should be a transfer record, right?"

"You'll know after checking it out."

Before Chen Yi could speak, Zhou Yebin said, "Not necessarily."

"Hiring a murderer is different from other cooperative relationships. It is almost impossible to go back on it."

"If Fu Linwang doesn't admit his debt after the matter is settled, the other party can threaten him with death and destruction."

"Hiring a murderer to kill is also a crime of intentional homicide. Both the murderer and the murderer are the principal culprits, and the consequences are very serious."

"The employee knew that the other party would not make fun of his life in order to save money, so it is possible that Fu Linwang did not pay first."

Chen Yi followed closely: "That's right."

"If the murderer was smart, he would discuss it with the person he was hired to wait for the news to pass before making a deal."

"It depends on whether the two parties can reach a consensus and how to reach a consensus. After all, the person who hired the murderer may bite him to death."

After listening to what the two said, Zhuo Yun frowned: "If this is the case, it would be difficult to investigate... No, the murderer is most likely an acquaintance, so the interpersonal relationship shared by the victims Ma Meng and Fu Linwang is the key point."

The two nodded in agreement.

After noon, Jiang Xiaoxin returned at three o'clock in the afternoon and brought the transaction records of all bank cards in Fu Linwang's name.

"Team Zhou, there is no record of large transfers, but there is record of withdrawals."

"20 in cash, located in Yangcheng."

Hearing this, Zhou Yebin's eyes narrowed and he took the information handed over by Jiang Xiaoxin.

The withdrawal time was last Sunday.

The next day, Fu Linwang went on a business trip.

Then, Ma Meng was killed.

In addition, Fu Linwang was suffering from infertility, while Ma Meng was pregnant.

This series of clues point to Fu Linwang being suspected of hiring a murderer.

"Bring Fu Linwang back immediately!"

Zhou Yebin immediately issued the order without any hesitation.

Yes or no, let’s review it.

(End of this chapter)

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