Chapter 27 New Clues
When I contacted Yang Fangping, she was preparing to leave home to meet clients and sign insurance contracts.

Adhering to the principle of not disturbing the work of the visitors, the two found a nearby milk tea shop, ordered a cup of milk tea each, and sat at an outdoor table to chat and wait.

More than an hour later, Yang Fangping arrived as promised.

Wearing a women's suit, she looks very capable, and her movements are elegant and aura.

In terms of appearance, she is average, and her makeup adds a lot of points to her appearance.

"Two officers, please wait."

Putting her bag on the chair next to her, Yang Fangping smiled slightly and sat down.

Zhuo Yun said: "Thank you, Ms. Yang, for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet us. What would you like to drink?"

Yang Fangping smiled and said: "No need, let's get down to business."

"How can I help?"

Let's get straight to the point. This is a woman who doesn't like beating around the bush, or maybe she has something to do later and is in a hurry.

When insurance brokers serve customers, it can be said that time is money.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun stopped talking nonsense and simply said: "Ms. Yang, we came to see you today mainly because we want to know about Fu Linwang."

They hadn't said much before on the phone.

"Fu Linwang?"

Hearing this name, Yang Fangping was stunned for a moment and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"What happened to him?"

When the police came to her door and mentioned Fu Linwang, her first reaction was that something had happened to Fu Linwang.

Zhuo Yun: "That's not true."

After speaking, he paused slightly and said, "Ma Meng, do you know him?"

Yang Fangping was silent for a while, shook her head and said, "I don't know her, but I know she is Fu Linwang's wife."

Zhuo Yun: "Yes, she is dead."

Hearing this, Yang Fangping's expression changed: "What did you say?! Dead?!"

"How did you die?!"

Zhuo Yun: "Murder."

"You are Fu Linwang's ex-wife, and Fu Linwang is Ma Meng's husband, so I want to ask you about the situation."

Yang Fangping took a deep breath, her frown changed.

For ordinary people, murder cases are too far away, and they can only be seen online.

But now, it's happening around me, and it takes time to accept it.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Zhuo Yun: "She is dead, what do you want from me?"

Although he didn't point it out directly, his tone was already asking: Could it be that the police suspect me?

Zhuo Yun said: "Don't misunderstand me, I just understand the situation."

"Apart from Ma Meng, you should be the one who knows Fu Linwang best, right?"

Yang Fangping didn't respond, which was regarded as acquiescence.

From what the other party meant, was he suspicious of Fu Linwang?

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

Zhuo Yun glanced at Chen Yi and said, "Let's talk about the reasons for the divorce first."

Hearing this, Yang Fangping suddenly sneered.

It's not intentional, it's a subconscious emotional reaction.

It seems that the answer is not "emotional discord" as Fu Linwang said. There is no need to laugh if there is emotional discord.

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Yun was surprised.

The smile on Yang Fangping's face did not disappear, and she said quietly: "What did Fu Linwang say?"

Zhuo Yun: "Emotional discord."

"Emotional discord?" Yang Fangping snorted coldly, "It is true that there is emotional discord, but..."

"Didn't he tell you the reason for the emotional discord?"

When talking about this matter, she began to be shy, as if she was not in a hurry.

Chen Yi looked at her and said in a voice: "Excuse me, what is the reason for your emotional discord?"

Yang Fangping said two words: "Child."

Chen Yi: "You mean the emotional discord is because there are no children, right?" Yang Fangping nodded: "That's right."

"We have been married for nearly ten years and have no children."

Chen Yi subconsciously rubbed his fingers. This was his habitual action, which meant that his brain was running at high speed at the moment, or that he had captured key doubts.

"I'd like to ask, have you checked it?"

I haven’t been pregnant in nearly ten years, so this is a relatively sensitive topic.

Relatives, friends, and parents around me are inevitably asking questions.

If it was due to personal physical factors, it would be hard to speak up and quite embarrassing to be honest.

Yang Fangping said calmly: "I checked, I checked, there is no problem."

"The doctor said that my reproductive system is very healthy and I can get pregnant."

Zhuo Yun also reacted quickly. His face changed slightly and he immediately asked: "What about Fu Linwang?"

Yang Fangping said coldly: "I don't know. He has a strong self-esteem and doesn't check."

"That's why we often quarreled, which led to emotional discord."

"As time went by, they divorced peacefully."

Hearing this, Chen Yi Zhuoyun and Chen Yi Zhuoyun looked at each other. The former immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Yebin's number.

After being connected, he whispered: "Team Zhou, please ask Jiang Xiaoxin to investigate Fu Linwang's medical records immediately. It's very important, very important."

Zhou Yebin: "Okay, I understand."

He didn't ask much.

Since Chen Yi called, it means he must have asked about some important clues.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi looked at Yang Fangping and said, "What do you mean, Fu Linwang is a person with good face and strong self-esteem?"

Yang Fangping hummed.

"Are you being cautious?" Chen Yi continued to ask.

Yang Fangping: "You must be petty. If I go to see a male client late at night, I will be unhappy."

Asked here, Chen Yi felt that the investigation process was on track.

Only one day had passed since the incident, but the amount of information he had suddenly felt a bit ridiculous.

Of course, verification is still needed.

Chen Yi: "Ms. Yang, does Fu Linwang have any particularly close friends?"

"For example, when we were young, we became brothers, close buddies, or even life-long friends."

This question puzzled Yang Fangping, and even Zhuo Yun didn't react for a moment to Chen Yi.

"I do have friends, but not very good ones." Yang Fangping thought for a while and answered.

Chen Yi fell silent.

Half an hour later, Yang Fangping left.

When Yang Fangping walked away, Zhuo Yun quickly said: "Chen Yi, did you just ask the bureau to investigate Lin Wang's case?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

"He says he won't investigate, but in fact he will definitely investigate. Who can resist it?"

"If it were you, could you bear it?"

Zhuo Yun's expression became serious: "If Fu Linwang is really infertile, then Ma Meng's pregnancy..."

"She cheated?!"

"Could it be that Ma Meng knew that Fu Linwang was infertile, so she didn't dare to tell him that she was pregnant?"

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, then handed it to Zhuo Yun and said, "Fu Linwang often travels on business, and Ma Meng has enough time and space to develop an extramarital affair."

"She hasn't been pregnant in the past ten years, and Yang Fangping is in good health. Then there is a great possibility that Fu Linwang has a health problem."

"As for whether Ma Meng knows about's hard to say."

"How dare she leave the inspection report at home?"

Zhuo Yun thought thoughtfully: "That's true. It would be great fun if Fu Linwang found out."

"In this case, the person who cheated on Ma Meng is highly suspected of committing the crime, right?"

Chen Yi glanced at him and said, "What if Fu Linwang knows that Ma Meng is pregnant?"

(End of this chapter)

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