Chapter 260 Civilization, must be civilized

Gu Jingfeng fell silent, and the car fell into a long silence, leaving only the roar of the engine and the wind noise of the vehicle traveling at high speed.

Except for Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong, who were relatively calm, everyone else's faces were full of surprise and suspicion at this moment. There was a huge gap between the conclusion of the case and the emergence of new enemies.

Qi family?

The word Qijia has never been mentioned in the information, and the Qijia has never been mentioned in all previous reports.

If the Qi family really has a problem, they have hidden it too deeply.

Chen Yi looked at Gu Jingfeng, then at Mo Jiantong, and after waiting for a while, he said: "Those who are jumping around in the light are all small characters, and those who hide in the dark are the real poisonous snakes. What era are you in, if you still play the same tricks as Hong Kong did thirty years ago, something will happen sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time.”

"Making a fortune silently behind the scenes, and pushing out the people on the surface when something goes wrong is what smart people should do. The comparison of illegal and criminal activities is not about who is more ruthless or who makes more money, but who is more ruthless and makes more money. Who can live longer?"

Gu Jingfeng's eyebrows stretched and his face was expressionless, neither sad nor happy, and he said, "Are you sure?"

Chen Yi: "There are several doubts pointing to the Qi family and need to be investigated."

Gu Jingfeng: "Why didn't you investigate immediately?"

Chen Yidao: "There are many reasons, such as the whereabouts of Liang Yi. If he is still alive and if he is in the hands of the Qi family, then a high-profile investigation may hasten his death."

"For another example, I know nothing about the Qi family now. I need to give them the illusion that the investigation team has concluded the case and left, so as to facilitate subsequent secret investigations and operations. A counterattack can work wonders."

Hearing this, Mo Jiantong couldn't help but ask: "What doubts have been discovered? They have already left Jiaocheng. Tell them quickly."

Chen Yi: "I suspect that Wudeshan's death was a homicide, not a suicide out of fear of crime. The person who did it now has a suspect, namely his bodyguard."

"On the surface, he is a bodyguard, but in fact, he is the person Qi Ting's father Qi Weihai placed beside Wudeshan. He will watch him anytime and anywhere. If the incident comes to light one day, he will immediately abandon his car to protect the commander."

"Since we came to Jiaocheng, Wudeshan has adhered to the principle of surviving with a broken arm and destroyed most of the physical evidence. Unfortunately, in order to survive with a broken arm, he was ultimately no match for the person behind the scenes who abandoned his car to protect the commander."

Mo Jiantong: "Bodyguard?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, Wu Yong said his name is Qingfeng. I have asked my subordinates to take a portrait and search to confirm his true identity. This person once worked in Qi Weihai's company."

"Qingfeng is his real name, but it does not include his surname. His surname is Zhuang, Zhuang Qingfeng."

"When Takeyama died of poisoning, he crossed his hands to form a weird gesture. At first glance, it seemed unremarkable, but if you look closely, you can find that this gesture is very similar to the character "Qi". He wanted to tell the investigation team that he was the one who killed him. His surname is Qi, and Zhuang Qingfeng is just someone who follows orders."

At this time, Gu Jingfeng spoke slowly: "If there is another Qi family, it means that there are not all the people on the list, right?"

Chen Yi: "Of course, it's impossible to communicate with each other. If we communicate with each other, we will know it after the first trial."

There were still a few doubtful points that he did not mention.

For example, how did Takeyama know that he was already checking Bamencang? Who told him?

Not many people knew about it. Yan Zhe knew it, the investigation team knew it, Xin Qinfei knew it, Duan Quan knew it, and Qi Weihai also knew it. According to other clues, he must have suspected Qi Weihai first.

It was Qi Weihai who called Wudeshan to inform him that he was investigating Bamencang and had probably found Changliu Village.

Another example is Qi Ting.

From the first time they met Qi Ting, Chen Yi had some doubts about her, but it was not obvious and he didn't think much about it at the time.

Now all the clues are put together, which can completely prove that Qi Ting has a big problem.

In the cafe near the lake, the first thing Chen Yi saw was the gap between her thumb and index finger. Although it was covered up, it looked like a cocoon.

How do cocoons form? Hold the gun.

Also, how could Qi Ting be safe and sound in the huge whirlpool of Jiaocheng? Even Liang Yi himself was missing. As Liang Yi's girlfriend, why was nothing wrong with her?

If he was the one who attacked Liang Yi, he should at least try to use Qi Ting to threaten Liang Yi, right? Let's wait and see if it works. It's better than taking action directly. You must know that Liang Yi is the captain of the investigation team and needs to take great risks.

After starting to doubt Qi Ting, these doubts are no longer doubts, but inevitable.

Regardless of whether Qi Ting deliberately approached Liang Yi, or the two really met and fell in love by chance, in short, when Qi Ting discovered that Liang Yi turned his attention to Qi Weihai, he disappeared.

This process was so fast that Liang Yi didn't even have time to leave a reminder message.

Chen Yi had gone through all the above questions in his mind several times, and finally determined that Qi Weihai had a huge problem.

He even doubted whether Guo Liang Yi was trying to hide the truth and whether he was with Qi Ting, but later he thought it was unlikely.

The evidence he left behind was all about the Wu family. He could have used his identity as a police officer. There was no need to direct and stage his own disappearance. It was even more impossible to take the initiative to report and lead the investigation team to Jiaocheng. There was no rationality.

While the vehicle was still driving, Gu Jingfeng took a deep breath and felt his mood fluctuate for the first time.

They came to Jiaocheng to investigate the Huisheng Group. Unexpectedly, after investigating, they arrested all those who should be arrested. Jiaocheng was already peaceful, and the so-called behind-the-scenes person appeared on the way out.

The Wu family is already very powerful in Jiaocheng. How can one kill Wudeshan?

"Just tell me what you want to do."

Gu Jingfeng is a decisive person. Now that Chen Yi has found out the doubts, it is of course impossible for him to just go back like this.

Chen Yidao: "The investigation team will stay in the next city first. Don't let people in Jiaocheng or even Changzhou know that you have not returned to the Imperial City. I will sneak back with my men and investigate secretly. I believe there will be results soon."

Gu Jingfeng said decisively: "No."

What he was worried about was Chen Yi's safety. If what Chen Yi said was true, then if this group of people dared to touch Liang Yi, they would naturally dare to touch Chen Yi.

If something happened to Chen Yi in Jiaocheng, how would he explain to Fang Yanjun when he returned?

After a trip to Jiaocheng, my grandson-in-law turned into a corpse? ?

I can't imagine what Fang Yanjun will do when the time comes, and it's possible that he could even level Jiao City.

Chen Yi insisted: "Team Leader Gu, this is the safest way. People who hide so deeply are much more cautious than people like Wu Deshan, Wu Yong, and Wu Ze. Once they find out that the investigation team's eyes have turned to them, in a short time It's very difficult to find things inside." Gu Jingfeng: "Then we will check slowly and not be in a hurry. We will live in Jiaocheng for a year and a half, and then get off the expressway! Go back to Jiaocheng!"

Mo Jiantong glanced at Gu Jingfeng. He felt that his old friend...had lost some of his previous stability.

It seems that it is because of Chen Yi, who is indeed very dangerous.

Chen Yi was silent for a moment and said: "Team Leader Gu, I am a criminal policeman. When I put on this clothes, I am ready to sacrifice."

"You can disrespect me, but you can't disrespect the clothes on my body or the police badge above my head."

"Please...believe me one last time."

"I know that you agree in your heart, but I hope you don't regard me as anyone's junior."

Gu Jingfeng said nothing.

Mo Jiantong's eyes flashed, and the look he looked at Chen Yi was different again. The other party surprised him again and again.

Others in the car had even more respect for Chen Yi.

It has to be said that this is the National Criminal Police, and they now know why Gu Jingfeng transferred him to the investigation team.

After a long time, Gu Jingfeng clenched his fist slightly and uttered one word: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "Thank you, Team Leader Gu. If I die in Jiaocheng, it means there must be something wrong with the Qi family. We can take direct action then."

The corners of Gu Jingfeng's eyes trembled and he said coldly: "Don't act recklessly. The Jiaocheng police are still under your control. If you need help, call for backup!"

Chen Yi smiled: "Yes, Team Leader Gu."


Night, Jiaocheng.

A car accident attracted many people to watch. The person responsible was a female driver. She was stylishly dressed but had extremely bad conduct. She obviously crossed two lanes and turned right and hit the car going straight, but she kept cursing and yelling at the owner of the car going straight. I have to pay for car repairs.

The direct-drive car is a luxury brand, and anyone who doesn't know the car logo can tell that it is expensive.

Seeing Zhuang Qingfeng's face getting worse and worse, Qi Weihai got out of the car with a smile and kept apologizing. In the end, the two parties paid a thousand yuan privately.

The female driver was then satisfied and drove away without calling the police. The crowd gradually dispersed.

Zhuang Qingfeng returned to the car and said, "Brother Qi, I remember the license plate and appearance. Do you want to check her out?"

While speaking, he raised his right hand and scratched his neck.

The co-pilot, Qi Ting, smiled and said: "Uncle Zhuang, what's the matter? They only asked for a thousand yuan, but you asked for their lives, but it sounds... quite interesting. Take me with you."

In the back seat, Qi Weihai also smiled and said: "Qingfeng, how many times have I told you, don't think about fighting and killing all day long. We are civilized people. Do civilized people understand?"

Zhuang Qingfeng: "Understood."

Only then did Qi Weihai feel satisfied: "That's good. You must be low-key and civilized. Don't be like that idiot Wudeshan. He gave birth to two sons who are even more idiots. One is more idiot than the other. No one in the family is smart."

Qi Ting turned around: "Dad, what should I do about Nanping Port?"

Qi Weihai: "Let me think about it... give it to Lao Cai. He is more civilized, much more civilized than Wudeshan."

"You remember my words, civilization, must be civilized."

"By the way, Tingting, has Liang Yi dealt with it?"

When Liang Yi was mentioned, Qi Ting stopped talking.

Seeing this, Qi Weihai frowned: "Why did you keep him after the investigation team left? Make dumplings for you during the New Year?"

Qi Ting: "I'll talk to him again."

Qi Weihai was a little angry and looked at Zhuang Qingfeng: "Qingfeng, bury Liang Yi for me tonight. The farther the better, the deeper the better."

Zhuang Qingfeng: "Brother Qi, you just said you should be civilized."

Qi Weihai groaned, took a deep breath and said, "Then kill him first and then bury him. This is civilized."

Qi Ting said: "No."

Qi Weihai leaned forward and looked at Qi Ting: "I taught you civilization, but I didn't teach you love. Are you really attracted to him?"

Qi Ting gritted her teeth: "Dad, give me some more time."

Qi Weihai: "One week, I will give you one week, otherwise I will personally talk to him about what civilization means. What do you think he is checking when he is idle? How uncivilized."

The word "civilization" seems to be his mantra. He can say it several times, regardless of whether the meaning is correct or not.

Qi Ting: "I know."

Qi Weihai: "I'm not joking with you. Let's have some snacks. By the way, Chen Yi, a smart little guy, gave up on checking Liang Yi and left directly. There won't be any problems, right?"

Qi Ting: "Isn't it counted on Wudeshan? There is no evidence to prove the death, and there is no way to investigate. Besides, he didn't give up. Before leaving, he asked Yan Zhe from the Criminal Investigation Detachment to follow up."

Qi Weihai nodded: "That's right... Okay, let's go home and have a drink. Today is a good day."

(End of this chapter)

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