Chapter 259 Leaving Jiaocheng

Time passed slowly. Chen Yi sat in the yard for two hours, and there were already many cigarette butts piled in the ashtray.

High in the sky, the hanging moon seemed to be much brighter. Dark clouds came and blocked it again, making the earth darker.

Footsteps sounded, and Shi Xin left the living room and came here to report on the preliminary investigation results of Wudeshan's death scene.

"Three male footprints were extracted, and two female footprints were extracted."

"It was confirmed that the death was caused by poisoning. The poison came from the cup on the coffee table."

"Only one person's fingerprint was extracted from the cup. It should be Wudeshan's. It needs to be brought back to the bureau for comparison."


"Looking at it this way, he basically committed suicide out of fear of crime."

Chen Yi was noncommittal and said: "There are three male footprints, which means that in addition to Wudeshan Wuyong, there is a third person."

Shi Xin: "Yes, I guess he is a driver, bodyguard, and housekeeper. We will know when we interrogate Wu Yong."

Chen Yi hummed: "Have you found any important clues in Wudeshan's study?"

He Xin shook his head: "No, it's very clean. He should have destroyed it in advance. Wu Ze was caught and sentenced to death quickly, which must have scared them a lot."

Chen Yi: "I know, let's continue working."

When is new: "Okay."

Chen Yi was the only one left in the yard again.

He raised his hand and rubbed his brows, and continued to recall everyone he met and everything he encountered from the moment he stepped into Jiao City until now.

After the destruction of the Wu family, he still felt a sense of depression, but he didn't know where it came from.

It was getting daylight, and the investigation of the Wu family villa was over. Everyone gathered up and prepared to return to the city bureau.

Wudeshan's body has already been transported back to the bureau, and the forensic doctor is conducting a comprehensive autopsy on the body to further determine the fact that Wudeshan committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Duan Quan and Ma Bin were also very busy. Changliu Village was cleared, everyone was detained, and two trucks were filled with confiscated criminal materials.

The fish that slipped through the net have entered the hunting stage.

Wu Yong was taken to the criminal investigation detachment.

In the morning, Chen Yi came to Changli Village alone. After discovering that Mr. Hanyan was not at the entrance of the village, he went into the village to look for him and finally saw him in an old house.

He asked his question.

"Ah... yes, the people from Changliu Village came to ask if anyone had inquired about Bamencang, and I have only talked to you during this time."

Uncle Hanyan can answer whatever he asks.

"Okay, thank you. You can keep this pack of cigarettes for smoking."

Putting down a pack of cigarettes, Chen Yi turned around and prepared to leave.

Uncle Hanyan stopped him from behind: "Young man, I heard yesterday that many policemen surrounded Changliu Village and arrested everyone, right?"

Chen Yi turned around and said, "Yes."

Uncle Hanyan: "Are you a policeman?"

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

Mr. Hanyan smiled and said: "It turns out that Changliu Village is engaged in illegal business. Let me tell you, we have become rich so fast in the past few years. Young man, well done."

Chen Yi left Changli Village without chatting with him.

After returning to the city bureau, the interrogation of Wu Yong began.

Changliu Village was destroyed and Wu Deshan committed suicide. Now that the matter was over, Wu Yong did not intend to struggle and hide it anymore, and told all the things he had done.

Drug-related, murder, intentional injury... The confession lasted for dozens of pages. He also knew that he would not survive and that his whole life was hopeless. He sat paralyzed there, without fear, only at a loss.

Life goes through ups and downs in one day, and it is difficult for anyone to recover in a short period of time.

Chen Yi asked two key points, but neither received satisfactory answers.

"Where is Liang Yi?"

Wu Yong smiled bitterly: "Why do you ask me this question? My dad also asked me, but I really don't know. No matter how brave I am, I don't dare to attack the captain of the criminal investigation detachment."

Chen Yi said coldly: "You've already touched the poison, are you still brave? Tell the truth!"

Wu Yong was asked anxiously: "I really don't know! It's a capital crime. Do I need to hide it from you? Besides, my father is in charge of the processing plant, and I'm not as courageous as him."

Chen Yi asked the second question: "Besides you and Wudeshan, who is the third man at home in the past few days?"

"The third man?" Wu Yong was surprised and immediately remembered, "Oh, you mean Qingfeng, he is my father's bodyguard, he is a very powerful guy."

Chen Yi: "What's your real name?"

Wu Yong shook his head: "I don't know, my dad only called him Qingfeng."

Chen Yi took out his cell phone and dialed Lin Chen's number.

"Hello? Brother-in-law!!"

Lin Chen was a little excited. He had not done anything serious since he came to Jiaocheng. He was so depressed that he almost wanted to curse. Is he finally alive now?

Chen Yi: "Come to the city bureau to draw a portrait. He is a very important person."

Lin Chen: "Okay! I'll be there soon!"

The call was hung up and the interrogation continued.

When asked about some of Wudeshan's friends, Wu Yong hesitated, but finally recognized the reality and slowly named them one after another.

These people were spread across every corner of Jiao City, and there were so many of them that even Chen Yi, who was mentally prepared, couldn't help but frown.

No wonder the Wu family was so fearless and rampant in Jiaocheng, it turned out that they had penetrated so thoroughly.

No matter what you want to do, it only takes one sentence.

Chen Yi walked out of the interrogation room, waited until Lin Chen arrived, and asked him to see Wu Yong draw a portrait of Qingfeng, and then drove to Jiaocheng Building.

There was a lot of commotion yesterday. Everyone in Jiaocheng Building knew that Chen Yi had controlled Huisheng Group and arrested all criminals. This meant that the people implicated would soon be in front of Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong.

During this period, some people tried to run away, but it was no use. They were handcuffed back by the investigation team before Jiao Cheng even left.

The entire Jiaocheng Building was in the tranquility before the rainstorm.

Chen Yi saw Gu Jingfeng and handed over the list in his hand. Gu Jingfeng took the list, glanced at it, and put it away silently.

"Where's Liang Yi?" he asked.

Chen Yi shook his head: "No one knows where he is. Maybe Wudeshan knows, but he has already taken poison and died."

Gu Jingfeng was not dissatisfied, but just sighed: "So, if you don't see the living person or the dead body, does Wudeshan's suicide make this matter an eternal mystery?"

Chen Yi: "Based on the clues we have now, that's it."

Gu Jingfeng was silent for a while, then raised his hand and patted Chen Yi on the shoulder: "It's okay, you have done a good job. You have investigated the Huisheng Group's case in such a short time. How could it be done by someone else who came to Jiaocheng?" Here, what do you think, Lao Mo?"

Mo Jiantong smiled: "You have not let me down, great talent. Next... it's time for us to finish."

With such a simple sentence, Chen Yi smelled danger. He knew that some people were going to be in bad luck.


Time flies, and half a month has passed.

The case of Huisheng Group has been completely concluded, and all those involved have been punished as they should be. Nanping Port has been opened normally and the rule of law has been restored. Because of the deaths of Guan Cailiang and Wudeshan, lease users are now bidding openly, and I heard that Qi Weihai also participated.

Qi Weihai was originally a victim of the Huisheng Group case. Now that the Wu family has been eliminated, his business should be able to slowly recover and reach a higher level in the future.

Originally, I wanted to meet Chen Yi to thank him, but Chen Yi was busy during this period, so Qi Weihai did not see him, which was a pity.

However, Qi Ting was very persistent. After going back and forth between the Municipal Bureau and Jiaocheng Building many times, she finally blocked Chen Yi at the gate of the Municipal Bureau.

"Where is Liang Yi?!" Qi Ting pressed.

Chen Yi still said the same thing, I don’t know.

He really doesn't know.

Qi Ting was angry: "You said you could find him, but now everyone has been arrested, why didn't you ask?!"

Chen Yi said: "Wudeshan may know Liang Yi's whereabouts, but he has committed suicide. How should I ask?"

Qi Ting: "So you just don't care?"

Chen Yi: "Sorry, there is really no way. The investigation team will leave soon. I will arrange for the Jiaocheng City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment to follow up on Liang Yi's problem. Whether it can be found depends on God's will."

Qi Ting didn't want to hear these perfunctory words and stopped Chen Yi from leaving, insisting that he give an explanation.

After inking for half an hour, Qi Ting left crying.

She was very sad. Everything had been investigated, but only her Liang Yi could not be found. This was a huge blow to her.

Behind him, Chen Yi stared at Qi Ting's back for a long time, his eyes gradually turning cold from apologetic.

Another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

It's time for the investigation team to leave. There are very few follow-up steps to the case, so just leave it to the Jiaocheng Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Yan Zhe was promoted and is now the captain of the investigation team. He will be mainly responsible for the aftermath of this case in the future.

Chen Yi had a meal with him as a farewell.

"It is the greatest honor of my life to meet Captain Chen. Have a safe journey!" Yan Zhe was reluctant to give up and picked up the wine glass.

Chen Yi: "See you again when we are destined."

Before leaving Jiaocheng, the investigation team had their last meal together in the restaurant of Jiaocheng Building.

The meals are very simple, just what you usually eat for work meals, you will eat today.

Compared with when they first came to Jiaocheng, there were fewer people eating this time, and Qiu Chengtai was nowhere to be seen. The only person sitting with Gu Jingfeng and the others was He Shizhong.

The atmosphere was rather heavy. Although they won, no one was happy.

During the meal, He Shizhong's smile was rather forced, probably because he couldn't accept certain realities, and you could see him sighing secretly.

"Mr. He, I'll leave Jiaocheng to you. Emperor Cheng doesn't want something like this to happen again in the future."

It was Gu Jingfeng who spoke.

He Shizhong repeatedly promised: "Don't worry, Team Leader Gu, I will do my job well and do what I should do."

It was dinner, it was already dark outside, and the investigation team was preparing to return overnight.

When he arrived at the Imperial City, Gu Jingfeng had to report on the results of his trip. People like Chen Yi, who had made huge contributions, had to discuss their merits.

At the door, He Shizhong waved goodbye with everyone in the Jiaocheng Building and watched the investigation team's vehicle leave.

When the tail lights were no longer visible, He Shizhong breathed a sigh of relief and waved everyone in.

After the investigation team left, they still had to continue meeting to absorb experiences and lessons.

Half an hour later, three minibuses got on the highway and started on their way back to the Imperial City.

Different from when they arrived, everyone was completely relaxed. No one was checking and sorting out information. The whole car was filled with laughter and many people were playing with their mobile phones.

Chen Yi was still sitting on Gu Jingfeng's right hand, with a dull look on his face.

After the vehicle drove on the highway for a while, Chen Yi stood up and looked back, and his voice sounded: "Team Leader Gu, we need to get off the highway at the next intersection."

Hearing this, Gu Jingfeng turned his head and asked curiously: "Why?"

Chen Yi sat back and said, "Because Jiao Cheng's case is not over yet."

As soon as these words came out, the car suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of the cell phone video was left. Everyone looked at Chen Yi, the smiles on their faces solidified.

Gu Jingfeng frowned, and Mo Jiantong's sharp eyes came straight at him: "Chen Yi, what do you mean? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Chen Yi did not answer this question.

Gu Jingfeng waved his hand to silence Mo Jiantong, looked at Chen Yida and said, "Aren't all the members of the Wu family arrested, and those who should be interrogated have been interrogated. Are there any doubts?"

Chen Yidao: "If my judgment is correct, there should be another... Qi family behind the Wu family."

"Qi family?" Gu Jingfeng recalled the details of the case, and then his eyes froze, "Could you be talking about Liang Yi's girlfriend?"

Chen Yi: "Yes, this is the Qi family."

Gu Jingfeng: "..."

Mo Jiantong: "!!"

 Some plots have been deleted, as long as everyone understands



(End of this chapter)

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