Chapter 24 Why I didn’t know I was pregnant

Generally speaking, if a wife is pregnant, her husband will definitely know it.

Even if the wife checked alone and the husband did not get the news immediately, more than half a month had passed since the blood test report. Hasn't Ma Meng told Fu Linwang yet?

Are you planning to surprise someone on their special day?
The two had a fight?
"Take him back with you."

Abnormalities must lead to monsters. Zhou Yebin needs to figure this out and confirm the other party's alibi.

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Yes, Team Zhou."

He also felt strange, would there be any problem with this Fu Linwang?

The commotion outside lasted for a while and then gradually disappeared, and Fu Linwang became quiet.

If Fu Linwang was not the murderer, then the news of Ma Meng's pregnancy would be like adding insult to injury for him, stabbing his already painful heart again.

No matter how strong a man is, he will be on the verge of collapse.

If Fu Linwang was the murderer and he didn't know about Ma Meng's pregnancy, wouldn't he have killed his own child with his own hands?
Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is a normal reaction for him to be emotional at this moment.

Chen Yi returned to the room with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Does Fu Linwang not know that Ma Meng is pregnant?
This is worthy of scrutiny, and its authenticity needs to be verified.


City Council.

The crime scene was cordoned off and all personnel returned. The forensic doctor did not delay and immediately began a comprehensive autopsy on the deceased.

In the interrogation room, Fu Linwang sat there quietly, with red and swollen eyes and a look of despair on his face.

The man did not shed tears, but he did not go to the sad place.

First, he experienced the death of his wife, and then learned that his wife was pregnant.

Under the double blow, Fu Linwang probably wanted to jump off the building now, and at the same time, the anger in his heart was probably at its peak.

Killing your wife and children, how much hatred is this?
If we knew who the murderer was and gave him a chance, it would most likely result in a second murder.

Not long after, a police officer placed a cup of hot tea in front of Fulinwang, but Fulinwang was still in the mood to drink water.

The interrogation against him has not yet begun. Zhou Yebin is waiting for the autopsy report from the forensic doctor. At least he needs to know the approximate time of death of the victim.

Case hall.

Zhou Yebin took a glass of water and looked at Chen Yida: "How was your chat with Fulin Wang? Did you gain anything?"

Chen Yi said: "At present, we can only make a preliminary judgment based on his expression and conversation reaction. He is suspected of committing a crime."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around looked over.

Everyone already knows the newcomer Chen Yi, and they also know that he is a very good person, and his grades are quite high.

Moreover, he also helped the police solve the murder case of Liu Ge.

Normally, there would have been a welcome ceremony, at least some applause, some self-introduction, and maybe some "commercial bragging", but now is not the time.

Homicide is a major criminal case.

The four words "the murder case must be solved" are not just mentioned casually.

In the tense atmosphere, Chen Yi's appointment will not stir up any waves. Everything will have to wait until the case is solved.

"Tell me more specifically." Zhou Yebin took a sip of water.

Afterwards, Chen Yi used concise language to roughly describe how he asked Fu Linwang before.

After listening, everyone looked at each other.

Why call the police first?

This question has a good starting point.

And Fu Linwang's answer was indeed a bit more deliberate.

Under a major blow, a perfect answer will appear imperfect.

Zhou Yebin nodded: "There is a problem."

The suspicion of committing a crime is accumulated by countless details, and ultimately the evidence speaks for itself.

The result of Chen Yi's inquiry was one of the details.

Intuitively speaking, it can at least increase Fu Linwang's suspicion of committing the crime from 50.00% to 50.00%.

Don't underestimate this one percent. When more details appear, it will reach 60.00%, seventy, eighty...

Finally, it reaches [-]%.

This is criminal investigation, and we must seize all suspicious points. "Let's wait for the autopsy report. Since Fu Linwang has just returned from a business trip, his suspicion should be easy to confirm." Zhou Yebin continued.

The crowd nodded.

The case had just happened, so everyone had no objections and went about their business.

Chen Yi took the interview results and looked through them for a while, but found nothing.

This was expected. If the neighbors noticed something unusual, they wouldn't have called the police after Fu Linwang came back.

Time passed slowly, Fang Shuyu left the forensic room, came to the case handling hall, and handed a document to Zhou Yebin.

"It is estimated that the time of death was about 32 hours, that is, the day before yesterday, October 13, between [-] and [-] pm."

"The two wounds on the deceased's body were penetrating wounds, with the fatal injury coming from the heart."

"Judging from the depth and shape of the wound, the murder weapon should be a sharp weapon with a width of [-] centimeters, an unknown length, and a sharp edge on one side."

Zhou Yebin: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Yi feels that this confidence interval is relatively reliable. If there is no external harsh environment and external influence, the time of death within 48 hours can basically be accurate to the hour.

Within an hour, within two hours, within three hours, it’s possible.

Zhuo Yun subconsciously said: "From the description, isn't it just a dagger?"

Fang Shuyu glanced at him and said quietly: "I am a forensic doctor, not a criminal police officer handling the case. I only provide autopsy reports."

"As for what the murder weapon is, you can judge for yourself."

Zhuo Yun touched his forehead in embarrassment, regretting his quick words.

Fang Shuyu is definitely among the top three people in the entire city bureau who should not be messed with.

"Team Zhou, if you have any questions, come to me."

Fang Shuyu left a word and turned to leave. Before leaving, he glanced at Chen Yi and nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Let's go and ask Fu Linwang." Zhou Yebin said, "Xiaoxin, check the surveillance based on the time of death, be careful."

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "Yes, Team Zhou."

I didn't know the exact time of death before, and I didn't find it on the surveillance. Now I have copied everything and I am ready for investigation at any time.


Room inquiry.

"Mr. Fu, your wife is pregnant, don't you know?"

Zhou Yebin sat opposite and said the first sentence.

Chen Yi Zhuoyun and others were also there, and there were five or six figures in the room.

At this time, they were all looking at the depressed Fu Linwang, waiting for his answer.

Hearing this, Fu Linwang shook his head in despair: "I don't know, I don't know!"

Zhou Yebin: "Then why didn't she tell you that she was pregnant?"

This question made Fu Linwang silent.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and sighed: "We had a few quarrels during this period, and the relationship was a bit tense. She was probably still angry, so she didn't tell me right away."

"Fighting?" Zhou Yebin asked, "What's the reason for the quarrel?"

Fu Linwang replied: "Because I need to go to other places to meet clients. I often travel on business and don't come back for several days."

"Over time, Ma Meng became very dissatisfied."

"What can I do?! I have to make money! If I don't make money, what will she eat, wear, and spend??"

"Is she happy because I stay at home all day and don't have to make money?"

"When the time comes, I'm afraid I'll have to blame myself for being poor again!"

He was a little excited at the end, either because Ma Meng hid the pregnancy or because he was still angry with Ma Meng.

But since everyone is dead, there is no point in blaming anyone anymore.

Zhou Yebin looked calm and continued to ask: "When was the last time you quarreled?"

Fu Linwang: "About a week ago."

Zhou Yebin recalled the time of the hospital test report. At that time, Ma Meng already knew that she was pregnant.

It is reasonable to conceal this matter when you are angry.

(End of this chapter)

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