Chapter 23 New Discovery
In the next 10 minutes, Chen Yi asked several questions again, such as whether Ma Meng had any enemies in the past, but did not get any information that was helpful to the investigation.

The case has just happened and the investigation hasn't ended yet, so there's no rush.

Take it step by step, step by step.

"Thank you, please have my condolences."

Chen Yi left a word and entered the room.

Fu Linwang buried his head in his chest again, bearing the fact and pain of his wife's death.

At the crime scene, everyone was still busy, and it seemed that the finishing work had basically been completed.

One transparent evidence bag after another was put into the small box, ready to be taken back to the city bureau for further inspection of the contents.

Zhou Yebin and Zhuo Yun were nowhere to be seen in the living room. They must have gone to other rooms.

Zhou Yebin did not arrange work for him, so Chen Yi, who had nothing to do for the time being, came to the corpse.

Fang Shuyu was holding tweezers and gently opened the deceased's mouth with his left hand. He carefully took out a few filaments from inside and looked closely.

Seeing this, Chen Yi squatted down.

"The knitted material is probably leftover from the gloves."

"The murderer was most likely wearing gloves when he committed the crime, and we won't be able to get fingerprints."

Chen Yi suddenly spoke.

These words made several forensic doctors turn their heads and look over.

Fang Shuyu was also surprised. He was still wondering what this thing was and how it could appear in the mouth of the deceased, but Chen Yi took one look and directly judged the gloves.

Responding so fast?
She put the filament on the tweezers into the evidence bag, remained silent for a while and then asked, "Why do you say that?"

Chen Yi said: "First of all, the murderer cleaned the footprints and thought that it was impossible to ignore the fingerprints even in the footprints."

"So the murderer most likely used a method of committing the crime that did not leave fingerprints, and wearing gloves was the most common."

"Secondly, the filament you just pinched out of the victim's mouth is also very similar to the material made of ordinary knitted gloves."

"Finally, the crime scene was at a home in a community. The slightest movement would attract attention, not to mention the frightened screams of the victim when he was attacked and killed."

"Based on the above points, the murderer should have suddenly stepped forward and attacked while the victim's back was turned."

"To prevent the victim from shouting, he covered the victim's mouth with his other hand."

"The victim could not make a loud sound at this time, but the severe pain caused her to struggle hard, biting with her teeth or rubbing her lips, and took off some of the filaments on the gloves."

"That would explain what was in the victim's mouth."

With a calm voice, he made clear reasoning, and several forensic doctors were immediately surprised.

This is not something a newbie can do.

Fang Shuyu took off his mask, revealing his perfect and delicate face, with the same surprise on his face.

"I felt that you were not simple when I was in the library. I thought I would just stay in theory, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated you."

"Welcome to the Criminal Investigation Team."

While speaking, she also took off her gloves and extended her hand politely to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi held it politely: "Thank you."

At this time, Zhou Yebin and Zhuo Yun walked out of the room. They heard what they just said.

"This kid is really a bit evil."

Zhuo Yun secretly thought.

It took the other party two months to transform from a suspect to his colleague.

The huge contrast still makes him feel a little unreal.

But he must also admit Chen Yi's sharp thinking and clear mind.

"If you wear gloves, it will be difficult." Zhou Yebin said, "No footprints or fingerprints are left, so the surveillance will not ignore it."

Chen Yi stood up, nodded and said, "I think so too."

"This is an old community, and the monitoring coverage area is not particularly wide, so there are blind spots."

"It depends on whether the murderer deliberately avoided surveillance, actively sabotaged surveillance, or carefully disguised himself."

Zhou Yebin pondered for a while and said: "The forensic doctor is ready to close the team and give me the accurate time of death as soon as possible." Fang Shuyu: "Okay."

At this time, Chen Yi bent down and gently touched the deceased's skin without saying anything.

Seeing Chen Yi's actions, Fang Shuyu couldn't help but said: "Do you still know about autopsy?"

Chen Yi said quickly: "No, no, I'm used to, I mean, it's my first time to come into contact with a corpse, and I want to try the changes in corpse temperature and rigor mortis."

Corpse temperature, corpse spots, and rigor mortis are the main basis for preliminary judgment of the time of death.

In the previous world, Chen Yi adhered to the philosophy of having too many skills to overwhelm himself, and he also dabbled in forensic medicine.

Although he is not technically top-notch, he can definitely be considered a qualified forensic doctor.

Fang Shuyu didn't pay attention and did the final aftermath work, preparing to transport the body back to the city bureau for further comprehensive autopsy.

The autopsy report is the product of a comprehensive autopsy, including the precise time of death, the shape and depth of the wound, whether there are other suspicious marks on the body of the deceased, etc.

The crime scene lacked necessary tools and the deceased had to be stripped naked, making it unsuitable for a comprehensive autopsy.

As long as all traces before moving the body are investigated to ensure that no clues are destroyed by moving the body, the forensic doctor's task of appearing on the scene is completed.

"Team Week!"

Not long after, a police officer quickly left the study and came to Zhou Yebin.

"Look at this."

He handed Zhou Yebin a piece of paper.

Zhou Yebin took it and took a look, his eyes immediately condensed.

Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun were curious and both moved forward.

This is a hospital test report, blood test.

The department is Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The deceased Ma Meng's human chorionic gonadotropin level has exceeded [-], which is significantly higher than the normal level.

Seeing this value, Chen Yi's eyes twitched slightly, and he silently "greeted" the murderer in his heart.

Ma Meng is pregnant.

Judging from the reporting time, she is in an early pregnancy state.

Early pregnancy means early pregnancy, which represents the time when you are just pregnant.

Zhou Yebin stared at the report in his hand for a while. Although his expression was calm, the twitching of his cheeks meant that he was gritting his teeth at this moment.

Morally speaking, killing a pregnant woman is an act of insane cruelty.

Legally speaking, although pregnant women cannot be counted as fortune tellers, the sentencing will be aggravated.

However, judging from the circumstances of this case, unless the murderer had a close relationship with the deceased or her husband, he might not have known that the deceased was pregnant.

"Excuse me, where did you find this report?"

Chen Yi spoke. Because he had just joined the team, he spoke more politely.

The police officer replied: "In the study, there is a book in the cabinet at the bottom of the desk."

Chen Yi's mind was spinning: "It's so secretive. Does Fu Linwang know that Ma Meng is pregnant?"

Zhou Yebin turned around: "He didn't mention it, what's wrong?"

"Between husband and wife, he must know about such a big thing as pregnancy, right?"

Chen Yi turned around and said, "I'll go ask."

He left the room, and not long after, Fu Linwang's incredible roar came from outside the room.

"What did you say?! She's pregnant?!!"

At the same time, chaotic footsteps sounded at the same time.

"Mr. Fu, calm down!"

"Don't pull me! Let me in!!"

Seeing the commotion at the door, Zhou Yebin and others in the room looked at each other.

Ma Meng is pregnant, her husband doesn’t know?
(End of this chapter)

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