Chapter 238 Crow

The next day, Chen Yi reported the investigation results of the case to the provincial department. Wei Jianfeng acted quickly, immediately held a meeting to discuss, and published a statement on the conclusion of the case online.

The statement is very concise, with only key points, no details, and no motivation. Official statements cannot be written randomly.

First of all, Miao Beiling is suspected of tax evasion, and the economic investigation has been involved in the investigation.

Secondly, the initiator of the case was Ruan Yiyi, who mixed allergy medicine into cosmetics, causing Miao Beiling to faint on the stage.

Finally, Yan Tong had nothing to do with the case and was released.

When this statement began to spread on the Internet, the whole country exploded, and the eye-catching title quickly reached the top of the hot search list on all major platforms.

Although the police did not point out that there was a problem with Miao Beiling's character, netizens are not cheap. How could Ruan Yiyi do such a thing for no reason?

Also, after committing tax evasion, Miao Beiling is definitely not a good person in other aspects.

Public opinion is one-sided, and these days there is no shortage of people who add insult to injury. Miao Beiling's image in everyone's eyes has undergone irreversible changes.

It is true that the die-hard fans are still insisting, hoping to clear Miao Beiling's name, but under the coverage of the sea-like army of netizens, they can't make any waves.

In addition, Yan Tong's popularity is also rising rapidly. Her light has been overshadowed by Miao Beiling before, but now she has no rivals. Coupled with such a clear comparison between Miao Beiling and Ruan Yiyi, she is now in the eyes of the public , Yan Tong is simply a benchmark for emerging from the mud and remaining unstained.

The final winner is really right at all.

A few days later, the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau came to the hospital. Miao Beiling had almost recovered.

The leader is Tang Hongyi, the detachment leader.

Chen Yi never came to see Miao Beiling again. She would never tell the truth about subjective character matters.


Do you have evidence?

I just had a few sincere conversations with Wu Sihao. Who knew he would do that?

Inducement and abetting crimes like this are one of the most difficult cases to investigate. Fortunately, it was not a murder case, otherwise Miao Beiling would have been very likely to escape justice.

Mental control is the most advanced "instigation", and no evidence will be left, but it is also the most difficult to achieve.

"Miao Beiling, Vice Captain Chen asked me to give you something."

"Success achieved by playing tricks will only make you fall into isolation and pain in the end. Wu Sihao is one of the tricks, not much else."

After hearing these words, Miao Beiling's bandaged eyes showed uncontrollable surprise.

After a long silence, she said, "Please tell Captain Chen, why don't you take care of yourself?"

Tang Hongyi snorted coldly: "Don't talk to me, are you still reasonable? Regarding the matter of Qi's account, our economic investigation detachment will be involved in the subsequent investigation. Please cooperate."

Miao Beiling lowered her head. She had been drowned by the scoldings on the Internet in the past few days, and she was mentally prepared.


She felt it.


No, the mountain road to success is tortuous. Without smart means, you will be kicked down halfway.

I'm not in pain, I'm just not cruel enough and felt guilty for Ruan Yiyi in the early years.

Guilt is the fatal flaw of successful people.


On the way to the provincial office, Chen Yi answered the call from Jiang Fanlei.

"Chen Yi, my house collapsed."

Jiang Fanlei sounded hopeless.

Chen Yi chuckled: "It's been several days, and you just collapsed now?"

Jiang Fanlei: "I collapsed a long time ago. Aren't I afraid that you are still busy? By the way, why did Ruan Yiyi do this? It is said on the Internet that there was a problem with Ruan Yiyi's absence from the early dance competition. Is it true?"

I have to say that netizens are really powerful. As long as they are given a few clues, they can dig out anything.

There are three cobblers who can stand up to Zhuge Liang. This is no longer three, but tens of millions. There will always be someone who can find out the suspicious and dirty information in the early years.

Chen Yi: "Is it important? Your house has collapsed anyway, why do you have to have another earthquake?"

Jiang Fanlei: "It's important, I'm curious."

Chen Yi: "We have no evidence, you can think so."

Jiang Fanlei: "Is that true?"

Chen Yi: "Maybe."

Jiang Fanlei: "Damn, you're hiding it really well. If you don't say anything anymore, I'm going to pick up Zou Ying."

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

Arriving at the provincial office, Chen Yi saw Fang Songping and Wei Jianfeng. In addition to the two of them, there was another one.

I don’t know Chen Yi. He is quite young, in his thirties. Judging from his dress and temperament, he does not belong to an ordinary company.

The meeting place was in the conference room. There were only four people in the huge room.

"Chen Yi, this case was investigated very quickly and deserves praise." Fang Songping said with a smile.

It was just a small case. He believed that Chen Yi would be able to find out. It was not surprising at all.

Chen Yidao: "There is nothing complicated about the intrigue between plastic besties."

After speaking, he looked at the stranger.

Fang Songping introduced: "This is Song Wenfei, the highest prosecutor in the Imperial City."

The highest inspection?

Chen Yi was surprised, what are you doing here? What does it have to do with me?

Song Wenfei smiled, stood up and took the initiative to extend his right hand to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi also quickly stood up and shook hands with the other party: "Hello."

Song Wenfei smiled and said: "Hello, Deputy Chief Chen, I have long admired your name."

Chen Yi: "You're welcome."

After the two got to know each other, Fang Songping said, "Chen Yi, do you know this place called Jiaocheng?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course, how could I not know this."

Fang Songping said directly: "There is something wrong with Jiaocheng. Imperial City has set up an investigation team to go and have a look. We currently lack a capable criminal police officer. What do you think?"

Chen Yi understood that this was to mobilize himself.

He was silent for a moment and then said: "I am inexperienced. Captain Qin He and Qin seem to be more suitable for this matter, right?"

Fang Songping's face trembled.

Song Wenfei asked: "Does Deputy Chen recommend Captain Qin?"

Chen Yigang wanted to speak, but Fang Songping interrupted: "I think what Deputy Captain Chen means is that Qin He is in the Imperial City and is familiar with the people in the investigation team. He is worried that there will be rust in cooperation."

Song Wenfei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, we get to know each other once we meet. We are all our own people and can communicate well."

Fang Songping glared at Chen Yi, who looked embarrassed. How could he not guess that it was Fang Songping or Fang Yanjun who recommended it? He just said modestly out of habit, but he didn't expect such a big reaction from the other party.

Learned, learned.

"What's the specific situation?" Chen Yi asked.

Hearing this, Song Wenfei picked up the briefcase in front of him, took out a few pieces of paper and pushed them to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi picked it up and looked through it for a while, and got a lot of keywords.

Watson Group.



entertainment industry. There are also many criminal words in it.

Chen Yi put down the document.

Song Wenfei asked: "How are you doing? Are there any difficulties?"

Chen Yi's face was calm and his eyes were cold: "No, this job is very suitable for me. I guarantee that the investigation will be clear."

Song Wenfei nodded: "Well, welcome Deputy Chen to join the investigation team. Before that, the team leader asked me to give Deputy Chen a message. During the investigation, the Jiaocheng police may not be of much help to you. How exactly? You need to be cautious when cooperating and be mentally prepared to fight alone.”

"What you have to accomplish is to thoroughly investigate the cases on the documents and the unknown cases within a limited time. The team will be directly mobilized in Yangcheng and the number of people will be controlled within ten."

"Does Deputy Chen understand what I mean?"

Chen Yi: "Understood."

There is no need to put it too bluntly. The development of Huisheng Group depends on more than just itself.

Those things have nothing to do with him. All he has to do is investigate the case. After the investigation is completed, the task is over. He has no control over subsequent matters. He only needs to submit the list.

Song Wenfei: "Then let's gather in the Imperial City. Deputy Chen please leave as soon as possible, no later than tomorrow."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

After the explanation, Song Wenfei stood up and said, "Fang Ting, I'll leave first."

Fang Songping: "Jianfeng, send it."

Wei Jianfeng: "Okay."

The two left the conference room. Fang Songping took a sip of tea and did not speak immediately, waiting for Wei Jianfeng to come back.

Soon, the door opened and Wei Jianfeng sat down again.

At this moment, Fang Songping said: "Chen Yi, there is a certain danger this time, and we have to guard against it. You..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Fang Ting, it's okay. It's only dangerous. The more dangerous it is, the faster the investigation will be."

Fang Songping said no more and asked, "Who are you going to take?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and replied: "When will Xin, Qin Fei, Lin Chen, and Zhuo Yun stay with the criminal investigation detachment?"

Fang Songping: "Just three people?"

Chen Yi: "Three is enough. I like simplicity."

Fang Songping nodded: "Okay, Jianfeng and I don't doubt your ability. We have nothing to suggest about this case. You can make up your own mind. When we get to the Imperial City, team leader Gu Jingfeng will talk to you in detail. "

Gu Jingfeng.

Chen Yi remembered the name and said, "Okay."

Fang Songping: "When will we set off?"

Chen Yi: "Early tomorrow morning."

Fang Songping: "Okay, let's go back and prepare."

Chen Yi stood up to say goodbye to the two of them and left the conference room.

When the door of the conference room closed, Wei Jianfeng looked away and said, "Fang Ting, this case... the burden is a bit heavy."

A young man under thirty years old followed the investigation team to Jiaocheng to investigate the case, and was responsible for the most critical front-line investigation. With such great pressure, there were very few criminal police officers across the country who dared to take on the case.

Even he himself shuddered just thinking about the consequences of failure.

Gu Jingfeng is leading the team. Once he loses, he will basically be on the "blacklist". Even if he doesn't have to take the blame and resign, it will be a hundred times more difficult to be promoted in the future.

Fang Songping smiled: "So far he has not let us down. After his triumphant return, someone will take the position of detachment leader."

Wei Jianfeng nodded: "Indeed, if you think about it on the other hand, once Chen Yineng assists the investigation team to break through Jiao City, he will have made a great contribution. This resume will last a lifetime."

"Just now I saw responsibility in Chen Yi's eyes. He really wants to go, but not for merit. A man who hates evil and hates evil has entered Jiaocheng. I'm really worried that he will do something drastic."

Fang Songping: "With Gu Jingfeng in charge, we don't have to think about it. The swan is guilty of entering the world of crows. It is the swan's mission to eliminate all crows. The process is not important."

Wei Jianfeng was still worried: "He only has four people."

Fang Songping: "He alone is enough."

Wei Jianfeng: "???"

Why do you suddenly have so much confidence in Chen Yi? What happened recently?

Fang Songping smiled and said nothing. If he hadn't received a call from his father, he might not have let Chen Yi go this time. If something unexpected happened, Fang Shuyu would have to blame himself for the rest of his life.

With Chen Yi's IQ and skill, at least self-protection is no problem, so he is not worried.

On the other side, Chen Yi, who returned to the city bureau, immediately called Shi Xin and the others to his office and explained the matter of going to Jiaocheng to investigate the case.

The three of them had the same reaction, and they were excited and eager to try.

This is a big case that has not been encountered in many years. It is an honor to participate in it once. If the case is successfully concluded, it will be a big credit.

Again, the word "great success" is too extreme. All police officers, without exception, hope to leave a mark on their career resumes.

It's not greed for merit, it's human nature, it's memories, and it's proof that I have fought on the front lines of fighting crimes.

"Captain Chen, when are we going to set off?" Lin Chen asked impatiently.

Chen Yi looked over and said, "Tomorrow morning, Lin Chen, when we arrive, you will stay in the command center most of the time with the investigation team."

Lin Chen didn't understand: "Huh? Why? Don't I follow Team Chen to investigate the case?"

Chen Yi: "I will come to you when I need it. Don't talk nonsense."

What he was considering was Lin Chen's safety. Among the few people, Lin Chen was the only one who did not have the ability to protect himself, and he was also the youngest.

Lin Chen didn't dare to question, so he had to agree honestly.

Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and searched for Gu Jingfeng's name, then handed it to He Xin.

Shi Xin took it and took a look at it, and said in surprise: "Mr. Gu is leading the team, and the Imperial City pays so much attention to it? It seems that Jiaocheng is in big trouble."

Chen Yi: "It's indeed not small. Don't worry about the rest. We are only responsible for the criminal investigation part and wipe out all the crows in Jiaocheng. We will talk about the details when we meet Mr. Gu in the Imperial City tomorrow."

Shi Xin nodded: "Okay."

That night, when Chen Yi got home, he told Fang Shuyu about his business trip. Judging from the confused expression on the other party's face, she didn't know. It seemed that Fang Songping had never mentioned it to her.

"Jiao Cheng? What case is it?" Fang Shuyu asked.

Chen Yi simply explained: "It seems to be a smuggling case."

Fang Shuyu: "The smuggling case still needs to be investigated by people from Yangcheng. Isn't there anti-smuggling?"

Chen Yi: "The case may be complicated. I don't know it very well. I won't know until the local government reads the files."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay, then be careful. If it's a particularly serious smuggling case, the suspect will have the guts to attack the police."

The maximum limit for smuggling is indefinite. The more serious the crime, the more ferocious the criminals. The main reason is that people suspected of smuggling are generally in gangs, and the number of people makes them emboldened.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know it."

The next day, the four of them gathered together. After Chen Yi told Zhuo Yun a few words, he left the city bureau and rushed to the airport.

Wait, board, and take off.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, the three new people became inexplicably nervous.

What I am meeting this time is not an ordinary person.

What we are investigating this time is no ordinary case.

No one is sure what the outcome will be. Fortunately, with Chen Yi standing in front of them, they can feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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