Chapter 237 The Final Winner

Ruan Yiyi sat in the interrogation room for the second time. Compared to the first time, she seemed much calmer and may have adapted.

Chen Yi opened the door, walked in, sat down, and looked at Ruan Yiyi.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little weird.

After a long time, Ruan Yiyi couldn't help it anymore and said: "Captain Chen, when can you let me go? I remember that detention seems to have a time limit, right?"

Chen Yi didn't answer the question: "How is your relationship with Miao Beiling?"

Ruan Yiyi was helpless: "Again, haven't I already said it before? She and I have a very good relationship. We were good sisters when we were in college. When we joined the company, she was the one who helped us with her words."

"If it weren't for Lingling, I wouldn't be able to join the company. How could I repay kindness with hatred? It's really not me."

Chen Yi lowered his head, pretending to flip through the information in his hand, and his voice sounded: "How are your dancing skills?"

Ruan Yiyi: "Very good."

Chen Yi: "How does it compare with Miao Beiling?"

Ruan Yiyi paused for a moment and said, "Absolutely."

Chen Yi: "Since it's almost the same, why didn't you place in the dance competition that year?"

Hearing this, Ruan Yiyi frowned slightly, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and replied: "I...due to some personal reasons, I missed the exam at that time, which is a pity."

Chen Yi: "What personal reasons?"

Ruan Yiyi lowered her eyes and glanced at the information in front of Chen Yi: "I fell down and got injured on the way there, so I couldn't participate in the competition that day."

Chen Yi asked: "How did you fall?"

Ruan Yiyi: "A friend was riding a motorcycle with me, but the road slipped on a rainy day and I fell down."

Chen Yi: "Which friend, what's his name?"

Ruan Yiyi: "Wu Sihao."

Chen Yi: "Who is he, a college classmate?"

Ruan Yiyi: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Like you?"

Ruan Yiyi: "No, just ordinary friends."

Chen Yi snorted: "It's hard to have pure friendship between men and women, especially beautiful girls. What's his purpose in being friends with you?"

Ruan Yiyi: "He is chasing Lingling."

Chen Yi nodded: "I understand. A person who wanted to chase Miao Beiling took you to the finals by bicycle. He fell down on the road and you were unable to participate normally, so the champion became Miao Beiling."

Ruan Yiyi remained silent.

Chen Yi asked: "Have you met Wu Sihao after graduation?"

Ruan Yiyi clenched her fists: "No."

Chen Yi: "No, you have seen it. Not only did you see it, you also asked about the incident back then, and finally came to your own conclusion: Miao Beiling tricked you."

Ruan Yiyi clenched her fists tighter and tighter. She realized what she was doing and gritted her teeth: "Since you have met Wu Sihao, why do you need to ask me so many questions!"

Chen Yi: "If I don't ask you, how can I catch you lying?"

Ruan Yiyi said nothing. Since he had already lied, there was no use in explaining.

Chen Yi: "Do you hate her?"

Ruan Yiyi: "I don't know what you are talking about. So what if I met Wu Sihao or asked. I was just chatting and asking casually. It doesn't mean anything. If you insist that I did it, bring out the evidence." "

Chen Yi said: "There will definitely be evidence. I just don't want to waste each other's time. There must be traces of what we have done."

"I met your teacher Zhou Yueping. Do you want to know what we talked about? About you."

Ruan Yiyi raised his head slightly.

Chen Yi continued: "Your teacher's evaluation of you is better than that of Miao Beiling. She recognizes you more in terms of dance skills and personality. I think your relationship with her should be better than Miao Beiling's." Belling had a closer relationship with her.”

"But you didn't go to see her this time when you came to Yangcheng. I can see that she was a little disappointed, but she doesn't blame you."

Hearing this, Ruan Yiyi looked sad.

Chen Yi: "In the dance competition back then, the company wanted to sign the winner. You didn't know about this until later, right? That's why you went to see Wu Sihao to find out what caused you to miss the exam."

"You already had doubts about Miao Beiling. In the one or two years since you arrived at the company, you witnessed how Miao Beiling got to where she is today step by step. This made you feel that she was not as simple as she seemed on the surface."

"And after you got the answer back then, you were completely disappointed in Miao Beiling and saw through the nature of her green tea."

"The most ironic thing for you is that after she signed with the acting company as she wished, she actually begged the company to sign you too. This makes you feel very disgusted."

"The person you pretend to be secretly and pretend to be false on the surface has completely aroused your anger."

"So, you decided to take revenge. She used despicable means to win the dance competition championship."

"If you were the champion back then, maybe the status would be reversed today..."

Ruan Yiyi had been silent. After hearing this, she interrupted softly: "If I had been the champion back then, my status would not be reversed today. She could have countless ways to gradually erase my halo as a champion."

"Momentary glory and glory are useless. The one who laughs to the end is the winner."

Chen Yi stopped talking.

These words meant that Ruan Yiyi was ready to explain everything.

Ruan Yiyi smiled: "She can survive in any environment like a fish in water. This is where I can't compare to her."

"On the surface she felt sorry for my absence from the exam, and on the surface she begged the company to sign me up, but the truth was that she deliberately induced Wu Sihao, a licker, to throw me on the road."

"On the surface, she was sad because of the group's disbandment, but in fact, she secretly promoted the group's disbandment."

"Yes, she is nice to everyone, but she has a purpose, including Yan Tong. Yan Tong is an old man in the company. Although he is not popular, he has a wide network of contacts. Relying on Yan Tong's friendship, she can be in the company The company needs to gain a foothold as soon as possible."       "She is too powerful. I am no match for her. The only way to defeat her is through unconventional means."

Chen Yi asked: "So, you did this? Did you give sunscreen containing sulfa drugs to Miao Beiling?"

Ruan Yiyi did not answer. The police had found out everything they could. At this moment, her psychological defense was shaky, but it was still a little bit close.

Chen Yi naturally understood Ruan Yiyi's mental state and said: "We have confirmed your suspicion. All that is left is to find evidence. The process may take a long time. During this period, you will face a long period of detention. I don't think so." has no meaning."

"By the way, Miao Beiling has problems with her accounting and is suspected of tax evasion. In addition, she may have other illegal activities. The Economic Investigation Detachment will conduct an in-depth investigation and tell the truth. Her future will be ruined."

Hearing this, Ruan Yiyi was surprised for a moment, and then mocked: "There is such a thing, she is really courageous, she will do anything for profit and fame, how could I become friends with her in the first place. "

Chen Yi: "It's normal to know people but not their hearts. Do you regret that you got yourself involved?"

Ruan Yiyi sighed deeply and said: "If you don't regret it later, you have already done it, and we will die together."

Seeing Miao Beiling who was about to fall from the altar, and it was impossible for her to escape the police's pursuit, she chose to confess.

Chen Yi: "Is Yan Tong involved in this matter?"

Ruan Yiyi shook his head: "No."

Chen Yi: "Then why are her fingerprints everywhere?"

Ruan Yiyi said: "I'm sorry Sister Tong."

"In the past few years, Sister Tong has helped Miao Beiling a lot. I thought she was stupid and angry, so I involved her too. This way I can be safer. There is no evidence to prove that it is me or her. Then I can only let them all go."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "Actually, you are very smart."

Ruan Yiyi laughed at herself: "She is not as good as Miao Beiling, she is the smartest one."

She stopped calling Lingling and took off all disguises. The matter should be over now.

Chen Yi: "Tell me about the whole process."

Ruan Yiyi's voice sounded. She had been planning for a long time and started to implement it half a month ago, so that when Miao Beiling was about to enter a higher level in her career, she would be knocked down with a stick.

The timing was well chosen. At the moment when the group was about to disband, everything Miao Beiling had worked hard for several years also disappeared.

The detailed process was basically consistent with the previous judgment. First, Yan Tong's fingerprints were obtained, then Miao Beiling's sunscreen was replaced, and finally Miao Beiling's sunscreen was stolen and thrown away before leaving the hotel for the stadium.

Although several people were in the room at the time, Ruan Yiyi had many opportunities to do this. She could just throw it into the trash can and the hotel's cleaning staff would handle it later.

Every link has the fingerprints of three people, and the suspect cannot be locked. This is the result Ruan Yiyi wants, the more chaotic the better.

After listening, Chen Yi asked: "Do you want to kill her?"

Ruan Yiyi shook her head: "I'm not that cruel. If I really wanted to kill her, I wouldn't have chosen to do the farewell concert."

This is quite logical. Miao Beiling can be treated in the shortest time in public.

Chen Yi did not dwell on this question. Even if Ruan Yiyi really wanted Miao Beiling's life, there would be no answer.

The most important result is that Miao Beiling is still alive.

"Where did you buy sulfa drugs?" Chen Yi continued to ask.

Ruan Yiyi: "Imperial City."

Chen Yi: "Tell me the exact location."

Ruan Yiyi: "Turn right at the east gate of Phoenix Washington Mansion and reach Tongren Pharmacy."

Chen Yi: "Time."

Ruan Yiyi: "I can't remember clearly, probably within a month."

Chen Yi left the interrogation room and asked He Xin to contact the Imperial City to collect evidence before releasing Yan Tong.

Over the course of a day and night, Yan Tong became quite haggard. The first thing she did when she left the detention room was to ask who the suspect in the case was.

"Ruan Yiyi." Chen Yi replied.

Yan Tong was not surprised, but looked puzzled: "Why did she do this?"

Chen Yi only said one sentence: "Because in the dance competition back then, the champion was not necessarily Miao Beiling. Others...don't you know?"

Yan Tong understood and laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, I should know. Thank you, Captain Chen. You are a very good policeman. Can you add me on WeChat?"

Chen Yi: "It's inconvenient."

Yan Tong was embarrassed: "Okay, goodbye."

Watching Yan Tong leave, Chen Yi took out his cigarette case.

If you want to survive in a harsh environment, you must have the vision to discover the protagonist.

Yan Tong's rank is still not low. He can have both sides while sticking to the bottom line, and he won't be offended if he doesn't kneel down and lick her.

Therefore, she was able to escape unscathed from this incident and become the final winner.

Luck comes from early accumulation.

Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling will definitely withdraw from the stage. If the company wants to stop losses in time, it can only support Yan Tong.

A scheming person and a criminal, Yan Tong's light will be very dazzling in the eyes of all fans. This is the psychological change brought about by contrast.

It’s not about settling for second best.

She was not inferior to begin with.

(End of this chapter)

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