Chapter 235 Past Events

"Let's look at the clues and suspect Ruan Yiyi first."

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi stood up and came to the whiteboard, picked up a marker and wrote a few lines.

Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling have the best relationship.

Ruan Yiyi relied on Miao Beiling when she entered the company.

Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling were classmates in college.

Everyone watched Chen Yi's movements. After finishing writing, Chen Yi drew a circle with emphasis on the words "university" and "company".

He said: "If Ruan Yiyi did this, the reason why she would do this at any cost and risk her future must be very important to her and cannot be accepted."

"From a criminal perspective, it's not for profit, but for feelings."

"Looking at the time and place, the reason came either from the company or from the university."

"Therefore, we need to split up now and investigate their companies and universities at the same time. Lao He, you and Brother Yun will work together to comprehensively investigate Miao Beiling's situation in the company. Don't let anyone go without any details."

"Shopping malls are like battlefields, not to mention the entertainment industry. We will dig out everything we can. If you need help from economic investigators, don't hesitate to go to Director Zhang to coordinate, or call me and I will contact Old Tang directly."

What is the company most afraid of? Economic Investigation Detachment, three of the company's most popular artists are now involved in criminal cases. If anything is found, they can only be blamed for their misfortune.

Shi Xin nodded: "Okay, I know."

Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei and the others: "Qin Fei, Sister Jiang, follow me to check Miao Beiling's school. Everyone should get involved and try to find new clues in the shortest possible time."


Early the next morning, Chen Yi took Qin Fei, Jiang Xiaoxin and several other police officers and drove to Yangcheng Art School.

This is the school where Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling graduated. It may be for this reason that the company held the group's farewell concert in Yangcheng.

Yangcheng is the starting point for the two of them and the end point of the combination. It is very meaningful to end here.

On the way, Wei Jianfeng called to inquire about the progress of the investigation. Chen Yi could not be too certain and told the other party in detail what he had found so far.

Wei Jianfeng was experienced and understood immediately. Before hanging up the phone, he politely asked Chen Yi to check faster.

For public cases, the pressure from the provincial department is also greater. Fans and reporters will not have the patience to wait for you to investigate, and they will act like a monster online all the time.

When they arrived at Yangcheng Art Institute, everyone went directly to the dance department to find the dean in charge. After checking the information, they contacted the counselors of Miao Beiling and Ruan Yiyi.

After a phone call, Chen Yi only asked three things.

First, who is the teacher with whom Miao Beiling has the best relationship?

Second, who is the monitor?

Third, who are the roommates?

It has been six or seven years since graduation. If you want to fully understand what happened back then, the fastest way is to find people in these three fields.

At this moment, Chen Yi had already brought people to the school's dance training room and met a dance teacher named Zhou Yueping.

Zhou Yueping is over forty years old. She has short, sleek hair and wears tight dance clothes that show off her figure. She looks graceful and graceful.

Sure enough, dancing can improve a woman's temperament. Zhou Yueping can be described as still charming. She has the figure of a young girl, but also has a maturity that they do not have.

"Interpol? Please sit down."

After learning Chen Yi's identity, Zhou Yueping was not surprised and asked a few people to sit on the floor. The dance training room was relatively clean.

"Does Teacher Zhou know that something happened to Miao Beiling?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhou Yueping hugged her legs together, nodded and said: "I know, it has been spread on the Internet, how can I still not know?"

Chen Yi: "You didn't go to the concert?"

Zhou Yueping: "No, that's where young people go."

Chen Yi was surprised.

The other party is the university mentor of Miao Beiling and Ruan Yiyi. His students have made great progress. Why don't you go and see them?

Seeing Chen Yi's doubts, Zhou Yueping smiled and said: "I am a teacher and can be considered an elder. They didn't invite me, why should I go?"

Chen Yi understood that for this kind of thing, the student should invite the teacher. When they all arrived in Yangcheng, the first thing they had to do was to thank the teacher, but Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling didn't seem to do this.

"Are you a little disappointed?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhou Yueping smiled: "No, it's been so many years. It's my duty to teach them, so I can't ask for too much."

"I still had contact with them not long after I graduated, but it gradually faded away. It's normal."

Chen Yi nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Did Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling have a good relationship when they were in college?"

Zhou Yueping: "Yes, very good. They are the best dancers I have ever taught. They are quite talented. At that time, I guessed that they would have good development after graduation. Unexpectedly, the results exceeded my expectations." .”

Chen Yi caught something wrong and asked: "Both of them? Are they both good? In dance?"

Zhou Yueping: "Yes."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Then why didn't Ruan Yiyi even place in the dance competition that year?"

Zhou Yueping: "I missed the final exam."

Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Why did you miss the exam?"

Zhou Yueping replied: "I heard that I fell down on the road. I don't know the details. Anyway, I stayed in the hospital for two days."

Chen Yi asked a key question: "If Ruan Yiyi can participate in the competition normally, do you think the champion will still be Miao Beiling?"

Regarding this question, Zhou Yueping thought about it seriously and said: "Not necessarily. Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling's skills are both perfect. The difference lies in their style and temperament. It depends on luck. Maybe the judges prefer Ruan Yiyi or Miao Beiling." One of Miao Beiling."

Next to them, Qin Fei and the others also realized something. This clue was very important. Could it be that Ruan Yiyi's absence from the exam was caused by Miao Beiling?

If so, the plausibility of the motive increases.

If the champion that year is replaced by Ruan Yiyi, the company may not sign Miao Beiling, and the subsequent development of the two will become completely different.

This matter requires in-depth investigation.

Chen Yi would not talk to Zhou Yueping about this matter, so he changed the subject: "How are the relationship issues between the two of them in college?" Zhou Yueping said: "As far as I know, we have never talked about it. There are suitors, especially Miao Beiling. , there are many people chasing her.”

Chen Yi: "What do you think of Miao Beiling?"

Zhou Yueping hesitated.

Chen Yi: "It's okay. You can say whatever you want. We will keep it confidential."

Zhou Yueping said: "She is a very motivated and innocent girl. I like her very much, but... I don't see any shortcomings in her, which makes me feel unreal about her. Do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Understand, only those with flaws are perfect. Truly perfect people do not exist. If a person appears to be perfect in our eyes, there is only one possibility. She has disguised her flaws."

Zhou Yueping suddenly understood and said with a smile: "That's a good explanation. That's what I meant."

After chatting for a while, Chen Yi and others left. They gained a lot from this meeting and may advance the case.

Through the conversation with Zhou Yueping, Chen Yi became more and more suspicious that there was something wrong with Miao Beiling.

She ended up in the hospital after an accident, maybe it was really because of the shortcomings that Miao Beiling had concealed that were discovered, and the one who was most likely to find out was Ruan Yiyi, who was closest to Miao Beiling.

A general's success will lead to thousands of bones being withered, and those who have no power in the city will not be able to reach high positions. I am afraid that Miao Beiling is not as simple, simple, and kind as everyone seems to see on the surface.

In the next day, Chen Yi contacted Miao Beiling's class monitor and roommates in the dormitory, and through them he learned about people who had a close relationship with Miao Beiling.

In addition, there are people who have a better relationship with Ruan Yiyi.

Overall, there are about a dozen people.

For the sake of efficiency, Chen Yi chose to contact him by phone, and finally learned the reason why Ruan Yiyi fell that year.

Wu Sihao.

This man came into Chen Yi's sight.

He had a close relationship with Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling back then.

The connection with Miao Beiling is because Wu Sihao likes Miao Beiling and has been pursuing her crazily.

The connection with Ruan Yiyi is also because Wu Sihao likes Miao Beiling and hopes to indirectly get Miao Beiling by getting Miao Beiling's best friend.

The most important point is that when Ruan Yiyi went to participate in the competition, it was Wu Sihao who took her there on a motorcycle. The motorcycle fell down on the road and both of them went to the hospital.

The injury was not serious, and he was still active after a few days of treatment, but it was enough to prevent Ruan Yiyi from participating in the game normally.

Wu Sihao is a native of Yangcheng. After graduating from art school, he chose to take the teacher qualification certificate. Now he is a middle school physical education teacher on staff. He does not make much money and has no worries about food and clothing.

Chen Yi met Wu Sihao, who was packing up sports equipment in the tent on the school playground.

"Wu Sihao!"

Chen Yi walked in quickly with a cold and stern voice.

He did it on purpose. Needless to say, let’s go straight to the most critical issue.

Wu Sihao turned around and saw a group of people walking towards him, feeling a little confused.

Chen Yi kept talking: "Ruan Yiyi fell down on the way to participate in the dance competition. Was it your intention?!"

Hearing this, Wu Sihao's expression changed. He let go of his hands and the instrument fell and almost hit his foot.

"You... who are you!" Wu Sihao asked after reacting.

Qin Fei took out his ID: "The Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau is here to find out the situation from you."

Wu Sihao quickly shut up and did not dare to say any more.

Chen Yi: "Answer the question!"

Wu Sihao was silent.

Chen Yi waved, and Qin Fei immediately stepped forward and took out the handcuffs.

Seeing this, Wu Sihao was startled and couldn't help but step back: "Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't… I have something to say."

Scare can still be effective in certain situations, as is the saying that frankness will be treated with leniency but strictness will not be tolerated.

A kind person cannot be a policeman. If he is too polite, he will not be able to investigate any case.

Chen Yi snorted coldly: "I'm listening."

Wu Sihao hesitated for a moment and said: "It's been so long, you won't want to arrest me again, right?"

Chen Yi: "After hearing the truth, we will leave immediately, otherwise we will take you back to the city bureau for questioning."

Ruan Yiyi's injuries were considered minor at best, not even meeting the standards for minor injuries in criminal cases. After so many years, it was impossible to pursue the case.

Wu Sihao was helpless. He was a teacher. Once he joined the city bureau, his reputation would be damaged and his career would be affected.

"Okay, I did it on purpose... I was chasing Miao Beiling without thinking about anything, and she wasn't seriously injured."

Chen Yi asked: "Who asked you to do this?"

This question made Wu Sihao stunned for a moment and said: "No one, just myself."

Chen Yi stared at him: "Tell the truth."

Wu Sihao: "Really, I did it myself."

Chen Yi: "Are you and Miao Beiling together after that?"

Wu Sihao was embarrassed: "No...she signed a contract with the company and gradually lost contact with her. Speaking of this matter...Hey, I'm very sorry for Ruan Yiyi."

Chen Yi thought, could it be that he was a villain and looked down on Miao Beiling?

Has nothing to do with her?

"Come, sit down, let's talk for a while."

Chen Yi spoke, but he still didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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