Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 234 Lack of evidence, change of direction

Chapter 234 Lack of evidence, change of direction

Chen Yi chatted with the two assistants for a long time. The subsequent questions mainly focused on the relationship between Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong. He needed more clues to judge the possibility of collusion to commit the crime.

According to the two people, the relationship between Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong is not good, and it is considered the worst relationship among the three.

Ruan Yiyi and Miao Beiling have the deepest relationship, followed by Miao Beiling and Yan Tong, and finally Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong.

The two even had a cold war for a while, but if it weren't for the existence of the group, they would have broken off contact long ago.

In this case, if it is a drama about enemies of enemies being friends, then the inference of conspiracy to commit crimes is basically untenable.

In addition, Chen Yi also learned about Yan Tong's reputation. He seemed aloof, but he was still very popular in the company. Chen Yi could tell from the assistant's tone that he was vaguely higher than Miao Beiling. .

Miao Beiling does have a good personality and is nice to everyone, but her sense of alienation is still quite obvious, probably because of her fame.

Compared with Miao Beiling, Yan Tong is friendlier. If her professional skills were not inferior to Miao Beiling, she might be the popular one.

"Are you referring to the singing level?" Chen Yi asked.

The assistant nodded: "Yes, in addition to singing skills, there is also dancing. Miao Beiling's stage style is very good. After all, she was once the champion of the dance competition. It was precisely because of this that the company signed Miao Beiling."

Chen Yi nodded. Judging from his motives, Miao Beiling's accident was obviously more beneficial to Yan Tong. She could immediately take over all the other party's traffic.

And Ruan Yiyi...doing this will only fulfill Yan Tong, she should know this.

However, judging from the interrogation process, he still believed that the problem displayed by Ruan Yiyi was bigger. If it was really Ruan Yiyi, then there was only one explanation: the motive had nothing to do with the disbandment of Fengling, and the target was Miao Beiling herself.

Finally, Chen Yi asked about Zuo Hua and received a unanimous answer.

Chen Yi left the hotel and returned to the city bureau. The next step was to wait.

He didn't go to Zuo Hua again. Since everyone said so, it couldn't be false.

Zuo Hua really likes Miao Beiling, and he has nothing to do with the case.

The search lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon. Just when Chen Yi had given up hope, Qin Fei returned and brought back a bottle of sunscreen.

The sunscreen was clean, without any contamination, and came in a clear evidence bag.

"Team Chen." After finding the key evidence, Qin Fei straightened his back and his excitement was visible on his face. "This bottle of sunscreen was found in a garbage bag in the guest room, mixed with a lot of daily garbage."

Chen Yi: "Send it to the technical department immediately."

Qin Fei: "Yes!"

The fingerprints were extracted quickly. Lu Yongqiang left the technical department and came to the case handling hall to tell the results.

"It's still the fingerprints of three people."

A few simple words silenced everyone present. If there were only two people's fingerprints, the case would basically be solved.

He Xin looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "The suspect is a little smarter than we thought. Let me ask him."

Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong did not leave the city bureau, but were detained in the detention room according to procedures.

That bottle of sulfa-containing sunscreen alone is enough to keep you here for a while.

Chen Yi first went to see Ruan Yiyi and asked her if she had used Miao Beiling's sunscreen.

The other party's answer was that he couldn't remember clearly. It seemed that he had used it before and could not give the time of use.

Chen Yi went to see Yan Tong again and asked the same question, but the other party's answer was that he had never used it.

"Never used it?" Chen Yi stared at Yan Tong, "Since it hasn't been used, why is there your fingerprint on Miao Beiling's own sunscreen?"

Yan Tong was confused again: "Do you fingerprints?"

"Impossible, I have never touched her cosmetics, not just hers, I have never touched anyone else's cosmetics. I have my own brand and I have never changed it."

"On the issue of cosmetics, many people in the company have consulted me. This is why I recommend sunscreen to Yiyi. If you don't believe me, Captain Chen can ask other people in the company."

After hearing this answer, Chen Yi turned around and was about to leave. He thought of something at this time and turned back to ask: "Are you sure you haven't touched other people's cosmetics? Thinking about it carefully, I can tell you responsibly that this is very possible. Xiao, you should have touched it."

Can fingerprints be transferred? Of course it is possible, but the operation skills are very high.

There are two possibilities now.

First, Yan Tong lied because he was a suspect.

Second, she didn't lie. Compared with Ruan Yiyi's ability, he was more willing to believe that Yan Tong had forgotten it.

Yan Tong frowned and recalled, suddenly thought of something, and said: "By the way, I have touched Yiyi's sunscreen."

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "When?"

Yan Tong: "When I gave Yiyi the bottle of sunscreen, didn't I say we talked about sunscreen before? She showed me hers, and then I recommended my own."

Chen Yi: "What kind of bottle?"

Yan Tong: "Black lid, transparent bottle."

Chen Yi picked up the evidence bag in his hand: "Is this it?"

Yan Tong looked over, nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

Chen Yi: "Ruan Yiyi's sunscreen is the same as Miao Beiling's?"

Yan Tong: "I don't know, I only talked to Yiyi."

Chen Yi: "Do you talk often?"

Yan Tong: "No, just that one time."

Chen Yi: "As far as I know, the relationship between you and Ruan Yiyi is not good. I heard that there was a cold war. This time they suddenly talked about cosmetics. Who brought it up?"

Yan Tong: "Her, I also want to ease the relationship between us. Since she takes the initiative, of course I will not refuse."

Chen Yi seemed to have a clear understanding of the case.

Is the seemingly weak and harmless Ruan Yiyi actually a vicious-hearted girl?

Yan Tong was very smart and realized something at this moment. He frowned and said, "She... did it on purpose?" Chen Yi did not answer the question and said, "Has Ruan Yiyi used your mobile phone? Don't answer in a hurry, think carefully. "

Yan Tong recalled for a while and said: "I used it once and said that the phone was out of battery."

Chen Yi left.

Arriving at the case handling hall, everyone was there. When did Xin Xin ask, "How was it?"

Chen Yi found a place to sit down, took out his mobile phone and said, "Wait a moment."

He called the police station at the hospital.

"Hello? Now go into the ward and ask Miao Beiling where the sunscreen she has been using recently came from."

After waiting for a while, Chen Yi heard the result and hung up the phone.

He looked up at He Xin and others and said, "If you don't consider the motive, Ruan Yiyi is extremely suspicious."

Shi Xin was a little surprised by this result and asked: "What happened to the search records?"

Chen Yi: "Ruan Yiyi used Yan Tong's mobile phone."

New when: "What about Miao Beiling's own sunscreen?"

Chen Yi: "Yan Tong has touched them, Ruan Yiyi has also touched them, not to mention Miao Beiling. Miao Beiling and Ruan Yiyi have a very good relationship. They used the same sunscreen during this period. They have changed things."

When did Xin Ting understand: "All clues cannot point to one person, so Ruan Yiyi thinks she is safe?"

There are two suspects to choose from, and when they can’t be sure who they are, they can only be released.

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, and said: "According to my judgment, it is like this."

He Xin hesitated: "But this motive..."

Chen Yi leaned on the chair, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: "That's why I say, if you don't consider the motive, it was her who did it. If you consider the motive, there are still doubts in this case."

"Stop standing, everyone sit down."

Everyone sat down, this was a small impromptu meeting.

"What do you think?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhuo Yun was the first to speak: "Team Chen, if the source of sulfonamide drugs cannot be traced and where it was thrown away, wouldn't this case be an open case? When it comes to the court, it is impossible for both people to be convicted."

Qin Fei: "Isn't this the result the suspect wants? Find a good lawyer and there is a high probability that he will be released in court."

Chen Yidao: "It's too early to consider so much. We can't even lock down the suspect now."

Everyone was silent, this was indeed a problem.

The first interrogation was inconclusive, and if there are no new clues and evidence, continued interrogation will not yield much.

If the facts are really like what Chen Yi said just now, it was Ruan Yiyi who did it. If the plan was so detailed, it would be impossible to let go easily. I have to say that dragging Yantong into the trap is indeed very smart.

Muddle the water, the muddier the better.

"It's difficult to find evidence in this case," someone said.

Chen Yi said: "If it's difficult...just change the direction of the investigation and simply stop looking for evidence. Get the confession first and look for evidence through the confession."

As long as the suspect lets go and the case becomes clear, everything will be easy to handle.

Evidence is a must.

We should pay less attention to confessions but focus more on evidence. Even if we get a confession, there is a possibility of reversing the confession in the future without evidence.

Conversely, if the evidence is solid, a zero confession can lead to a conviction.

When new: "The question is, how do you get a confession?"

Chen Yi did not speak and took a few puffs of his cigarette silently. In his mind, he began to recall the whole process of questioning Miao Beiling, Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong.

Every detail, every sentence, flashed by slowly like a movie, repeated endlessly.

During this period, Chen Yi put out his cigarette and adjusted to a comfortable posture.

Everyone looked at Chen Yi and waited quietly.

I don't know how much time passed, but Chen Yi's eyes that were about to close suddenly opened and he slowly straightened up.

"There's one more person that needs to be investigated."

"Is there another person?" Ji Xin was stunned for a moment, "Who else is there? Isn't it just the two of them?"

Chen Yi: "I'm talking about Miao Beiling."

Shi Xin didn't understand: "What's wrong with Miao Beiling?"

Chen Yidao: "I only met her once. When she learned that her allergies were man-made, her first reaction was to terminate the investigation. I apologize. Why do you think Miao Beiling chose to forgive?"

Shi Xindao: "Both Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong have a very good relationship with her. She feels heartbroken and doesn't want to face it, and she doesn't want to pursue it. This is an explanation, what do you mean?"

He heard something between the lines.

Chen Yi said: "Ruan Yiyi scolded me for being dark before, and I admit it. When you put on this police uniform, you have to look at everything with suspicion,"

"The appearance is ruined. This is a fatal blow to a girl. It is more uncomfortable than death. Forgive me? I don't believe there are such pure and kind people in the world."

"Based on what we know about Miao Beiling now, she can be called the White Moonlight in the eyes of all men. I think it's a bit fake."

After the words fell, everyone looked at each other in shock. Captain Chen began to question the victim's character.

That's Miao Beiling. Whether in the eyes of fans or colleagues in the company, including Ruan Yiyi and Yan Tong, they all receive unanimous praise, and her reputation is unparalleled.

If something is found out, how many people will have to collapse the house.

Ji Xin thought about it seriously and said: "I agree, if Ruan Yiyi is a suspect, the motive is very reluctant and unreasonable at all, unless there are other reasons, such as... what Miao Beiling has done before."

(End of this chapter)

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