Chapter 179 Ex-husband one, two, three, four, five
After learning that Qu Pinnglei and Geng Wen's five ex-husbands were all connected, Chen Yi immediately decided to detain Liao Shaobo for 24 hours.

This clue is so weird that there's definitely something wrong with it.

It can be said that it was a coincidence that Liao Shaobo met Qu Pinglei, but what about the others?Is it all a coincidence?The possibility is infinitely close to zero.

Chen Yi felt at this moment that the case was about to make major progress.

All you need to know is why Qu Pinglei knew Geng Wen's six husbands at the same time.

In this matter, he already had a speculation, that is, Geng Wen and Qu Pinglei may also be involved in illegal crimes, and Geng Wen's six husbands are all victims.

As long as you are a victim, there will be losses. As long as there are losses, people will be angry. As long as people are angry, they may make irreversible actions.

Nothing happened to the first five people. When they arrived at Liao Shaobo's place, Geng Wen died and Qu Pinglei turned off her cell phone and disappeared mysteriously. Then Liao Shaobo's problem became huge.

Therefore, he would keep it for 24 hours. Within 24 hours, he would investigate everything and find clues and evidence.

It was already very late. Geng Wen's five ex-husbands were called to the city bureau and sat in a row on the chairs in the inquiry room.

Chen Yi did not ask separately, but chose to ask together. First, to save time, and second, to communicate with each other, there should be unexpected gains.

As long as there is a lot of common ground, his previous inferences can be confirmed.

At this moment, Chen Yi has found the first common ground.

In his hands were the personal details of Geng Wen's five ex-husbands. Without exception, they were all small business owners with considerable assets.

I can’t say that I am particularly rich, but I still have millions or even tens of millions.

The marital status is different. Some are divorced like Liao Shaobo, and some are married to Geng Wen for the first time.

In the questioning room, the five ex-husbands looked at each other in confusion, obviously they did not know each other.

Before Chen Yi, who was sorting out the information, could speak, they started chatting themselves.

"Brother, who are you? Why were you called to the city bureau?"

"They say my ex-wife died and asked me to come over to cooperate with the investigation. I'm still wondering. What's your reason?"

"Your ex-wife is dead? My ex-wife is also dead."

"Eh? Me too, my ex-wife is dead too."

"Your ex-wives can't be the same person, right? What's their name? My ex-wife's name is Geng Wen."

"Damn it! What the hell, my ex-wife is also called Geng Wen, the same name??"

"Are there any photos? Let me take a look."

"Yes, yes, come on, come on, look for them all."

When the five people looked through the photos and determined that their ex-wives were Geng Wen, the scene suddenly became uproar and became a little out of control.

"What's going on? Geng Wen said that he has four ex-husbands, how about you guys?" Ex-husband Wu frowned and asked.

The ex-husband was a little dissatisfied: "How can we talk? When I married her, you guys didn't know where you were!"

Ex-husband [-]: "We are evenly matched, what do you mean?"

Ex-husband [-]: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, why are you still comparing yourself to others? Everyone is dead, can you please be quiet? Listen to what the police say, what is going on?"

On the other side, when Xin Zhuoyun and others looked at each other.

This scene has really not happened once in many years. Geng Wen is really a harvester of her ex-husband, and...

When I called to inquire before, these people were obviously very angry. Why are they starting to compare with each other now after meeting each other?

This also indirectly shows that Geng Wen at least has a good character. In addition, her appearance is quite outstanding. Men can't help but feel possessive in their hearts and want to prove their status in Geng Wen's heart.

Although she has been divorced, it does not hinder her vanity, at least she once had it.

Sure enough, beauty is a curse, otherwise there are jokes on the Internet saying: In ancient times, the emperor's military expedition to the Western Regions was not just for those raisins. Aren't the beauties from the Western Regions fragrant?
Seeing that the quarrel between the few people was getting more and more intense, Zhuo Yun looked at Chen Yi, who raised his finger.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun immediately stepped forward and scolded: "Okay, okay, stop arguing. We are already divorced, so why should we decide who comes first? This is a major criminal case. Answer our questions seriously!"

The five people quickly fell silent. After all, this was the criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau, and they still respected the criminal police.

After Chen Yi read all the information, he raised his head, glanced at the five people, and said, "To save time, I'm asking now. You can just nod or shake your head. It's either this or that. It's very simple."

"Have you met Geng Wen through someone's introduction?"

The five nodded.

Chen Yi: "Is it a blind date website?"

The five nodded.

Chen Yi: "After marriage, did Geng Wen suffer from sexual frigidity? She couldn't have sex once every month or two on average?"

The five people continued to nod, the scene was a bit strange.

Chen Yi: "Geng Wen doesn't object to having children?"

The five people still nodded.

Chen Yi: "You all cheated?"

When this issue was mentioned, the five people tacitly agreed not to react and remained silent.

Although cheating is not illegal, it is not a glorious thing. No one wants to admit that they have cheated in public.

Chen Yi repeated: "Have you all cheated?"

The five people each made small movements, some scratched their heads, some touched their noses, but they just refused to admit it.

Chen Yi waved his hand: "Show them Qu Pinnglei's photo."

"Yes!" Zhuo Yun stepped forward and placed Qu Pinnglei's photo in front of the five people.

The five of them lowered their heads and glanced, and one of them said subconsciously: "Qu Pinnglei? Isn't this Xixi?"

Another person said: "Her name is Xixi? She told me her name is Mengmeng."

Others couldn't sit still and spoke one after another.

"You all know her? Her name is Baobao."

"Go ahead, what a disgusting name. Her name is Yingying."

All police officers present: "..."

This was a big deal, and the quarrel started again.

At this moment, Xixin realized that there was definitely a big problem with Geng Wen and Qu Pinglei. They should be... cheating on their marriage, and they were organized and premeditated, otherwise they wouldn't have formed a group to undergo plastic surgery.

Boom boom boom!
"Okay, okay, be quiet!"

Chen Yi knocked on the table, and the five ex-husbands stopped talking and turned their heads to look over.

"Officer, what on earth is going on?" someone asked.

Chen Yi said: "It's very simple. I can tell you responsibly that you have encountered a scam."

The five were startled.

Scam? ?
Chen Yi: "Which of you has ever gone through a divorce lawsuit with Geng Wen?"

Divorce lawsuits are civil lawsuits and cannot be found by the municipal bureau. They need to go to the court to obtain them.

No need to bother now, you can just ask.

Two people raised their hands.

"I did."

"I did too."

The remaining three people shook their heads and said there was no lawsuit.

Chen Yi asked: "Have you all signed a prenuptial agreement?"

These words allowed the five people to communicate again.

"Did you sign it?"

"I signed it."

"Damn! I signed it too, you bitch! I mean, how could such a beautiful woman marry me so happily!!" "What about you? Did you sign it?"

"I signed too."

"Me too."

While several people were exchanging words with indignation, He Xin sat over and asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Yi said: "The marriage period is too short, and we can't divide much property. Even if we leave the house, these people won't make much in a year, so they need to sign a prenuptial agreement."

"The content of the agreement is very simple. As long as one of the two parties cheats after the marriage, not only must they clean up and leave the house, but they must also compensate the other party for their mental losses."

Shi Xin understood: "Let me tell you, why did Geng Wen get divorced so quickly? It turns out that she was prepared in advance."

Premarital property is premarital property. It is fixed and cannot be divided after divorce, so Geng Wen came up with this trick.

These five people, including Liao Shaobo, still earn a lot of money every month.

In addition to post-marital property and agreed compensation, Geng Wen almost gets seven figures every time she gets married.

These days, no job can earn seven figures. The money comes in so fast.

The most important thing is that it is relatively safe. At least these five people did not call the police. After all, they were the ones at fault and had the affair first.

In this case, even if Geng Wen and Qu Pinglei are caught, as long as they don't admit it and there is no direct evidence, it will be difficult to convict them.

If the two people were smarter and did not contact each other by phone or the Internet, the money they received would not be traced back to the stolen money, and the police would be helpless.

Of course, this is theoretical and difficult to operate and implement.

After a long time, the five people finished their discussion and came to a unanimous conclusion: I was afraid that they had really been deceived.

The second ex-husband spoke up: "Officer, what you mean is that Geng Wen deliberately married us, and then Mengmeng... No, Qu Pinglei, and then Qu Pinglei deliberately approached us to get evidence of cheating, and finally Geng Wen divorced us? Yes. Is that so?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

The ex-husband raised a question: "Then... what about having children? She agreed to have children."

Sure enough, ex-husband [-] is ex-husband [-], which is different from ex-husband [-], [-], [-], [-]. After all, he was the first to marry Geng Wen, and maybe he is still deeply in love with Geng Wen at this moment.

Chen Yi looked at him and said: "It's very simple. Anyway, we don't have sex often. Just take emergency contraceptive pills after each time."

Ex-husband [-]: “…”

He was speechless.

Chen Yi: "Also, do you all live together with Qu Pinnglei? Do you rarely go home?"

The five people looked at each other, no longer hiding anything at this time, and all nodded.

Chen Yi hummed: "It's reasonable. Now that the man is cheating, it's not a complete cleanup and leaving the house, it's just a small amount of money."

"The five of you can earn 10,000+, hundreds of thousands, or even more than hundreds of thousands every month. No matter how little money you have, it's just money."

“One of the regulations on leaving the house is as follows: the fact that one party and the cheating partner are cohabiting can be deemed as leaving the house.”

Hearing this, all five people fell silent. This news... was actually a bit difficult for them to accept.

The main thing is that Geng Wen is indeed... very beautiful and charming.

Hey, as expected, there is no such thing as pie in the sky. My marriage is not going well, and a woman who is perfect in all aspects suddenly appears in my life. She will definitely be happy to marry me.

Chen Yi glanced at the five of them and said, "What did Geng Wen tell you when we signed the prenuptial agreement? Why did you all agree? Didn't you have any doubts?"

The ex-husband turned around and said, "How about you tell me?"

Ex-husband [-]: "Just tell me, I's all the same."

Ex-husband [-]: “That’s what you said.”

At this moment, the five of them stopped quarreling and became humble, feeling quite sympathetic to each other.

The ex-husband sighed and said, "Let me tell you."

"At that time, Geng Wen mentioned her ex-boyfriend and said that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. She was very sad. Now she doesn't trust men very much and feels very insecure. So she wanted to sign a prenuptial agreement with me. As long as one of the parties cheats, she will give it to her. 200 million compensation.”

Someone interrupted: "So much, I only have 100 million."

Another person said: "I... I'm bargaining for 50."

The word "bargain" was used very appropriately. All the police officers present felt that they were listening to a "wonderful" story.

The ex-husband smiled bitterly and continued: "I didn't think much about it at the time. If a girl so beautiful and with such a good figure wants to marry me, I can just sign the premarital cheating agreement. I won't cheat anyway."

Chen Yi said: "You are still lucky, right? Even if you cheat in the future, as long as you are careful, the other party won't find out."

The ex-husband said nothing.

The ex-husband said angrily: "I had known that I should have tried to get married. If I had known that she was cold, I would have never married her!"

The ex-husband hesitated: "I... I lived with her before marriage, and I didn't notice any coldness..."

As soon as these words came out, the four of them turned their heads.

"What did you say? Is it true or false? What's going on?" Some people are sour. It doesn't hurt if it happens more often.

Ex-husband [-]: “I don’t know, ask the police.”

The four of them looked at Chen Yi again.

Chen Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm just pretending."

"You can do anything before getting married. After getting married, she needs to pretend to be cold. Only in this way can you greatly increase the chance of you cheating."

"After all, physiological needs are just like food needs. They are human instincts. This is not entirely your fault."

After hearing this, all five people understood.

This woman is such a seductive person, holy shit!A series of operations that are impeccable.

First she married herself, then she pretended to be cold, and took emergency contraceptive pills to prevent herself from getting pregnant, and then she let Qu Pinnglei seduce her.

That Qu Pinnglei's appearance is not inferior to Geng Wen at all. Now she rushes towards her. She can't touch her at home. Which man can bear it?
Damn, I'm so convinced! !

Chen Yi: "Tell me how much money we lost in total."

Ex-husband 300: "I have about [-] million."

Ex-husband 200: “I have [-] million.”

Ex-husband 200: “[-] million.”

Ex-husband 150: “[-] million.”

Ex-husband 350: "I have to have... [-] million. Can I get it back?"

Chen Yi calculated it and found that it had reached more than 1000 million.

I earned 1000 million in five or six years. Even in Yangcheng, as long as I don't spend too much, I can basically achieve financial freedom.

Repeat the operation a few more times and remove the one assigned to Qu Pinglei. Twenty to thirty million is no problem.

This life is fine.

She didn't choose to find someone who was particularly rich, but chose a small boss. She was very smart.

Really rich people will not be easily fooled by Geng Wen, and it is absolutely impossible to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Even if it is signed, it will benefit the man.

For example, when a certain entrepreneur in the Imperial City got married, he advanced his salary for decades after the marriage. The brains of these people were not something that Geng Wen could deceive.

When Geng Wen left her job after less than a year on the job, it was probably because it was too difficult to make money.

Once this matter is confirmed, the person who killed Geng Wen is basically clear.

Liao Shaobo is suspected of committing a major crime.

Geng Wen can't succeed every time. There will always be times when the boat capsizes in the gutter. This time she met Liao Shaobo, who had a criminal record, and the marriage fraud was stopped, and it even cost her own life.

Now we are just inferring whether it was Liao Shaobo who killed him. He needs to be interrogated in depth and investigated in detail.

(End of this chapter)
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