Chapter 178 New Important Clue
After chatting for a while, Chen Yi took out his cigarette case and handed one over naturally.

There is a smell of cigarette smoke in the room, which means that Liao Shaobo smokes.

"Thank you."

Liao Shaobo took it, stood up, went to the desk, took out an ashtray, and placed it on the coffee table.

The ashtray is square and made of glass.

Chen Yi glanced at it and then looked away, continuing to learn about Geng Wen's situation with Liao Shaobo.

"Mr. Liao, you just said that Geng Wen seldom goes out and has no friends?"

Liao Shaobo nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Do you know Qu Pinnglei?"

"Qu Pinnglei?" Liao Shaobo was unfamiliar with this name. "The surname is Qu. People with the surname Qu are really rare. I don't know her."

Chen Yi was surprised: "You are all married, don't you know her friends?"

Even if Geng Wen has no father or mother, it is impossible for her to have no friends. This is not in line with normal logic. Even if she is relatively withdrawn, she should have a few people she knows.

Apart from anything else, Geng Wen has already gone through the process from primary school to university, and the university is still a key university, and she attended classes for less than one year after graduation.

Can you have no friends?
Chen Yi didn't quite believe it.

If it really doesn't exist, then there must be something wrong here. As the saying goes, there must be monsters when things go wrong.

Liao Shaobo replied: "I really don't know her. We got married on a trip. We didn't have a big banquet. I never heard her talk about her friends after the wedding."

Chen Yi fell into thinking.

This is really strange.

After talking about this, Liao Shaobo's suspicion of committing the crime became smaller in his eyes, mainly because of the lack of motive for the murder.

It's just frigidity, so it shouldn't lead to murder.

Unless Liao Shaobo used force on Geng Wen out of anger and accidentally caused Geng Wen's death in the process, this possibility exists.

Therefore, we need to go to Liao Shaobo's home to have a look.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi said: "Mr. Liao, can we go to your house to have a look? The main reason is to take a look at Geng Wen's room, hoping to find some clues."

Liao Shaobo did not refuse: "Okay, but I can't leave here. I will provide you with the temporary password for the password lock at home. Can you go by yourself?"

Chen Yi: "Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Liao."

Liao Shaobo: "It's okay, she is my wife after all."

Chen Yi: "By the way, there is also this office. Can we come and check it out?"

Liao Shaobo was surprised: "Here? What are you checking here?"

Chen Yi smiled: "It's just a routine check."

Liao Shaobo said indifferently: "Okay, you can do whatever you want. It's all for the purpose of investigating the case. I will cooperate."

Several people left the restaurant, and after getting in the car, Shi Xin said: "This Uncle Liao Shao is too calm. Why do I think he is very suspicious?"

Chen Yi hesitated and said: "There is indeed something wrong with his reaction. Let's check his information."

"Qin Fei, call Brother Qiang and ask him to take a trace inspection to Geng Wen's house immediately."

Qin Fei: "Okay."

Chen Yi continued: "Brother Yun, call Qu Pinglei."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun took out his mobile phone, found the number Jiang Xiaoxin sent to the group, and dialed it.

Within two seconds, he turned around and said in surprise: "It's turned off."

"Huh?" Chen Yi was stunned, "Shut down the phone?"

Zhuo Yun: "Yeah, I'll try again."

Afterwards, he called several times to make sure that Qu Pinnglei's cell phone was turned off.

Chen Yi frowned: "Another abnormal thing."

Shi Xin said: "Let me go back and try to find a position? Geng Wen and Qu Pinglei can go for plastic surgery together, which means that the relationship should be very good. Now that Geng Wen is dead, theoretically Qu Pinglei is also suspected of committing the crime. "

"Although Pan Genzhu said that the person who dumped the body that night was a man, he might not have seen clearly because it was too dark, or it could be that multiple people committed the crime."

Chen Yi: "Okay, let's go back to the city bureau first."

An hour later, the city bureau.

Jiang Xiaoxin has checked Geng Wen's call records and found no contact with her five ex-husbands.

Not to mention her five ex-husbands, her interpersonal relationships are very simple, and even the simple ones make people feel abnormal.

The one she contacted frequently was Qu Pinglei, which meant that Liao Shaobo didn't lie. Geng Wen really didn't have many friends.

In addition, Liao Shaobo's information was retrieved, and a point worthy of attention emerged.

Liao Shaobo has a criminal record!
It's not a big deal. In his early years, he was sentenced to two years for intentional injury. After he was released from prison, he started doing business. Now he has opened a very good restaurant and is making a lot of money every day.

However, people with criminal records have at least two characteristics. The first is that they have certain anti-detection capabilities, and the second is that when facing the police, their psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Bring out his call records as well." Chen Yi said.

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Soon, she printed out Liao Shaobo's call records and gave them to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and glanced at it, and suddenly his eyes froze and focused on one of the phone numbers.

A very familiar phone number. The most recent time was a month ago, which was almost the time of Geng Wen's death.

This is Qu Pinnglei’s phone number!

In the afternoon, didn't Liao Shaobo say he didn't know Qu Pinglei? ?

"Brother Yun, go and bring Uncle Liao Shao back." Chen Yi turned around and spoke.

Zhuo Yun was confused: "What's wrong, Captain Chen? Didn't you just finish asking? Did you find anything?"

Chen Yi pointed to the call record in his hand and said: "Liao Shaobo definitely knows Qu Pinglei, but he denied it in the afternoon and brought the person back immediately."

Geng Wen died, Qu Pinnglei's phone was turned off, and the two incidents happened last month, and Liao Shaobo had contact with both people.

The interrogation standards have been met, but now there are no clues, so we can only ask questions first.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun immediately said: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

When Liao Shaobo was brought to the city bureau, he did not meet Chen Yi immediately. Instead, he entered the inquiry room with a puzzled look on his face.

Chen Yi is now waiting for the new investigation results from Lu Yongqiang and He Shi.

At night, Lu Yongqiang came back from Geng Wen's house.

"Team Chen, we didn't find anything. The office at home and the restaurant are clean and there are no blood stains." Lu Yongqiang reported the results.

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand."

On the other side, He Xin left the Communications Department and came to the case handling hall. As he walked, he said, "Chen Yi, I can't find the location of Qu Pinnglei's cell phone. I also checked Geng Wen's cell phone and couldn't find it."

Chen Yi nodded and said: "Old He, Uncle Liao Shao knows Qu Pinglei."

Shi Xin was stunned: "What? He knows Qu Pinglei? How do you know?"

Chen Yi: "I checked the call records and found that the two of them had spoken on the phone more than once. They are obviously very familiar with each other. They have been brought back."

Shi Xin: "Then why did he lie?"

Chen Yi stood up: "Just ask and you'll find out."

Before leaving, he looked at Jiang Xiaoxin: "Sister Jiang, pull out Qu Pinnglei's call records and see what you find."

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "Okay."

The two came to the interrogation room. Liao Shaobo was sitting there drinking water. When he saw Chen Yi coming in, he quickly stood up: "Officer, didn't you just finish asking questions this afternoon? Why did you bring me here suddenly?"

Chen Yi: "I'd like to ask Mr. Liao to come over, because what you said is inconsistent with what we found. According to the procedure, we need to call you over and ask again." Liao Shaobo was confused: "It's different? What's different? Is everything I tell the truth true?"

Chen Yi raised his hand to signal the other party to sit down, and then said: "Mr. Liao, do you really not know Qu Pinnglei?"

Liao Shaobo was even more confused: "I really don't know him. I've never heard of this name."

Chen Yi: "But we found her mobile phone number in your call history."


Liao Shaobo looked confused and quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Which number?"

Chen Yi replied: "The tail number is [-]."

Liao Shaobo opened his address book and searched for a while, and finally found a name.

He handed the phone to Chen Yi and said, "Tell her, her name is not Qu Pinnglei, but Miaomiao."

Chen Yi didn't answer, and glanced down. The name in the address book was indeed Miaomiao, but the mobile phone number was Qu Pinnglei's.

What's the situation?
"How do you know each other?" Chen Yi asked.

Liao Shaobo put away his mobile phone and said, "We met at a party. We had a good chat and added our contact information."

Chen Yi: "Only added contact information? What did you do later?"

Liao Shaobo was silent for a while, without hiding anything, and said truthfully: "It later developed into a relationship."

Chen Yi: "In other words, you cheated."

Liao Shaobo smiled and shook his head and said, "Officer, my wife is so cold. If it were you, wouldn't you cheat on her?"

These words made Ji Xin dissatisfied: "Uncle Liao Shao, please be careful what you say."

Liao Shaobo spread his hands with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Her real name is Qu Pinglei? I just found out." Liao Shaobo said.

Chen Yi did not answer. He felt that something was not right here, but he could not make a more reasonable inference in his mind for a while.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "Mr. Liao, let's talk about you and Miaomiao."

Liao Shaobo: "Actually, there's nothing to talk about. It's just that matter anyway. After getting to know Miaomiao, I rarely go home. Geng Wen doesn't care about me anyway."

"For her, as long as she is not short of money, she can just lie down and sleep comfortably at home every day."

Chen Yi caught the unusual point for a man and asked: "Then why did you divorce Geng Wen?"

Liao Shaobo was surprised: "Huh? Why the divorce? Didn't I say she was cold? Of course I want a divorce if she is cold."

Chen Yidao: "I don't think it's right."

"From a man's perspective, you are very lucky to have married a beautiful wife. Although you can't touch her often, she also gives you full freedom."

"The red flags at home don't fall down, but the colorful flags are flying outside. And the red flags at home don't care how many colorful flags you have."

"Isn't this... a man's dream?"

These words made He Xin slightly stunned. He turned to look at Chen Yi. He really didn't expect such a simple logic for a while. No wonder he couldn't compare with the other party in investigating the case.

Liao Shaobo was also choked and didn't know how to answer.

After a while, he nodded seriously: "Officer, your level is high, it is true. After listening to your words, if she is not dead, I will not divorce."

His words didn't sound like much, but Chen Yi could feel a hint of provocation in the other person's tone. He couldn't say that he was targeting this case, but maybe he was targeting all police officers. It might be a subconscious habit developed because of his criminal record.

Criminals and police are inherently antagonistic. Opposites are enemies, even former criminals.

Having said that, if Geng Wen had no interference in Liao Shaobo's derailment, then Liao Shaobo's motive for committing the crime would be even smaller.

and also.

Regarding the issue of men’s dreams that we just discussed, Geng Wen’s five ex-husbands all chose to divorce. Why is this?
Doesn't anyone think that it is a very happy thing to have a beautiful wife who doesn't care whether he comes home or not at night?

Child problem?
That's not right. According to what Geng Wen's sixth husband said, Geng Wen is cold, but she is not completely off limits. If she wants to have a child once in a while, I believe Geng Wen will not refuse.

"Aren't you and Geng Wen planning to have a baby?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yi asked.

Liao Shaobo said: "I thought about it after getting married, but I didn't want to do it."

Chen Yi: "What you mean is that Geng Wen is not opposed to having children."

Liao Shaobo nodded: "Yes, she is not repulsive, just indifferent. Why do you think she wants a child if she is indifferent? I am almost 40 years old, and there is such a high hit rate. If I can get it ten times, then I have to wait. Five, six, seven or eight years."

Chen Yi: "Do you and your ex-wife have children?"

Liao Shaobo: "There are two, so I don't care. But after all, it's a new family. Of course it would be better to have a child."

After asking this, Chen Yi now focused the issues in this case on Geng Wen.

First of all, why did she want to get married indifferently, and there was no pressure from her parents. Isn't it bad to be a single noble?

Secondly, even if she gets married, why does she get married so quickly? On average, it happens almost once a year. What is she doing?Does anyone keep the picture?That's possible.

Also, if you're so cold, why bother spending all your energy on plastic surgery and breast augmentation?

Of course, it is natural for women to love beauty, but this has nothing to do with being cold and does not hinder the love of beauty.

For women, image is always a lifelong goal and pursuit. Whether they are cold, DINK or unmarried, it will not affect women's pursuit of beauty.

The most important thing is who killed Geng Wen.

Her interpersonal relationships are simple, and there is nothing wrong with her personality except being cold, and she won't even interfere with her husband's cheating. She is simply a perfect vase to marry home.

How could such a woman be killed?
Did a stranger commit the crime?

Seeing that Chen Yi was silent, Liao Shaobo said, "Officer, are you done asking? Can I leave?"

Chen Yi raised his head slightly.

Just when he was considering whether to keep the other party for 24 hours, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ji Xin turned around and looked.

The door opened, Jiang Xiaoxin stuck her head in and waved to Chen Yi: "Team Chen, come on."

Chen Yi was surprised and didn't say much. He stood up and left the interrogation room.

"Captain Chen?" Hearing this title, Liao Shaobo was surprised, "Is he the captain?"

When is new: "What's wrong?"

Liao Shaobo clicked his tongue: "You are so young, you can't tell. I mean, why are you so classy? You can tell he is a leader at first glance."

"What, can I leave?"

He Xin frowned, he didn't like the other person's character a little, and responded: "Wait a moment, I won't count."

Liao Shaobo: "Okay."

Outside the door, under Chen Yi's doubtful eyes, Jiang Xiaoxin said, "I just checked Qu Pinnglei's call records. Guess what?"

Chen Yi was helpless: "Sister Jiang, how come you have learned how to show off?"

Jiang Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Because this clue is very important. Listen to me tell you, Qu Pinglei is not only connected with Liao Shaobo in it, but also with Geng Wen's five ex-husbands."

This statement made Chen Yi stunned: "Is it true or false?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Really."

Chen Yi: "Five ex-husbands? Are they all connected?"

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "Yes."

After receiving the affirmation, Chen Yi immediately turned around and shouted: "Brother Yun! Go and bring back Geng Wen's group of five ex-husbands!"

(End of this chapter)
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