Chapter 168 Reasonable Doubt

In the afternoon, Chen Yi met Du Caibin in the inquiry room.

Du Caibin is a young man who wears glasses. He is of good height and above average height, but his figure is relatively thin.

Personal information shows that the other party is 29 years old and his occupation is an ordinary employee of a company in Yangcheng.

Suddenly being taken to the city bureau, Du Caibin was a little confused, but not completely. He thought it was because the police station could not find his missing wife, so he reported it to the city bureau.

"Mr. Du, please drink a glass of water."

Qin Fei placed a glass of water in front of Du Caibin.

Du Caibin quickly held the water glass with both hands and said politely: "Thank you, thank you, police officer."

Qin Fei hummed, turned around and sat next to Chen Yi, and took out his notebook and pen.

It's just a normal inquiry. There is no need to enter a confession, just extract key information.

After coming to the city bureau from the Chengdong Police Station, his skills in all aspects have grown a lot.

At this time, Chen Yi said: "Hello, Mr. Du, I am Chen Yi, deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau."

"Vice detachment leader?!"

Du Caibin looked at Chen Yi in surprise, obviously not expecting that the young man sitting in front of him would have such a high position.

"Captain Chen, hello, hello," he said immediately.

Chen Yi: "Mr. Du, the Criminal Investigation Detachment has opened a case regarding the disappearance of your wife Guo Jiayin. The main reason for calling you here is to understand the circumstances before and after her disappearance."

He was still going to ask again.

After all, the policeman is not a criminal policeman, so there may be omissions. What he has to do is to check for the omissions and fill them up.

Even, correct the wrong clues.

It's not that I don't trust Fenghu Police Station. It's always right to be more cautious, and you won't waste much time.

Hearing this, Du Caibin was mentally prepared and nodded to express understanding: "Okay, okay, Captain Chen, please ask. I want to know where she went now. I'm very urgent."

Chen Yi hummed and said, "Well, Mr. Du, tell me in detail what happened before and after Guo Jiayin's disappearance."

"Don't start talking on March 26th, start talking on March 25th."

When Du Caibin heard the date March 25, his right index finger subconsciously shrank, but the expression on his face was normal.

Chen Yi glanced down, not paying attention, and continued to stare at Du Caibin's expression.

"Okay, okay." Du Caibin organized his speech a little and said, "On March 25, Jia Yin and I both went to work. We didn't get home until five or six o'clock, and then we had a fight over a trivial matter."

The first sentence made Chen Yi raise his eyebrows: "Huh? Did you also quarrel on the night of March 25th?"

Du Caibin nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "What is the specific reason?"

Du Caibin sighed and said, "Because of the mobile phone."

"After dinner, we were sitting in the living room watching TV. Jia Yin's mobile phone happened to be on the coffee table. I wanted to get it, but she immediately snatched it away."

"I asked her why she didn't let me see her phone, and she asked why she wanted to see her phone, and we started arguing."

Chen Yi: "Is it because of this incident that you suspected her of cheating?"

Du Caibin: "Yes, otherwise why didn't she show me her phone? What secret could there be? There must be something wrong!"

When he mentioned this, he got a little excited.

Chen Yi: "Continue."

Du Caibin: "Okay."

"We didn't argue for long at that time. We reconciled quickly and then watched TV and went to bed. We had to move the next day."

"On the second day, we packed our luggage for the last time and were about to call the moving company. At this time, Jiayin asked me where her manicure machine had gone. I said that it took up space during the move and threw it away. Then...she got angry. .”

Hearing this, Chen Yi interjected and asked: "Why did you throw away her manicure machine? What space can a small manicure machine take up?"

Du Caibin was embarrassed and said: "Actually, I broke it accidentally. I didn't dare to tell her, so I lied and threw it away."

"At that time, I just casually said that if she pressed me, I would just admit it. It would be fine. I would just buy another one. But because of this little incident, she started to settle old scores."

"I was very angry. I remembered that she didn't show me her phone last night. I was too lazy to argue with her, so I went back to the room to sulk."

"She didn't pay any attention to me. She didn't move in that day. In the afternoon, when she saw that I didn't try to coax her, she got angry and took the car keys and left."

"That's it. She didn't come back the next day, so I called her and turned off the phone."

"I thought she went back to her parents' house or to a friend's place because she was angry, but everything was already packed and had to be moved over the weekend, so I had no choice but to notify the moving company myself."

"When I arrived at my new home, I continued to call her but turned off the phone. Then one night later, I called the police."

These words are basically no different from what Chen Yi knows so far. The only thing is...

"Why didn't you tell the police handling the case about your quarrel on the night of the 25th?"

Du Caibin was confused: "Why... why did you say it? They didn't ask."

Chen Yi: "Okay, let's talk about your life issues. You each have a car, right?"

Du Caibin nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "I bought a car first and then a house?"

Du Caibin: "Yeah."

Chen Yi: "Houses in Yangcheng are not cheap. Is it sponsored by your family?"

Mentioning this matter, Du Caibin lowered his head and was silent for a while, then his voice sounded: "No, the financial situation of our two families is not very good, mainly... mainly because of Jiayin."

Chen Yi: "How much did you pay?"

Du Caibin: "80."

Chen Yi was surprised: "So much, so her salary is much higher than yours."

Du Caibin hummed.

Chen Yi: "You just said that on the night of the 25th, you suspected Guo Jiayin because she didn't show you her phone. Is this the only reason?"

Du Caibin raised his head: "What else?"

Chen Yi stared at him and said, "They are all adults, and you have been working for so many years. Don't you know what kind of job sales are?"

There is a saying with professional prejudice that men should not marry salesmen and women should not marry buyers.

This sentence is related to the nature of work.

In sales work, you face customers almost all the time. To put it simply, it means socializing, pleasing, and even sometimes, you have to make a little female sacrifice.

Procurement work, dealing with suppliers, and bargaining with suppliers in order to save costs. Over time, I have been labeled as stingy. This is just one of them.

Secondly, purchasing belongs to Party A and the person being flattered, as opposed to selling, so there is more room for gray income.

In addition to gray income, there may be things that your partner cannot accept.

Hence the phrase professional bias.

Chen Yi didn't believe that Du Caibin didn't know about this, especially since Guo Jiayin had made so much money.

As a husband, do you simply think that the other person has strong sales ability?Don't you have any other doubts?
Facing Chen Yi's inquiry, Du Caibin was silent for a long time, and then sighed: "Well, I did doubt it, that's why I was so angry on the night of the 25th."

"But...but what does this have to do with Jia Yin's disappearance?"

Chen Yi said: "It may be related, or it may not be related. We need to ask everything clearly when investigating the case."

Du Caibin: "Uh... okay."

After speaking, he picked up the water glass in front of him and took a sip.There is indeed a big difference between the police station police and the city bureau criminal police.

And... and it gave him the feeling that although he was questioning, it was like interrogating a suspect.

Chen Yi continued to ask: "What time did Guo Jiayin leave home on the afternoon of the 26th?"

Du Caibin thought for a while and replied: "I remember it was three or four o'clock."

Chen Yi: "Did she pack her things at that time?"

Du Caibin: "No, her clothes and cosmetics are all in the bedroom. I was lying in the bedroom at the time, and she didn't come in."

Chen Yi: "All the friends you know, as well as her parents, said they have never seen her?"

Du Caibin: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "So... you think she went to find someone to cheat on?"

This issue is very sensitive for men and it is easy to get angry. At this moment, Du Caibin's hands were shaking.

"Isn't it very possible?!" He gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Yi was noncommittal: "If she really cheated on her, the possibility is certainly not small. We will investigate this matter."

"Mr. Du, please don't leave Yangcheng in the near future until you find Guo Jiayin."

Du Caibin nodded: "Okay, I wouldn't leave originally."

Chen Yi: "One more thing, did you cancel the lease of your previous house?"

Du Caibin said: "Not yet. The lease has not arrived yet. There are only two months left. I thought it would be best if I could sublet it."

Chen Yi: "Is it convenient for us to go and have a look?"

Du Caibin: "It's convenient, then I'll leave the key and you can go at any time. It's already empty anyway."

Chen Yi: "Okay, thank you."

Du Caibin: "You're welcome."

After the other party left, Chen Yi came to the case handling hall.

"Sister Jiang, bring up the surveillance video of Guo Jiayin driving away on the afternoon of the 26th and let me take a look."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

She worked on the computer for a while and then enlarged the screen.

The footage showed that at 26:[-] pm on March [-], a red car indeed drove away from the community, and the figure in the cab was captured from a frontal angle.

He has long hair, wears a dark red coat and a mask.

Chen Yi took a closer look and said, "With long hair and wearing Guo Jiayin's clothes, does that mean she is Guo Jiayin?"

"I'm afraid it's not [-]% correct on this matter."

Jiang Xiaoxin's expression changed when she heard this: "What's going on, Captain Chen? Is there something wrong with Du Caibin? Do you suspect that the person driving the car is not Guo Jiayin?"

Chen Yi moved a chair and sat down, lit a cigarette and said, "I mean, why do you think the person driving the car is Guo Jiayin?"

"When the police from Fenghu Police Station conducted surveillance, did they get confirmation from Du Caibin?"

"Did he say yes?"

Qin Fei came over and said: "Team Chen, do you mean that Guo Jiayin is Du Caibin pretending to be?"

Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Don't jump to conclusions yet, but...there is something wrong with this Du Caibin."

When asked just now, he didn't miss any details of Du Caibin's reaction.

"number 25?"

Du Caibin's subconscious actions when he heard the date appeared in Chen Yi's mind, and then he said: "Go ahead and call Brother Qiang over."

Qin Fei: "Okay."

Soon, Lu Yongqiang came from the technical department to the case handling hall and said as he walked: "Team Chen, you call me."

Chen Yi: "Brother Qiang, take the key to Du Caibin's rental house. Now take people to have a look. Don't miss any corner."

"Just follow...the homicide case investigation."

Lu Yongqiang's eyes narrowed and he nodded: "Okay, I'll take people there right away."

After speaking, he left.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin handed over two pieces of paper.

"The call record shows that Du Caibin's interpersonal relationship is relatively simple, but Guo Jiayin's is very complicated, related to her career."

"If you want to find a specific person, I'm afraid you need to visit a large area."

The specific reference is naturally the person who may be related to Guo Jiayin's disappearance.

Chen Yi took it and flipped through it. Guo Jiayin did have a lot of contacts. She made dozens of calls every day, including on weekends.

If you want to check, you can only start from the frequency and check from high to low.

Those with the most frequent contacts are naturally the key targets to visit.

In addition, there is...the difference between outgoing calls and incoming calls.

Chen Yi said: "In sales, you usually take the initiative to contact others, especially real estate sales."

"Qin Fei, tell Zhuo Yun about these people who often take the initiative to call and get to know them more."

Qin Fei: "Okay, Captain Chen."

He took the call record and turned to leave.

Chen Yi leaned on the chair and continued to look at the surveillance screen in front of him, which was Guo Jiayin who had paused.

To be precise, it is suspected to be Guo Jiayin.

Normally, you would not suspect that there is a problem, but now that it has reached the stage of filing a case, you must reasonably doubt all possibilities.

"If you meet your's understandable that you wear a mask to avoid being discovered."

"But if you drive your own car, isn't that deceiving others?"

Chen Yi tapped his fingers and whispered to himself.

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin said: "Team Chen, if the person in the surveillance is not Guo Jiayin, then it can only be Du Caibin pretending to be."

"If this is the case, this case will be upgraded from a disappearance case to a murder case."

Chen Yi sat there with a cigarette burning between his fingers, and his voice sounded: "In the relationship between the two, Guo Jiayin has the absolute economic initiative. If she is stronger and Du Caibin discovers her cheating, the motive for murder will definitely be established."

"Don't underestimate honest people. It's terrible for honest people to be ruthless."

"But these are just speculations and cannot affect our normal investigation direction."

Having said this, he pondered for a while and continued: "Sister Jiang, I give you a task."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "You say."

Chen Yi: "Go and find out all the entrances and exits of the community to see if there are any surveillance blind spots. At the same time, start from the time when Guo Jiayin left, and check the surveillance around the community."

"Didn't Du Caibin say that he would be at home from the afternoon of the 26th to the morning of the 27th?"

"If the surveillance camera captures him coming back from outside for no apparent reason, then you have to ask him carefully."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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