Chapter 167 Disappearance

In March, the snow melts and spring comes, and the earth begins to recover.

After going to work, Chen Yi went to talk to Zhou Yebin about the issue. The other party said that they were indeed inseparable and there might be news before June.

When the time comes, I will go to work in the branch.

Positions in the municipal bureau will be retained as normal.

This matter has a lot to do with Chen Yi being promoted to deputy captain of the criminal investigation detachment. Since there is already a leading person in the team, it is time for Zhou Yebin to make a move.

"Chen Yi, I'll leave the team's affairs to you then. If you have any questions, please call me at any time."

Zhou Yebin gave the instructions, and it could be seen that he was a little reluctant to give up. After all, he had worked in the frontline criminal investigation detachment for so many years and had feelings for his colleagues.

Job promotions always go through this process to meet the new stage.

Although the old colleagues are still there, they no longer work together, let alone visit the scene day and night when there is a case.

Zhou Yebin can be said to have completed his mission in the first half of his life, leaving no regrets or stains.

"Don't worry, Captain Zhou, you will always be our old captain."

Chen Yi nodded seriously. At this moment in Zhou Yebin, he seemed to see the hero's exit.
It's not accurate to say that he quit, but he should have taken on greater responsibilities.

The other party still has to make greater contributions to maintaining social order in his capacity as a police officer.

The brightest star of the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment disappeared and continued to shine in another place.

Above the police badge, vitality is still surging.

"I'm always relieved that you are here." Zhou Yebin said with a smile.

Before the Qingming Festival, Shi Xin fulfilled his promise and his family moved to Yangcheng.

The moving company I found was more convenient, but I didn't need help from Chen Yi and others.

When he officially arrived at the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, all the police officers of the Criminal Investigation Detachment extended a warm welcome to him. Zhou Yebin also showed up and chatted with He Xin.

Zhang Jingang was naturally not absent and left after saying a few polite words.

What surprised Chen Yi and others was that Jiang Xiaoxin actually knew Shi Xin, and her attitude was still that of admiration for her seniors.

It is the admiration for masters in the same professional field, just like amateur painters for famous painters, amateur writers for famous writers.

"Deputy Branch He, do you still remember me?"

In the case handling hall, when the initial bustle gradually subsided, Jiang Xiaoxin said excitedly.

Shi Xin is Ping Tiao, and his position in the Yangcheng City Bureau is the same as Chen Yi.

He Xin looked at Jiang Xiaoxin, searched his memory, and then said in surprise: "Oh, it's Xiao Jiang, I almost forgot that you were in Yangcheng City Bureau, look at my brain."

"Do you know each other?" Chen Yi was surprised.

One is from Jiangcheng and the other is from Ningcheng. How do you know each other? Were there previous exchanges within the police force?

Shi Xin explained with a smile: "A few years ago, some new types of cyber crimes appeared in the city. In order to promote the technology and informatization of criminal investigation, the provincial department organized a technical exchange meeting. I met Xiao Jiang at that time. "

Chen Yi nodded understandingly: "Oh, so that's it."

After saying that, he glanced at Jiang Xiaoxin, who almost had the word "worship" written on his face.

No matter whether she was dealing with Zhou Yebin or herself, Sister Jiang had never been like this before. As expected, she was a person in the same major, so she felt the strongest.

It seems that when the new professional and technical capabilities are stronger than he imagined, he can at least convince Jiang Xiaoxin.

Years ago?
Weren't the two of them single at the time?
Chen Yi had the idea of ​​​​gossip in his mind. Now that they both have a home, it seems that they did not mean that at the time, and it may have something to do with the long distance.

In the future, they will become colleagues, and it is estimated that the relationship will be similar to that of master and apprentice.

"Captain Chen! Director Zhang is calling you." At this time, a police officer shouted.

"I know." Chen Yi turned around, "You guys talk first, I'll go over there."

Shi Xin nodded: "Okay."

In the office, Chen Yi knocked on the door and walked in.

"Zhang Bureau, you are looking for me."

Zhang Jingang, who was at the desk, raised his head and pushed a document to the front: "Sit down, a case has been reported from the police station in the jurisdiction. You go and find out what's going on. Take a look first."


Chen Yi sat down and opened the documents in front of him.

This was a missing person report. The husband called the police that his wife was missing. The Fenghu Police Station in the nearby jurisdiction received the call. After searching for two days, the police felt something was not right and reported it to the city bureau.

Judging from the current investigation results, the conditions for filing a case have been met.

There are many criteria for filing a missing person report.

For example: there are obvious signs of violation at the scene of disappearance, there are witnesses who can prove that the missing person has been violated, minors under the age of fourteen have been missing for more than 48 hours, adults have been missing for a longer time, etc.

The condition of this case is that the person disappeared together with the motor vehicle.

According to the reporter, the husband of the missing person, his wife left home on the afternoon of March 26, which was a weekend.

At that time, the husband and wife were preparing to move out of the rental house. Since they had already taken out a loan to buy a new house, moving had already been put on the agenda.

During this period, the two of them had a quarrel over whether a certain item should be lost or kept. It was just a trivial matter, and the moving trip was put on hold.

After the quarrel, there was a cold war until the afternoon when the wife chose to leave home in anger.

The husband was also very angry at the time, ignored his wife, and did not contact her all night. He thought she had gone to a friend's house or returned to her parents' house.

The next day, Sunday, March 27th.

When the husband saw that his wife hadn't come back yet and couldn't get through on the phone, he started to notify the moving company and move by himself.

Until Monday, the 28th, when it’s time to go to work.

The husband continued to contact his wife, but found that he still couldn't be reached. His mobile phone was turned off. He asked his wife's parents and friends again, but they didn't know where they were.

After he realized something was wrong, he chose to call the police.

The police station has actually received many reports of this kind in the past. In the end, either the wife was at a friend's house, or the wife returned to her parents' home, or she hid on purpose.

But now I haven't gone to a close friend's house, nor have I returned to my parents' house, and neither the person nor the car can be found.

"Fighting, moving, cold war, suspected cheating?"

Chen Yi extracted a few keywords and closed the document in his hand.

"How is it?" Zhang Jingang said.

Chen Yi said: "The people and the car are gone, let's file a case."

In fact, there are many possibilities for this case. The missing person had a quarrel with her husband, left home and hid, and turned off her mobile phone. This is one possibility.

If what the husband said about cheating is true, then running away with his lover is also a possibility.

However, missing people and disappearing together with people and cars are two different concepts.

It is very likely that something has happened, which meets the criteria for filing an investigation.

You will know what happened after checking it out.

Zhang Jingang nodded slightly: "Okay, you are responsible for it."

"The first case of the new year must be to find the person."

"If it's a criminal case, investigate it quickly."

Chen Yi stood up: "Yes, Zhang Ju."

After leaving Zhang Jingang's office, Chen Yi came to the case handling hall. At this time, they were still chatting.

"Stop chatting, there is a case, gather in the conference room." When they heard that there was a case, everyone stopped talking and stood up immediately.

Shi Xin also suppressed his smile and followed Chen Yi into the conference room.

Chen Yi roughly said something about this missing person report, and everyone fell into silence.

The police station in Fenghu has checked the surveillance system. The missing person did drive away from home on the afternoon of March 26th. Her husband reported the case on March 28th. Today is March NO.30.

Has been missing for five days.

Missing reports are not big cases. The missing person can often be found, sometimes in ridiculous locations.

But again, it's a bit weird that people and cars disappear together.

As criminal police officers, they smelled the smell of crime.

It's just intuition, not necessarily fact. It's possible that the missing person hid on purpose and found a remote place where surveillance cameras couldn't photograph him.

"Old He, try positioning first."

Chen Yi pushed the missing person's personal information to Shi Xin.

When the new nod picks up.

The missing person’s name is Guo Jiayin, 28 years old, and a professional real estate salesperson.

My cell phone has been turned off for five days.

Shi Xin focused his attention on the cell phone number column and opened the laptop in front of him.

After the mobile phone is turned off, the police can still find the specific location by using GPS positioning and the base station signal coverage of the operating network.

If technical support is needed, Jiang Xiaoxin can do this, so it will be no problem when it comes time.

While waiting, Chen Yi chatted with others.

"Team Chen, did Du Caibin confirm that Guo Jiayin cheated? Was this the reason why they quarreled and left home?" It was Zhuo Yun who spoke.

Chen Yi just gave a rough outline, but the detailed investigation results from Fenghu Police Station were not complete.

Chen Yi shook his head: "No, Du Caibin provided this investigation direction to the police handling the case when he was being questioned. He himself was not sure, he was just suspicious."

"As for the quarrel... I said it was because of a small matter related to moving."

Zhuo Yun said oh.

That would be strange. A small thing would not cause him to disappear for five days.

Could it be that he was fooling around with his cheating partner under the pretext of a quarrel?
Now I can only think about it, not guess.

Time passed slowly. After Hexin operated for a long time, he frowned and said, "Can't find it. The phone card must have been removed."

After hearing this, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became solemn.

I'm afraid this is not as simple as disappearing.

Chen Yi picked up the cigarette case and began to sort out the details of the case so far in his mind.

On the morning of Saturday, March 26, Du Caibin and Guo Jiayin had a quarrel about moving. They were both very angry. The move was put on hold and they had a cold war with each other.

On the afternoon of Saturday, March 26, his wife chose to drive away from home, but Du Caibin ignored her.

On March 27, Du Caibin lost his temper and tried to contact Guo Jiayin, but found that he couldn't, so he notified the moving company to move.

On March 28, Du Caibin continued to contact Guo Jiayin, but still couldn't get in touch. He panicked and started asking Guo Jiayin's friends and parents. He found that he didn't know where he had gone, so he chose to call the police.

After receiving the report, Fenghu Police Station searched for it for two days but could not find it. Because it was more serious that the person and car disappeared together, they reported it to the city bureau.

On March NO. 30, at this moment, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau officially filed the case and began the investigation.

The first new clue I got was that Guo Jiayin's mobile phone card was suspected to have been removed.

This is a very important clue, which means that the possibility of this case rising to a criminal case has increased.

"Bring up the call records of both people." After thinking for a while, Chen Yi said.

After the case is filed, the call records of relevant personnel can be retrieved at any time.

When is new: "Okay."

"I'll go."

Jiang Xiaoxin stood up and left the conference room.

After the new arrival in Yangcheng City Bureau, the criminal investigation detachment now has two computer technical talents, and the investigation efficiency can be much higher.

After Jiang Xiaoxin left, Shi Xin looked at Chen Yi: "Du Caibin provided the police with clues about Guo Jiayin's cheating. Is there something wrong with this matter?"

Chen Yi was also thinking about this problem and said, "It's a bit weird anyway."

"Maybe it's just suspicion. After the disappearance, I wanted the police to check. Maybe they can actually find the person."

"I hope she really cheated on her. She has been cheating on someone these days, but the phone card cannot explain it."

He Xin nodded and said, "Yes, in this case, there is a high possibility of something happening."

"Where do we start looking into this?"

The Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment investigates missing cases and has greater convenience and stronger technical support than the police station.

In terms of direction, there will be more.

For example, where is Guo Jiayin's car?

It is impossible for a car to disappear for no reason. It should be found through extensive investigation through the Skynet system.

As long as the car is found, the person is not far away. This is what must be done.

There is also the home of Du Caibin and Guo Jiayin. According to the procedures, no one can be found for a long time and they need to conduct criminal investigation technology investigation.

The purpose is to eliminate or confirm the possibility of killing the wife.

However, the investigation report from the police station stated that Guo Jiayin drove away from home on the 26th, so the possibility that the home was the scene of a murder was almost eliminated.

Now we have to see whether Chen Yi is going to follow the results of Fenghu Police Station and continue the investigation, or whether he will overturn and re-investigate.

After all, as long as there is one error in these clues in the report, the correct direction will be seriously deviated.

Although his position is equal to that of Chen Yi, he has just arrived at the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Yangcheng City Bureau and will not give orders.

And after going through the Jiang Cheng case, he understood that there was still a big gap between his own weight and Chen Yi.

You can discuss it, but you can't stand in front of Chen Yi. Only people with low emotional intelligence can do it.

"Ask Du Caibin again and tell him to come over."

Chen Yi spoke.

"Brother Yun, take someone to the place where Guo Jiayin works. Du Caibin suspects that she has cheated on her. He shouldn't be talking nonsense, right? I guess he knows something. Check it out."

Zhuo Yun stood up: "Okay, I'll go right away."

My career is sales, so my focus is naturally on my colleagues and past customers.

Chen Yi added: "Old He, please cooperate with the traffic department to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Guo Jiayin's car, and let me know the results immediately."

When is new: "Okay."

He is good at this. As long as the surveillance camera can capture it, he will be able to find it.

Not by sight, but by license plate recognition technology.

Usually on important national and provincial highways, traffic police duty stations do this every day, using license plate recognition to find illegal vehicles, such as fake license plates, overdue annual inspections, etc.

System self-test, very smart.

(End of this chapter)

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