Chapter 154 The suspected eighth person
Chen Yi agreed with Zhao Qiming's proposal.

"It's okay to go take a look. If we can confirm this, it will be very helpful for us to figure out the suspect's psychology."

When did he speak again: "If he is really paying attention to the police's movements, will he run away when he learns that there are major developments in the case?"

No one can answer this question.

Chen Yi said: "It is meaningless to consider this matter for the time being, and whether there was an eighth person that year is also unknown."

"If he had, he wouldn't have escaped."

"If not, he won't escape in a short time."

"Besides, where can you escape? It's not that easy to settle abroad."

The conditions for settling abroad are harsh. You must have an identity or money. Otherwise, wouldn’t all the murderers have gone abroad and they would still be waiting for the police to catch them?

He Xin nodded: "That's true."

Chen Yi: "Let's go for a walk. Tao Shangli is probably already here at the moment."

"Let's go take a look at the on-site archeology and see what it looks like."

Now that they had decided, they set off quickly and brought two trace inspection personnel with them.

They drove two cars and came to the grave clearance site discovered yesterday again.

After getting out of the car, Chen Yi was a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect these archaeologists to move so fast.

A security fence has been set up to prevent outsiders from approaching. The wide area in the distance has been divided into multiple different work areas, and there are also temporary laboratories.

It is estimated to be used for analysis and protection of unearthed cultural relics.

This place is most likely a filter pit, which means that at least two groups of people have gone in, so it would be surprising to find good things.

However, for archaeologists, unearthed cultural relics are not everything. The focus is on archaeological value. Even an inconspicuous wall may contain unknown historical information.

After showing their IDs, several people walked in.

The sun shines down, illuminating the figures of many workers. They hold multiple tools and are carefully tapping the mud in front of them. From time to time, they use brushes to brush away the dirt on the surface. There must be something inside.

After all, professionalism is professionalism. Anyway, Chen Yi and the others didn't see anything special about it.

"Officer Chen."

After seeing Chen Yi, Tao Shangli quickly turned around and walked over with a smile on his face.

Discovering an ancient tomb is a very exciting thing, even if the tomb has been robbed before.

"Shang Li." Chen Yi nodded with a smile, "How is it inside?"

Tao Shangli shook his head helplessly: "It has been stolen. Fortunately, the damage was not serious. It still has certain archaeological value."

"According to our judgment, this should be the tomb of Baylor from the late Qing Dynasty, but his status was not very high, and he was probably a tomb robber himself."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Huh? What is going on?"

Tao Shangli smiled and said: "This is very common in history. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

"After the Qing Dynasty, some Baile couldn't accept the poor life, so they decided to target their ancestors."

"Compared to other people, they have an information gap. They know where there are tombs and where there are good things. They can steal them accurately."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming and the others were amazed. Is there such an operation?This is digging your own ancestral grave. There are really no wonders in the world.

Chen Yi also felt that the behavior was a bit strange, but if he couldn't even eat, who would care about it.

"Officer Chen, what are you doing today?" Tao Shangli asked.

Chen Yidao: "It's okay, it's okay. You are busy with your business. I just came over to take a look."

Tao Shangli said "Oh", knowing that the other party was probably here to investigate the case, so he stopped talking and returned to his post to get busy.

A few people walked around and then came to a relatively conspicuous location. There were no plants around, and the entrance to the tomb could be clearly seen from a distance.

Chen Yi looked out, pointed ahead and said: "If someone really peeks, from a safety perspective, those two places are the most suitable and the clearest view."

Zhao Qiming nodded: "That's right, there is another road leading to the hill, and you won't run into the police. Even if you are discovered, it will be easier to run. Moreover, there is a dangerous road in the middle, so it is impossible to catch up."

Chen Yi hummed: "Let's go take a look."

A group of people left here.

The so-called "running to death" in Wangshan Mountain seems not far away, but it is not that far away when walking. Moreover, the road along the way is very difficult to walk. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as trekking through mountains and rivers.

It took more than half an hour for Chen Yi and others to reach the hill they were looking at in the distance.

This is a jungle, and the trees are not very dense. The air in late autumn is a bit humid, so the ground is still relatively soft.

Being soft means that as long as someone passes by, they will leave footprints.

"Look around." Chen Yi said.

"it is good."

Several people took the order and spread out, not sparing any place where they could see the entrance to the tomb.

As time passed, the trace inspection police officer suddenly shouted: "Team Leader Chen! Team Zhao! We have found something!"

Hearing the sound, Chen Yi and others quickly approached here.

The place where the police officer was located was a large tree with a large diameter, which could completely hide a person. After Chen Yi and others arrived, the police officer pointed to the ground next to the tree.

There are several footprints there.

The footprints are deeper near the trees, probably the result of standing for a long time.

Chen Yi looked along the direction in which the footprints left, extending far away.

"Forty...two, right? It can't be such a coincidence, is it really this guy?!"

The one who spoke was Zhao Qiming. At this moment, his brows were furrowed, his heart was filled with fear, and he almost couldn't help but beat his chest.

the first time.

This is the first time I have been so close to the murderer!

He Xin said: "The murderer is really courageous. There are so many policemen digging graves in front of them, but he dares to hide here and peek."

Chen Yi bypassed the trees and stood on the hill, looking at the archaeologists working in the distance below, and said: "The location is very tricky. Even if you are discovered, you can really run away."

"Then we have to consider the suspect's mental state."

After saying that, he habitually wanted to take out his cigarette case, but after realizing that this was a mountain forest, he gave up.

Forest fire prevention is everyone's responsibility.

"Take the footprints."

Zhao Qiming said something, and then he and He Xin and the others came to Chen Yi and looked at the tomb in the distance.

"Does he want to know what clues the police have found?" Zhao Qiming said, but felt something was wrong, "It's so far away, and I can only see human figures, so I don't think there is much need to take risks."

Chen Yidao: "This is a very confident person, so confident that he is arrogant. This is good news for us."

"It also means that he is not afraid of us at all. Hatred is his entire motivation. As long as he can get revenge, he is willing to bear any consequences."

"I'm curious about the causes and consequences back then."

"Doesn't he have any other ties? A single-parent family? Only one father?"

These words silenced several people.

Yes, after killing six people in a row for more than ten years, he no longer cares about his own life. It can be said that he lives in the shadow of revenge every moment.

After all, going to the tomb is dangerous. Even if his father died in the tomb, he should have some psychological preparation. Coupled with the healing of other relatives such as his mother, he would not be like this.

Maybe there are other motives involved?

"My father died, and my mother was depressed and died soon after." The speaker was Ji Xin. "So he blamed all six people for his parents' death?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "Where can I go? Either find the seventh person or catch the murderer."

"If the murderer is a vengeful person, then whatever he does is reasonable."

"The human heart is unpredictable."

At this time, Zhao Qiming was about to say something when the phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID, then answered the call: "Hello?"

"What did you say?! Bring it back!"

"Do you hear me clearly that I'm going to bring you back? Right now!"

The phone hangs up.

Chen Yi and others turned their heads.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhao Qiming was a little excited and cursed: "Finally there is news! The police from all over the city have been visiting for more than half a month! Finally there is news!"

He Xin frowned: "Old Zhao, can you tell the important point? Why are there so many nonsense!"

Zhao Qiming said quickly: "Oh, oh, yes, the point, the point."

"Team Leader Chen, the police officers who visited the surrounding area said that they found a person who met Tian Youwei 25 years ago!"

"At first, the other party denied it, but the policeman was very clever and noticed that there was something wrong with his expression. After questioning, he admitted that he had seen him."

Chen Yi: "Where are the people?"

Zhao Qiming: "I'll take him back to the city bureau."

Chen Yi immediately turned around: "Let's go!"


Jiangcheng City Bureau.

Room inquiry.

Chen Yi met a man of about 60 years old. He was a little nervous. He kept rubbing his hands since he sat here. He also drank several glasses of water in front of him and went to the toilet many times.

Chen Yi waved his hand, indicating that he would get another glass of water. Qin Fei turned around and brought the kettle.

"Don't be nervous, we are just understanding the situation."

"And what happened 25 years ago is no longer possible to pursue now. Be calm and don't affect your memory."

Looking at the man drinking water, Chen Yi spoke slowly.After hearing this, the man's expression softened slightly and he nodded slightly.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart, feeling that he was really unlucky.

I had nothing to do and went shopping in the antique street. Unexpectedly, I met the police and saw a somewhat familiar photo.

I had already denied it, but unexpectedly the police noticed my guilty conscience and grabbed me and refused to let me go.

Did I...did I show it so obviously?This unlucky thing is now at the city bureau again!

Hey, tired.

"What's your name?" Chen Yi asked.

The man replied: "Qian Yan."

Chen Yi was stunned: "Money for what? How much money?"

This name is okay.

Qian Yan was embarrassed: "It's not Qian Duo, it's Qian Yan. There are four sounds, one next to each ear, Yan."

"Qian Yan."

Chen Yi snorted, nodded and said, "Mr. Qian, do you know the person in the photo?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the table in front of Qian Yan, where Tian Youwei's photo was placed.

Qian Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally said helplessly: "It's not acquaintance, I've seen him before."

Chen Yi: "25 years ago?"

Qian Yan: "Yeah."

Chen Yi: "How can you remember it so clearly if you just met it so long ago?"

Qian Yan's eyelids trembled: "I...I don't want to remember clearly either!"

It was precisely because he remembered that he felt guilty, that his expression was wrong, and that he let the inquiring policeman see it.

What the hell... I don’t want to remember it clearly either!
You, a young man, really do not like to pick up the pot.

Chen Yi smiled, understood the reason for the other party's depression, and said, "Mr. Qian, I just want to ask a few questions. After you finish asking, you can leave."

"Just tell me directly why you are so impressed by this person."

"Reminder, tomb robber."

Hearing this, Qian Yan's face changed slightly: "You..."

Chen Yi: "Don't be nervous, just answer the questions normally. I said, what happened more than 20 years ago will not be pursued again, let alone you."

"After you have answered, you can leave immediately. I will keep my word."

Qian Yan was silent for a while, and then said: "Yes, it is indeed because of tomb robbery."

"He said he had a place to clear a tomb, and a Baile was buried inside. There must be a lot of good things, and he wanted me to join him."

Chen Yi asked: "How to join the team? Technically join the team? What are you good at?"

Qian Yan shook his head: "It's not about joining the team with technology and providing money."

"I'm responsible for paying to find the remaining people. It's best to find a qualified supporter...well, the supporter is..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "No need to explain, I know what supporting the pot means, continue."

Qian Yan nodded: "Originally I was interested, but in the end I found that this guy was unreliable and just blathered blindly when he didn't understand anything, so I withdrew."

Chen Yi: "Then what?"

Qian Yan: "No more."

Chen Yi frowned, his expression a little unsightly.

Qian Yan was frightened by Chen Yi's expression and said immediately: "That's right! I recommended someone to him!"

These words shocked Chen Yi: "What is it called?"

Qian Yan: "Hong Guangyan."

Chen Yi: "What three words?"

Qian Yan: "Three points of water are in common, wide and wide, one is established and four are left."

Chen Yi: "How old are you?"

Qian Yan thought for a while and said, "Now... you have to be seventy, right?"

On the other side, He Xin, who was sitting there, immediately tapped on the keyboard and entered Hong Guangyan's name. He removed the duplicate names based on age and finally locked in one person.

After checking, he nodded to Chen Yi, indicating that the man was still alive and had not been reported missing.

After getting the information, Chen Yi continued to look at Qian Yan: "Is he rich?"

Qian Yan nodded: "It was okay at the time. It's no problem to take out one hundred and eighty thousand."

Twenty-five years ago, one hundred and eighty thousand was considered a relatively large amount.

Chen Yi: "Do you think he will agree to Tian Youwei?"

Qian Yan said directly without thinking: "I think so."

"Hong Guangyan is a stupid person with a lot of money. He is also obsessed with antiques and even obsessed with tomb robbing. It's a pity that no one takes him with him."

"Now suddenly there is someone who wants to cooperate with him, and he is eager to do so."

Chen Yi: "Are you still in contact?"

Qian Yan replied: "We stopped contacting him a long time ago. We stopped contacting him more than ten years ago. Who knows where he went. I thought he was arrested."

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "Exactly when did you lose contact?"

Qian Yan recalled: "Ten...thirteen or fourteen years ago, I can't remember clearly."

At this time, everyone present looked at each other. About thirteen or four years ago, that was not exactly the time when the murderer started killing people.

Could it be that Hong Guangyan sensed something was wrong and hid?
Asked here, Chen Yi turned to look at He Xin, who nodded and said he could find the person.

Chen Yi continued to ask: "What is his personality like?"

Qian Yan thought for a moment and said: "Timid, cautious, and sensitive."

Chen Yi: "Do you dare to kill someone?"

Qian Yan was startled: "Wha...what?! Kill someone?! I wouldn't even dare to borrow a hundred courages from him!"

"Okay, Mr. Qian, you can go back. Thank you for bothering me." Chen Yi said.

Hearing this, Qian Yan quickly stood up and left the room as if he had been granted amnesty. He walked very quickly.

After the other party left, Chen Yi asked: "Lao He, what's going on?"

He Xin leaned on the chair and spoke: "The mobile phone number is deactivated, and there are no traces of use on the ID card."

"The bank card is still in use, and the social security card is still in use. He should be hiding in a corner of Jiangcheng. We can pinpoint his approximate scope of activities."

"Team Leader Chen, this person's whereabouts are a bit strange. Is he not one of the participants back then?"

Zhao Qiming: "If so, he is the last person the murderer wants to kill?"

"Because you hid, that's why you didn't find it?"

It is convenient for the police to search people, but for ordinary people to find someone who is hiding, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack in the huge Jiangcheng.

"Let me think about it."

Chen Yi said something, picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette from it, and then lit it.

The murderer's ten-year period of silence created a severe sense of fragmentation. Previously, it was one a few months and one year, but it took ten years for Cao Maojun and his son.

Previous speculation was that the murderer had been looking for someone for ten years. This was a possibility.

As the investigation progresses, another possibility emerges.

Those were those who participated in the killing, maybe not all of them.

25 years ago, if the death of "Seventh Uncle" was due to murder and treasure grabbing, then Cao Maojun had no motive for committing the crime.

Because he knew whether the Tang Hai Beast Grape Mirror in the opponent's hand was real or fake, so there was no need at all.

Is it precisely because of this incident that the murderer did not attack Cao Maojun?Or is it just that they just learned that Cao Maojun was seriously ill and no longer pursue the case?

If so, why did he kill Cao Yuning so many years later?
Could it be because he suddenly learned of Cao Maojun's deception, which made him angry, so he had murderous intentions towards Cao Yuning, and the father's debt must be paid by the son?
Is this Hong Guangyan the eighth person?

If so, did the murderer want to kill him?
This was the purpose of asking Hong Guangyan just now about his character and whether he dared to kill people.

If Hong Guangyan was the eighth person and did not take action back then, then the murderer had no reason to blame Hong Guangyan.

Unless he went crazy, everyone who deserved to die would be dead, including Hong Guangyan.

Even Cao Yuning was killed, and the relevant people could not be spared.

Once Hong Guangyan died, the events of that year ended completely, and no one was left alive in the world.

And the most important question is, who is the "Seventh Uncle" and why can't he be found out?

Wu Muyang has no results, Tao Hanhui has no results, and the visits have no results so far.

Could it be that he is neither from Jiangcheng nor Yangcheng?
Countless speculations and questions flashed through Chen Yi's mind, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to rub his brow.

Every next step is very critical. The first thing to do is to determine whether Hong Guangyan was involved in what happened that year.

"Lao He, Lao Zhao, go find someone and bring them back."

"let me think again."

Zhao Qiming: "Okay."

When new nod.

Chen Yi continued: "Oh, by the way, when you are looking for someone to take someone, make a louder noise, turn on the siren when you need to, and wear the police uniform when you need to."

"Although it is not yet certain whether he is a participant or whether the murderer will continue killing people, we can prepare in advance."

The two were puzzled for a moment, but soon understood.

Is this... telling the murderer to find someone?

Digging a hole?
Can the murderer be fooled?
(End of this chapter)

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